CG EU ET Season 1: Divisions

After receiving nearly eighty signups in less than two weeks, the CyberGamer EU ET Season 1 3on3 & 6on6 league divisions are now online! Both leagues officially start on Monday the 10th of March.

image: 81XpmVt

ET 6on6 League

In the 6on6 league, thirty teams will compete in five divisions of six teams each. Four teams from each division will advance to the next stage of the cup to play versus each other in a double-elimination tournament.

Division 1

Division 2

Division 3

Division 4

Division 5

ET 3on3 League

In the 3on3 league, fourty-eight teams will compete in eight divisions of six teams each. Four teams from each division will advance to the next stage of the cup to play versus each other in a double-elimination tournament.

Division 1

Division 2

Division 3

Division 4

Division 5

Division 6

Division 7

Division 8

General Information

As explained in my previous newpost, the first stage of CG EU ET Season 1 will be run as a league. Matches are played round robin style, meaning that in each division all teams play versus each other once.

All games must be scheduled in advance. On the Thursday of each matchweek, unscheduled matches will be forced to the end of the matchweek (Sunday or Monday).

Each team has 1 wildcard which can be used to cancel a scheduled match for any reason. Wildcards can only be used before the official match time.

Teams are free to play their games at an earlier or later date if both teams agree, but all league matches must be played by Monday the 21st of April - no exceptions!

In the league stage, maps are forced (see below). More information about challenging and such will come soon.

All Division 1 matches must be played on ETTV.


First Matchweek: Monday, 10th of March - Monday, 17th of March
(6on6: adlernest / radar, 3on3: frostbite / sw_goldrush_te)

Second Matchweek: Monday, 17th of March - Monday, 24th of March
(6on6: bremen_b3 / supply, 3on3: adlernest / et_ice)

Third Matchweek: Monday, 24th of March - Monday, 31st of March
(6on6: missile_b3 / sw_goldrush_te, 3on3: sp_delivery_te / supply)

Fourth Matchweek: Monday, 31st of March - Monday, 7th of April
(6on6: radar / supply, 3on3: adlernest / sw_goldrush_te)

Fifth Matchweek: Monday, 7th of April - Monday, 14th of April
(6on6: bremen_b3 / sw_goldrush_te, 3on3: frostbite / supply)




Please keep in mind that these divisions are not yet final. We reserve the right to edit them in any way for any reason, and as always we will allow teams to swap with each other if requested.

If you'd like to swap divisions, first find another team with whom you could trade places. Both team captains must then provide us with links to each team and explain where you'd like to swap to and from. You may either leave a comment below or send Poland szczurek, Canada embarrassed, or myself a PM here or on IRC with all information.

Swaps can be made until Sunday the 9th at 23:59 CET.

Also, we may accept some late signups if any teams drop out. Please let us know if either your team will drop out or if you'd still like to sign up for Season 1!

Finally, please make sure all of your players have been added to your team. This should be done by the start of the first matchweek.

Thanks and good luck!

CG EU ET Season 1 Recruitment

CG EU ET 6on6 League
CG EU ET 3on3 League
craze @ 2nd turbot @ 1st

what is this?
QuoteIf you'd like to swap divisions, first find another team with whom you could trade places. Both team captains must then provide us with links to each team and explain where you'd like to swap to and from.
who r they? :O or just trolling around again?
2nd @ 6on6 ladder
great work!
Quite surprised by the ammount of teams who signed up! Mostly in 3on3

Good job. Groups looks fine aswell

PS : what swani said :s
we have williams, we can easily handle 2nd divison, but ok 3rd will be fine aswell LOL
williams' place is in 5th tbh, hf carrying him
I like him, so I really have fun doing that :D
There is currently an open spot in Division 2 if you guys really want it.
Will ask today when we're praccing
One of you need to idle #LIKEABOSS for information about the ODC that you're signed up for.
gj ohurcool
so many teams, good job
Wat, wise-guys AND echeloN? The latter with no one but Elviss in it? :P Are you certain both teams will field a lineup? Also not sure if TAG should be 2nd division this time around, they have a much stronger lineup, than the last OC/EC season, afaik.

Good job though, didn't think we'd get this many signups, though still sad fin6 decided to be angsting :(
Elviss told me three days ago that he plans to play with cymky, SkyLine, w1lko, etc. in the 6on6 league, but who knows.

TAG doesn't seem to prefer being in the first division in cups for some reason, and we can only go on the lineups listed at CG for "inactive" teams unless someone specifically informs us otherwise.
charism div3

TAG 2nd division :O
30stmars should be 1st div, echelon 2nd imo! further it looks cool!
Depends who plays for echelon, stexx lukey elviss > any 30stm lineup if they are in shape.
wat? xDDD you dont even trust yourself man stfu :P
tbh when they were in shape I doubt you even played etpro competitive :D and yes, im serious. (dunno how good stexx lukey elvis are nowadays and dont really care at all)
Europe ChAos looking for 1/2 higher leagues on 6o6 since we changed some players.
Netherlands HTF Willing to swap from 4th to 5/6th in 3o3
Contact me here.

Goodjob btw =)
Moved to Division 4 in the 6on6 league since we currently have an open spot.
Poland best 3o3 country
Brudii is currently 8th division but we would like to swap to the 6th or 5th division.

Contact me here if you are willing to swap :)
why not pm aniky? and maybe cwel soldiers will manage to play some games now that they can use roox officially wants to swap from 2nd division (3on3) to 3rd division, if any third league team interestead reply to me in this topic.
What the fuck, second Division? oO
Im sure we went there cause we won against turbot...
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