CF Winter Sign Ups

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Sign ups for the Crossfire Winter Tournament are now open. The tournament is a 6on6 cup as announce last week and will be open to all teams that have signed up to this seasons OC and EC tournaments. If you wish to sign up please private message myself HERE or United Kingdom Artstar HERE with the information that is needed shown below.

Quote by ExampleFinland turbot would like to Signup!

roster: Swanidius (c) - olden, Statti, Stuka, vokki & walle + Spugedius

We understand we must use UAC in official matches in the cup and will be ready to start playing games from the 06/10/2013.

If your lineup is not finalised, you can submit your lineup as it is right now and add players before 06/10/2013. Sign ups are NOT first come first serve, we will review all sign ups near the closing deadline.

If you have decided you do not want to use UAC or that your team cannot play games on time from the 06/10/2013 then don't worry! All games will be on GamesTV for your viewing pleasure.

Here is a guide on the schedule we hope to stick to as much as during the runup to and throughout the tournament:

17/09/2013 - Cup Announcement
22/09/2013 - Signups Open
04/10/2013 - Signups Closed
05/10/2013 - Playoffs Published & Full Schedule Published
06/10/2013 - Cup Starts
08/12/2013 - Grand Final Played by this date

gl to all participants!
Autumn/Fall discussion, might as well call it winter
cuz of delays for sure ^^
Mainly as Autumn sounds bad and Fall isn't English.

It will be cold most places, I think that is for certain. CF COLD CUP
Good luck! :)
gl to everyone
I highly doubt what we see in Example is a real message.
damn, maybe it's a fake. I must have spoken to a Swani imposter.
It might be a Swani-English translation :D
remove UAC & you'll get more participants imo ...
inb4 "we have no other way of identifying players, UAC is awesome"
we only need 16.
16 random teams ?!
16 reasonable teams. couldn't care less who. :)
reasonable? one hand is enough to count skilled teams in this ec season. when I hear "Crossfire Cup", I always expect it to be something special and other than usual cups. and i thought you wanted to have a good quality cup that brings spectators some decent games this time as well, rather than opencup division 3 style cup. at least i guess it's always been like this lately in cf cups, e.g. battle for berlin.

also I think it's not up to the community because it's caused by your rule that teams that ain't participating in cb season can't play in cf cup and not everyone want to take part in cb cups for various reasons.

why would you follow clanbase rules in crossfire cup anyway? 1 person force some awful software in his cups just to make it easier to him to identify players (because I doubt it gonna have some other usage and gonna bust anyone), and now you all gonna do what he tells you? wouldn't it be better to do some kind of encounter with respected and active players/admins/users/whoever you think suits for this job, and decide what to do rather than listen to a crossfire 3 years old member and let him decide by his own? 8)
I didn't speak to ohurcool about forcing UAC, Merl decided it himself. there isn't a single good reason to not use UAC (people whining about screenshots seem too simple to comprehend how easy it is to delete or stop scanning while you're minimised in ET checking your bank details or having sextalk with random fb-chicks).

I understand that some people are choosing to not use UAC but what's the issue with signing up to CB cups? assuming both CF/CB cups did or didn't use UAC, whatever, why would any teams prefer to play @ cfcup alone instead of EC? both cups run pretty much the same. also we believe in the use of dual signups to stop players playing for multiple teams across different tournaments, makes matches complicated as hell and an entire season can be delayed by shit like that (not forgetting stabs).
why would me or anyone else want to get used to a software that is going to be shut down in 3 months anyway? i'm talking about this screenshots weird system or a program itself that scans your whole pc and for example could ban you for some cheats just because they are on your hdd.
i've been playing et for 7 years and almost always I got a browser opened in the background while playing ET, because getting fulls/pauses/warmups/searching for oppos usually takes some time. And it's boring to look at the screen with ET opened for these minutes when nothing really happens in game just because I can't minimise ET because I'm forced to use UAC. And I don't want other people to see what do I do in a meantime, even if I just check some random sites, anyway it's my private thing.
Also I'm quite sure I would forget about deleting screenshots or stopping scaning system right after game 50% of the time. why? because i never had to do this before for years and I would rather spend these few minutes for anything else than going through some shit screens and delete them.

what's a good reason for using uac then? i can only see comments that state it's a good way to identify players. And if uac is only forced because of this 1 reason, we could as well use tzac for this, everyone got it, knows how does it work, and hardly anyone had problems with it. Please don't tell me it gonna detect some cheats and ban somebody. people that play active on some level are not that stupid to use some random hacks on the anticheat, doesnt matter if it's uac or tzac. and ones who use these random hacks were easy to catch on tzac. anyone else who think serious about cheating and would like to do this, gonna do this anyway, because chaplja does cheats for tzac and afaik he does them for uac also, and it's easy to purchase them from him, not much you can do about this.

