ET All Stars 2014

The Enemy Territory All Stars 2014 is an event where the best players of each European region will form a team to battle against other regions in a most exciting round robin and play-offs.

image: nodf6g

Enemy Territory All Stars 2014


In this stage players are allowed to sign up for their region. Here are the requirements:
- Must have at least 1 EC in the period of 2005-2013;
- Be available during 8 - 15 June.


image: 2qkikcj

- North (Blue);
- East (Red);
- South (Green);
- West (Light blue).

You are only allowed to sign up for the region you live in.

How to sign up?

You can sign up by sending a PM to me with the following information:
- Nickname;
- Teams you played or are currently playing for;
- Captain: YES/NO.

Election stage:

I will pick the four captain of each region.

- I will select a total of 15 players from each region based on experience and skill;
- A team can only have 10 players in their line-up;
- The captain will pick 4 players from at least 3 different nations of the total of 15;
- The community can vote for 5 players of the remaning players.

Round Robin

In this stage all the teams will play against each other. The scores of each team will decide their seeding number for the play-offs.


The playoffs stage will be ranked based on seedings from round robin. The matches will be a double elimination best of three. The grand final will be a best of five where the team that came from the upper bracket final have a one map advantage.


21 May - 1 June: Sign up stage;
1 June - 3 June: Voting stage for the players;
5 June: Teams announced;
8 June: Round Robin Semi Final matches (from like 19:00 CET - 23:00 CET);
10 June: Upper bracket final and lower bracket round 1;
12 June: Consolidation final;
15 June: Grand Final.

image: 333fh1h


For the ET All Stars cup CGAC will be mandatory and all matches will be covered through The standard 6on6 mappool will be used. Teams will select their map from the mappool they wish to play in the match.

  • adlernest
  • bremen_b3
  • frostbite
  • karsiah_te2
  • missile_b3
  • radar
  • supply
  • sw_goldrush_te

Prize pool

You can help donate for this edition of the Enemy Territory All Stars. The money donated will go 100% to the prizepool of the ET All Stars.

50% of the money donated;
30% of the money donated;
20% of the money donated.

So for each €10,- each player is awarded:

Please be aware that a line-up consists out of 10 players. The captain can decide whether 6 players get a prize or all 10. The prize each player is given is based on the given percentage of the total amount of donations.

For donations to the prizepool please hit the link below. The donations will be 100% used for the prizepool. Thank you very much for the donations! Please do not forget to include your nickname in the donation message.

image: panel-36977866-image-92b8eaf60962f363-320

Please click this link for an overview of all the amazing people who donated!


If you have any feedback regarding the tournament you are more than welcome to give me this feedback on CrossFire or on IRC.

image: barlogo #gMen
Nice work timbolina! gl to all allstars!
good job timbolina! :) <3
Sup about summer vacation? Sup about people who are skilled won't be picked due friends only team? (e.g. polish captain? - can't wait to see Robaciek this year! :D)

GG WP - still good luck :-)
gl swani
too bad it's such a long lasting tournament, can't commit into anything like that during the summer

gl swani
I was thinking about that too. The problem of doing the tournament completely in 1 week is that most of the people cannot be available on all days.
that's why the teams had 10 player rosters in the previous ET Allstars-events. all matches played within a week or two, and all of the lineup gets to play because no team is able to field the same 6 over their 4 matches. :P

that's another reason for you to pick people who actually are skilled enough to represent their section of europe rather than people who'll just try to get highest dmg with the north/east/south/west tag on (I probably don't need to name any names for you to know it's the same people who'd be trying to get big multikills with their nation's tag on).
A week was already hard to pull in 2011 :x
two is even worse. the less days, the better
obviously, but you just admitted it was tough 3 years ago to pull off. will it even be possible now in a week? we'll see I guess. :O)
I think optimal would be one day, starting a bit earlier and going for bo2 (2:2 scores allowed). Squad rotation still easily doable since this is supposed to be a fun event and less odds of OMG I CAN'T PLAY ON THAT DAY, LET'S PLAY WITH 6 FINTARDS
East (Red) = Poland & Estonia :D
donated half of my monthly salary (2000e) Gl teams participating. Will donate more to future cups.
too bad it's such a long lasting tournament, can't commit into anything like that during the summer

gl vokki
sorry north, summer vacation
Could you please reply to me if, because of the summer holidays, you prefer to have this cup's schedule:

