CB ET EuroCup XXVIII: Invitations

We are proud to present the invitations for the ClanBase ET EuroCup XXVIII!

image: QDh6mbB
image: kHlYr34

The announcement will proceed as follows:
  • Cup Format
  • Map List
  • Direct Invites
  • Qualifiers

Cup Format

The 28th edition of the ET EuroCup will have a new format. This season, there will be 8 direct invites and 4 qualifiers.

The Groupstage will feature a total of 10 teams divided into 2 groups of 5 teams each. Two teams from each group will advance to the Playoffs to compete with each other in a double-elimination style bracket.

Each group will consist of 4 invited teams and 1 qualifier team.

The 4 qualifier teams will be split up into 2 pairs for a total of 2 qualifier matches. The 2 winning teams will qualify for the EuroCup, while the 2 losing teams will drop out of the EuroCup and join the Premier League of the ET 6on6 OpenCup Fall 2013.

Map List

  • adlernest
  • bremen_b3
  • frostbite
  • karsiah_te2
  • missile_b3
  • radar
  • supply
  • sw_goldrush_te

Direct Invites

As previously stated, this EuroCup will feature 10 teams. Of these 10 teams, 8 will be direct invites. The remaining 2 teams will be decided by qualifier matches.

The 8 direct invites are ordered alphabetically by their team names as they appear on ClanBase. We've also included the expected lineups for each team.

  • Germany bSTURZ

    Canada bN, Sweden fuchS, Czech Republic milhAus, Hungary powi, Germany Specula (c), France StrAf

  • Sweden disposable

    Sweden alexL, Sweden jONAS, Sweden NuggaN, Sweden sAvage, Sweden slajdan, Sweden tornis (c)

  • Europe erAse.et

    Finland dTEC7, United Kingdom Element, Netherlands esSe (c), United Kingdom Nips, France Snatix, Finland toNi, Denmark xcon, Netherlands vANQ

  • Benelux gentleMen

    Netherlands adeto (c), Belgium Azur, Belgium Buzzer, Belgium eron, Belgium rznje, Belgium ViKO, Belgium xAee

  • Netherlands Keyboard Warriors

    France An7ho, Belgium Kevin, Netherlands L4mpje, Netherlands miSe, Netherlands MOTiF, Netherlands xPERiA (c)

  • France phase

    Latvia Clown, United Kingdom jam, Netherlands mirage, Iceland phyzic, United Kingdom razz (c), United Kingdom sqzz

  • United Kingdom Team one.soldier

    Netherlands abort, United Kingdom Artstar, United Kingdom crumbs, United Kingdom koop, United Kingdom MerlinatoR (c), Estonia Night


    Finland olden, Finland Statti, Finland Stuka, Finland Swanidius (c), Finland vokki, Finland walle


Both games must be played by Wednesday the 9th. Unscheduled matches will be forced on Thursday the 3rd to the last proposal or to the deadline.

Groups will be published on Thursday the 10th.

Good luck to each and every team!


Lowest EC ever
gonna be exciting season
Very prestigious EC this year image: favicon

im not playing this
How come TAG is in qualifier when they clearly stated in their application they don't want to play EC?
they agreed to play an EC quali
No we didn't.
Lightning did :P
We won't play a useless game.
so you can bash medskilled teams in OC premier instead? what's wrong with playing in EC?
They want to go to OC prem or 2nd so they can brag about 'not even praccing' :X
one thing's for sure, they are not interested in playing EC - win or lose in quali
well, because clearly the "premier league" is not worth any more than the 4th league last season
that qualifiers :DDD
Atleast I can now say I participated in the 2nd lowest EC ever image: favicon
Lowest EC for sure. Only dispo, 1soldier and Queens are gr8
CB always manages to make a fresh dumb move, Congratulations!

and you even add ttwo teams to Direct Invites with incomplete line-up :D

Just quit this and make a decent OC:Premier
ok sorry

brb gonna go quit this and make a decent OC:Premier
His idea is kinda right imo
Rather remove ec and make oc prem better and we will have decent amount of groups/teams

Just think about it
already thought about it, not gonna happen :)
i feel for you ohurcool it must be a pain in the ass being an admin of such a lame community
Go to LoL then you will think ET community is the best around :XD
We flame just for the lulz, we all know brohurcool does his best to keep ET competition alive.
both full of homos
If it really is just for the lulz, people are even more retarded than they already seem...
lol exactly
yo wigga are yo sayin ima retard
ima call ma boyz and we will beat yo up yo were teh real gangstas
ye also the german csgo community is the worst i have ever seen... so many kids r screaming "stirb du hurensohn" and so on, kinda pathetic
ungrateful prick everywhere
gentleMan direct invite, nerding paid off guys.

esse got this shit
lol :D Kommer du vinna Ec tornis ;)?
holy shit, level of ET has gone so bad :{DD
Ahah shut up and come back to get more pokals miluum8
no POLARBEERs no skilled EC
Need team for this season:(
roger, who should WE recruit
im glad that there is uac for EC :)
??? is there some1 who u dont trust?
imo u can trust everyone also the polaks one of the less

maybe dispo but ye uac ftw!
kleif and gamb are? :P
fanatic and wiaderko guess
good that this wont happen in ec
were they cheating? we played them in the cup, i thought a couple of them were cheating or maybe just getting very lucky shots on me lol
With current state of ET, agree with most of these picks. Was expecting to get a Qualifier like last season so yaay for direct!

