3on3 World Cup

I am most happy to announce the 3on3 World Cup hosted by Benelux gentleMen eSports. This is a cup where the best team of each nation will represent its nation in a most exciting play-off stage.

gentleMen eSports proudly presents

3on3 World Cup

Sign-up stage:
In this stage you and your team will need to sign-up for the 3on3 World Cup. A team representing a nation will be accepted if 3 players from the same nation sign up. The maximum amount of players in a team is 5.

image: 2q38128
Group stage:
A minimum of 1 team is required for each nation. Whenever there are more than 4 sign-ups for a nation, the nation's teams will play in a double elimination play-offs One Day Cup. The winning team of the One Day Cup will advance to the play-off stage. If there are 4 or less sign-ups for a nation, each team will compete against each other once in a round robin. The team with most poitns will continue to the play-off stage.

Play-off stage:
The best team from each nation will advance to the play-off brackets. Here I will use seedings for each team in a Single Elimination Best of 5. This means the play-off stage will have an upper bracket only.

4 - 16 February: Sign-up stage
17 February: Groups will be published
18 February - 6 March: Groupstage Matches will be covered
7 March: Play-off brackets will be publised
8 - 25 March: Play-off Matches will be covered
2 April: Grand Final will be played

How to sign-up:
Simply pm me (http://www.crossfire.nu/user/42161/timbolina) or Kenzi (http://www.crossfire.nu/user/33719/Kenzi) with the following details:
- Team Name
- Line-Up
- Link to team on CG

For example:
- gentleMen eSports
- timbolina, ViKO, rznje
- http://eu.cybergamer.com/team/172366/gentleMen-eSports/

List of sign-ups: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AsRRlGMfots7dHB0ZUVVLUVsM05DZUItMUhlMnRfbHc&usp=sharing

Belgium Kenzi
Netherlands timbolina

image: barlogo #gMen

We are currently looking at the possibilities of hosting this tournament through CyberGamer. If so, we will be allowed using their AntiCheat.

Quote by Jonn from CyberGamer
However, I shall pass this issue onto our developer who, if all going well, should be able to have this platform up and running within the next few days. If your tournament can wait, we would love to be your host.

If you have any questions feel free to ask them in this news topic, and I will answer your question.
QuoteNo Anticheat will be used in this cup
The groupstage looks more like a qualification, doesn't it?

"A minimum of 2 teams is required for each nation to be able to compete in the 3on3 World Cup."

And this line is quite some massive bs, but gl with it
najz timbo !
good luck
I like the idea and effort, but have you really thought through this exhaustively?

QuoteExceptions can be made for countries who are having difficulties finding a 3rd player from the same nation. At least 2 out of 3 players should be from the same country in that case.

This seems pretty ridiculous to me. What countries are there that don't have 3 active ET players? Inb4 some country "struggles" to find three players and takes phyzic as 3rd.

QuoteA minimum of 2 teams is required for each nation to be able to compete in the 3on3 World Cup. The maximum amount of teams able to compete in the group stage is 4. Whenever there are more than 4 sign-ups for a nation, I will decide what team gets to compete looking at the teams match history and level of skill.

Did I understand this wrong or do you mean that each nation needs to have at least 2 teams to compete in the tournament? That doesen't make any sense to me. First you're saying that if some nation can't get 3 players, they can take a merc from another country, but then you're saying that they can't participate unless they can get a 2nd team going on too (meaning they'll need 6+ players).

Personally I'd like to see qualifiers for those countries that potentially have a lot of teams wanting to participate (PL, FI, NL etc.). For example ESL 3on3 World Cup had 1-day qualifier tournaments that worked out really well.

Also I would limit the amount of teams per country to just 1-2 depending on the country to ensure the quality of the tournament. I don't think that there are many countries that could wield 4 decent lineups for this tournament.

In any case, good luck with the tournament!
i totally agree with all of your points..i had the same thoughts by reading the post!
i totally agree with you except for the last part..

QuoteAlso I would limit the amount of teams per country to just 1-2 depending on the country to ensure the quality of the tournament. I don't think that there are many countries that could wield 4 decent lineups for this tournament.

Why should the amount of teams per country be limited to 1 or 2 ?
keine sorge du darfst für ger spielen ":D"
ich zock nicht mehr, du lauch und darum ging es mir auch nicht :D
Because its a nation cup, and u cannot be running 4 teams from lets say Poland, Finland, NL and then having 10 other nations with only one team, it doesnt really make the odds up, either having 1 or max 2 teams per nation.
That doesn't make any sense too.