I would understand using UAC if they wanted to support ET for next 1-2 years. But knowing the project gonna be closed by the end of a year, and still willing to support it just to know who do we play against is just crazy. I would rather suggest those people who want to force UAC so bad in their league to spend this time on looking for something more stable and more user friendly.

i wrote some nice wall of text and I got to go now , so I have no idea if it has any logic, but it should be understable what i'm trying to say :P
I do get what you are trying to say, I never said there's no logic in what you're writing, but still I just can't see the difficulty in.. anything to do with UAC. :D who'd really prefer to use TZAC? I'm sure chaplja can code cheats that aren't detected on uac, he is coding undetected cheats for like 7 games atm. but TZAC is completely cracked, chaplja actually has every password of every tzac user and abused that in the weeks prior to us all stopping using it.

QuoteAlso I'm quite sure I would forget about deleting screenshots or stopping scaning system right after game 50% of the time. why? because i never had to do this before for years and I would rather spend these few minutes for anything else than going through some shit screens and delete them.

this pretty much sums up why everyone doesn't want to play with UAC. laziness (no offence) is what makes ET the hardest community to make changes to. new maps? soz too lazy to learn new positions. new AC? soz cba to delete some screens or click the stop scanning button. it's the same damn song playing over and over for years now. :D

and I highly doubt UAC "scans your HDD" - more likely it does something like what PB (and TZAC) did which was scanning your RAM to see what software you've been using recently. something along those lines anyway.
Stop your blabla. Many good players wont play dat cup/ec season due to that UAC shit ... And you know it already
I didn't write a single word about good players in those 3 paragraphs. :D anyway I'm aware they won't play, it's sad to see. if only there were some option the community were more comfortable with, but something tells me regardless of what AC would be introduced in the near future all of you are going to do this boycott shit. :)
Quotenew maps? soz too lazy to learn new positions

not sure if troll or serious
maybe some sarcasm/exaggerating but it's pretty much true. if supply had been released in 2009/2010 as a new map it would have never been adopted into competition (lazy community). the closest maps to make it into 6on6 competition for the last 6 years are bremen, delivery & missile. and of those only bremen is even mildly accepted by the majority.
Yeah, I'm sure this can all be pinpointed down to people being lazy. The fact that these "new maps" are utter shit never even crossed anyone's mind.
Quoteif supply had been released in 2009/2010 as a new map it would have never been adopted into competition

Yeah, I'm sure supply is very comparable to masterpieces such as erdenberg, missile and falkenstein.
no maps are comparable. :D maybe this is too challenging for you. literally all you need to do is read, so I'll repeat it for you.

if supply had been released in 2009/2010 as a new map it would have never been adopted into competition.

understood it yet? the community doesn't like any form of change that involves effort from everyone as a whole. that includes a) adding a uac guid to cb b) practicing new maps (or even old maps that slowly fell out of the rotation) and c) the initial whine when slac was released that people didn't want to have to open SLAC every time they wanted to play ET.
TZAC never got nearly as much whine as UAC did, and for good reason. Despite you still don't seem to comprehend, people aren't against change, it's merely the fact that no good change is presented. If Supply had been introduced in 09/10, it would have been played, it's a good map. Just as any other map would have, if they were fit for gameplay and actually.. somewhat decent. Why do you think every single time a new map is around the corner it was showmatched, tested by various teams and even dedicated pub servers thrown up for it just to promote it further? because people hate change, obviously. We're all just sitting here whining about everything new just so we can keep hoping for more new stuff in order to bash it all over again. You're delusional if you think people are whining over UAC just because it's "new" or brings a "change". Reasons have been stated and presented multiple times, for some these weight more than others. Over the course of years ET was dragged through a pile of shit over and over again, removal of weapons, changing maps, change of mappools, change of rules, change of format and configs and even as far as spam restriction, there was whine just as much as excitement for the new. People don't mind change, as long as it's warranted for.
QuoteWe're all just sitting here whining about everything new just so we can keep hoping for more new stuff in order to bash it all over again.

pretty much.

