RtCW Legacy Cup Grand Finale!

Return to Castle Wolfenstein Legacy Cup Grand Finale!

It has been a long journey with ups and downs. No doubt about it. Long story short, tonight the best of the best going up against each other. Eye for an eye some say. We also have to remind to ourselves that this is pretty much one of the most anticipated match of the last few years for sure. Two grand oldman's are the one and only Sweden Knö I Hörn & United Kingdom One.Soldier! I guess these teams do not need any introduction, a lot of the oldschoolers and newschoolers do know them. So without further a due, let me introduce you tonight's lineup for the grand final!

image: legacy_cup

image: finale

image: game44357


United Kingdom One.Soldier 600$ USD

Sweden Knö I Hörn 300$ USD

Europe Phase.rtcw

MVP of the tournament - "Creative Fatal1ty Gaming Headset"

Rookie of the tournament - "Creative Fatal1ty Gaming Headset"

Also we can't forget the amazing show that needs to be watched in order to witness the epic action that is going to happen tonight between those 2 incredible teams.

image: warwitchtv-channel_header_image-f35a23e14ec9de7a-640x125

It will be streamed by one and the only United States of America Warwitch together with United States of America Sabo !!!

Tune in to the pre-game show for the epicness at 20.00 CET

So sit back, relax and enjoy the SHOW! Good luck for both of the teams!
gl knöisar
yaoming...imo 4-0 for one.soldier, another wrost ZeD's cup, thx for the boring finale. won't watch. ummm ok ok i'll watch :D just a bit ¬¬
kih.zerom wanted to play semifinals but...
one.crmbs/Nait wanted to play WB...but..there were some 'buts' in the way
so easy money for some BIGMACS for Merlinator :D
hoping for a 4-0 in the first game at least. GL KiH!!!
GL to both teams!
gl to both teams

the prize money should be cancelled imo, not fair towards phase :)
Can you imagine the hot water I'd be in if I said: "Oh by the way...I'm not rewarding prize money." My credibility would be shot, LOL.
haha that's true aswell :)
to be fair, if it is true what they are saying about zed and merlinator then it would be worse to give one.soldier any money at all than not giving the prize. IMO if all that is true the best and most fair solution would be to simply award the money prize to kih (USD 600 if they win or USD 300 if they lose) and nothing to one.soldier. That way you wouldnt be in any drama and it would be fair.
bypass that money to new cup :P
Boycotting this game, won't watch.
Sorry WarWitch :(
Understood, Bully. No worries :)
Can someone give an explanation for these statements, like: "boycotting ... and no prizemoney for the teams ..."? What happened?
To make a long story short,
phase had lineup problems on the day of the one-phase game,
6hours before the match was supposed to start phase informed zed and the one.soldier team that they need to use their wildcard and after sum discussion everyone was fine with it.
Later that day merl comes online and speaks to zed and they agree that we cant use our wildcard or some bullshit and Zed gives one the forfeit.
"Long story short, tonight the best of the best going up against each other"

I stopped reading after this. Sad cup with admin being one-sided cunt.

gonna boycott this shit too, sorry warwitch :)
I don't know much about rtcw (just watch WW streams) but according to this link
phase only played 1 game in the whole cup and then they were in the upper bracket final? this game didnt happen and (I guess phase lost by forfeit) then another game phase vs Kih (lower bracket final) was set and also didnt happen (why?) Would phase stand a chance vs one.soldier or kih anyways?
I dont think these guys (merlinator and zed) would simply say ...ah well fuck phase and their players for whatever reason (scared to lose the money? or ?) lets just kick em and split the prize, BUT if it is that way that is kinda fucked up and then well it would be fucked up to give the money prize to a guy like merlinator (if he rlly did what people is saying he did on that gtv link). So if it is like that and people can prove what they are saying then warwitch shouldnt give the money prize at all or it would make him equally guilty.
Can never know whos better we (raw-phase) or one soldier. this is 2nd time in a row now we get fucked over cuz of shit admin for being one-sided. :) but yeah i gotta agree the prize moneys should not be given this was one fucked up cup ending once again :D but shit happens when its being run by shit admins.. Nothing we can do about this... You will always find 2 sides of the story and im quite sure things like this would have NEVER happened in ET cups. It's just sad "revival cup" bs. Just kills the game :)

Not taking anything from KiH, they are nice lads but this is just sad how its ending again. one soldier "unbeatable team" only winning cuz best team getting knocked out cuz of admin being one-sided and cunt :)
Wow, all i have read is the numerous people boycotting and flaming the admins. Obviously something has gone seriously wrong with this cup, which is a shame if Warwitch is offering prize money for the winners (correct me if I am wrong, dont keep up to date with the scenes anymore). End of the day, the final should be between the two best teams, taking a forfeit win in the WB final should never be a choice and from what i saw of the previous cup when i was still playing ET, it was the same shit between one.soldier and phase with "ineligible" players taking part.

The community is far too small for corrupt / biased admins. I have even witnessed it in the recent previews of games where one.solider have been bigged up by Merlin and Phase have been criticised or deliberately info missed out etc. You are just hurting the community.
exactly rossiböyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyym8 :)
QuoteThe community is far too small for corrupt / biased admins. I have even witnessed it in the recent previews of games where one.solider have been bigged up by Merlin and Phase have been criticised or deliberately info missed out etc. You are just hurting the community.

You mean when I was asked questions about my team? of course I will big up my team - I didn't miss out info I simply don't know all the infos. I am not an admin for the cup so it makes no difference :D I literally only added games to GTV because I have league permissions. The rest is whatever you want to believe :)
Merl everyone says it you are a biased admin, does it need to get beating into you for you to understand?
Its your way or the highway
As I wasn't an admin it would be pretty difficult to be a biased one.
Better Watch Heros of Warcraft Turnamend
give him that headset so he can hear my melodious singing on TS
yes this too, Warwitch offer a mic as a prize next time
Get in! 600 big ones to add to the one soldier hookers and blow fund
gg best team won the tournament anyway :)
My comment to all this useless bullshit:

Okay okay also just have to add that As braindead as ZeD is, its interesting that he managed to pull off a few cups without any bigger problems before this one while doing it alone 8]]]]
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