Only thing I don't get is why some people(TAG stating it above, and there are more teams), state they don't want to play high level when they are high level. Either force them high level or just don't accept them into the season. Going to have teams in OC prem or lower that just roll the rest because of this, no fun for the other teams...

The rest, great job Jon <3 :)
Why do you assume they (TAG) are high level? Because they have few players with mild EC experience (except for Light, he has lots of it - but he is just a shadow of what he used to be, inactivity killed some of his skills)? They are not active, haven't had stable lineup for ages and they have Skylla - there is no way TAG could be anywhere near high level in this constellation... And trust me, TAG will lose game or two in OC, it won't be anything close to steamrolling (and if you think otherwise, you obviously don't know TAG well enough :P fail flows through TAG members veins, it's TAGs dark legacy to constantly fail).
Btw - why does CB has that checkbox for "EC or not" if they are going to ignore it anyway? Back in a day when 4-5 members of masculine mans signed up for OC as KRP, nobody said a shit. Now TAG has dmg rambo aphesia, inactive Light with tons of experience and Kirej, and suddenly people are losing their minds because they signed up as "OC only"...
Just look at the EC teams, you, and everyone will agree with me, it's probably the lowest EC ever, cause of the teams who doesn't want to play with UAC. I can't even imagine what first and second division will look like.
TAG can compete at this EC level without any problems, just look at the ODC you just played. Dunno that's so weird you just want to play 1st div
We didn't ignore it. I sent a PM to both Kirej and Lightning about it prior to announcing the invites and qualifiers. I also spoke with Lightning again today and offered to remove TAG from the qualis if he wanted, but he said it was fine.

And for the record, it doesn't make it any easier for me to believe that TAG isn't EC worthy nowadays when they just won a one-day cup with 16 teams. :P
well - TAG as you seen today is not the one that is gonna play OC. And we can hardly call that a real win, with those polaks ruining the fun.

I know situation about you contacting Kirej/Light - Kirej directed you to talk to Light and Light got online just today. I was on TS when he was talking to you - general idea from involved players behind playing that match was "ye, let's play, one more already set up match, if we win we will give up on our spot in EC anyway". Aphesia is strongly against EC (does not mind playing quali tho - as long as TAG ends up in OC afterwards), Light is not fond of that idea either. Kirej and drago don't really mind either, but prefer OC as well. And skylla - well, hard to say, that guy (or girl, dunno) is around TAG for like 2 years already and I haven't heard him/her since. Skylla might one of the reasons why going OC may seem to be much better idea - (s)he does not have any experience, nor real aim or gamesense - in order to have at least remote chance in EC, team has to be active (or at least stable and semi-active) and somewhat balanced - and TAG is neither.
Of the 4 teams that were given qualifiers, TAG is by far the one most "worthy" of EC. I understand that they aren't super active, but neither are several of the other teams mentioned in the newspost.

It is kinda frustrating to see so many teams and players mocking the general skill level of the teams in this EC season and at the same time a team like TAG is refusing to play because they feel it will be too difficult for them.
They are fine playing quali, but wont play EC regardless? Obviously they should be replaced with another team then.
Don't know at which part 'people lost their minds', but there is no point discussion about this anyway. All I said was my opinion on it and that I see TAG as a team that belongs with the teams in EC at the moment. And I think that if a team, I don't care if its TAG, KRP, Queens or some team from 20th division, is put in a league where there is a skill difference its not fair to some other teams.

Also, I don't agree with the 'EC or not' checkbox, mainly for this reason. But also because some teams just check the 'only EC' and then start crying if they don't get to play at all because they weren't put in EC or OC because of it. I think it's good that CB ignores personal preferences when the state of the game asks for it, too bad for the people who don't agree with the rules(Ohhai Decerto).
I do believe if CB omitted selection of EC availability (only, wants, no), there would be no problem now. Well, at least this particular problem. Or dismissed EC completely, continuing with OC only - which would be fine with me as well.

Btw, what does have Decerto to do with this matter? Please, don't drag them into this...
I asked Aniky and Ohurcool why they couldn't just dismiss EC but there isn't a real answer I guess. Think higher clanbase 'authority' just wants an EC.

