RTCW: The Reich Strikes Back!

image: blackcuplogo

"A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away..."

Nope! It is going to happen again right here and right now! We are happy to announce the upcoming Return to Castle Wolfenstein Cup: The Reich Strikes Back and see as many teams as possible whambamshazam eachother on the battlefield.

With the RtCW Alliance Cup being a success, the people behind the cup have decided to host another edition. This time your adminteam will be Netherlands bully ,United States of America Virus047, United States of America Gut, United Kingdom Lasher and Netherlands adeto. They will do their very best to create another great tournament and an as joyfull as possible experience for teams, players and ofcourse the loyal viewers over at WarWitchTV!

As in the previous tournament, we will start off with a group stage. Aiming for sixteen teams, we will have four groups of four, one of which will hold the North American teams. Unlike the previous tournament though, we have decided to have forced maps during the groups. This way we can see all maps of the pool being played, instead of good old Village and Ice all the time. This is where we take the jump to the schedule, as that will also reveal the maps for each matchweek!



Signups open! Signing up is easy, simply message an admin with your teamname, teamcaptain and roster and you're all set! You can find them in #Reich.cup on IRC! You can also PM an admin on www.crossfire.nu or email [email protected] with your roster. Please include your country of origin for team and players please to assist with admins in placing teams into groups.

April 12th:

Last day of signups

April 13th through April 19th:

Group matchweek #1

Maps: Beach & Ice, Frostbite if a decider is needed

April 20th through April 26th:

Group matchweek #2

Maps: Frostbite & Base, Village if a decider is needed

April 27th through May 3rd:

Group matchweek #3

Maps: Village & Assault, UFO if a decider is needed

May 4th through May 17th:

Catch up & Wildcard Dates

We have given ourselves two weeks of extra time for delays and any matches that have still have to be played at this time. These weeks also give us some flexibility if we have larger groups than four!

May 18th - To be determined

Playoff stage

We aim to start the playoffs in this week and are giving ourselves and the teams some flexibility by not fully scheduling from this point. More dates will be announced as the tournament reveals itself.


Now to the rules, we took a good look at the rules again with last tournament in mind and some rules have changed. Some changes have been made to the serverconfig aswell: cg_shadows is now forced to 0, cg_autoaction is now forced to 7 and pmove_fixed is forced to 0 aswell. We highly recommend teamcaptains and players to check the new rulepages and if they have any questions, or suggestions, to message an admin. A big thing we want to put out there as an admin team, is that the rules are only there to fall back to if trouble occurs and we hope teams and players can find solutions together where possible!

For now we have said all that we want to say, if there are any questions feel free to message one of the admins on irc, ask them for a talk on teamspeak or message Virus047 at: [email protected] as he is our rules expert and will most likely be able to answer most questions!

image: banner
:D gl hf lads
Nice guys :) Hope it goes well. Bit over no antilag on OSP otherwise aussies would prob enter a team!
Good luck friends.
good luck;)
bloody hell cant wait! massive good luck!
love to watch RTCW when WarWitch is streaming :)) -> will he be streaming it?!
Why did you use "bloody" and "massive" in those sentences?
H3ll cant wait for this
why is h3ll bloody though
Yes ! I say Yes !
Where is my 50€ from last cup
I want to believe
Can't be bothered to look up the last cup but:
You won that?

e: I mean an RTCW cup?
He hasnt won anything oLGaa m8, the final is being played this sunday 30th raw vs phase 21CET, phase comes from LB, so will see how long the game will be.

btw hows it going long lost brotha?
there you go. Swani winning is like me playing in EC xD
But don't get me wrong, swani, I wish you all the best and good luck for this.

I stopped playing after last lan, so I get rolled from time to time in pubs by doublejumpers. I have no time because I started the phd programm last week. playing some dota 2 in the evenings tho :D

how about you, fanboi?
he won consolation
I should make a comeback!

