6on6 NationsCup 2014: Upper Bracket Final

The Eighth matchweek of the 6on6 NationsCup 2014 started this week and will come to an end on Monday, June 16th. This week we have the Upper Bracket final and 2 Lower Bracket matches.

image: 2gtnrsg

Upper Brackets


The 'Match of the Week' this week is the Final in the Upper Brackets: Finland Finland vs Netherlands Netherlands. Finland who comes with skilled players who've played a lot together over the years will face Netherlands whith skilled players mixed with active players. Who'll win this Final and will go to the Grand Final?? Check it out on Monday the 16th at 21:15 CET.

image: 89_1265044593 VS. image: 98_1265043620

Finland Finland

Finland Iron
Finland Jewe
Finland olBaa
Finland Salaneuvos
Finland squalli
Finland twidi

image: game48086
6on6 NationsCup 2014
Upper Bracket - Final
Netherlands Netherlands

Netherlands aphesia
Netherlands L4mpje
Netherlands Lightning
Netherlands perfo
Netherlands SQuid
Netherlands vANQ
Quote by Ati_Based on earlier statistics I have been given from previous NC matches, I think NL will win hands down, pistol only. Only this SQuid guy seems pretty useless, jk love you (>^-^)> Kind regards, Random Rifle

Lower Brackets

Quarter Finals

The first Quarter Final in the Lower Bracket' is Estonia Estonia, led by Estonia sCope vs Germany Germany, led by Germany Oxy. Tune in at Sunday the 15th at 22:00 CET to see the showdown.

Estonia Estonia

Estonia Sinnu
Estonia mata
Estonia Raul_
Estonia MCLEOd
Estonia subbi
Estonia yEnch

image: game48347
6on6 NationsCup 2014
Lower Bracket - Quarter Final

Germany Germany

Germany drago
Germany gr0ss
Germany Kevji
Germany KRESTi
Germany s1LENT
Germany sTOWNAGE

Round 4

The Lower Bracket round 4' is United Kingdom United Kingdom, led by United Kingdom razz vs Czech Republic Czech Republic, led by Czech Republic Malfoy. Tune in at Monday the 16th at 21:00 CET to see who'll face Poland Poland in the Lower Bracket - Quarter Final.

United Kingdom United Kingdom

United Kingdom crmbs
United Kingdom Mztik
United Kingdom koop
United Kingdom razz
United Kingdom R0SS
United Kingdom sqZz

image: game48232
6on6 NationsCup 2014
Lower Bracket round 4

Czech Republic Czech Republic

Czech Republic cpu
Czech Republic Green_Clon
Czech Republic Tezaxo
Czech Republic malfoy
Czech Republic Loocko
Czech Republic Sklamak

Please keep in mind that CGAC is mandatory in all matches in this 6on6 NationsCup 2014.

image: MKS8NWJ

Good luck!

6on6 NationsCup 2014: Brackets

you're simply rude
Kinda sad that any and every sorta springcup is dragged to summer. Most of us can't play actively after May and this results in these cups dwindling down.

How about proper fucking planning?

Looking at the amount of games left to be played and the phase this tournament is running with, I guess it's gonna end sometime late-July to early-August.

Would've been awesome to finish the tournament with the original lineup I had gathered, but anyway gl to the Finns
tonight, should still be a good match!
Yeah everyone knew i decided late to run this NC. But i guess its still better than no NC. I'm doing my best to force some games a bit faster now. I guess it'll end somewhere in the first half (around the half) of July. (quote on twidi & sala)
So I guess you and others from that lineup won't play, can you tell us how is it going to look like?
Step 1: Wait untill 10mins before offi, check who is online and ask them to play
Step 2: Call people who are missing in case they have forgot the match
Step 3: If people are still missing, ask mercs on other channels than #et-finland
Step 4: Ask mercs on #et-finland
Step 5: All tactics in 1 minute
Step 6: Spawnrape NL
Step 7: Check CF for people calling finns nerds who train ET 8h day, which 6h Radar side defence
Step 8: Move on
so far confirmed ones are me, jewe, statti, chmpp & matias
aight nice, good luck 8)
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