Decerto comment is uac related, they dont want UAC thus not playing thus, in my opinion, too bad for them. Just an example, no need to get fuzzy about it.
It normally gets down to the line of common sense and actual worthy "EC" teams to be put in at first place, having to check over dozens of times the signups at general with the lineups, TAG was still the best choice for putting at least quali wise, while the rest were boucing on and off for it, also like it was mentioned before, it depends on the "personal" rating that teams do, at very end we have to check from our point of view, seeing that a team skill level can be much higher than they requested, so we mostly put them in corresponding league, if there aren't enough of other worthy teams.
Decerto very relevant in this discussion
This is ET!
they do not wish to play with UAC for some reason, so we had to remove them from the cup unfortunately
some skilled people think that they r known/gods/legends so they can decide about everything... sad but true

im just happy that ohurcool still force uac
and some people actually care what they run on their PCs...
Useless argument when it comes to anticheats, if we trusted exhackcoder Chaplja to make an anticheat that can have backdoors and such things we shouldn't cry about other anticheats that may do similar things.
It is not useless argument by any means, at worst it's as useful as Speculas one.
I do have problems with UAC for couple of reasons (there are some things TZAC or even PB had better solutions for - and that's deal breaker for me) and I choose not to play with it - easy as that. I respect people who are willing to play with it and I would expect other people to respect my decision as well - after all, I am not hurting anyone.
I respect your decision, I'm only saying that that decision also means you aren't allowed to play and I still prefer playing with a not-100% anticheat over not playing at all, but that is my decision and yours is yours. I was just saying the whole 'what I run on my PC' in my opinion is a bad argument if you consider the background TZAC had(where UAC has proven history with its anticheat methods and TZAC didn't, if anything it was a background to not trust).
i mean poeple like saken oxy and some other thinks that they can threaten to sign out if ohurcool doesnt change his mind and thats sad :S

and i guess most of them got no prob with uac they just need some attention
what the fuck are you on about? we don't want to use UAC so we're not playing EC, end of. stick to making FUCHS MIA posts because the rest coming out of your mouth is a bunch of shit
There's nothing better u can come up with, than this useless excuse that can be solved 10 different ways already by now?
First of all - I didn't get half of your comment, try english next time...
And shut the **** up already with your "come up with something better" - UAC works in a way I don't agree with, regardless of whether there is better (or any other) solution to AC question. My reasons for not using this piece of software are valid - if it offends you in any way, that's your problem. By not using UAC I am therefore unable to participate in CB events - fine by me, especially when you will have to come with another solution in mid-season when UAC closes down.
Then u should learn some english, if u have hard time understanding simple sentence, fact is, there are simple stuffs that can prevent from any kind of private data leaking, simply by not browsing anything at the time UAC is scanning and lets be honest, if everyone would be so paranoid like your kind, UAC would be long gone already by now and wouldn't be up for entire 8 years. The fact we used UAC for this season was, as it was the best solution we were able to provide in this short period of time, as i haven't seen anyone else even slighty bothering to find anything better.
My english is just fine, I would say better than yours (notice the correct usage of "than").
If you thing private data leakage is the only reason I don't want to use UAC, you are terribly mistaking. There are couple of other major reason why I am not willing to use it - unclear details on HDD scanning, poor linking with game process (if PB/TZAC could be active only for time ET.exe is running, so should UAC. Same goes for screenshots - if PB/TZAC can take screens of only ingame stuff I don't see why UAC should be any different) and worst of all - ban lifting. I have some software on my PC that could be potentially marked as cheat - either for work, school or just for fun. And even if someone does have real cheats on their pc, and even if they got it installed - it is not a reason to ban! Just because I have machete at home, it does not make me serial killer. There had been a lot of false positives in a past, too many to be taken fully seriously.
Just because UAC is seemingly the only available solution besides not using any anticheat at all, it does not mean it is generally good solution. And using it for player identification - well, it is as reliable as requiring everyone from a team to pm you on IRC (or on CB/CF page).
QuoteIf you thing

yes u iz english very goot.
On one hand I agree with Decerto, if you don't like the rules deal with it or don't play at all. On the other hand I agree with you and just think some people are arrogant dicks and prefer not playing because it's not 100% what they want.

Like a kid who wants some candy, but he can't have the candy he wants so he doesn't want candy at all xD
Decerto never asked to remove UAC from the cup, we simply refused to play with it. Don't make assumptions like that.
They can decide if they play a cup or not.
That is a really stupid comment, especially from you.
You met most of Decerto at lan, and you met me as well. I think you know that we in Decerto don't care enough about this game to have an "ego" about it. I don't at least.
Was ook niet serieus :P
gl wise-guys
good luck Artstar
good job ohurcool :)

EC looking a lot better than I thought it would, too bad TZAC went off and there wasn't a better alternative than UAC. Would've added atleast a few skilled teams into the cup.
Wheres the afro-american guy, and the white guy called Amando?
Hope you reconsider letting the polakz play, I can´t speak for everyone else but i myself really can´t be bothered playing if their allowed to play considering everything them 3rd world scums have been doing (cheating and knowingly playing with cheaters)
Good practice for you xD
Don´t get me wrong i destroy their asses even if they cheat but its kinda annoying knowing that their cheating and no one does anything about it.
We don't know for sure who was cheating in tonight's match(es), but with UAC we'll be able to confirm each player's identity fairly easily throughout the EC season. If there is any malicious activity from them at all, they will simply be removed from the cup.

