West wins ET All Stars 2014

Western Europe won ET All Stars 2014 following a 6-2 victory over Northern Europe in the grand final.

image: nodf6g

Western Europe

United Kingdom koop
Germany KRESTi
United Kingdom R0SS
United Kingdom razz
United Kingdom sqzz
Netherlands perfo
ET All Stars 2014
Grand Final - Best Of 5
image: game48408

Supply (2-0)
Adlernest (2-2)
Sw_goldrush_te (4-2)
Northern Europe

Finland Matias
Estonia MCLEOd
Estonia Sinnu
Estonia subbi
Finland vokki

Germany Oxy has been playing for North in the consolation final as Estonia Raul and in the grand final as Finland lettu without my knowledge. Thanks to Finland lettu for his much appreciated help.

This is the reason why Northern Europe will be disqualified.

Here is the final rankings:
Western Europe - €91,30
Eastern Europe - €49,18

I would like to thank everybody who donated to this tournament. The total prizemoney is €140,48. You are amazing! Give a big shoutout to:
Netherlands Frop - €50,-
Ireland flushje - €12,-
France KAREN - €15,-
Finland pannari - €10,-
Canada rito - €14,06
Germany SPU9 - €25,-
Slovenia Superboyy - €10,-
Netherlands timbolina - €10,-
Finland Vanhaomena - €1,06

I would also like to thank the people who supplied me with constructive feedback regarding the tournament.

Thank you all for playing and hopefully see you in the next tournament!
good effort with the cup timbo

but sad about south & rest shit what was going on...

i contribute my 12euros to razz may the ganja be with him :*
Shit like that happens. I can't always control it.

You're welcome thanks for playing!
ye i know mate wasnt directed to you :P
nice tournament
too bad winner was expected as fuck
u'd better make it LoLstyle next time u take 12bestest players in da world and u mix em
coz theoretically u took 24bestest players in da world but between us some of em werent allstars worthy
Dat Post fail, Northern Europe vs Northern Europe.

Anyway it was a nice match yesterday :D
next time north needs swanidius
every team without swanidius needs swanidius, wtf.
didnt even notice the allstars cup :D
and 4players from uk wtf? shouldnt it be like two players from one country or smth?
Captains do have to follow the rule which is that a team must consist out of players from at least three different nations.

that was the rule, but for what do u need rules right?

oxy=retard ggwp
they followed that rule. d; 4x UK, 1 DE & 1 NL = 3 nations.
but i saw 3 ee and 3 fin but well one from the finn was a ger but their main lu would be like that, im not talking about west
vatu was, you replied to his comment ;c
well u r right :P but i meant north sry
ggs !

Good tournament timbolina !

hope u will do it again in the future !
was a great tournament, still antho's attitude was shit
what did he do? feed me with e-drama its been a while
after lost vs west, that vjto guy quited like "ok cya bb" and antho didnt bother in get a replacement, he called it "game over" lol ofcourse we were pretty mad cuz of the fact that teams werent fair enough but atleast he should respect who cancelled the afternoon/night to spend playing the tournment.
"maybe after bN doing it 10x & got busted 10x, they will never know I did this"
oxys dream came true to play allstars... iam so proud son!
QuoteGermany Oxy has been playing for North in the consolation final as Estonia Raul and in the grand final as Finland lettu without my knowledge. Thanks to Finland lettu for his much appreciated help.

.. wtf is wrong with this guys always fakenicking others, you show no respect for timbolina whos doing everything he can/cant to keep this game you all still enjoy playing alive.

Fucking kidow
No respect for someone who gives something to the community, in this case a chance to see some high skilled players against each-other.

Shame were the rules, 3 from one country should've been the max imo.
Some punishment should be made for Oxy. I prefer a 1 year ban from playing in any cup and a crossfire ban for a year as well.
lol. even in CB smurfing was max 3 months ban.
Its different i this case, we are talking about money....
I did it for a good cause, Sinnu kept telling me how these 5eur/player could potentially cure hunger in Estonia for the next upcoming 10 years. Obviously I had no other choice but to help out, I mean, I'm not the bad guy here. I was genuinely trying to help a starving country. I had a moral obligation to help!
Now see what you've done, subbi is furious, he had already made plans for his cut too, he was going to invest into a new house with it!

Seriously, anyone that still believes the money was in any relation to me playing, or being asked to play, is utterly delusional.
If you had any brain you would say no.
End of story.
the fact that u think u could've made a difference in that match makes you utterly delusional! nah that was harsh jk (am i????) m8 :D
motherfucker ruining cup!!
Literally Hitler. This guy prolly is a Austrian in disguise
Wow North still Gets 3rd Place After all this shit ?
Wtf ...
No, decision making took some time. Initially north would be 3rd place. But as this behavior cannot be tolerated from anyone, I have decided to completely remove them from the cup.
Nice to read this
great decision.
Well done=)
Wise decision.
Good call.
Go fuck yourself in the fucking anus, Oxy. Dirty little piece of low shit.