Ohno wait, there's LOL.
Teams can sign up via email to me if they wish: [email protected] We would appreciate you including the flags for each player if possible. Just make sure you mention in the email your signing up for the RTCW Cup so it doesn't get lost in my spam filter! :D
May 18th - To be determined
Playoff stage

Expect delays, then

World Cup: June 12th > July 13th
Summer Break: July 20 > September ~5th

Would be better off scrapping the group stage and making it a double elimination bracket only. Or risk making the same mistakes that you whined at ZeD about (again).
We know that there are other events, hence it says to be determined. For now we want to continue the trend of groups, as even with delays they should be finished before the World Cup, and after that we will see how we advance. If need be and the community 'ditches' because of worldcup and/or summer break we can always do the playoffs after the summer break and have something to look forward to over the summer ;)
...and then the following cup will potentially have christmas in the middle of it again which helped in the delays of the current tournament (which was massively more delayed than ZeD's with less teams). Maybe fix the problem now before anything is really set in stone and the next cup can start in sept/oct rather than nov/dec.

Easiest ways to do that would be straight DE bracket or split the EU and NA tournaments for this edition (brackets will be smaller and you can keep groups)
There is always going to be something interfering/overlapping with cup/things, we've decided we want to have groups and have for the same reasons you are saying chosen to not have the playoffs planned out yet.

This doesn't mean we don't consider the playoffs you are suggesting, we want the community's input and if the majority says 'we would rather have a DE bracket than groups' than we look at again. We have 2 weeks of signups still to talk to people about these things and possible round table with people from the community to which I'm sure you would be invited aswell. But for now, groups as that is what we had last cup and it's what everyone knows :)
Well it's a good move to listen to people this time, the majority of people were saying start the cup after Christmas for the current cup.

QuoteThere is always going to be something interfering/overlapping with cup/things

That is what an admin(s) is there for, to limit the possibilities of problems by scheduling it properly. Open ended schedules will not work, if it was to go the way of the last cup could easily do an 8 team bracket in the 2-3 weeks before the World Cup started, if you scheduled it properly.
http://www.crossfire.nu/news/8158/rtcw-legacy-cup-starts-now - Legacy cup announcement post
The cup starts on 13.05.2013 and ends on 07.07.2013. The final was played on 10.11.13 which is 4 months delay. http://www.gamestv.org/event/44357-one-soldier-vs-kih/

The final for the Alliance cup was suppose to be played on 02.02.2014. The final date set for the final is 30.03.2014. This is around 2 months.
Even when counting the cup's build in 2 weeks break that we took for christmas it’s still not as much.
Legacy Cup faced the same problems you will face in this cup, summer - you also have the World Cup to contend with. Should probably compare it to the cup that happened during the same period,

2012 Anniversary Cup, 23 teams (12 team playoff) - 15/11/2012 to 17/03/2013
Asus Alliance Cup, 16 teams (8 team playoff) - 06/12/2013 to 30/03/2014(?)

Same amount of time, 30% less teams. You'll have less teams this time around as well and start a couple of weeks earlier potentially but unless you have a schedule to finish before the World Cup you'll probably have massive delays. An 8 teams DE bracket can be done 18th May-11th June without any problems.
The definition of delay:

: a situation in which something happens later than it should

You’re talking about massive delays, the dates we had planned out for the games to occur do not fall under the definition of delay since they were scheduled as such.
But your tips will be noted and looked into, thanks for that.
QuoteThe final for the Alliance cup was suppose to be played on 02.02.2014. The final date set for the final is 30.03.2014. This is around 2 months.

Doubling the length of the cup = massive delays. If you are saying you are not making a schedule for the current cup so people cannot say it was delayed...
Seriously, do I have to spell it out specifically. You say "which was massively more delayed than ZeD's with less teams".
I'm not denying there are delays. You however say it's massively more delayed than zed's, which is false in either cup's occasion.

This is seriously pointless and uninteresting, this is the last comment I make on this subject.
ZeD's first cup was 1month delayed with more teams in groups (5-6 in each group, so more game weeks) and 12 teams in the playoffs (more playoff rounds).

Your cup had twice as much delay with 30% less teams - my comments are quite accurate.
:D first world discussions
I know right, ignore the issue of the schedule and argue that your cup wasn't delayed as much as someone elses - I guess it is mainly due to it being promoted as a cup that would face no delays and would be 'run properly', that didn't go so well eh ;)
I said I wouldn't comment on this anymore but how can I ignore this poop, coming from the site's admin of all people.
If the schedule was planned as such, as in the alliance cup taking more time than zed's cups overall it still does NOT count as delay, since, tada, it was planned that way. People signed up to the cup with that time schedule in mind. I can't help it if zed misjudged his planning to a degree worse than we did, as soon as you call a date for the final to be played then that's the end of your time schedule.
Take any longer than said date, it'll then count as delay.