EDIT: After discussing things with the other CB admins, we've decided to remove them.

They have been replaced with Netherlands Keyboard Warriors.
Nah they should be removed. They are totally braindeads and dont deserve to play EC/OC
Remove them from cup. You know they played with a cheater more often, also in Ladder matches.
You just kick / ban this whole team
remove them please.
Tried ip matches from server logs?
That's the point, we would have done that like i did last time, but this time we do not have access over server logs.
one.soldier and queens - I see you in grand finale, good luck both!
Don't think one.soldier will make it to the grand final:P RtcW team, not ET. Will be Queens vs Turbot.
I know they are more rtcw but their line up is good tho. You will see :D
I didn't say they weren't good. They are not a finalist's team. Definitely top 6.
good old time are gone with a EC full of 36 Skilled ET Teams sadly
ET has been around long enough to see around three changes in team/player generations (with very few sticking it out through all three), but yes, the quality has been in decline mostly due to no one prac'ing like they used to.

It's all about the "I don't prac but still own you" attitude now. Be as apathetic as possible to be "cool", is the new modus operandi for people that consider themselves "top players" these days. Also the ability to shit bag admins no matter what they do is an expected trait.
true words.. the "competition" is gone in ET... i remember teams praccing 3 hours 5 days a week to reach something to become one time an EC team or to play at a LAN.... like in csgo teams are playing because they know they can onetime go to events...

if you start praccing in ET you dont even know if a lan is comming or you dont even know for what... all the players i know and i consider myself lost the motivation to play ET nor cba to play anymore cuz of all this Anticheat scrub...no events...

just my 5cents :P
yeah fair enough, but at the start everyone just played a lot because they just wanted to beat team "x" or team "y" and that was the only motivation they needed (rivalries etc!).

I think i've mention this story here before but I remember seeing Aussie teams like Adversus prac'ing 5-7 hours a day so they could beat Modus Operandi. Start with pracs against Euro teams in the morning, American teams during the day, Aussie teams at evening/night and then Asian teams late at night. Sleep a few hours and go again. No LANs in sight, no major prizes, they just wanted to beat mo*.
I always gladly admit I'm nerding when it comes to 6on6 :P Trying to improve things for my team and me.

Think the things you said are the main reason ET is not as active as it used to be, anyone who joins this community as a new player just sees assholes everywhere who act cool and don't care about the competition aspect anymore. But yet they still scream ET/RtCW is/was the best competitive teambased shooter ever made... Hypocrits everywhere..
How is anyone being hypocritical? Are you mentally challenged? The game being "the best competitive teambased shooter ever made" and it having no active competitive scene anymore are two completely and entirely unrelated things. I love ET, it's great,it's by far one of the best game's I've played and thus have spent many years upon years doing so, doesn't make it any less of a dead game. There's simply no motivation from decent teams/players left to play this game, no MGC Support, no Lans, no Events, no prizemoneys, no coverage... nothing. Everything that's worth spending hours upon hours for, on a game, are gone and with that, certain players and teams have gone looking elsewhere, decline of competition and lack of activity made the game what it is today.
Clearly you feel like I was talking to you, but that's not the point. I think ,if you have a true feeling for competition, just wanting to be the best team should be enough motivation. It is for my, its why I still play, I like beating a team like erAse.et as they are at the same level as gMen and there some sort of rivalry going on. And it has nothing to do with prizemoney, events or coverage.

My hypocrits remark is to those people who keep screaming ET is a great competitive shooter but put zero effort into being competitive at it.
play for the love of the game like most of us :)
Just realised Queens and one.soldier mixed games up. This is not RTCW boys! This is ET EC.
another pocal for sqzz and razz =)

Good job admins and have fun@all
Supski in EC?
I died a little inside.
I'm probably not going to play anyways, because fumble never picks me :(
awww too bad keyboard warriors (xperia - miSe - MOTiF - An7ho - L4mpje & kevin) are not good enough for eurocup :/ maybe next season
I see what you did there mate :)
I don't. :d thought you guys decided not to play.
I just said there was a doubt, never said it was definite that we'd not play. Not revoking my sign up spoke for itself, I thought, or maybe we are just not EC material :/
I dunno, every comment where some EC-players would try to persuade ohurcool to drop UAC mentioned specifically: decerto, kw, sick6 blabla were not going to play. afaik queens were in the same position as you guys but razz messaged ohurcool to confirm they'd play with uac.
Afaik, ur team clearly stated they do not wish to play with UAC.
I'm the captain, I have not 'clearly' stated that I dropped out. Check ohurcool's links, I 'clearly' said 'probably' and he clearly said drop out if you aren't complying to our UAC terms, which I, clearly didn't.
Then we can probably work something out for EC :)
would seem it's a misunderstanding. d;
Nothing we can fix!
Are you saying CB is useless :XD
haha he is in that comment :D newb forgot to add 't xD
why didnt u signup? because of uac? lol
I did sign up, we just didn't make the direct invites or qualifiers.
I was under the impression that you guys didn't wish to play due to UAC being mandatory...


