Crossfire RTCW 3on3 Championship

image: logo
Sign Ups Open, Close 17th April

Now that the Alliance Cup has finished the sign ups are now open for the 3on3 tournament previously promised to the RTCW scene in our initial Spring series announcement. This tournament is mainly aimed at the best players in RTCW as there are only 6 available team slots, however, if we get enough sign ups we could open the competition up to a second division. The cups aim is to start 28th April 2014 and finish 5th June 2014 with the match days being Monday-Thursday exclusively allowing teams to play possible 6on6 match ups on Sundays in the Reich tournament. If you cannot play midweek games, do not sign up.

How to sign up?
To sign up please message myself here on Crossfire or on Quakenet IRC, #crossfire, your 3-4 man lineup. please understand that the maximum amount of players your team can have is 4 and that you cannot replace players mid tournament - however if you only have 3 players in your lineup you can add a player, who is not on another roster, to your own at any stage. Also note that mercs will not be allowed at any time during the tournament. Sign ups close 17th of April to allow for team buying, fantasy league setup and fixture setup.

Note: You don't have to pay to play in the tournament.

Extra Details
We are doing a test run in this small version of the tournament of a way to raise money for prizes as well as involve people in the community and add a bit of fun to the whole experience. Once we have our 6 teams people will have the opportunity to 'buy' a lineup for a set fee (initially we said a minimum of €30 but it will be closer to €10 in this test run) with team owners having the option to name their team as well as provide logos (or ideas for logos that can be produced for the team). More news on this to follow, as said, once we have our 6 teams.

There will also be a fantasy league where anyone in the community can pick their 'dream team' and score points based on those players performances. There will be a prize for this, which will be announced once fantasy submissions open.

Planned Schedule: LINK
In Progress Rules: LINK
Cup Webpage: RTCWCUP.COM

Massive thanks to malmen who has worked a lot on the cup page for this tournament as well as others.
Pretty awesome, will buy a team
Easy for FinlandStatti, Finlandvokki & FinlandSwanidius
are you good at aiming?
Nice effort Good luck!
nice idea with the moneything...hope it works out for the teams&prizes
Nice will sign up :D
Yesss do thiss
OMG I want to play again
#rtcw.wars gogogo
I'm buying a team FOR SURE! Excited to cast this :)
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