The final defeat

Tonight the ET-section of the Norwegian multigaming clan Instant Defeat announced their retirement. It was the clan that during the spring and summer set their mark on the European Enemy Territory scene. The highest point might have been when they placed second in their group in the toFOUR, only defeated by splashDamage; they were however stopped in the quarterfinal by Kreaturen.

When the invitations for this season of ClanBase EuroCup was announced, was amongst the 8 clans who got a direct invitation to the V.I.P. room.

The final lineup of was:
Germany meTal
Germany biqq
Germany viol
Germany evil
Germany porno
Germany drago

I got a hold of biqq for a short interview about the decision and the future of the team, here is a short copy/paste of that interview:
QuoteSo even though many might think this, it had nothing to with the fact that you lost your 3 matches in the EuroCup?
No of course not. We all have a life behind the game and some the members are almost 30 years old, and this is the time where they think about a life without computer.

You can read the entire interview over at
- Instant Defeat
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