Decerto was removed for the same reason. I even sent out a mass CB PM about UAC to all participants just to make sure!

Anyway, if you're still interested (and willing to use UAC), then we might still be able to include your team.
Ready to pown.
Okay, will discuss it with the others!

EDIT: added, see my comment below :)
gl Finland polarbeers, Netherlands decerto, Netherlands keyboard warriors & Europe sick6 <3
thanks m8!
you can wish gl to Finlandpolarbeers when they pwn dreamhack cs:go
that's right

best regards,

your CS:GO Finland captain
Thx! We (polarbeers) wont play in this season due to lack of motivation. Excuses, nerding cs 24/7
We skipped the cup because of UAC
xperia needs to play this, his life depends on it
haha seems like it :DDD
After discussing things with the other CB admins, we've decided to remove Poland wiSe-guys from EC due to the team's recent behavior, especially in last night's one-day cup (cheating, name-faking, and being a general nuisance).

They have been replaced with Netherlands Keyboard Warriors.
Well done!
Fanatic will be crying himself to sleep every night now
i wasn't even in its roster, so why would I?
great decision. you've been working hard for a best et admin award this year so I guess it's just a formality by the end of this year to see you at the top of timbolina's awards. congratulations once again.
GL Elviss (only Polak playing EC) XDDDDDD
alexl? really? guy busted and banned like 10 times still alowed to play? Must be joke from CB.
His last ban was in 2010. He was allowed to play for SWE in NC XVI, so why not allow him in EC with disposable?
Well, some players have 10 years ban for returning while banned. alexl has returned already like 10 times. No ban for him. He is proven to cheat even in NC match. When somebody cheat multiple times, there also used to be also a longer ban time. Him? always half a year. I dont understand the sence of CB rules. Cheaters like this guy are allowed to play, no problem, no harm done. But you forfeit matches when a player is not on your "APL", for whatever stupid reason, in a team of clean players.
Returning while banned means dodging an active ban, by either using a different CB account or simply continuing to play offis while banned. Since alexL served both of his suspensions without returning, he has not been banned for 120 months and is now allowed to play. He was banned once for 6 months and again for 12 months, which is correct according to our C&A policy.

If you consider Sweden alexL a cheater who shouldn't be allowed to play, then you should feel the same about the following list of players:

Poland Aima
United Kingdom darkrider
Estonia Ed
Finland fantax
Poland hassaN
Iceland Pearl
Poland ridji
Poland sNi
Poland w1lko
Poland wssquad

All of these players have been banned for cheating at least one time since April 2010 (when alexL was last banned). Their bans have expired, just like alexL's ban.

I dislike cheating and certainly don't want to see it happening, but that doesn't mean ex-cheaters who are now clean shouldn't be allowed in our cups.
you forgot me :(

edit ups i was -07
wasnt Pearl banned for some cod4 stuff? xD i honestly doubt he has ever cheated in ET i'm his irl mate and i've watched him play many many times and he is 2low4cheats xD

He was banned once for a GV violation in CoD4 and again for a TZAC ban in ET.
lol are you serious xD i remember him talking about that Killerboy banned him for cheating but i knew that he wasnt even playing at that time because he was in School in Denmark and could not play any games there.
AlexL is clean. deal with it :{D
Are u on drugs or what?
with the addition of KW I think teams are actually pretty decent considering the current activity in ET.
I aint no polish hater but its kinda cool to see an EC without them (except 4 elvis) considering how immature they have been for about a year or two....with so many busts as well.
Only sad thing is not to see team decerto in it, I liked that team and I thought they were pretty mature but after reading some comments I guess I was wrong :(
Quote I liked that team and I thought they were pretty mature but after reading some comments I guess I was wrong :(

What's wrong with their decision ? Lampje & Kevin will play for Keyboard Warriors btw ...
well I am not 100% sure why they did not want to play with UAC, but what you can gather from their comments (only cupra as far as I remember):
"uac will take ss of my bank account" "uac will scan all my files" "some of us care about what we install in our pc" and stuff like these are very weak and whiney excuses.
-I really doubt any on that team would be making money-related stuff while playing et. And even if they did , they could simply click "stop scanning" on uac after minimizing ET, then buy gold, trade stocks & currencies , invest in funds and then close all that, click on "start scanning" again when they are about to start the game.