21 May - 1 June: Sign up stage;
1 June - 4 June: Voting stage for the players;
5 June: Teams announced;
8 June: Round Robin Semi Final matches (from like 19:00 CET - 23:00 CET);
10 June: Upper bracket final and lower bracket round 1;
12 June: Consolidation final;
15 June: Grand Final.
Team france + aniky/veruna ? :D
e: emorej karnaj Winghaven , XyLoS , potter , Gunner dabster gifty , Gengis , maxuh and aCozz
switzerland = west europe :P (FRANCE TOO LOLOL)

e: in fact, austria too considering central europe isn't included in et allstars.
Captains should be determined in a transparent, democratic process.
Draw from a hat?
Crossfire polls.

image: P91LU7d
Let's go to the mall.
gj timbolina
I was always the 20th backup for belgium! I APPLY WEST
Great job. Will be cool
gl testi
If south needs a true colonel leading them to victory I can satisfy your demand.
phyzic,nuggan,ton1,squall,olba and fuchs and its gg
a) ton1 =! toNi
b) lol @ fuchs
c) north will be 4 Finns + nuggan & phyzic (depending on rules)
but u know which toni i meant im sry -.-
yeah I did, but anyway I know fuchs is your friend but there's a reason even team sweden hasn't considered him in the last 8 years.
well I only know fuchs story why he never played for team swe, but im not sure if this story is true or not and im playing with him et/csgo now for over 4years and i can only say that he was a good ingameleader and aimer in et and i also know taht u hate him more than any1 else here so i dont wanna start again a big conversation. I just wanted to show my point of the view and nothing else.

"dont jugde me and i wont judge u"

over and out have a nice evening!
while he was/is a good aimer, and I think he's a great guy... good in-game leader?
he always gave good calls ingame where to push and stuff like that, did all the tax
alright :) never had him as an ingameleader, didnt think he'd be the type
he had no other choice =D after some time he didnt care about it anymore
actually I don't hate any single person in this community, for example someone I argued with for years (Webe) and it got quite personal is now a buddy I play with from time to time. the reason I write a reply that fuchs is a total rambo is usually because you wrote some invalid comment (like above) that a player like him belongs into some well balanced team to represent eg. team north, or team sweden.

rambos are quite useful players, but fuchs is not objective focused at all and if you say he is you're just blind. I don't care for him or his personality, I've only played with him once and in this he didn't use the microphone the entire match + had not a single revive. got no respect for people who think they're gods on an et server and ruin a match for people who'd like to win. you've even admitted once that getting dmg is his priority.
Quoteyou've even admitted once that getting dmg is his priority

yes i did but only in irc games but he always challenged swani, slyz and me just4fun who get highest dmg but never in important 6o6 offis! ;P

in 3o3 i dont even wanna talk dmg only xD
You are still a faggot. xoxo
Fuchs is rambo, especially in 3o3 where me and specula had to do all the objective and he was just running arround making multikills.
But in 6o6 he is quite usefull, follows the engies and has insane aim
he has got a good aim but there are so many good aimers in ET that it's just not the most valuable trait in my mind. D: gamesense feels more valuable.
mhm dunno, we won a lot of 6o6s because of him. His gamesense is arguable, but in my opinion that wasnt bad aswell:P

The reason he never played for Sweden is because he couldnt get allong with everyone in the team.
I've played many times against him where he's just chilling at some ammo crates for like a whole minute or more, or just putting himself in a position to get frags than to support his teammates. :P maybe you find this useful, I see this as a weak link in a team.
nuggan, phyzic, iron, walle, salaneuvos, olbaa.