Zed announces that his grand final will be played on 16.12.2012. Going by your end date of 17.03.2013 this is simply *3 months delay. You can stand on your head and tell me it's not but that won't change the fact that it is.
That was with a hoped for 16 teams, as you can see - 2 teams from each group.

He however got 23 teams, so had 3x6 and 1x5 team groups with 3 qualifying - so the group stage had more match weeks. As this occurred, the tournament hit Christmas and had delays due to this (much like alliance cup, as a lot of people warned back when it was announced.)

The last groupstage week was afaik the first week of January and then the playoffs were marked to finish halfway through February (12 teams) and finished 1 month later.

You played ZeD's tournament so I guess you just forgot this.
Holy fuck guys stop being so serious about this fucking shit
i hardly admined in that alliance cup so i wouldn't call it my cup :D but i agree with most of the stuff i have read here by you. But do note that delays are mostly just caused by teams, not admins. It is normal that the anni cup should have the least delays cause it was the most active cup
Sure, most teams were much more motivated to play their games for that one I whole-heatedly agree.

But, ZeD made scheduling mistakes which he can be forgiven for a bit more as it was the first time round. (Christmas & Summer for instance, big mistakes for sure).

Better to learn from those mistakes though, especially as all(?) of the current admin team played in those tournaments.
indeed and that's why a de 8 team playoff system would be the best thing to do right now, cause i'm tired of these cups being constantly delayed cause of summer/xmas break for almost 2 years now. Just let em start in september and january/february instead of november & april/may (if they are big)
Could even do a 16 team bracket at this point without a problem. This tournament has the ability to continue the ongoing scheduling problem or fix it.
doubt we'll get 16 teams
Its good how they aim the cup! The players need something they can look forward to it. Even with delays it would be better than reducing the cup or something like that. Also i think that the world cup shouldnt be a problem. When the games will take place we have about 14 oclock in europe. And rtcw is most active from 6pm. :)

Sorry. Not 14 oclock, but brazil is in a different time zone, so i dont think the games will take place at 20-22 oclock CET

games are 17-23CET generally it seems with a lot of games at 21CET, which is pretty much the key time I guess.
RTCW officials are played 99% between 20-22CET. this will most likely collide with WC games, and I've played with many people in teams who've ditched pracs and rescheduled offis just to watch those matches.
this :) i would have loved a 8 teams nationscup double eli tbh :(

edit to zeh cupadmins: horrible schedule, just make it double eli! doubt you'll even finish all groupmatches before the summer of doom break
I will come back online for this :O.
So I generally don't do things like this but I'm fairly certain most North American teams don't have any issues when it comes to the World Cup games interfering with playing RTCW Matches. That being said teams in the EU where I believe the WC games will be more impactful need to understand when we set up this schedule we are assuming teams who sign up for this cup and players on those teams have priorities. If you want to play in this cup. Then you want to play in this cup. Not watch World Cup matches. That being said.... we've given teams 7 days to schedule a match. That is right around 168 hours where your team needs to organize 6 players on your team and 6 players on the other team to arrive at the same server for around 1 or 2 hours to play a RTCW match. I don't see how its that difficult to handle that. I'm a sport fan as much as anyone and I have priorities and values that I follow and everyone is entitled to do what they want. I tell my teammates and my players on my own team the same thing I'm going to tell you. If you can't make it for a match that your signing up for then you most likely shouldn't expect the rest of your team to wait for you to play a match or delay the match because of that. You as a team captain can recruit more players on your roster than the minimum requirement needed for a match (IE: 6). Its one of the reasons I have 12+ generally every cup so I can keep playing matches without needing to delay because someone can't attend for whatever reason. Priorities people. Priorities. Again the NA won't have any issues with World Cup matches delaying our group stage teams completing all our matches in the required time. Which is why during the Alliance Cup NA completed our group stage almost faster than any other group. :)

