Upcoming EC/OC Matches!

As explained in this journal, we've created Playoff trees on Challonge in order to keep the ClanBase ET EC/OC Fall 2013 cup season running while the website is down. Unscheduled matches have been forced, so here's an overview of a few upcoming EC/OC games!

image: nc8wxm6image: enPJtWH

image: kHlYr34


On Monday the 2nd, we saw Europe erAse.et and Finland TURBOAPINAT face off in the Upper Bracket Round 1. The Fins fought hard but were defeated 4-0 by Netherlands esSe and co.image: game44829
image: eiKtUtG

This Sunday, United Kingdom one.soldier will meet France phase for the first time in their UB Round 1 match! The winner of this game will advance to the Upper Bracket Final to play versus Europe erAse.et, while the losing team will drop down to the Lower Bracket with Finland TURBOAPINAT. Tune in at 20:00 CET!

United Kingdom one

Netherlands abort
United Kingdom Artstar
United Kingdom crumbs
United Kingdom koop
United Kingdom MerlinatoR
Estonia Night
image: game44838
Upper Bracket Round 1
France phase

Latvia Clown
Slovakia filuS
United Kingdom jam
Iceland phyzic
United Kingdom razz
United Kingdom sqzz

Quote by MerlinatoRphase are probably the favorites to win everything this season but hopefully it will be a nice game to watch and play. Hoping we can win at least one game in the playoffs to secure a top 3 position.

image: eiKtUtG

CB ET 6on6 OpenCup Fall 2013

Premier League

On Wednesday at 21:00 CET, we'll see Netherlands Pluspunt vs Europe TAG in the Premier League Upper Bracket Final. The losing team will face Poland Brotherhood of Wolf in the Lower Bracket Final, while the winner will move on to the Grand Final. Tune in!

Netherlands +.

Norway Domi
Netherlands Eddo
Netherlands Enigma
Netherlands Highway
Netherlands Testi
Netherlands Trixor
image: game44875
CB ET 6on6 OC Fall 2013
Premier League
Upper Bracket Final
Europe TAG

Netherlands aphesia
Poland Kirej
Netherlands Lightning
United Kingdom ScarZy
Estonia sCope
Netherlands Skyllaa

Quote by EnigmaWe have played vs TAG a few times before in pracs, but I think they are getting a lot stronger than they were a month ago. However so are we, so I think we will be able to take at least 1 map again like last time. I still estimate a 4-2 for TAG, but we are willing to make it a surprise!

image: eiKtUtG

Third League

In the Third League, one more Upper Bracket Round 1 match needs to be played. It's Europe craze versus Russia etcfg! The winner will battle against Europe enhanced v2 in the Upper Bracket Final, and the team who loses this game will join Europe deDuivenMelkers in the Lower Bracket. Tune in at 21:00 CET this Sunday!

Germany craze

Germany Ava
Austria DonMatthias
Germany Kenji
Germany Kitt
Turkey symbol
Finland Wrath
image: game44899
CB ET 6on6 OC Fall 2013
Third League
Upper Bracket Round 1
Russia etcfg

Russia DamAskus
Russia etplr
Russia FuBoR
Russia konstantin
Russia Leotiran
Russia slaw

image: eiKtUtG

CB ET 3on3 OpenCup Fall 2013

Premier League

An hour before their EC match on Sunday, France phase will make an appearance with their 3on3 lineup in the Premier League Upper Bracket Final versus Finland TURBOAPINAT. The losing team will have to face the winner of Poland echeloN vs Poland Frogs of War in the Lower Bracket Final. Tune in!

France phase

Latvia Clown
Iceland phyzic
United Kingdom razz
image: game44877
CB ET 3on3 OC Fall 2013
Premier League
Upper Bracket Final
Finland turbot

Finland Statti
Finland Swanidius
Finland vokki

image: eiKtUtG

Second League

On Monday, we'll see Poland electric-charge and Finland outwit battle it out in the Upper Bracket Round 1 of the Second League! The winner of this game will play Romania 30 seconds to Mars in the Upper Bracket Final, while the losing team meets Albania The Wrecked Commanders in the Lower Bracket Round 1. Tune in at 21:00 CET!