Don't bother coming with a racist comeback, it won't change the fact that you're a total inbred motherfucker.
Wow, 2014, tournament with a prizepool and you decided to smurf. What a fucking disgrace for team north. And you dare to call Polish players "cheaters".
image: 1365062999_by_Gall%20Anonim_13150
This totally would not have happened in one of our tournaments ":D"
Go fuck yourself, Northern Europe.
Quite right! It's a shame, since you contributed over 30% of the prize fund! :-(
Really sad to see this from Oxy and Northern Europe, not only actually smurfing but also trying to act all cool afterwards like what you did was harmless and acceptable. It's shit like this that kinda discourages people from contributing to ET and the community by running cups and such.

Anyway, thanks for the cup timbolina!
Yes, I fully agree with this. Thanks!
GG waiting for my share of money as I played one game for east

Why do you guys even care about whatever oxy played or not? its already sad that this cup is even called "Allstars" :D So care, people just tryina have fun n playing. So get over urselfs guys.

Yeah i get it you guys want to make something for the community but rather call it a fucking draftcup than embarass the good old "Allstars" cup with such a bullshit and only west having potentially allstar lineup and the fact each side has +4 same nation players in the lineup is a fkn joke as it is :D
The quality of the cup and the skill level of the players competing in it does not excuse such blatant disrespect for the rules and for others. How do you think those who donated feel about this? Why should they donate to a cup's prize pool ever again if this sort of thing happens and is seemingly deemed acceptable by people like you? What about the rest of the Northern European players who signed up for the cup but didn't get to play because Oxy was "just tryina have fun"?

It's far more embarrassing to see smurfing in an Allstars event than it is to see uneven teams and less skilled players.
2 from England, 1 from Wales, 1 from Scotland (technically).

To be honest though, team uk should not be able to form for World Cups. They should only be able to form for Nations Cups (or "Olympics" equivalent/team GB). There was one World Cup ages ago where they forced that e.g. I think even Ireland created a team. Only problem with that these days is razz and sqzz would have no one to play with.
who cares about what parts are they from, its still how it is, 4 from UK and thats what matters in this :)
And the UK is not and country! England, Wales and Scotland are countries.... It's like saying North only exists of one country and that is Scandinavia.... Who cares about which part from Scandinavia they are...
i thought the nordic/scandanavia region was devoid of corruption?
how about mAus faking razz??????! heheheee
to be fair the people who`s sticking up for Oxy and the team are just being fucking cock heads, I for one would be fuming if i donated to a cup and it turned out like this one, people coming on saying ET is dead you cant revive it, of course ET will never be the same as it was years ago, but you cant deny the fact that people are still putting their own time and effort in running the cups for the people who still "enjoy" the game, cunts. well done anyway timbo pitty about the et community :)
hope u can be some pampers for ur baby with mah money :P
To be fair SqzzUK, Get out. but in all seriousness, i do agree with you at some parts here and yeah i get its sad from North to use some other part player while they could have easily fill the spot with someone from north. but hey thats how ET is nowadays ;) cockcocockcksuckers
what's with the long and mature comment? you some kind of dad or what?
lettu always in faking scandals
Oxy complete faggot.
Just saw your comment and felt the need to say Hi.

So, Hi!
Was it cheaters, polaks or just general mega-retards, ET community and crossfire is so full of scum I don't know how it's even possible :EEE
And I thought lettu had finally learnt how to play after all these years. :/
ily tim m8 <3
No offense but bN got banned when he played for US. Now someone is playing for another team and there is money at the stake but no ban?

Nice effort timbo its not ur fault tho <3<3

There should be a list of players who signed up with their class and admin should do the teams like that according to roles and countries so it doesn't look like some EC teams and it's more even.
oxy why so douche
na players never would behave in such manner
some people is butthurt,

TLDR version, pls
  • West were the only team with close to a proper "all-star" line-up (surprise they won).
  • Estonians played for North instead of East.
  • oxy faked as lettu in the final and other matches (raul played breaking the max-players-per-country rule) and so north forfeited second place prize money to East Europe.
  • The above two points made some people angry.
  • razz bought a couple months worth of goon and haggis with his winnings.
Where did you get the idea that Raul faked lettu? It was oxy faking lettu in finals and he also faked Raul match before that. I really don't think people would get that mad if Raul was playing since even East played couple of matches with players from only 2 nations.
Sorry yeah meant oxy.
Well, just like lunatic used to say, is always Oxy's fault.
90 whole euros for this shit? Back to ET it is.
dont bother
youd get stomped boy
i think oxy did it for the drama XD
i didnt even know you can donate on allstars. i wud have donate some money. I can donate to wartwitch guy to shoutcast ET games also
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