ET All Stars Captains & Lineups

A total of 50 people applied for the ET All Stars 2014. Only 40 of these are allowed to participate in the tournament. There was a lack of sign up for the northern region, that is why I was forced to switched from the eastern to the northern region Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.

With this rule change here is the total amount of sign ups from each region:
- North: 14
- East: 15
- South: 11
- West: 20

Without further ado, here are your ET All Stars 2014 captains:
- North: Estonia Sinnu
- East: Poland fanatic
- South: France An7ho
- West: United Kingdom R0ss

Here is an up to date line up of each region:

Estonia freeze
Estonia Sinnu (c)
Finland Statti
Estonia subbi
Sweden Weslann
Poland Abject
Poland fanatic (c)
Czech Republic milhAus
Hungary phobeus
Poland zMk
France An7ho (c)
United Kingdom koop
Germany KRESTi
Netherlands perfo
United Kingdom R0SS (c)
United Kingdom sqzz

Each of these captains are allowed to pick 4 players from at least 3 different countries in their region. The remaning 5 players of the line-up will be picked by community vote that I will announce after the captains have picked their first four. The 6 player line-up from each region must contain players from at least 3 different nations!

image: 333fh1h

The prizepool of the ET All Stars event has reached over €150,-. All this money was donated by the community of which I am very thankful. If you have some spare money that you can afford to lose to the tournament, please hit the donations link on bottom of this page.

109 gl
Shame the date isn't good for Finish people :/
It's ET All Stars 2014 - hope that will be considered during the picks :-)

gl with this anyway
what about ET All Stars 2014??
What about ET All Stars 2014
good point! :D
even if it was 2024 it wouldn't make you and Allstar :D
awesome games incoming
good work timbolina
gg forgot to apply
oh god xd
Weslann? what
One EC/NC season during which he got also busted, but np
what, what?

nice to see that someone gets a chance which he deserved

well done Sinnu, good luck Weslann :) less cs:go now! :D
That's indeed nice to see new faces, but Weslann is : 1) busted / multibusted 2) not good enough to play this "All Stars" event
many people have been busted in the past and still played in top teams, so it seems like no one cares. And well, wait till he plays before you judge him :)
Well he's been busted this year / last NC or something so yeah. And i know how he plays that's why I allow myself of judging :)
so it would've been still an active ban? hm ok didn't know :d
I guess the ban would still be valid yeah!
until 2023 lolz
what aniky said, 4 tzacaccounts banned :'D
mental, it isnt only that he got busted, it is also that he is horrid and wouldnt be any decent in any allstar event.

It's even considered weird he signed up:D
not sure if troll or just plain stupid.
he was busted so often already that it's ridicilous to let him play
All stars events are not about giving chances to perform, they are a reward for people who had been performing remarkably on top level (in a given community) already.

As for Weslann himself - well, I don't really know him (apart from that he plays decently CS and had been busted/banned on CB), no idea how he is in ET, never met him on battlefield. However, seeing that Sinnu picked him might be more of a testament to overall quality of sign-ups rather than about Weslann himself. I personally am really curious what East is going to bring after losing Estonia and Latvia.
Team poland incoming.
Well, true words actually, I also don't know how Weslann is at 6on6, I didn't play for like 2 years so I don't know at which team he played EC. It's anyway a random cup in some way, so it is nice to see new players there. Since Sinnu didn't pick Nuggan, he prolly didn't sign up or Sinnu is just trolling? :d
I will tell you what, 4 Team Poland players + 1 Czech + 1 Hungary, most likely. Would replace 1 of "my friends" with you if you were avi, but according to Pawel you don't wanna play with us, so that's how it's going to be.
Maybe Clown, phyzic or nuggan didnt sign up? So he still had to take someone from their countries because of the '3 different countries' rule
any decent active Swede is better than him and i dobut hes the only one signing up.
well north got only estonia, finnland, sweden, iceland and denmark and if i remember right arstar wrote that people like phyzic players from team sweden/finland didnt sign up
and with the rule
QuoteEach of these captains are allowed to pick 4 players from at least 3 different countries in their region.
sinnu had not so many opportunities, eventho its quite pathetic xD
Dunno.. but would really like to see NuggaN / fryzer instead of him tho
Lets not forget Norway Norway
North OP
GG weslann will win this!
weslann xDDDDDDDDD
what a joke ill smack every captain up there niggas suck dick
That's actually true.
just put sebi in lineup and let him destroy

anyway weslann is a joke, medicore player, and even busted.. or is he allstar because he is playing cs too? :D
Good luck! How will the community voting work?
I'll open a form where people are restricted to vote only once (IP restriction).