That being said I know I speak for the whole admin staff that we've worked hard to make this cup as enjoyable as possible. We've tried to plan for everything (hense our rules set being more comprehensive). Our admins are all human like everyone else and know mistakes will happen. We know delays are unavoidable. Even the best schedule can have delays. We know not everyone is going to be happy with our decisions. We can't avoid that. We all know this is a fact of life and a fact of being an admin for an online gaming league or tournament. We accept these risks and more by taking the role as an admin. We will do our best to complete this cup on time and make the best possible decisions for the community based on the facts at hand. GL HF!
idd. I think same like you.
also i want to say that the community shouldn't discuss so much about organization. we should just PLAY this great game.
discussions slows down everything related to rtcw. Let's sign up for this Cup and the 3on3 Cup and Play as many games as possible and we all will be happy :D
Speaking for myself here (not for the rest of admin crew), but I don't see the big deal with the scheduling. if you are a huge soccer fan AND rtcw player...well, you can do 1 of two things. Either sign up and play, maybe we have a delay or two here and there, whatever...no big deal. Or do not sign up at all, and maybe we only have 8 or 10 teams playing...whatever. We'll have fun with our 8 or 10 teams and call it that.

Everybody crack a cold one and chilllllllll out! :p
Delays don't bother me much anymore now that we invented the 6v6 pickup viewer cups on Sundays when that happens. Whatever happens, we'll have fun doing it.
If games will not be rescheduled as it happend in cups before then everything will go faster :)
Very nice ! Good Luck
Thouhgt we agreed to have sticky till signups close. Who removed it and why? :P
probably merl!!!!!!!
lolz :D dafok merl? gj adeto/bully etc :) look forward to playing this =)
gl everyone! looking forward to the streaming :-)
I'm available. Terms and conditions apply. Hit me on IRC (/q ScarZy)
I'm avi. Contact me on IRC
I'm sorry but can the admins please get on one level on this? Every morning I check CF and I see we got our sticky back, and hour later it's been removed :D No offense to the other topics, but this tournament which is one of the main tournaments on the site is being pushed down by an april fools joke and an trickjump server advertisement :/

All we asked for is sticky till signups close so we can get maximum amount of coverage and people can read where to sign up....
When has a cup announcement ever been stickied (since CF4, at least) for the entire time signups are open? :P
I believe the issue is its not that it is stickied but it isn't even on the main page or second page. Its only on the right hand side of the page. Some how posts about ET matches/events posted DAYS before our post was posted are infront of our post...
It is stickied in the "Other News" section: http://www.crossfire.nu/news/index/other/1. Why are you guys making such a big deal out of this? :P

There are other ways of promoting a cup and getting teams to sign up besides stickying the announcement on the front page for two weeks. Have you considered using the journals/forums section to post updates, a recruitment thread, or a list of signups? Or spamming the RtCW-related IRC channels? Or sending PMs to prospective teams and players?
To clarify, we are not the ones making a big deal out of it :P You(admins, not you personally) keep stickying and unstickying. All I asked is why because I was annoyed by it and kept getting this notification that someone edited our(my) newspost.

I know there are other ways, I can spam by posten a reminder news post/journals every other day but that would probably annoy people more than just a sticky so it stays on top. We have actually contacted captains/players from previously playing teams if they were interested ;)
I just think it's a bit unreasonable to expect a newpost to be stickied for the entire signup period, that's all. :P We haven't done that for any other cup in the past few years for neither ET nor RtCW.

Either way, good luck with it!
The boosting rule makes absolutely no sense to me, apart from the fact that boosting was disallowed in any other cup.. ever.

It's rather contradictory, given that:
Quote1. Weapon boosting IS allowed from the following weapons: Nades, Panzers, Air Strikes, Flame Throwers (good luck with that) and Dynos. Any other weapon are off limits from boosting yourself or another player. ...

Clearly states boosting is allowed, however, further down:
QuoteWeapon boosting is NOT allowed if it directly affects the outcome of the match or current round...

How does it... ever not? Anything you ever do in-game is directly related towards the objective, of the game. You're essentially allowing it, then straight up disallowing it. Can you please name any specific instance in which one could boost a teammate, with a panzer, that would be... allowed and non-beneficial towards the game's objective?

It just... doesn't make sense, at all. Either you allow boosting (which, I reckon everyone that ever played RtCW will be against) or you don't.

