Crossfire Dota 2 Cup - FINISHED

Had good times, next edition will be little bit different. And hopefully we have more players!

Winner: Grizzen
2nd: Woot
3rd: Olpen

So go Sweden

A great moment from the cup:

So, the cup goes live on Monday, 6th of January. We shall start at 20 CET.

image: 8cWWRh3

Basic rules & info

- 1on1, mid-only
- Participants will get the lobby-pw via #DOTA2CF or ingame-chat, I shall set up a room marked as "DOTA2CF".
- Every round is best of 3, except the final which is best of 5.
- Round is won when player gets two (2) kills or destroys tier2 tower.
- Mid only, no jungling, major creep blocking or soul ring.
- Heroes shall be randomed (still discussable though, other options are draft & force if people want)
- There will be some ingame-items as prize.

How to signup?

- Announce your willingess to Finland Thomm via this newspost or #DOTA2CF

Signups so far
Finland Thomm
Finland Squall
Sweden Olpen
Canada monkeybusiness
Canada rito
Romania Stary
Europe Grizzen
Europe Woot

Any questions?

Contact Finland Thomm

Want to help?

- If someone were available to stream and/or cast this it would be great.
- Any ideas are welcome
ello. Playing with us?
Not my cup of tea
No soul ring :'(
Im in! But no creep blocking, wut?
"major". Like with fissure / cogs and stuff like that.
Ah I see, but there was some 1on1 tournament called fistful of tangoes could get some rules/stuff from there also I guess
Those are the ones used at ti3, except the drafting part.
WELL I did not watch the ti3 1on1 tournament so I guess you know what you are doing
CF LOL cup ?
english only !! so im lvl 4 on dota2 as im 30 on LOL so pretty much easy to play LOL ^^
nazi admins... as i said it makes me laugh because when theres a post about dota there's always a guy talking about LoL to make ppl rage and vice versa :XD
Free to orga some cup or even post about updates & tournaments!
ho ... im not saying this for that, i like to play dota just my level is a bit to low to play this cup, nothing more :p
dota is a good game good luck on this
Come on, this is for fun. And to track dota2-players at CF so we can maybe play together every now and then. See you tonight?
next time maybe, yesterday i was rapped as hell on LOL :/
another dead game

dat banner here have a half way proper one
Did the post at work, had to use first banner & online-editor (dont know how to use paint).

And ofc I am not using any of yours...
Any streaming?
Nah, there wasn't. Will try to get someone next time. Or do ingame-casting.
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