4 from one counry would be be imo. :P

NORTH:nuggan,phyzic,walle,olba,rNz + one more
CYAN:sqzz,kresi,lightning/kevji + one more
EAST:hunter,nait,freeze,clown,filus + one more
WEST:yokoo,karnaj,xylos,winghaven + 2 more XD
so team-cyan will play 4vs6 :D
I wanted to write R0SS there :(
then its still 5vs6 :P
Someone deleted someone!!!!!!!!!

best 6o6 player cmon
nuggan, phyzic, walle, salaneuvos, iron, jewe
perfo, squid, sqzz, ross, lightning, kresti/drago
freeze, clown, mata, subbi, nait, filus

have fun.
not more than 2 from one country :P
says who? The captain's given 10 players, he merely has to pick from 3 countries.
It's just what I wanted to try, no one says that.

then it wouldn't be an allstar event.
West probably wouldn't get 6 allstar players together, apart from that, it would
No, it really wouldn't. A lot of the players you picked are far from "allstar" material, the others have long quit this game and aren't going to play. Having 4 decent players and 2 randoms per region wont please anyone, not the players, not the viewers, not the captains.
wont happen, not playing :)
Don't you want the cash, golddigger?
Even better, leaves room for Godpari.
Tons of damage
ton1 is a cheater
ross, razz, sqzz, lightning, perfo, kresti
Those NA players so horrible. Can't even participate in ET All Stars.
No maaaann, we have "unfair" advantage with our pings
Oh Yeah, that ping advantage that we got used to years ago. How dare we use it against Europeans.
This sounds good u could have maybe included muricas and australia together just to see them play smth for once
Yeah, I am sure that'll work out just fine.
with some players I agree with ur sarcasm no also the timezone with australia... but if a good captain (i could do it) picks up players reliable and that will be fun to play with, then i believe its possible
I think it would be very difficult to find 6 decently skilled players that will care enough to show up and can manage to get along.
typical EU favoritism Kappa
good job, nice initiative
nice brownnosing, is ur tongue tasty now? ;)
- Must have at least 1 EC in the period of 2005-2013 image: checkmark-small

finally, signed up.
Love how Corsica is part of West, but France isn't. :D

Napoleon for West Captain.

Btw. On the original map France was also part of the west. I changed it with paint.
as long as u dont put us with 3rd world countries from east were fine
no special color for Poland and Romania?
The guys who are living in Vättern/Vänern area (those two lakes in Sweden) are allowed to play for team West ? (both are coloured as light blue)
good Sweden jocke, but you're clearly colour blind
Thx man. Btw I noticed that little difference between the colours :)
Can't wait to see it :)
gtfo of here with all that logic and reasoning.
insane paint skills
it totally could be made by me
How is Portugal West? Lol.
Nice, good luck with it!

P.S. Remember to edit your newspost on GTV too when making changes to this one, or some people might get confused. :P
allstars baby allstars, my comeback OK?
allstars baby allstars, my comeback OK?
Well said! 1vs1 rifle training on friday 2200cet??
france south

stfu germanolak
mad cause kicked from irc war? :(
always been like this I think in previous editions ))
france was always west.. til robaciek decided to change it in the 2011 edition. :x
ok seems ur right here :) I only remember Francefreek playin in some allstars but i dont remember wich team he was playin for
freek @ west!
Was Homer's call, don't push that on me. (South actually won that xD)
and it was a good move, considering south was rather weak till 2011 edition. it also nerfed already op west.

but its still a joke, thats why i think donating so west players can earn some money is stupid.
just because skillwise it may make a little sense doesn't mean it's the right move. :D france isn't in southern europe -> they shouldn't be included in southern europe. simpolz!

and well last season south won, you never know west will win. :P maybe back when they had crazy picks like mAus, butchji, Aza etc, but not now.
It was to give a South a chance to field a decent lineup, without having to relate on suVi xD
to balance the teams a bit you shouldn't reassign countries on the map :l just re-add central europe to the et allstars events like in the old days.
wtf do you know about the old days? :D There are multiple factors here, think about it.

a)Half of France is within proper South line
b)Very southern culture
c)A muslim country, that's even more southern
are you kidding me? xD I clearly know more than you do since you haven't followed up on my mention of central europe.

