Crossfire Winter Tournament Announcement

Following on from the Spring edition of the Crossfire Tournament series, I am pleased to announce the Winter Tournament. This edition will be a 6on6, single division, 16 team tournament.

image: logo

Just like last time, the cup is open to all OC and EC Fall sign ups. 16 teams will be shortlisted from the signups to compete in the Double Elimination playoff tournament. When signups open, teams will be required to provide a link to their CB Team account which they’ve signed up to OC/EC with as well as their lineup. More details will come on Sunday when sign ups open on how to sign up.

One thing that I can tell you is that the tournament has a bit more of a relaxed schedule than spring where teams found it difficult to organise games within the allotted time. With this relaxed schedule however, there will be NO allowances for rescheduling outside of the times for each round. Upper Bracket games will have a 2 week scheduling period throughout the tournament. We will be using UAC for the cup as well.

Here is a guide on the schedule we hope to stick to throughout the tournament:

17/09/2013 - Cup Announcement
22/09/2013 - Signups Open
02/10/2013 - Signups Closed
04/10/2013 - Playoffs Published & Full Schedule Published
06/10/2013 - Cup Starts
08/12/2013 - Grand Final Played by this date

Anyone who is interested in helping out the admin team in terms of coverage can message myself or United Kingdom Artstar.

Nice! Good luck with it guys! :)
Benelux gentleMen & gentleMen JR avi
gl with it!
Great, cu lowerbracket
Lol qué ? :S
nice one, i might be around for some coverage work !

gl to all teams
Nice! Good luck with it

gl and hf all
UAC will kill this
Im fairly confident we will get 16 teams, as Ive received nearly that many messages already :)
16? ye possibly. Shame you'll miss out on most skilled teams.
If they arent playing EC or This then I guess it doesnt matter ;]
they aren't cuz UAC :x
35 The Queens [Winner EuroCup XXVII - Enemy Territory Winner EuroCup XXIV - Enemy Territory] United Kingdom 20 / 20 10 Only

the only skilled team in ET seems to be playing gg?
pwning div3 ll be a big tournament 8D
i mean there arent enough good teams for a decent EC/Premier :<:<
Most skilled teams? Let's take a look at some of the EC signups so far:

Netherlands Decerto
Netherlands Keyboard Warriors
United Kingdom one.soldier
United Kingdom Queens
Finland turbot

Which "skilled teams" are missing? Poland tMoe? :D
PolandCheatMoe lol!
you forgot Europesupski
watch out for Polandmadnatic to not relase his fury upon u!
Baddie must stay baddie, try harder.
nope, enhanced v2 is missing :D

also you've just menitioned 5 teams and you are asking which teams are missing for 16 teams ec??
Weird.. I thought I was replying to Robaciek, not you.

Quote by Robaciek Shame you'll miss out on most skilled teams.
Quote by Robaciekmost skilled teams

most = majority = more than half

If more than half of the "skilled teams" won't play this season due to UAC and if there are five "skilled teams" who already signed up, then there must be at least six other "skilled teams" in ET atm who won't be signing up, right? I was simply asking for the names of those teams, which to me is a reasonable question.

Thanks for the input, though! :)
Bitch please I signed us up
agreed, we won keyboard warriors last time we played them in sc.
Now just need to wait and see how many of those will actually use UAC ;)
We'll see! :)
Do you genuinely believe any of these teams will bother to use UAC? Apart from Merlinator and perhaps Swanidius no one gives a shit if they get threatened with forfeits/drop out of the cup. Everyone's fully aware of the fact that you can't force shit nor will you dare to disqualify 3 of the top 5 teams signed up for a cup that has to use OC 2nd div teams just to get enough players to participate in it.
Hey man, it's forced. Gl @ forfeits.
QuoteEveryone's fully aware of the fact that you can't force shit nor will you dare to disqualify 3 of the top 5 teams signed up

What? If a team won't use UAC, they won't play in the cup(s).

You guys are acting as if it is completely logical and reasonable to want to play a cup with no anticheat and no reliable way to identify players. :D The fact that teams don't want to play with the AC I managed to find for them is not my fault, and it certainly is not UAC's fault!
What's this nonsense of identifying players, have you not noticed that no one cares about mercs or ever has? it only ever becomes an issue if you're a butthurt and sore loser. I'm really looking forward to seeing you disqualify teams. :)

Point is, you put effort into something others have long abandoned or deemed dead, good on you, you're trying, no one's blaming you for that or a job bad done. However if 95% of the playerbase is against a change or something you're trying to force... why continue forcing it? UAC is bad, period. The majority of people would prefer no AC over UAC, yet... you keep forcing it.
You try running 4 cups with 130+ total teams and no way of telling who is who in-game, and let me know how it goes.

If forcing UAC means having less participants, then so be it. :)

EDIT: You seem to be under the odd impression that if you feel a certain way about something, then everyone else in ET must feel the same way... It doesn't work like that.
Oh please, as if TZAC ever did that. There's been so much account sharing or secondary accounts for the sole purpose of having people play that couldn't be bothered making their own... ETPro Guids are still there, just as spoofable as TZAC guids, or if even need be... PB - if you truly are this paranoid of being able to identify one person.
...Well, yeah, TZAC did do that. With both TZAC and UAC, accounts were/are able to be matched with each other via IP and hardware and were/are not "spoofable" (obviously not including the time near the end of TZAC's life during which chaplja was "hacking" accounts).

Quoteif you truly are this paranoid of being able to identify one person.

One person?!

If you're over-simplifying things in an attempt to make yourself look more intelligent or something, it isn't working very well. :P
From what I have heard, guys from Decerto are not willing to use UAC, be it forced or not.
Well, that's unfortunate and rather confusing, but it doesn't affect anything - UAC will remain forced. We won't run cups without an anticheat when one is available to us just because a few teams don't like it.
are you forcing it on eurocup aswell? if so then keyboard warriors will probably drop out aswell.
He wouldn't believe me when I said only Swanidius and Merlinator would be willing to use it. :(
why wouldnt I use it? it works fine? i dont care if it takes desktop pic easy to delete. It doesnt lag at all.

get skill&computer
Indeed, a lot of fuss over nothing :D
Yes, UAC will be mandatory in all 4 cups this season.

If you wish to drop out of EC because you don't like the anticheat that we'll be using, then you are free to do so.
so what else AC should we use?
lol :p
na seriously...
because no ac is bullshit
Could help with some stuffs around.
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