CG EU ET Season 1: Fifth Matchweek

The fifth matchweek of CyberGamer EU ET Season 1 will be coming to an end on Monday. All unscheduled matches have been forced, so here's a preview of a few more upcoming 3on3 & 6on6 games!

image: 81XpmVt

This is the last official matchweek of the league stage. There will be a wildcard week directly following this one, during which any remaining games are to be played. All matches must be finished by Monday, the 21st of April.

This week's maps are bremen_b3 & sw_goldrush_te (6on6) and frostbite & supply (3on3). Let's take a look at some of the matches being played on Sunday and Monday!

3on3 League

This Sunday, Poland bacardi and France TEAM-PHASE will meet for the very first time. phase is currently undefeated in both the 3on3 league and ladder, so this may seem like another easy win for them. However, bacardi is probably one of the only teams capable of adding a loss to their record. Tune in at 19:00 CET to see what happens!

Poland bacardi

Poland sw1ruz
Poland upload
Poland wassabi
image: game47376
ET 3on3 League
Division 1
France phase

Latvia Clown
Iceland phyzic
United Kingdom razz

image: eiKtUtG

Tune in at 20:30 CET on Sunday to Romania 30 Seconds to Mars vs Estonia yolo in 3on3 Division 2!

Romania 30stm

Romania Damon
Netherlands GiZmO
France yokoo
image: game47317
ET 3on3 League
Division 2
Estonia yolo

Estonia hkz
Finland lEku
Estonia sCope

6on6 League

At 21:00 CET on Sunday, Finland TURBOAPINAT versus Poland wiSe guys will be played. This match will very likely determine which team advances to the tournament stage of the cup and which team is left behind. Both of them only have one win so far - tune in to find out who wins another!

Finland turbot

Finland Juuti
Finland kolibri
Finland olBaa
Finland Swanidius
Finland vokki
Finland walle
image: game47368
ET 6on6 League
Division 1
Poland wiSe

Poland Abject
Poland fanatic
Poland hunter
Poland palemki
Poland ridji
Poland zMk

image: eiKtUtG

Another game being played at 21:00 CET on Sunday involves two of the best teams in the game at the moment. It's Europe Serious Incident Called Karma vs France TEAM-PHASE, casted by the one and only United Kingdom TosspoT! Both of these teams are currently undefeated and will surely provide the viewers with a good game. Tune in!

EDIT: Wildcard from sick6!

Europe sick6

Finland Iron
Sweden NuggaN
Germany Oxy
Netherlands SQuid
Germany sTOWNAGE
Finland twidi
image: game47377
ET 6on6 League
Division 1
France phase

Latvia Clown
United Kingdom crumbs
Slovakia filuS
Iceland phyzic
United Kingdom razz
United Kingdom sqzz

This match will be streamed by United Kingdom TosspoT! Watch it live at!

image: eiKtUtG

Tune in at 21:30 CET on Sunday for Europe craze vs United States of America Forward Momentum in 6on6 Division 2!

Europe craze

Germany Ava
Germany Kenji
Czech Republic mnewcko
Turkey symbol
Netherlands Testi
Finland Wrath
image: game47318
ET 6on6 League
Division 2
United States of America )>>(

Canada anim
United States of America detdet
Germany drago
Poland Kirej
Canada monkey
Belgium siL

image: eiKtUtG

On Monday, we'll see Europe and France Pharaons battle it out. PHA hasn't won a single round yet, while eA is currently ranked third in the division. Will the French guys manage to take a map or two from their last opponent this season? Tune in at 21:00 CET to find out!

EDIT: Wildcard from eA!

Europe eA

United Kingdom clarkee
Finland dTEC7
Netherlands esSe
United Kingdom Nips
Finland toNi
Netherlands vANQ
image: game47375
ET 6on6 League
Division 1
France PHA

Belgium aieuh
France Ben
France Bowler
France didi
France KareN
France ReturneR

image: eiKtUtG

Other upcoming matches:

image: game47270 image: game47309 image: game47363 image: game47316 image: game47360 image: game47042 image: game47359 image: game47364 image: game47369 image: game47361

image: eiKtUtG

Please keep in mind that CGAC is mandatory in all matches on CyberGamer EU.

image: GZgeEm3
Thanks and good luck!

CG EU ET 6on6 League
CG EU ET 3on3 League
easy turbot
Dunno if we can play Sunday }x
TosspoT :o! Good job ohurcool!
No United Kingdom TosspoT this week, I'm afraid. sick6 wildcarded!
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