The group stage is to determine the best team from each nation. Then in the playoffs only 1 team will represent its nation.
what twidi said !
Yes I have thought this through.

I know some nations are struggling getting a 3 player line-up. I am going to change the minimum amount of teams sign ups to 1. And the maximum will be 3.

I am organizing qualifiers for each country, just not in a one day cup format. I spread this out in 2 weeks so teams have time to play their matches, I will schedule them nonetheless on gamestv.

This is also my first time hosting this, so please be patient with me also. Thanks for your feedback.
which country struggeling to find a 3rd? :D
I do not know yet.
i cant imagine one team which cant get 3 players :D + this rule is retarted (2+1)
no fränds? =(
sAs and rnz, pls
trying to get rNz and clown perhaps, sAs is nowhere to be found
Please, as if Latvia struggles! Latviamata always avi for duty.
ekki vera andlitsMÖKKAÐUR ég er alltaf að fara spila!
ah :** get some of them back budd :)
I also dislike the fact that only 2/3 players should be from one nation because then it's not a nations cup as it's supposed to be. but there are in fact nations who will struggle to get 3 halfway active players, I.e. SWITZERLAND!
well now arrow is no longer banned!!! GET HIM!! x)
I'm trying every day mate! but he only has a laptop and cba to buy a PC although he is one of the richest persons on this planet...
Typical swiss behaviour, oh wait "D"
don't argue! i speak finnish so we can easily make finpolfin team!
I lol'd.
"No Anticheat will be used in this cup, because it is no CyberGamer initiative."

+ Possible lineups
Poland swiruz, uplolad, wassabi
Poland arnold, promien, makumbaska
Poland azpilasueta, ferus, baczo

azplicsaueta just 3rd cuz lack of experience as he's a jaymod player + he has been inactive since CG so he's not in a good shape :/
polska afryka afryka polska
after reflecting why not grizesielkyek fanatic and wiarderko at first?
you see what I did there big mac kurwa filé o fish cwel nuggets?
we are 6o6 champions
haha, my ass
haha, mad cuz so shit
man uv got rolled in plenty of 6v6 offis and praccs even with 50% cheaters on ur side

my 5 cents now jerk off tard
plenty you say? as plenty as dollars you begged for from people to play in a free game on lan? xD

you got rolled in ec quali to us
you got rolled in nc 2013 game to us

that's more than enough to beat all these prac you "won" vs us xD

and pls, funny words coming from your mouth lolita or whatever your nickname was XD
xDDDD rofl 80% of these arguments are invalid and I really CBA to respond decently. u just arent the effort worth.
ofc you CBA to respond decently, maybe I should start a donation for an english dictionary so you would be able to defend yourself?

you were busted, you got rolled in both of these games, you begged people for a money - dunno how you got that 80% :DDD but why do I even bother to start discussion with such zero like you.

79% * tbh
you gonna play for Estonia or Finland?
Fuck yeah yEnch baby
As someone who doesn't play this game any more at all, not having Anti Cheat in something like this seems a bit retarded.
nice tim :)
spoke to my icelandic buddies and none of them are interested or currently active so i guess ill join razz and sqzz.
spoke to my french buddies and none of them are interested or currently active so i guess ill join upload and arnold.
yes I am ! :{D
The reason behind no anticheat when there is an anticheat now? CG allows its anticheat only for CG games or?
ye but there may be the possibility to host a tournament within cg in the nearest future.
avi to roll
you asked CG to support your cup with AC ?
they should, this should be CG AC cup :(
I would have to run this tournament through CyberGamer. Seeing as that feature is bugged on the site, it doesn't quite work..
you should check again , I think everything is working now with that feature.
Ladders/leagues work fine, but events/tournaments still need some work. :P
timbo best man looking forward to dis
Wont really work, first thing is, in order to even run properly NC cup, u need anti cheat, second thing, even more important is to have access to database, to actually be able to check who's who, without that, anyone can be anyone who they wish to be, and u wont really be able to trace from which country player is coming.

If there are multiple teams signed up from specific countries, run single elimination brackets for that specific country, where two best teams / one best team is qualified into the NC later on, deciding on ur own who's more expirienced and deserves a spot and whos not, sounds baised.