Poland echarge

Poland Cisy
Poland SkyLine
Poland w1lko
image: game44934
CB ET 3on3 OC Fall 2013
Second League
Upper Bracket Round 1
Finland outwit

Finland caej
Finland Ethic
Finland nsd

image: eiKtUtG

CB ET 2on2 OpenCup Fall 2013

Premier League

At 19:00 CET on Sunday, the Premier League Upper Bracket Round 1 game featuring Poland echeloN and Estonia Full power of yolo will be played. Finland TURBOAPINAT will face the winner in the Upper Bracket Final, while the losing team meets Poland Frogs of War in the Lower Bracket Round 1. Tune in!

Poland echeloN

Poland Abj
Poland hunter
image: game44879
CB ET 2on2 OC Fall 2013
Premier League
Upper Bracket Round 1
Estonia #yolo

Finland crod
Finland lEku

image: eiKtUtG

Second League

In the Second League, Finland Techno-only.com will be playing versus Albania The Wrecked Commanders in the Lower Bracket Round 1. The team who wins this match will advance to the Lower Bracket Final, where their next opponent is United States of America Hazard Gaming! Tune in on Sunday at 20:00 CET!

Finland techno

Finland blackwolf
Finland geffi
image: game44933
CB ET 2on2 OC Fall 2013
Second League
Lower Bracket Round 1
Albania TWC

France Faks
France Nirv
image: eiKtUtG

Other upcoming matches:

image: game44878 image: game44940 image: game44938 image: game44932

image: eiKtUtG

Please keep in mind that UAC is mandatory in all CB ET EC/OC Fall 2013 matches. You can use the number at the end of your game's GTV matchlink (http://www.gamestv.org/event/xxxxx) as the UAC match ID.

If any scores are missing, please let us know. Thanks and good luck!#clanbase.et
you are the fucking man
the fucking man you are
you are fucking the man
you like fucking men
the man you are fucking
thanks obama
men like fucking you
oh we are banned from such a prestigious cup that takes place on challonge :(
hope you gonna enjoy your challonge-pocal for the rest of your life, erase xDD
why are you always so upset :(
can we take part in top-notch nationscup.challonge cup or together with your slovene dog you banned us for challonge cups as well? :/
it was a serious question :P christmas is coming, be happy!
We don't play for pocals. If pocals is the only thing you see in this game I feel bad for you.
yes we play for pocals only, wtf you talking about? need new fop for erase, be avi 9 days a week /q
lil fegget fite me irl?''
not interested in being asslicked by you, sorry
ohurcool can u please schedule effectus vs the winner of that replayed match for next sunday 20:00/20:30 please? im gone all week.

thanks x
I'm either blind or the site isn't working properly. I can only see that we're playing you guys again but not the 'forced date' you're talking about.
the website has been down for about two weeks, so everything is being done manually for now :P


we could probably play tonight if that works for you!
tonight wasn't good for us :P when's the deadline?
would prefer to have it played by Monday 23rd, but there's no real deadline due to the holidays

next Sunday maybe?
What happened to one vs phase?
They didn't have 6 and gave us a forfeit but merlinator the good guy he is tryed to take a forfeit pming the admins saying they were all on the server when they were only 2 on the server. Obese motherfucking pile of trash
At least get your facts straight - I told ohurcool to remove us because we couldn't play after today with our roster and we didn't want to use a merc for any games. Your comments are amusing though considering I have never spoken to you, jumping on the retard bandwagon does show a high level of class though, congrats.
CB is dead!

The Final Statement by ClanBase

Dear everyone,

ClanBase is no more, we are sorry.

For those unfamiliar with the name: ClanBase once was a cool site to visit if you were an online gamer. With cups and ladders hosted for games such as the Quake, Unreal Tournament, Counter-Strike and Call of Duty series, a teenager really had quite some options for multiplayer entertainment. Heck, we even had LAN finals for our renowned EuroCups.

Those days are far behind us and as it stands today, the company that owns the ClanBase site - GGL - is unable to cover the costs required to run the website. Moreover, lately the owners of the site do not wish to cooperate with the voluntary crew, keeping everybody in the dark and thus showing complete disrespect to people who spend many hours a day trying to make our tournaments a success.

The website has now been offline for more than three weeks due to an unpaid bill. No action is being taken by the owner to get the website back online. Having no vision for the future, we - the ClanBase Crew - have lost our last hopes about ClanBase ever coming back online, and unfortunately we announce the end of a great era.

