CF ET Winter: Schedule & Rules

The CF ET Winter Cup schedule, bracket and rules are here for you - no major rule changes since CF ET Spring but the schdule is much more relaxed with most rounds of the Upper Bracket having 2 weeks to be played and all rounds of the lower bracket having at least 8 calendar days to be played. Be aware that with the introduction of a more relaxed schedule we have removed the wildcard system as we think there is more than enough time to play every game now.

image: logo

17/09/2013 - Cup Announcement
22/09/2013 - Signups Open
04/10/2013 - Signups Closed
05/10/2013 - Playoffs Published & Full Schedule Published
06/10/2013 - Cup Starts
08/12/2013 - Grand Final Played by this date

Each team has some time to adjust their rosters, but after they play their first game or by the 13th October, their rosters will be locked as they are on the CF Lineups page (YOU MUST PM AN ADMIN TO HAVE IT UPDATED, IF YOU DONT THEY WONT BE YOUR OFFICIAL ROSTER). During the cup we will allow one addition to a roster to be made if needed as long as they are allowed to play for a team on CB, but at no point are teams allowed to take players from other teams.

CF ET Winter Cup 2013
Brackets: CF Winter Brackets
GamesTV: League Page
Schedule: CF ET Winter Full Schedule
Rosters: CF ET Winter Lineups

Please note that games will be added to GamesTV by the admin team, do not add games to GTV yourself.

Basic Rules
Each round the games must be played within the schedule, First round (WB R1) games are to be played by the 13th October 2013, the games will be put on GamesTV as unscheduled, it is up to the teams to contact an admin with an AGREED date and time in that period - if a date cannot be agreed, the match will be forced, not necessarily to the date originally put on GamesTV. We suggest you try your best to organise games.

UAC Rules
UAC must be used at all times - the UAC room code is the 'cfcup<roundcode>', so for instance in the first round r@g against mMonkeys the Match ID would be 'cfcupa1' and trg against gentlemen would be 'cfcupa2'. Match IDs will be checked after each game and players who did not use UAC will have forfeit loss awarded to their team - in the case of both teams having players not using UAC a double forfeit will be awarded with the possibility of both teams being removed from the cup.

Maps and Choices
Maplist: Supply, Goldrush, Radar, Adlernest, Bremen and Frostbite.
Maps are picked via elimination, each team eliminates 2 maps each and the remaining 2 maps are played. Who eliminates first or second is chosen via coin toss, whoever WINS the coin toss eliminates SECOND. If a decider map is needed another coin toss vote is called and this time whoever WINS the coin toss eliminates FIRST, then the maps are eliminated one by one until there is 1 map left.

Merc Rules
One merc is allowed to be used, although your opponent must agree on the individual proposed - teams are expected to use mercs with around the same skill as the player replaced. You must inform an admin and opponent if you need to use a merc, not making it known may result in a forfeit loss. You may only use any individual as a merc ONCE, but can use a different merc in more than one game if needed.

Standard ET rules apply, no bugging, exploiting or cheating. Admin decisions are final - to save yourself stress do not get into situations that could be seen as unfair play. If you have any queries about organising games or questions about the cup in general, please contact an admin.

Admins: United Kingdom MerlinatoR and United Kingdom Artstar
GTV League Admin: Netherlands Timbolina
Game Admin: Estonia Skeit
Coverage Team: TBA
UAC Admin: TBA
#crossfire @ mIRC

If you have some skills and feel you could help out in this or other Crossfire Tournaments please contact a cup admin.
glhf to all the teams
why there are rosters if mercs are allowed?
why same merc is not allowed more than once?
Because lets face it, regardless if roster is there, with one additional slot that it can be filled, it showed out at many games that teams still werent able to fill up 6 players for that time and therefore it's better to allow additional merc to avoid massive forfeits.
Seems like you didn't understand the question
More like u cant read properly my answer.
UAC doesnt work with windowns home xp :D?
it works with any version of Windows
where wise guys :(
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