Reflections with TosspoT

"If you call yourself TosspoT for a starter you've got to be able to take yourself that little bit less seriously"

TosspoT has been interviewed in the 27th edition of Thorin's 'Reflection' series. Looking back and talking about the future, the discussion goes from Stuarts start in casting, what the future may hold as well as his opinions on the chances of the influx of casters with the new generation.

"Back in RTCW when it was Warwitch, who was 8,000 times better than I was, I was doing all the summer cups, the OpenCups - I couldn't get the EuroCups - I had to work my way up there."

Full interview can be found over at
Thorin -_-
It's 95% TosspoT
Thank god as well, that Thorin guy is a such a bore..
haha Thorin is the best, his shitstorm on poland that got him kicked out of ems was fucking hilarious
Must've missed that
What an asshole lols
u mad fucking cwel?Island dont have any chance with Poland.If u will come to Poland u can visit Krakow and other Warsaw.......
lol do u really think that this is "hilarious"?:D
I mean im polish and im totally not offended by what he said since its crappy bs, but if that kind of dumb humour is "fucking hilarious" for you, then boy... :D take care of urself
hi guys im hiidin
I love how people got insulted by that crap ;D
Why does Thorin only bring up negative sides. Shit interview
tbh I thought we got some pretty good infos :)
Ye, but in the beginning of the interview it's only negative sides on how people react to shoutcasters. Nice way to begin something.
because thorin is a douchebag
Nice interview! Can't believe I watched the whole thing. :P
Really? You can't believe it?
Can't believe it!
Nice watch although I want Mashed back where art thou!!
he looks like a crack addicted on the thumbnail, they should change it !
my love ;)
Nice interview! TosspoT repping the ET community, good stuff image: ZyTeTB2
why my comment got deleted? too much truth in 2 sentences?
interesting stuff! still waiting for the tosspot & warwitch rtcw cast together!
+1, but :/ tosspot goes for the $$$ not entretaning
not true. he only casts games that a) need him (eg. ET has no casters whilst RTCW has WW every sunday), b) he really enjoys (eg. ET/CS/QL/RTCW/CoD4) and c) fit into his schedule. he has said many times he won't get into casting LoL/DotA2/SC2 etc because they're not his games, he doesn't have passion for them.
now if only thoorin could get down to the bottom of just how much et scarra actually played
he's tweeted a handful of times about looking forward to Extraction and mentioned he used to play ET. :O)

hmm maybe it was New Order and not Extraction
well damn. D:
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