CGAC Supports ET & Is Mandatory in Ladders

I'm happy to announce that the CyberGamer Anticheat now supports Enemy Territory! Effective immediately, CGAC is mandatory in all CG EU ET ladder matches. Read the rest of this newspost for more information.

image: 81XpmVt

Quote by CyberGamer EU...we have now included support for Enemy Territory and we shall be looking to provide continuous updates to support this game in as many ways as possible. We are aware of the community's desire for a screenshot function and we are beginning to explore the best method to sufficiently meet this criteria. Further details will be released as they become available, but we aim to provide this as soon as possible.

To install CGAC, follow the steps below. Once you have installed the software, on your first launch the program will automatically update to the latest version.
  1. Download the installer here.
  2. Extract the .zip file.
  3. Make sure you have .NET framework 4.0 installed. If you do not have .NET framework 4.0 installed, you can download it here.
  4. Run setup.exe from within the extracted folder.
  5. To find your User ID and Auth Key, go to your Extended Profile page and click "Game IDs" in the "GAME DEFAULTS" section. You'll find your information at the top of that window.
If you experience any troubles installing the software, please make sure you add an exception to your antivirus, have extracted the .zip file, and are running the program as administrator.

image: eiKtUtG

As stated above, CGAC must be used in all ladder matches played on CyberGamer. Simply open CGAC.exe, enter the match ID, and start playing.

By scrolling down on the match page, you can see which players are currently running CGAC along with all logs for that match. If CGAC is active, it should display "CGAC running" in green text.

Playing a match on the CG EU ET 3on3 or 6on6 ladder without CGAC will result in a forfeit loss.

Please note that the CG EU ET crew and I are not experts on CGAC, so all queries regarding technical support should be directed to Belgium badkip, the developer. You can contact him by posting in his journal or opening a support ticket on the CyberGamer website.

How do i check if i have .NET framework 4.0 installed?
check the control panel, if its in it its ok :)
theres a lot of stuff in control panel, might take me a while to find it lol. i think i'll just install it anyways
there is a thing to check all ur program in the control panel, check there
Control Panel -> Programs -> Programs and Features
Great news! Thanks to all who are keeping ET alive.
Is 4.5 ok too?
Yeah, that should work.
type this in cmd
Quotedir %WINDIR%\Microsoft.Net\Framework\v* /O:-N /B

will show u what framewor(s) u have
thx got a virus now
@admins : ban him

what about pub/irc games? just asking because of match ID, or we just put random number?
Since CGAC is integrated in the CyberGamer website, it only works in CG matches.
so u just killed etpub, everyone will have to pay offis now howl deer u :\
we can only use on ladder?
Since CGAC is integrated in the CyberGamer website, it only works in CG matches.
will it work for irc wars some time or isnt it planned?
Probably not, but there are other options available.
Fixed already, ty anyway
et is saved
jon for president
black screens incomming
There is no screenshot system at the moment, so you don't have to worry about that.
What if someones OS does not support netramework 4?
As far as I know, CGAC supports all versions of Windows.
OK, what about linux or MAC users? Netframework 4 supports 64 bit Xins, so win XP 32 bit users wont install it too imo
Linux / Mac is not supported. It should work for XP users too - see here.
OK, thanks for info
there is a program for linux users, u can use windows applications on it. I guess... :P
So linux users (however small now) won't be able to play ET competitively?
TZAC/UAC never supported linux.
Still the option would have been nice :<
I guess in all this time thats passed since tzac, every linux user got used to it already and either running dual boot, or simply switched onto Windows. Dont really think it will be much of an issue for anyone still using linux at this point, as they re aware of situations like that from TZAC/UAC.
Just wondering how this company would fair otherwise if they expanded to support linux/mac. I guess it's a minor inconvenience to dual boot etc now.
Depends on userbase that would require it for linux/mac, have to realize if there's only couple of 10 ppl requesting it, its not really worth time for coding it.
Just google WINE
"Sudo apt-get install wine 1.7" for ubuntu and archlinux
"Sudo yum install wine1.7 " for fedora and other redhat builds
So, your ideal to "fixing" the anticheat not supporting linux, the game however running natively on the platform, is to just stuff everything into a virtual environment? :P I'd be one of the first to play on *nix if it didn't present any issues, same with TZAC beforehand, but wine is unbearable, at that point may as well just run dual boot.
Didn't say it was my ideal but if the coder is using 4.0 .net framework, he's probably coding in C# so it's most probably the only option.

