(Re-)Introducing the 2on2 Ladder

During the past few weeks, we've been asked several times about the possibility of bringing the 2on2 format to ET on CyberGamer EU. It was on our to-do list from the beginning, and now that our first cup season has kicked off and mostly everyone is familiar with the website, we have decided to fulfill your request.

So without further ado, say hello to the new CyberGamer EU ET 2on2 Ladder!

image: 81XpmVt

This new ladder will operate in pretty much the same way as the other two. The maplist is very similar to the ET 3on3 Ladder maplist except for one small difference: et_ufo_final has been replaced with tc_base.

CG EU ET 2on2 Ladder Maplist
  • adlernest
  • braundorf_b4
  • erdenberg_t1
  • et_beach
  • et_ice
  • frostbite
  • sp_delivery_te
  • supply
  • sw_goldrush_te
  • tc_base
image: LIqvicD
Since this is a brand new ladder, you will have to create a new team if you'd like to join and play. Simply click Create Team at the top of the ladder page or via the GAMES dropdown menu and make sure you've selected "Enemy Territory (2on2)". Your team will be automatically added to the ladder, and you will be free to challenge other teams as soon as you have enough players. Please read the rules carefully before playing.

As always, feel free to leave a comment below or visit us on IRC if you have any questions or suggestions.


ET 6on6 Ladder - ET 6on6 League - ET 3on3 Ladder - ET 3on3 League - ET 2on2 Ladder

KaTze, pm me and lets roll dis shit
Good :)
Nice one :-)
vokki q me
Gj guys.
rakji q me
somone q me

2on2 offi /q me
2on2 ... because 3on3 wasnt already boring enough
Tcbase awesome!

Letsgo esaihC chilax
Letsgo esanmY yasmin

You obviously have no understanding of ET whatsoever if you think tc base is a good map.
ufo? :(
Was considered but doesnt work out well in 2v2s.. base is working better as a 2v2 map. erdenberg will most likely to be removed also and replaced with some other. (hopefully) Why do I know of this? I was the one planning this with the guy who actually started this and pm'd ohurcool about it.
erdenberg should stay, perfectly balanced and underrated map
cant agree more to this!
not perfectly for 2v2 imo - in a way even ufo is better map for 2v2. erden works fine in 3v3 tho
What caej said, and we have some experience in 2on2 (eventho we suck in ET!)
where you hiding!!
We aren't removing erdenberg, not sure where you got that from.
Well I guess I must point out the facts on a server where I actually prove why it doesn't work out in 2v2s. Avi at some point?
I don't think that's necessary. :P
:D indeed they should remove erdenberg
Not gonna happen I guess. People like it in 2v2s I heard!
Your opinion doesnt count cause..

you are a french
you like camping/hunting/guessing/playing rambo and relying in lotto!
All your points are valid. I don't have anything else to say. Sorry
You shouldn't remove erdenberg, but hey, if it has to go then I respect your decision.
no ctf_multi, no Germany niSmO and United Kingdom nicon superteam
soossi q me, it's time to make your comeback!
Am i going to be able to search a 2on2 offi in new Kalli's IRC channel? ZHEHE
Great news, just remove erdenberg, it ain't good for 2on2.

devix comeback!
what breaks the map?
Obviously everything after 1st stage
too hard to defend or too hard to attack?
the_station? :(
  • CTF_Multi2
  • goldendunk_a2
  • mp_sillyctf
  • tournementdm2 (just because it has the CB logo)
  • That one map that used to be played in 2on2 where you had to return kegs of beer, bottles of wine or something along those lines
QuoteThat one map that used to be played in 2on2 where you had to return kegs of beer, bottles of wine or something along those lines

beer run? :P

No, it was some an indoor arena with lots of little buildings used as elevation. It might have been an RtCW map, I'm not even sure anymore.

Edit: Prolly this one - http://www.gamefront.com/files/833924/Booze
Might as well just turn it into death match with such a shit map list. Can't believe people still believe in lottobase after all these years.
Tell us more about how much you dislike the maplist of a 2on2 ladder for a game you don't play.
Don't worry there will be more cynicism from me. I'm sure your efforts are much appreciated by some of the good people that still play this game.
'Even grumpier old men', starring Roach.
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