The Screenshots whine is really pure pointless whine. Not sure how else to explain it-
The 2nd one what was it? It will scan all your files? False
3rd one? Some of us care about what we install in our pcs?-> I guess we all do, so? What is the matter with installing UAC? It's not a trojan, it wont open a backdoor for people to sneak in your files, it wont check your pictures or files and send them to anyone. If you think any of this would happen, well you might as well believe in every conspiracy theory and probably believe the moon landing was a fake.

Also this very same whine about the anticheat being a virus, backdoor, etc shit was also seen when slac got released. Guess what, we all in here (including all members of team decerto) still installed it even when it was coded by the most untrustworthy person ever..

If those are their reasons , they are pretty immature.

But I want to believe that what really happened is that they jumped in the whine wagon started by fanatic to boycot the EC and fuck with ohurcool, who stated that most skilled teams would not join the event if uac was forced and after the hype was over, only 2 (imo) skilled teams were left out the EC. Decerto&sick6. And probably some players from both of those 2 teams will end up playing as mercs or backups for the actual EC teams... so the boycot failed and it was pure kid whine...and now is probably to late to backpedal&would hurt their egos to do so...thats why I say it is immature. ;)
very well said mate

i actually took time to read ur comment and
i agree with u 100 % really and what is funny about it is that ET is an old game so we dont have 13 year old lol players playing it, but sometimes u might as well think that.
You obviously read only half of the things that are said, let me repeat few things:
- unclear details on HDD scanning; I have seen people getting banned for something they had on desktop which might suggest it might scan whole user profile folder - that's unacceptable for me
- poor linking with game process; if PB/TZAC could be active only for time ET.exe is running, so should UAC
- same goes for screenshots - if PB/TZAC can take screens of only ingame stuff I don't see why UAC should be any different). Problem with screenshoting is that I don't really close most of working related stuff during my ET time, since mostly it takes longer to wait for enemy/get game than actually playing. But each time I would forgot that UAC is scanning (in between games/rounds) and do some work, I would risk that some serious business stuff would leak outside after I stop UAC. And even if it was for few seconds, it would still be too high of a security risk.
- worst of all - ban lifting. I have some software on my PC that could be potentially marked as cheat - either for work, school or something I created just from pure boredom. And even if someone does have real cheats on their pc, and even if they got it installed - it is not a reason to ban! Just because I have machete at home, it does not make me serial killer. There had been a lot of false positives in a past, too many if you ask me.
lol sry kinda forgot you were in decerto.

-I really dont know about that case. This is -sort of- the only legitimate part of your whine tho. I tried to look up how the detection works but couldnt find information about it on the faq. "Unclear details on HDD scanning" , yes it is unclear but it was also unclear what tzac was doing on your pc, since chaplja never reveled anything at all about how it worked. Then again this software has been running for 8 years in multiple games....while tzac was coded by chaplja.
And ok I understand your concern, but lets assume for a moment that it could scan your whole pc, it is still looking for cheats or according to their website "any software that gives you an advantage over others". There is that, what exactly is unacceptable for you? I hope you dont share saken´s view (which I just read on another journal) on it because that would be sad. So even assuming that it could scan your whole pc, it is still not a trojan or the likes , this program doesnt allow a person to view,manipulate,send or delete your files...

-Poor linking with the game process? ---> True I guess, but so what? It is just a different AC. And this is a lazy argument, what exactly is wrong with 1)Open UAC 2)open et 3)Start scan 4)play et 5)close et 6)close uac ?

-Same goes for screenshots, I understand it takes screenshots randomly and not ONLy when you are playing et, but then again it ONLY takes screenshots WHEN it is scanning...which you can disable with 1 click.
I see your problem is that you dont really close your work stuff while playing ET because enemy takes too long or too long to find a scrim. I dont really know to react to this whine, I mean seriously???? "I would risk that some serious business stuff would leak outside" HAHAHHAHAA seriously ffs stop acting like you are some sort ot FBI agent or that you have top secret information on your gaming PC and you are working on it while playing ET. This is the most stupid and random excuse ever sorry. Lets assume again, ok you are a big shot, you have some super serious stuff top secret data shit right there on your pc, why would anyone on this status work on such secret documents while playing a freaking SHOOTING GAME? hahahah plsss man, even more stupid would be to be working on such important business stuff lol while running a program that takes SS, and even more stupid would be to FORGET about it. If you are concerned about your private, important data you wouldnt forget to simply click "stop scanning" on a program you KNOW would take screenshots. I have managed confidential data for the last company I worked for, and we werent even allowed to work on any of it on any non-company laptop with proper security, we werent allowed to send such information over emails and we were requiered to encrypt it with secure passwords, so give me a break here with this random shit you are making up. I am not saying you dont have private or sensitive information on your pc , but IT WOULD BE REALLY STUPID to be working on it while you run software that takes screenshots and uploads them to a website, if you cant remember that simple thing you shouldnt be managing these sort of data anyways, which cant be much big of a deal if you are working on it while playing wolfenstein enemy territory with your friends on teamspeak ;XD, you would be the "high security risk" for your company, NOT UAC.