The history and the truth as the ClanBase Crew sees it

A US-based company called Global Gaming League (Professional Interactive Entertainment, Inc.) noticed the success of the site and bought it from the original owners in December of 2004. They had financial backing for server hosting and our tournaments. Things were going well until in 2007 CB suffered its first heart attack when GGL couldn’t deliver the prize money they put up for the EuroCup. This can be marked as the start of our downfall.

The CB Crew has always been made up of volunteers with the majority being just teenagers. There was no possibility for us to come up with the money on our own that was promised, yet we were always the ones getting blamed. After all, it was our cup season and our name. It is no surprise that after this blow there was no way for us to host another season with the promise of any kind of prize until the debt was settled with the previous winners.

To this day, GGL owes around €24,000 in prize money which will never be settled. The other sites who were in the same gaming business of course had no problems hosting their tournaments however they wanted. ClanBase, however, lost a great deal of its reputation along with some top teams who never got their winnings.

As time went by the site also started to decay. After the takeover we had paid developers who tried to put the code in shape. There were some noteworthy developments such as the seasonal and invitational ladders, but after the first test run we couldn’t get the necessary changes implemented - because GGL stopped paying the developers.

Money. The source of all evil.

GGL started moving the servers between hosts (RackSpace, Amazon, GreenQloud) to save costs, and to avoid further missed payments. This appeared in the news a few times when providers came out with how they were lied to. We also lost the ability to upload files anything other than demos. Fortunately, a Crew member had the means to help out.

Funding continued to dry up. After the first wave of cuts where we lost the two developers and a head admin, things cooled down for a while. Recently, a general system administrator was cut off which got interesting at one point when CB suffered a denial of service attack to which the host (GreenQloud) responded with moving the servers to a different IP address. However, the domain name had to be updated as well to point to the new address. Since our sysadmin was not getting paid, he refused to perform this, essentially holding the site hostage for a while.

So how do we get money? The site had ads for a while which obviously was not enough. We may have been naive thinking that upping the quality of the site would be a good move, which was promised more times we bother to count. GGL thought otherwise. In fact, many of the cool features our gamers would have loved to see on the website were never implemented - because “CBv2” was supposedly just around the corner.

Their first bold move was trying to get adult banners on CB - a website that was home for thousands of teenagers. The Crew was shocked and appalled by this. Fortunately, we managed to get our voice through (by threatening to go on strike) - but we also lost several valuable crew members who had enough of the poor conditions and bad decisionmaking.

Next to adult material, gambling can also be a good source of income. The Poker and Betting ladders were introduced. It is doubtful that much money was ever made of this, at least nobody said otherwise. The only thing certain is that these projects never got off the ground.

A poor attempt was also made to gather money in the form of offering VIP membership. Nobody took this very seriously and as expected, nobody bothered to opt in after a while. The only benefit to having VIP was the ability to get rid of some of the ads. Perhaps a regular donation system would’ve been more useful.

By the end of August 2013, yet another problem surfaced: the money ran out for the hosting. This is when CB started to go down every month when the time came to pay for the next 30 days.

Of course we tried contacting GGL through our manager who was in charge of handling communications. As you may have guessed by now, he also failed to receive his payment for a while and a company owing money to you, and who knows how many others, is not in a hurry to get back to you.

The ClanBase management tried to directly contact the GGL founder and president Ted Owen (since everyone else left), with very little success. Whenever we got a response it usually consisted of no more than a few words.

The last we heard from him, he stated that “GGL will move on without ClanBase, and besides, why did the Crew never put any money in it?”

Mr. Owen, the Crew put time in it. A lot of time... for free. Every day. And to clarify, nobody has ever reached out to us to ask for any kind of financial aid. Not that we would’ve ever agreed to anything if the money had to go through GGL as that would’ve resulted in the money never reaching its intended destination.

Ultimately, we understand that our users would have expected us to come out with the truth sooner. It has taken us three weeks to make a public statement - but the only reason it took so long is that we were trying to not lose the hope and to reach out to mr. Owen. Unfortunately, our last request (or offer) to him - to release the ClanBase site to the crew for us to be able to continue running it on our own, without the GGL - was not welcomed.

It is thus our sad duty to inform you that ClanBase is gone. We would like to sincerely thank over a thousand admins working on the website over the past 15 years of ClanBase’s existence. And an even bigger thanks goes out to all the players who supported us over the years and who did not lose faith no matter what.

This writing has not come easily because ClanBase has been a big part of our lives, and we definitely did not want to see it end like this.

Thank you,
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