Overall, rushing such big stuffs as NC is never good, rather spend some weeks preparing everything and making sure u got all the stuffs required for NC, after that make it properly work, specially with having more admins than just urself.
Right, because only you can run it properly cuz clearly bestest admin ever
Hey at least when i want to run a cup and disallow someone from playing from it, i dont have problems, while on the other side, cant say same for the glory duo :D
too bad you won't be able to run CG Spring cups q8)))))))))))))))))))))))
Good luck with it! :P Easy for team United States of America peaches though...

QuoteIn addition to this, if you feel that anyone is cheating you can make timestamps for the match and send it to CG. I am sure they will look into it.

Im making the democrew work
cu in playoffs noob :p
Haha, maybe! Dunno if we will sign up or not. :P
anyone from denmark still playing this game!? :D
jeg kan spile :D
Lived in Århus for 6 months and still got my residence card. good enough?
good enough! :D i think i'm the only dane playing this game, just a little :D
besides etpro there is enough danes playing
I know there is a lot of danes playing NQ, silent and etpub.. thats too bad.. but in the end its funnier to play pub when u have the time., imo.
bring back some cool danes
du har samspilere nu :D jeg, du og SQuid! :D
:O sounds like a world cup final :D
Lived near Flensburg (Germany), thats almost denmark. Should be "close enough" :D
Me, hein and gyzr are ready!
image: 3o3supermegacup

what twidi said and also this will fail
who won this one?
cancelled due to lack of signups
"Exceptions can be made for countries who are having difficulties finding a 3rd player from the same nation. At least 2 out of 3 players should be from the same country in that case."

might as well call it EC then :D
GL with this Timbola
Tip for France if you wanna win

France Snatix
France Apricot
France random nerd-certified
kazim as 3rd and thats it
-Apricot le gros enculer
remember organizing this few years ago, good luck
every guy from Switzerland feel free to pm me!
inb4 MTM comeback
even arrow is more likely than MTM
naiz !
I would just make the cup a lot shorter overall, thats my only suggestion. Also you edited most of the stuff that didnt make sense which is nice but there is still something wrong in the -group stage- because according to that, if for example team colombia joined, we would be straight in the playoffs without even playing 1 game. (pls correct me if I am wrong)

Also please do it with the anticheat, otherwise it will be a joke.pl
I like that you chose niggu kenzi as admin, nothing cant go wrong. GL!
Yes, you would go straight to play-offs. Groupstage is only to determine the best team for each country, when you're the only sign-up, I assume you must be the best.
Ok, count us in
u better do well u pieces of lows
lol cuando se mete a ts
Timbo I got only one thing to say, put AC ON.
Gonna try to get some people to sign up!
xx <3<3
france is dead :(
can some1 show me match, NC or "World Cup" with mercs from other country ?
turkey afaik ages ago etc etc :P nothing new tbh
Estonia I think used someone from Sweden
nordan played for estonia in some NC :D
some Canada played for United States of America and was banned last season.
Sweden nordaN played for Estonia and was banned.
only Turkey TanQ was from Turkey and rest was from Germany or Austria and it was allowed.
Germany h8m3, Germany zerender, Germany 4live played for Russia and it was allowed
Germany revee played for Lithuania and it was allowed
United Kingdom griim played for Norway and it was allowed because he lived in Norway then.
Estonia mata played for Latvia and it was allowed
Poland malczik was capitain of team Ukraine
there was some guys from Singapore and Taiwan in team China
Germany z3ro played for team poland?
and much much more. hope i didnt fucked anything :P
I believe that all of those players, who were allowed to play for another country, were born or lived in that country. So they was no reason why they could not play for those countries.
it's more like they have parents from those countries but I wouldn't be surprised if they have never visited those countries. same with most of Team India.
wasnt there a rule that u have to show the admins that u got a pass if u wanted to play for another country?
yes, usually thats the case.

but afaik most of countries have nationality regulations based on both birthplace and blood, so if u were born in germany: you get german passport.

friend of mine has german nationality, eventho she has nothing to do with germany. she was just born there
as hitsu said nationality or even birthplace in pass w/o nationality was enough.
revee is from Ireland duh
Russia h8m3 isn't german, I guess you mean Germany humM3L.
United Kingdom griim didn't play for Norway - you're thinking of United Kingdom w3st.