-About some software that could get you banned on uac as a false positive, this is sort of true, I have read some stuff in their forums and people have been banned for having some normal stuff on their pc, but I think if you would get banned on uac for having a moviemaking software, then gets reviewed by cb admins, they wont probably give you a cb ban for it, even if those guys in uac wont lift the ban I doubt cb admins would ban you for anything non-cheat related. The whole point as I see it for using uac, is not to stop cheaters but to identify people and if some1 is cheating, take a demo and submit it to the demo-crew to hopefully get em banned. We still have to wait and see what it will detect and how it will get managed before we jump to conclusions.
I'm in the same boat as FiluS, no one ever suggested a boycott, I don't know where you idiots keep getting that from. It was said from day one that I chose not to use UAC, fully aware of the fact that I will not be able to participate in EC or other Cups, that's my decision, why the fuck do you even care or bother to whine over someone that chooses not to use a specific software on his PC?

As for the rest, I only really skimmed through it as I'm on the phone, excuse me if I missed something... I'm self employed and do part-time gigs for several international companies, from home, from my PC, in my personal environment, some under NDA, others.. who the fuck cares. The difference between UAC and TZAC(At the very least SLAC) is that they were an established company bound by contract. Chaplja was being paid by Speedlink for SL-AC. It changes - everything. This is not some random kid who's partaking running an AC as hobby with very unclear and self contradictory EULAs/ToS/Policies.

And it's really not just that, it's a whole multitude of things, I wouldn't mind playing, but I don't feel it necessary to put myself through a bunch of useless and utterly annoying processes of dealing with - bad software - just so I can play 1 offi every 7 days, if at all. There's just.. no point... Again, you choose to play and use UAC, that's great and all, I don't... What's the big problem now? I tried arguing with ohurcool pointing out on what bases UAC could be avoided, he didn't agree.. we move on and that's that.
look I dont honestly care what you do for a living, but I dont see how that has anything to do with using or not using UAC. If you feel the need to work on important stuff while you play have ET minimized thats cool and all but so? If it is that important stuff you wouldnt forget to click stop scan on a program that takes screenshots ...omg
Quote Chaplja was being paid by Speedlink for SL-AC. It changes - everything. This is not some random kid who's partaking running an AC as hobby with very unclear and self contradictory EULAs/ToS/Policies.

lol how long did the speedlink deal work? And sorry but he is exaclty that, a random kid who makes cheats then anticheats then cheats again as a hobby.
The thing you don't seem to comprehend is, we... don't play. I have my work handy at just about all times, I don't see why I should be going through the trouble of closing everything down for 20minutes of gametime a week, it's a nuisance. Especially if I can get some work done whilst waiting for the opponent to gather. It's all that is, an utter annoyance I don't want to waste my time dealing with. I've tried the software, I've read their forums, I simply can't be arsed having to sit here 30 minutes at a time dealing with the left overs from a scan after a game because of my habits. ET just doesn't mean that much to me anymore, I have no motivation to jump through hoops just to play once a week. That in addition with all the false-positive scans, I would most definitely run into - it just keeps piling up, more reason for me not to play than force myself through another season of no activity. Rather stick to playing RtCW or other games that don't give me as much trouble. :)
So I dont comprehend that you...dont play? What?
->So you are complaining about having to hit "start scan" & "stop scan" once every month that you barely play an offi? ...lol ye you are right man I dont fucking get it.

lol also you dont have to close everything down, just minimize it ? Hell I cant understand how you guys keep on finding stupid shit to whine about the screenshots..rlly.

It is this simple: Have all your imporant top secret work files open, open et, open uac, open teamspeak/ventrilo, open irc, search for an oppo (this according to you once a week or once a month), work on your stuff while you are not playing, notice uac is still not scanning, you finally found oppo, all 6 of em are ready in server, save your work and minimize it, hard eh? then click on "start scan" , play et. During all those hardcore gaming breaks when all you can do is WORK, then minimize et, click on "stop scan" in uac, open your top secret files which were minimized, work...., repeat the process?

That is some sick6 whine you got there!
I agree with you and also think that things like screenshots are a childish reason to not play, but I suggest to stop trying to make a point. Some people are just stubborn and prefer not having fun over having to do deal with something to have fun. UNLESS ofcourse playing dealing with UAC instantly means not having fun, in which case we are dealing with highly borderline type people :/
I know, just had some free time and wrote wall of text haha, whiners gonna whine.
First of all - I do agree with Oxy - why do you even care whether we use it or not? Neither of us was throwing ultimatums or threatening CB, we simply chose not to play with it. It does not make any harm to anyone.
And you are like broken LP, looping around screenshots issue and forgetting other, more severe problem I have with UAC. Same as Oxy, I am self employed, working from home, having multiple contracts/projects at the time. I don't have a need to have separate PC just for gaming, simply because only things I am playing are ET, cracked CS1.6 with bots and QL. I do have a lot of trash applications on my HDD (from school times) I want to keep, just in case I might need something from it in future. And as I said, UAC does not actually care whether you are actually running malicious program that actually gives you unfair advantage over others, it simply scans you PC for existence of something that UAC sees as such, you don't have to execute it at all. It does not ban you for using, it simply bans you for having something on your PC. And from what I have read on UAC forums, it happens quite often and in most cases admins are simply ignoring any arguments thrown at them. Since there is absolutely no word on which folders are scanned, I cannot be 100% save that it will not find something I don't want it to see. If I combine everything together (+ the fact that I would be using UAC just to play one match a week at best), the risk of some accidental personal data leakage and risk of being accidentally banned for something that just lies somewhere on my HDD, it does not outweigh my desire to play EC/OC. Plus, this issue will be all gone by the end of the year when UAC shuts down.

