ET All Stars Community vote

The four captains from each region, apart from South at the moment, have individually selected the four players they wish to play for the region they are captain of.

For an up to date line-up of each region please click here.

Now it is up to YOU to select 5 more players you would like to see playing in the All Stars 2014 event. To cast your vote hit the link below. Please take in mind that you are only allowed to vote once, more votes than one will result in a removal of the vote.

You are allowed to vote for one player from each region you would like to be part of the region they signed up for.

France An7ho still has to choose four players for his lineup. After his selections have been made, the remaining players with the most votes will be added to the team as well.

so many good choices i dont know who to vote for -_-
So hard to choose :D

when i see those names i could also get nomintated ...

Voted some AllStars , GL all!
there were no nominations, just open signups :D
wow realy.... thats an awesome allstar tourney ^^
gl hf to all
Quote An7ho still has to choose four players for his lineup. After his selections have been made, the remaining players with the most votes will be added to the team as well.

damn saw this too late... its so obv then he will pick emorej... can i vote for some1 else? and u delete my emorej vote?
Sure, go ahead.
i would vote for destiny then evetho i also think the an7ho will pick him but thats not that sure like emorej :D
Good luck all :)
i would vote for myself
I can honestly tell you that you are not the only one
Heh, I didn't vote for myself! That's sad, I am missing 1 vote now, thought it's a moral thing to not do so :(
voted for you <3
I wouldnt vote for myself aswell! :D good attitude then!
If the cap fits, wear it.
dyde ur not all star, sorry :D
I am trying to be one! :)
can we vote players out, because i will vote to put wesslann out of the cup
voted: toNi, riZla, Buzzer, setup :X
thanks! :***
You weren't there so couldn't vote for real talent.
timbolina skipped my signup for some reasons
Wanted to give other people a chance. You in there would be default win for poland.
lol im there
I guess it's not so hard to be nominated as an ''all star'' these days ... :S

lettu, n00n, setup, Mztik
kinda sad to see players who are med+ max suddenly nominated as "all stars".

not bashing you here timbolina because I think your doing a great job, just suprised that the level of skill decreased so massively in the last couple of years.
there were no nominations, players had to sign-up for this event
Correct. Was the only way I could make 100% sure that people are available on the required dates.
I lold :'D
Yeah kind of sucks the players most would expect to see play didn't get invited/approached to play (or away for WC/Summer whatever). Then again I guess all that circle jerking takes a lot of time.

Also Estonia was part of East in all past Allstar events D:

So based on availability only (ignoring sign up list and I'm probably wrong about the availability of a few, like PhyZic playing golf... lo que pase??):

Estonia Sinnu (c)
Estonia Night
Sweden NgN
Iceland PhyZiC
Finland Statti
Finland chmpp

Poland fanatic (c)
Slovakia FiLuS
Poland zMk
Poland Abject
Czech Republic jalo
Hungary Fobje

Same issues as South without Estonia players...

France An7ho (c)
France kARnAJ
France emorej
Israel destiny
Italy mama
Anonymous probably another french player but gawd damn South will get rolled with who is currently available so whatever (maybe let one of the better american players play for South like that Chile hanS guy).

England R0SS (c)
Belgium Jere
Germany KRESTi
Netherlands perfo
Wales sqzz
Scotland razz
England koop or Netherlands lightning for Belgium Jere, doesn't matter really, may as well give West the pocal already with most of the better north players away.
if we could choose between anyone who's played in recent weeks/months (based around those voted captains) the strongest would definitely be:

North: Estonia Sinnu (c) - Latvia Clown, Estonia Night, Sweden NuggaN, Iceland phyZiC & Finland walle + Finland Squall, Estonia subbi, Finland twidi
East: Poland fanatic (c) - Poland Abject, Czech Republic cpu, Slovakia filuS, Hungary phobeus & Poland zMk + Czech Republic jalo, Hungary sebi, Poland WuT
South: France An7ho (c) - Switzerland Aquila, France emorej, France KareN, France kARnAJ & Malta toxic + Israel destiny, Italy mama, France maxuh
West: United Kingdom R0SS (c) - United Kingdom koop, Germany KRESTi, Netherlands perfo, United Kingdom razz & United Kingdom sqzz + Belgium chry, Germany drago, United Kingdom Mztik

considering all aspects of skill (teamplay, individual ability & comms activity).
Lightning instead of koop and it's perfect!! :)
true that! still same issue with North/East though, if east could use ee players like they used to, every region would have a strong line up.
aphesia is better than all of those west players
nobody is better than perfo :l
mh is not working for me...

apart from that who is cashy??
he played in the past with xyl, maurice maybe it helps u but i doubt it :D
he got a huuuuuge biceps
oxy by far the best player! u should vote for him
hahahah :D
voted: mINd, n00n, emorej, gr0ss!
And where is Filus?
gonna sit this one out
We're at 243 votes. Going to reveal the results tonight.
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