Admin plz fix
Basically the rule was changed to allow some boosting from the fairly straight forward "NO BOOSTING" rule in place in the previous cups. Main reason was that some boosting was happening by accident in matches last season and some boosting was happening regardless of the very rule that was in place telling people not too and some boosting was happening that takes away some from the spirit of the game. IE: Shooting a guy in the back when he has the docs to attempt to get to transmitter quicker. Those sort of cases are the issues that "directly relate to objectives and thus the outcome of the game" and we want to avoid. It is very true. Every action in game affects the outcome however we wanted to be clear that were not telling teams to NOT Nade boost a teammate over a wall or come up with new ways to utilize the weapons on your character. However we always felt if you and your teammates could come up with ways to creatively boost another teammate over a wall or up on a building then so be it. However we wanted to limit which weapons were avail for you to actually boost with thus the more specific rules on which weapons. And we attempted to be as clear as possible on the rules. We are always improving the wording and phrasing of each rule and are welcome to comments/suggestions on how to make them easier to understand.

But, shooting your teammate in order to speed him up, and shooting your teammate while he's got spawn protection are two entirely different things. The first being a legitimate strategy, as it's a risk inducing action, your teammate takes damage and is therefor more prone to die quickly, where as the latter - which is considered boosting - is what is classed as abuse and disallowed in first place? It's simple, stick with the rules that have been in effect for the past 10 years...

Boosting, to me, and correct me if I'm mistaken, was always related to the fact that people would abuse spawnshields, which is genuinely the only real way of using heavy weapons (panzers, nades, arstrikes) efficiently enough to boost a person. This is the very thing that is and always has been disallowed, why change the rule? Boosting has nothing to do with a teammate shooting another in the back, as long as said person takes damage from it, it should be perfectly legitimate.
I can understand your confusion, and we've spoken abit about it already. Will let you know if/when we change/revise the wording of this. Thanks for pointing it out!
Oxy! Hey man! The Admin Staff got together the other day and did some discussion on this issue again. We already discussed this issue at length before we even announced the cup and we tried to make the rules as clear cut as possible to cover all the situations. Upon more review and more discussion we've decided to make a change... hopefully this suits the community better. :)

Quote1. Weapon boosting is forbidden. But, if boosting occurs by accident it will be tolerated. However if a team feels that a "supposedly" accidental boost was not accidental at all they can contact the admins which will then review the case. The admins will base the consequences on the conditions of the event. Furthermore, besides further consequences the standard procedure dictates that the player who committed the act of intentional boosting will not be allowed to play the next game.
Good luck with the cup guys, I'm sure it will be a roaring success.
What the .... Are the admins taking crack cocaine or something? What bullshit rules are these, just sort the fucking rules out dont want another failure of a cup BULLY should retire because he is just full of shit end of bye
Speaking of cocaine, take another snort while you're at it.
I stand 100% by the decision I've made in regards to our match. Actually I haven't even made a decision for that, playing twice was how it was originally intended to be played since phase came from the loser bracket. I can't help it if solutions were being a created by people who weren't part of the admin team (or had spoken to an admin and/or raw to get more sides to a story) to a problem that didn't exist in the first place. I admit there was confusion from all parties involved, but in the end of the day raw had not agreed to play sunday the 16th. Had raw agreed then it would have been a good option to forfeit the first game, I've also personally pointed out the following to nait two days in advance: in the case we had agreed to play that sunday then you could take a forfeit or force us to play with a merc(impossible in retrospect since we had 3 people online). That turned out not to be so, thus no forfeit. You don't even have a fucking clue what I had going on in my personal life at that moment either. I tried to plan this game whilst a relative who was very dear to me was on his deathbed and finally died as well. Do you think I was properly informed on everything related to the cup? The cup was the last thing on my mind, the only reason I did it was because malmen went on vacation and he asked me to take over. Looking back at it I don't even know why I accepted his request, but I did. I probably should have said fuck it and just let what had remained from the cup since all that drama with playa rot as well.
Atleast state what you're so 'What the....' about :P Then I/we can look at it and see if it has to be changed.
such constructive feedback, thanks for your input
Do not recommend.
What are you not recommending there dash?
Just make another team Ry. NA could always use another one.
avi for this cup.
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