as mentioned by vokki, most of these players actually have lived there, were born there or their parents are originally from that country. all 3 would've allowed them to play for another nation when they attempted to play NC. :P
oh right my bad :P
and yep ofc they had some connections to country but most of them didn't have nationality so technically they were "mercs from other country"

and as I said half of team salvador last year was probably from costa rica :P and there was teams in WC Qualifier(lost) like Kazakhstan and Bosnia which was full of players from whole Europe :D
but when team Poland wanted to have aphesia(who is polish living in NL) in Crossfire NationsCup then admins rejected :P
he was rejected prolly because he played for NL in the past. :P
well first results of search for aea/aphesia + netherlands are from 2010 so 2 years after CFNC but I dunno who played in 2006 because most of matches dont have linaups but
so it looks like he made his debut for Netherlands 2 years after CF NC :P

anyway Poland reached top2 w/o aphesia and FF players(except wiesiek)
I played for team BR, just because i wanted to.
hungary return !
Nice news! Portugal will be there for sure.
Depedendo de quem quiser jogar, sendo 3on3. Secalhar ainda dá pra fazer 3 equipas.
I'd probably wait for this to have the features you need to host the cup via CG so you can use their AC.

That's basically what we're waiting for; do you have any idea if it's in any priority?
Not really sure myself but timbo's comment below!
Good luck who are still playing :)
ensam doNka & me ready to roll :)
squall olbaa pittysku ultimate fin l-u
Nice initiative.
Might play if hosted by Cybergamer. Nations that can't field 3 players shouldn't be allowed to play image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcT6lhatCo0_X70ontCXXVDJRM5H3YFNoTjRZ8StFEei1SwURpmx0A
Quote by Jonn
Hi Tim,

Unfortunately the anti-cheat works by sending the data to CG related match IDs only. If you enter in a match ID that does not exist no information will be sent, thus effectively rendering the anti-cheat useless.

However, I shall pass this issue onto our developer who, if all going well, should be able to have this platform up and running within the next few days. If your tournament can wait, we would love to be your host.



CG EU Site Admin

There is a 2 week sign-up time now. We hope by then that they have fixed their event features, which would mean we can host this World Cup using their AntiCheat.
waiting for rtcw 3on3/6o6 nationcup
2 nederlandse spelers nodig /q kApotji in #mAlibu.et
Austria gonna play :)
might be avi, will need a few games to roll again! :[
razz is probably pumped
only one team to playoffs and then you need to be fucking famous to even be picked in top 3? so this is great for all shit nations but if you're from nation with bit of depth then you're out of luck.
will you please allow north american teams rather than just usa/ca/mexico. Would be nice to bring descent to this touranament
Orrrrrr you could try winning some 3on3s without Canada anim and Iceland phyzic carrying you!
literally this^
Midas, rico, biggz

Izi win
No dongo no win
+1 but he is a massive BF4 noob now!
there are heaps of other players (active or not) that are way better than me :p
Grand final:
Sweden Sweden 4-2 Netherlands Netherlands
Saturday, May 24th, 2008, 18:30 CET
(subject to confirmation from the teams)

Sweden : alexL jonas NuggaN (savage crajsor)
Netherlands : spho, modus, perfo (LavOd)
Maps: Special Delivery & Supply Depot

Maybe a comeback and defend our title :D :P
Finland won the latest 3on3 World Cup, but don't think that the same lineup is going to participate so someone else needs to step up :P
Dont think we played the last one then :D
Yeah it was in 2012 hosted by ESL and I don't think that Sweden participated at all
We have all been off for a while :P
Saw that the one we won was back in 2008 haha
I played the final!!
suck my dick nooooooob
might be back for this if some France nerds want to
go les 3f :D
get un 3rd, et bind une touche pour te gib
kazim est dispo
taggle dick

oui monsieur l'admin
ok tonton mowgli :D
yokoo didi kartez snatix an7ho
is this like the paralympics of ET?
if rezhni participates, then yes.
dont make fun of rezhni, it aint easy for him
feel free to join the paralympics fatty :')
jackie and his wheelchair punchlines would be the closest this got to being the paralympics
nerd ass swedens team gonna study this tournaments rulebook so hard in order to secure a FF win by any means neccesary. Also, that fat slob bottom feeder weslann got caught cheating?
very mad, so much mad
''world cup'' :D
Where's the pun? I can't seem to find it
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