Btw, I am not saying these risks/issues are universal for all people - if I had gaming PC, completely separated from the one for work, I wouldn't feel this way. And most people who uses their PCs only for entertainment don't really need to care about what I said. But for me, the risk of being one of the "false positives" is fairly high (I could find several apps on my PC that are injecting processes or meddling with OpenGL graphics - and by definition this is exactly what UAC is trying to find). And that's more of a fault of UAC than mine, because UAC only search for existence of such programs, it does not check whether it is loaded in memory or not.
QuoteFirst of all - I do agree with Oxy - why do you even care whether we use it or not?

I don't. I stated my opinion that the reasons given not to use uac are pretty immature and gave 3 examples, which then your repeated in longer sentences.

I answered all your points in my walls of text, ok you are still worried it scans your data and you might get banned over any random program in your desktop? FINE, I was too before installing uac because I wouldnt simply go thru 1TB of backup files from my previous pc now in my current harddrive, checking for every file...from all those games me and my cousin ever played, and if uac was to scan everything theres shit there that would trigger a ban for sure, now you can whine on but here my solution:
Remember those sessions in windows? Just create one for gaming...and keep your current one for everything else. Install uac in the gaming session only and give permissions only for that session (windows 7 & up does it by default) aaaaaand problem solved.
You can then delete that session in 3 months or so when uac is over. Now please whine on and tell me this would be too diffucult or too much of a hassle for 10 minutes of gametime a week...haha. And it is just hilarious how you 2 claim to only play "A MATCH A WEEK AT BEST" but all you can think of doing during that match is working on your confidential files while minimizing et , or online banking. Seriously guys at least make a little sense there kk.

There I gave you a couple of solutions to your "concerns". I am sure you or oxy will find a way to whine about them, but they work.
damn would have loved to play an EC without polaks
hf every1
where u playing? :D
im not playin 8(
stop FM et go jouer :)
hahahaha anim still fragging hard. lol
One thing i cant get is: why people talking about 'uh that old times where we had many skilled teams at EC' why dont u signup then? I dont believe ppl dont have a couple hours per week to spend playing! Anyway great work ohurcool!
IZI for Elviss !
Endriu tam pokaraj las :D
Good luck baring with this shit Jon :P
different teams, same drama :D
i saw razz saying recently plenty of times that they won't use uac and you can delete queens/phase from ec, but as I can see he just can't live without hardcore 24/7 gaming :D
Not razz, certain team members of his, one of which isn't in the lineup anymore.
gl & hf @ all ;D

need 6on6 team ;x
oh, hai there
huhu.. how are you ;D ?
Having flu atm, so feeling like crap, otherwise i guess its going, what bout u, hows ur life going.
oww :(
well im very busy in my job atm but the next 2 weeks i have holidays so im ready for some et after some months of my retirement ;)
is it still worth to play (for competition)?
Well so so i guess, UAC now as anti cheat, so its forced for EC/OC, but if u have some decent ppl to play with, it can bring some fun still.
this is actually much better than I expected, suprising ET still has 8 teams skilled enough to create EC like this:P useless qualis though
No more polaks in EC
this is a lot better than i thought
gl to all!!!!
nice work jon
inb4 final KW-phase
www.quakelive.com, active and good community, welcome.
erAse in EC :D
they played in EC last season too :)
idd lol erase noobs lol xD lol
yes, they shouldn't be in EC this season because they lost a 5on5 game in 2011 with a different lineup
you mean about this, not me
" they shouldn't be in EC this season because they lost a 5on5 game in 2011 with a different lineup"
I was being sarcastic

they are EC worthy, perhaps more so than a few of the other teams listed above
the only 2 players in that team still in erAse now are Nips & dTEC7 (Merlin) both performed better individually than nearly all of your team according to stats. really not seeing your point here with this matchlink. :D
I guess it's the one of very few wins in his 10 years old shit "e-career" that he can "brag" about :D
I know that your e-career is very fascinating ;) good job team poland fanatic !
i know i know ;)
all Poland preparing hard for NC season in the new year :)
GL Mikkis :))
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