a) + b) + c) all invalid, France is a country in western europe -> accept & move on.
Yeah you clearly spent like a week just reading old CF news xD Also, it's quite unusual for a England person to have such love for France?
what does france being part of western europe have to do with my feelings towards their country. :D that's biased thinking, focus on facts.
Ok, let's put Vichy France to South and rest to West,
stfu commy
You have ger, bel, ned and uk in west - you could field 3-4 full teams of all-stars just from these 4 countries. Do you really think they are so dependent on France? Besides - look at the map and green color. I would say France is much more south-ish than Austria. France is almost as much south as it is west (I have been to Italy, Spain and France many times and roba is right, France has a lot of "southern culture"), and in this context, to make as balanced tourney as possible, it makes much more sense to put it in south region.

Btw - if you were to introduce central Europe, how do you imagine that to work out? You obviously are not going to cut any country off from west nor north. I guess you would see it as aut, cze, svk, hun and maybe sui. I don't think you can field a competitive lineup from these countries. If you wanted to make it competitive there, you would have to add Poland to central eu as well (which is technically correct). But that would fuck over east big time.

I think regions are fine as they are now, west will have no troubles fielding a lineup, with or without france. On the other hand, south will have problems without France.
Shut up, you know nothing of the old times.
he wrote nothing of the old tournaments either, gg glasses
Sometimes you're just so retarded :< get that stick out of your arse
did he write anything about the previous tournaments y/n?
Are you a cunt y/y?
how to lose an argument - by robaciek
Argument is not lost till someone gets called "a nazi"
I wasn't even talking about west needing France, just that France isn't a country in southern europe. :D sadly the et events are usually not using any official geographical map since even czech has been included in 3 different regions of europe before, but I just don't like the idea of assigning a country to a section of europe it officially does NOT belong to. I've been to france like 16 times since I was 5 so I don't need to be schooled on their culture.

as for central europe, i'd throw poland in there (maybe germany too) :o)
I have been to France/Italy/Spain like 20 times in past 10 years, but I gotta admit that the northest I was was Paris. I am not schooling you on their culture, I am just saying that down there, they have a lot of similar traits with "pure" southern countries.

About France not being officially part of Southern EU. Are we trying to be as geographically accurate as possible or have the most entertaining tournament? I personally think that south will struggle greatly without France, there simply aren't many southerns left. Maybe if all the old zombies are summoned (wing, xylos, gengis, toxic, danone, jaka, acozz, calisto...), but somehow I don't see that happening.

As for czechs - it's not that big of a country, and I guess it got stronger in past few years (as individual skills goes), but in all-stars events in past, it didn't make much of a difference wherever you would have put them.

Personally, I am fine with the way it is right now, no need to move countries between regions, nor introduce whole new region. That's my opinion, you are entitled to have your own (your points are valid, but I personally don't put that much weight on historical standpoint here).
QuoteAbout France not being officially part of Southern EU. Are we trying to be as geographically accurate as possible or have the most entertaining tournament?

I'd like the most entertaining tournament, it's just silly to stand behind the whole North vs East vs South vs West if we're juggling nations around between regional europe. :D I know it makes it more fair, but if next year western europe is weak for whatever reason (eg. most skilled nl/de/uk/be players not participating), would they get France back? there's got to be some point where we just realise the system these old tournaments were ran on only worked because we had such a huge playerbase. :P
get schooled yo
I love artstar and filus' conversations. Always big as shit wall of text :D
best of all, neither of us resort to flaming when the discussion goes south. :~>
This is where you read in-between the lines.
QuoteI wasn't even talking about west needing France, just that France isn't a country in southern europe. :D
- Let it go already you cum dribbler.
Quotebut I just don't like the idea of assigning a country to a section of europe it officially does NOT belong to
- This is me asserting dominance over you by using real-life examples as opposed to this hypothetical bullshit alignment of europe we've got going on over here.
QuoteI've been to france like 16 times since I was 5 so I don't need to be schooled on their culture
- Yeah, I'm so much more superior than you'll ever be! Look at how sophisticated and well traveled I am!!!

.. You condescending prick!
2/10 for translation!
as if, we all know what you're up to, you pretentious little twat.
Quotewhen the discussion goes south

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