QuoteDespite you still don't seem to comprehend, people aren't against change, it's merely the fact that no good change is presented.

bullshit. people like you claim that "Reasons have been stated and presented multiple times" for why UAC is a bad implementation but each one of those reasons has been replied to and you simply ignore those responses. :D I saw some argument where Cupra literally repeated the same sentence about the screenshots over like 4 comments because there was genuinely nothing more to say.

for one single season you and your teammates would've needed to delete unwanted screenshots or stop scanning while you minimise to chat on facebook. there's nothing more you have to complain about.
My teammates are more upset over the annoyance the screenshots present, myself however? I don't like the fact of how intrusive UAC is. I've spent hours going through its forums even before coming to the conclusion that I wont use it. As said, some don't want to deal with the issue the screenshots present, as much of annoyance it is, I'd still be willing to look past that - others certainly too.

You're ignoring their reasons just as much as they are your counter argument. People don't want to put up with deleting 95% of their screenshots - every. single. game. You can't make people quit their habits of minimizing during the game.

We're at the point where even TZAC, as "bypassed" and "leaky" as it is given recent events would still be a better choice. ohurcool claims the sole reason he forces UAC for is to identify players, if that were the case... stick to TZAC, it has all that. UAC's detection and cheat prevention is near to non-existent, worse than PB even in its latest days or current days in rtcw. Global password reset took care of chaplja accessing accounts, the client he released is an issue, but not nearly as much as how many cheats are out there for UAC already, grzesiek claims to have bypassed it merely by making a tiny alteration using a hex editor, that's... utterly retarded. Simply put, UAC does not introduce anything we don't already have access to or can be made available to us by other and easier means, so.. why bother?
Took care of it unless ofc someone did change PW again after that, to the old one.
And that would be user fault and, let's be honest, checking the IP logs takes a single query and up to 5-10 seconds at most to figure out if it was chaplja or not, even then.. you could just stall the banning until certain. I'm merely suggesting to use its accounts/ids as a way to identify, shared accounts on TZAC are just as much of an issue as they'll be for UAC, the same people will keep sharing them regardless. Hell, even the old outdated PB could be thrown back onto servers and used, it's just as useless as the two other options but gives you a way to identify players with way less of a hassle. I wonder why RtCW doesn't have any of these issues...
It's better to put effort up and force other useless AC on everyone!
RTCW has an anti cheat and a way of identifying people. It may not be a great or working AC but by your comment that doesnt seem to matter as no AC would be good enough that could be used.
ET has the exact same option, PB. It's not supported nor regularly updated, but it's there, it's still used by jaymod and the majority of pubbers in the ET scene.. It's the exact same as it is for RtCW. There's no real use or necessity for an AC anyway, people are way too paranoid and overestimate the amount of cheaters in this game by a mile. There's, barely anyone left playing, the very few left that actually do cheat, dedicatedly so, can be counted on one hand, and those are the very same people that keep being rather obvious about it, as well as they are the very same people being busted on TZAC/UAC(possibly) and PB before, they simply don't give a shit. They've already been banned on clanbase multiple times before, they'll keep returning as they please, UAC or no UAC will make no difference.
As if there wouldn't have been the same shit if PB was used instead. :D We also don't know the limitations of CB allowing ET (or EC) with regard to no AC or w/e.

Fortunately that is not a problem, as UAC will be used this season. There really isn't much discussion in terms of its actual use any more people will always like it or lump it.
No I agree, there's no point discussing it. I don't like it and thus I wont use it. I wouldn't mind playing, but I have no issues not doing so either. Apparently however a lot of people seem to be upset over the fact that a lot of the top teams feel the same way... Which is what this whole thing is about isn't it? No one's actively boycotting UAC, they simple don't like it and have no necessity to participate in the clanbase cups. It isn't really doing this game any favors either, from both sides.
TZAC was going to be shut down regardless of whether or not we found a new anticheat. Using it for EC/OC was not an option.

