3on3 World Cup: Qualifier

The 3on3 World Cup is an initiative by gentleMen eSports to crown the Wolfenstein Enemy Territory champions. The qualifier and playoffs stage are being held online with the Grand Final taking place in April of 2014. The winning team will be crowned the 3on3 World Cup winners. 23 teams from North America, South America, Europe and Australia will be measuring up at the World Cup Playoffs after having qualified through their regional competitions.

image: 9pxu6s_th

gentleMen eSports proudly presents

Qualified Teams

Austria Team Austria
image: 84_1265045086

Austria DrLagAlot
Austria DonMatthias
Austria jaN
Austria Scorch

Canada Team Canada
image: 110_1297438671

Canada anim
Canada CrimZon
Canada Empty
Canada monkey
Canada Tomun

Chile Team Chile
image: 111_1265038769

Chile Adoeuken
Chile hanS
Chile nArcox
Chile Switer

Columbia Team Colombia
image: 4496_1297438989

Columbia David
Columbia Paper
Columbia torM

Estonia Team Estonia
image: 88_1265045042

Estonia MCLEOd
Estonia subbi
Estonia yEnch

Iceland Team Iceland
image: 112_1265044442

Iceland Fifty
Iceland j3zt0r
Iceland phyzic
Iceland rNz

Israel Team Israel
image: 94_1265044478

Israel destiny
Israel FrAgOn
Israel justice
Israel Matan
Israel RenegAde

Portugal Team Portugal
image: 100_1265041371

Portugal azerty
Portugal muntarii
Portugal R0th
Portugal sensez
Portugal setuper

Sweden Team Sweden
image: 104_1233015052

Sweden alexL
Sweden jonas
Sweden NuggaN
Sweden sAvage

Switzerland Team Switzerland
image: 105_1265044668

Switzerland Aquila
Switzerland GirlzJE
Switzerland olmp
Switzerland TAu

Nation Qualifiers

Belgium Belgium
Czech Republic Czech Republic
Finland Finland
France France
Germany Germany
Hungary Hungary
Netherlands The Netherlands
Poland Poland
Romania Romania
United Kingdom United Kingdom
United States of America USA

Qualifier Stage

During a period of 2 to 3 weeks all of the Nation Qualifiers matches will be covered. All these matches will be added to GamesTV.org and all players will be using CyberGamer AntiCheat. Nations that have 4 or less sign-ups will use the Round Robin and nations that have more than 4 sign-ups will be using a Double Elimination One Day Cup.

CyberGamer Tournament:
You can find all brackets and groups via this URL: http://eu.cybergamer.com/event/4211/gMen-3on3-World-Cup/extended/

Please keep in mind that some brackets might still change, so be patient for one of the admins to add your matches. If the scheduled match does not fit in your schedule, please contact an admin with another proposal.

Maplist (=CG 3on3 maplist):

Every match each team picks their map from the mappool

If you have any questions regarding this stage, please contact an admin.

Belgium Kenzi
Netherlands timbolina

image: barlogo #gMen
many teams
such event
very success
If there is so much time reserved for the qualifiers, does it really need to be odc for the nations that have more than 4 signups?
Not really, we could spread this out for nations like Poland and Finland too. But this would mean Finnish and Polish teams would have to play more often than other teams.
WP mate! Nice organization
whats the maplist
supply and deli
Since this tournament is hosted through CyberGamer, we will be using their 3on3 ladder rules (so also the same maplist).
and what bo3 and both teams choose map for each game?
Yes, bo3. Each teamcaptain pms the admin before the start of the match with the map they'd like to play.
remove ufo and deliv and we will actually have interesting matches
Thats actually a lot of teams for a "dead"(as some people call it) game.
would be nice if you guyz could add a rule before it all starts about neutral servers for matches between european and american teams, so there is no surprises and no whining about ping issues !
something something like they do in rtcw cups one map in american serv, one map in euro server.
Yea don't worry we got everything covered.
So basically you use a site of CyberGamer org for all the brackets, teams&players' accounts etc, as well as their AntiCheat which is the most crucial thing here, so pretty much everything is on CG, but you don't even mention their name in the cup name, not even a logo of CG or their IRC channel was given. Instead of this you redirect people to some gMen esports webstie/irc channel, an org that is nothing compared to CG, and only give a link to CG-brackets, a link that ain't even working tbh. Just saying, but hey you are the TIMBOLINA you know better. :D
that's exactly the kind of reply I expected from a guy who is a head-admin of this event, keep up the amazing work!
Thanks. This amazing work already seems better than your amazing 3on3 nations cup.

Please, stop embarrassing yourself. Im lolling at all your upset comments on every post. Ill be waiting for your next reply! -xxx-
you really wanna look cool with comparing my attempt to organise 3o3 nc to yours? xD
now let's get the facts straight because I see you are another person who likes to come back to this.

I'm wondering if you got more signups than my 17 or 18 nations [(~ 33 teams) with few more to come if I extended signups phase a little] in April when at the same time people where already busy participating in:
- 6on6 Clanbase NationsCup
- 6on6 Crossfire ET Spring Cup
- 6on6 Clanbase EuroCup
- 6on6 Clanbase OpenCup
- 3on3 Clanbase OpenCup

Of course I could just run another competition at the same time, with disappointing (at least for me) amount of signups, but I decided I wouldn't do this. that was my call realizing that with so many competitions being played my 3on3 nc could just fail (drop outs, delays, summer holidays just behind the corner), happens.

Where on the other hand we got 0 compeition run when you announce your 3on3 World Cup, when there is not even an annual 6on6 Nations Cup, for what people were basically waiting.

so let's say it's a bit silly to brag about it, but hey what else can you say if you don't really have much to say in general.

here you are, another upset post. hf @ lolling
Not going to read it, because you're intending to flame me for no reason.
Nice work all round but it is a valid point, you should formally credit the site you are hosting the cup on (especially considering the service is free).
I asked them about a banner/logo they wish to be used on all gtv matches. Got no response yet. I'll pm them again.

Thanks for noticing though.
Ill just wait for their reply what they prefer and additional links they'd like to promote. :P
Man such a wall of text :D
must be difficult to see all that since you dont know how to read

Sometimes I wonder, when will your period end? All the blood...
had the same in mind actually
got nothing against them but ur totally right, and hes still doing his troll-yoloswagdogge attitude

Nice banner on gtv tbf
good work kenzi, timbolina and fanatic keep it going on.

always good to read
gl friends make me proud!!

How do you use cgac for the qualifiers? What do you put for matchid and how will you know if other players are using it with no matchpage?
fifty playing WC once again?

gogo fifty gogo!
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