On another end , wine is the only option for most linux gamers because of mouse/keyboard/headsets drivers ( steelseries , logitech , etc)

PS: I use a dualboot because I don't want to game on linux.
I love gaming on linux, even more so on games that natively support it, rtcw and ET both have done so nearly since release.. as such have a ton of other opengl games, but being restricted by leagues and overall incapability/lazyness took that away from us too :(

I admit, peripherals tend to be an issue, but nothing you can't work around or fix. :)
Genuine question; why do you prefer linux over windows for everyday use?
Lower ram usage ( you would be surprised of the number of background services that windows run that you don't need ).
Small on hard drive , better for networking , java beign 500x mote stable on linux , open source and free ( well most of the builds)
For the average windows 7, non wifi user.. this should pretty much rule out 95% of the unnecessary, obsolete and resource hogging crap.
more and better accessibility to my needs, less resource hogging and overall more appealing environment. Also having to use bastardizations of 3rd party applications that mimic most basic *nix features is rather off putting to me. Also open source is a huge plus. Very, very huge plus.
There was some dude at some linux convention that was running Left for dead 2 on a P3 using arch linux , he had used the archcore and coded everything else to work perfectly with his pc parts.
Most PCs running windows run at 10% of their capacity because windows is made for all PCs
One interesting thought: would it maybe be possible to run a VMware - kind of - tool on Linux, run CGAC in this virtual environment and run ET on Linux, or are ET and CGAC so interdependant like TZAC/ET were? I know, probably impossible / not worth the effort, but who knows...
Wine is just that, it emulates a windows environment. And no, they can not interact with one another if they're running on "different machines".
seems to be working now, just when you select Wolfenstein: Enemy territory and login after it will show a msg saying you can start cod4. think its just something they forgot to edit in the program?

-Also that deep voice is kinda scary.
It's something it will be fixed in upcoming days, same with the icon dissapearing into background processes after a while that CGAC is being ran.
As this only works in CG games, is CG going to host any tournaments in the near future? Also does CG offer the chance for the community to run tournaments (ODCs etc) through their site?
a weekly sunday cup would be amazing
We're waiting until bugs with CG v5 are fixed and players are used to the new website before we announce our first cup season. It should only take a week or two.

Yes, I believe it is possible to run tournaments through CyberGamer.
Alright, sounds great!
nice one :)
I dont get it. I just played an offi with this anticheat on (i think) but i couldnt see any players list or sth. I did everythig right, i put this proper match id from the site. connected to a server and then when i minimilized et this program suddenly disappeared. just gone. so i kept playing but does it mean this program just closed itself or was running during offi ?
try without bot
buy new pc and try on it
Nah, once u start the AC, after couple of minutes it will go into background processes, meaning if u open task manager u will still have it under that list, its just not visible on menu bar. That being said, it will be fixed at future, that the icon will stay entire time.

The player list, or in other words, to see who is using the AC currently, u have to go at match page of ur specifc game that u are playing, then at the left side u will have rosters and showing who is running CGAC.

When the game is ended, meaning when u quit et, u have to wait couple of minutes for CGAC to update the files, it should show u a pop up window and after that u can run CGAC again for new game if u wish so, ofcourse with different match ID that is.
ok got everything. thx
try changing ISP
good work :)
good job dood
finally some good news
well done. v57!
finally, good work!!
Lol that's stupid why didn't they put the framework installer inside the CGAC installer....
ok now we need another lan party in PL/NL !
ye with 6 teams, great :D
So it only works for their ladder matches? gg wp. :<
At this moment, yes.
Well after this i expect some players goes imactive
Is it falsepositive or should i be worried ?
Its falsepositive as it is for most of AC's out there, was same with the tzac, just add it to exceptions, so u wont have any problems with it.
Let's see, I am already worried about what kind of support we get in general if the guys are not even able to pack .net 4.0 installer into their install package.. But whatever..
it has 38 mb or smth, I really hope you are trolling + they added the link just below anyway
Sure why not 35 mb of something that 99% of users already have
Hope we will get an anticheat that works for normal pracc wars aswell , So you dont have to play ladder or offi to play a hopefully clean game.

Anyway nice work
good.i can play et again :)
sup #1 romanian m8?
hello mate :D im trying to play again...but i just tried this ac and its kinda bugged :D mouse buttons had huge delay :P
sup with u?Still rolling? :)
not playin et coz busy with irl stuffs however i still have time to spam cf eeheheheh
ruling a kingdom is hard work man i get you :D i still have some spare time in the afternoon for casual gaming :P
Parent cum bek?
dont think so man, im too old to drive tanks anyways :(
good job crew :)
nice !
Would be also nice to have something in cybergamer´s website that allows to quickly set up wars, irc style, so we can also use the anticheat without being in the ladders>
There is a platform available for running "community competitions" here, but it's not quite ready yet.
This is really nice, but killing the public gaming.
Why don't you start a couple of servers using your CGAC and making a little competition for the pubbers?
Shouldn't be that difficult to implement a couple public servers into the CGAC?
Having an anticheat just for competitions does not harm "public gaming" any more than having no anticheat at all does.

CGAC is integrated in the CyberGamer website, so it is client-side only and is only available for CG matches.
Well I won't play on publics where cheaters can go their way without even having to worry about getting caught.
So I would only play officials and I think I am not the only one.

I do want to note that my comment was ment positively and not even close to a remark.
This is a good thing and CG is doing some great work.
My point is that they haven't had to worry about being caught by an anticheat for a long time now since neither UAC nor CGAC support(ed) public servers. :P The situation remains the same for public players; all that has changed is competition now has an AC available.
Crazy community. Gj on keeping this game alive!
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