I've said it over and over: the only two possibilities are using UAC or using no AC at all. So, we are using UAC.
Going to throw this out there. I haven't played ET for a while but if I was being told I had to download a program which was scanning your PC all the time until you stop it, I would be put off. I know you say you can delete screenshots and whatever, but, I l like to leave my PC running and downloading for a few days. What if I left it on during that period. Does it open a door for other users? How far has it been tested and what proof do we have that it won't turn out to be the next TZAC? I am not fussed either way, I just feel as an admin you should listen to everyones views and not just throw the same comment back at them for 3 replies in a row.
UAC only scans when you check a box next to "Start scanning". It is literally impossible for UAC to scan your PC (memory) unless you tell it to. That would be quite foolish to allow it to scan for days while you're not even at your computer.

UAC has been used for multiple games (BF3, CoD2, CoD4, etc.) in multiple leagues (ClanBase, CyberGamer, TWL, etc.) for almost 8 years and has no security or privacy issues whatsoever.

We listen to every objection from every player, but it is tiring to have to read the same garbage every day from players who haven't even bothered to download the anticheat. That is why it seems like we are being redundant - everyone else is too.
But what if I was to start scan because I wasplaying an offi and leave it on afterwards? Does it close after a period of time or keep running until you say otherwise?
It keeps scanning until you uncheck the box.

I can't think of any situation in which a player would be in such a hurry to leave his PC immediately after an offi that he doesn't have the time to make one click with his mouse.
After playing for an hour or so I feel it's NOT a case of lacking time, more forgetting about it.
Then my suggestion is to invest in some sticky notes or something. :P
Also, do you not get the impression the community were a bit pissed off with the way that TZAC ended? I mean, to have an anti cheat trying to SELL you cheats is a bit much right? Not many people, from my understanding, know the full story. To some it seems that chapla was forced into leaving the project. I know this isn't the case, but the fact some people do not know this yet is still going to add to the negative effect. You say this project will only run for a few months because it is closing its doors. This would also raise a concern with me, even if it has been ging for some years and has been used on many games. Is it doing THAT bad that it has to close down or what?
chaplja was about to end the AC around the end of 2012, ohurcool found him a "sponsor" if you will and promised a certain amount of money monthly so long as chaplja worked on tzac3 (never got released).

chaplja agreed and accepted the money, he disappeared around 2013 new year and didn't show up until like february whilst still accepting the funding. Marcus tried calling him etc then he started making excuses about running from the cops because of tax evasion or someshit, then around march roughly he decided to shut down the domain without informing anyone.

QuoteIs it doing THAT bad that it has to close down or what?

chaplja is able to hack anyone's account and get them banned as he has every single tzac-user password and is abusing them.
I know the story, Marcus filled me in about it. But I don't think many members of Crossfire actually know the situation. This information wasn't readily availible to everyone as far as I am aware. How come a news post wasn'tmade explaining to the community what had happened?
I'm not sure, I think originally there was no certainty as to what chaplja was actually playing at. :D he was just silently hiding and pulling random crap like messing with the tzac domain and hacking into people's accounts (M1lk f.e).
I don't see how what happened with TZAC and chaplja is relevant here. It is in the past; chaplja abandoned the project and is now selling cheats.

You can read the following page for information on why UAC will be shutting down:
it's easier to stop this scanning from uac than it is to close ET. :D about UAC being trustworthy or not.. well it's been used in leagues for the last 8 years, I know it functions differently to PB but it's pretty comparable as an anticheat, widely used across many games for years now. if there were a time for some fraudulent things to happen it probably would've been earlier in the 8 years. :P
or would it be right now when he's been collecting people's data for 8 years and gets the chance to fish up some more dirty work 3 months prior to shutting down his service and disappearing, yeah I'm certainly giving this guy full access to my computer sign me up
what full access are you talking about? uac can scan your memory or something along those lines. literally exactly the same as PB + TZAC were capable of doing.
Quotehaha keylogger :P wont use :P it takes desktop pictures :P It lags my ET :P scans my blood :P
How is erdenberg at any given point "utter shit" map?
someone get me a shotgun, this thread needs some cleanup
Kids whining of UAC. It's better than nothing if players get the lag issues fixed
Sign up deadline extension as Artstar has had internet problems and he was in contact with a few teams. Take this opportunity to sign up if you have yet to!
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