The 5 with most votes will be selected for the region they signed up for.
Okay, hopefully there is no corruption from a certain captain and his crew. :P
my ghetto will fuck ur system we will all vote for snatix from different ip adresses
I like how everyone hates on weslann even though he would beat most of you guys at 1o1 :p
Gl sinnu , weslann and razz !!
North West South and wiSe guys :DDDD
seems i wont be in east :XD

EDIT: i failed
why not :P you're already in!
my bad sry :DXDD
you cant understand any teams or cups is playing by friends teams only ?! peoples hate to met/play with new players and peoples claim the game is dead !! :D

new players


when im saying new players i dont want to say : newschool but new guys to play with ! :)
avi for south
dat team west choice, didnt even know who to pick :)
As if R0SS got captain over me.

Oh well, better than [garbage] razz.
Not unexpected that with North and sinnu being captain freeze and subbi followed.
given the signups - those picks are pretty much the best he could do anyway (I would swap weslann with lettu, but I think he had to pick players from 3 countries).
Have freeze and subbi even played in the last 3-4 years?
yes they have :) And so do you, thats why I voted for you! win this shit xoxo
Doubt I will, not the most liked person here :D
subbi never went inactive, the nerd
Yes, I will rapelittle kids
not if you keep playing on your floor like the fucking bum you are
I promise I wont use the floor again as my playing ground.
We're not talking about children here. But you better rape in ET!
i've lost to Weslann and Statti???

why would sinnu pick another rifler when he is gong to play this role?
u mad?:( me too we got fanatic moron as captain :S
why should i be mad? :O
dont know :( but im :D
dont be mad at me now but zmk deserved it more. I know zmk is fanatic buttbuddy but its still an allstar event and not a random draft cup so the best possible players should play. I also signed up eventho my application got lost, but when i see people like lightning, jere, koop then its ok for me since they deserved it 1000000 times more than me

so just calm ur titties and play with ur mates
nothing personal man.. still miss you and fuchS :D
we r playing csgo only :S
write me on priv your steam ur good?:D
I totally forgot that you are way better than zMk
im u got problem with that? ofc u dont because its your friend but thats all what he got...
zMk is world class rifle, and from all the polaks in there he has the most right to be in all-stars. And that's coming from someone who does not really have sympathies for fana&co (but I like zMk, he is a good lad).
i didnt said i dont like him ye his is a nice guy .. nothing personal man..
im talking to fanatic not to zMk :)
You said that being friends with fanatic is "all what he got" - this is what I was responding to. Besides - it will always be that captains will prefer people they know, people they have some history/experiences with, it might actually work out to their advantage.
some players got only nickname left ye they had good teams in past but its past ...
What the fuck are you trying to say?
that i missed you fag :D where u been?::D
dont worry u will win the voting !1
lets hope so!! would be one helluva comeback straight to allstars baby ;)
noob teams :D <3

Can I get my donation refunded?
Wow. So much flame/spam all ready =D hasn't even been a day. Nice to see community so active! =)

And yeah, I picked Weslann, so what? Between the rules of the cup, signups and my own reasons, I think I did a fair pick for the team.
nice supporting cheater :s
well considering he'd still be banned if CB hadn't died I think it's the wrong decision, morally (if that even exists here!). :P
guy got out of army few days back, give him a break :D
I'm not flaming or anything, just telling him why it probably wasn't the best idea. :! some cheaters do it for fun, Weslann did it to get to his opponents (more than once, even after getting banned). somewhat proves he has no boundaries imo, even if I doubt he cheated in officials last year.

e: also I don't think this should have even been a possible decision by Sinnu, certain players should just be disallowed. :P same goes for most repeated cheaters; outlaw is another good example. even though he's probably not cheating right now, the fact that he got busted ~6 times on CB proves he has no respect for the rules, players he plays against or even those he plays with.
Quoteeven though he's probably not cheating right now

good one :D
well idk.. unless someone is shooting me with bullshit accuracy/headshots every frag I find it hard to differentiate between a good aimer and a botter. :D WH on the other hand, I find easy as hell to spot.
gg cheaterlover :s
nice picking there, a 10 years ban player if CB was alive. But you must be a good guy , since you're allstar captain of your team, and u can pick a retard like Weslann, don't call that a "fair pick", this is ridiculous.
perfo, please transfer the prize money to my account as we agreed.. I will make sure phyzic & finns get their share as well.

GL & Enjoy all~
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