6on6 NationsCup 2014: Ninth Matchweek (lower brackets)

The Ninth matchweek of the 6on6 NationsCup 2014 started this week and will come to an end on Monday, June 23th. This week we have a few Lower Bracket matches.

image: 2gtnrsg

Lower Brackets

Quarter Finals

This week we highlight United Kingdom United Kingdom vs Poland Poland. United Kingdom. Two teams who have faced each other plenty of times in the past NC's in the grand final, two teams with much experience and used to play with each other. Take a look at Tuesday the 24th, 22:00 CET too see this epic battle between two of the NC favorites.

image: 106_1265042794 VS. image: 99_1265043929

United Kingdom United Kingdom

United Kingdom Artstar
United Kingdom crmbs
United Kingdom koop
United Kingdom razz
United Kingdom R0SS
United Kingdom sqZz

image: game48447
6on6 NationsCup 2014
Lower Bracket - Quarter Final

Poland Poland

Poland Abject
Poland fanatic
Poland hunter
Poland palemki
Poland ridji
Poland zMk
Quote by ohurcoolUK will win 4-0. Poland's lineup is much weaker than usual, and although razz, sqzz, and co. have been underperforming lately, I'd say they still have what it takes to make it into the top four this season. LB Final: United Kingdom vs Finland - should be a good one!
Quote by n00nBoth Teams look very good for that match, eventhough Poland's best player dIZEL ain't playing (:XD) they can take it, will be awesome to see players such as hunter, zMk and Palemki, face to face with United Kingdom's team. I'm dissapointed dIZEL is not in the lineup but anyways im with Poles, of course. 4-2 for them! P.S PALMA ZABIJ, GL sqzz , R0SS , Mztik!

The other Quarter Final in the Lower Bracket' is Estonia Estonia vs Germany Germany. Tune in at Sunday the 22th at 22:00 CET to see the battle for a place in the Semi-Finals.

image: 88_1265045042 VS. image: 91_1265045597

Estonia Estonia

Estonia Sinnu
Estonia mata
Estonia Raul_
Estonia MCLEOd
Estonia subbi
Estonia yEnch

image: game48347
6on6 NationsCup 2014
Lower Bracket - Quarter Final

Germany Germany

Germany drago
Germany gr0ss
Germany Kevji
Germany KRESTi
Germany s1LENT
Germany sTOWNAGE
Shoutcasted by MerlinatoR - Replay

Quote by MerlinatoRGermany let me down in my last prediction! This game will be a bit more equal I feel though as NL were definetly on form last game - Estonia have a good bunch of guys who all know each other well so their teamplay will hopefully be good where as Germany probably have a bit more individual talent. I am predicting a very narrow 4-2 win for Estonia, only because KRESTi panzers!

Please keep in mind that CGAC is mandatory in all matches in this 6on6 NationsCup 2014.

image: MKS8NWJ

Good luck!

6on6 NationsCup 2014: Brackets

QuoteTake a look at Sunday the 22th, 21:00 CET too see this epic battle between two of the NC favorites.
LB Final: United Kingdom vs Finland - should be a good one!

inb4 germany or estonia wins UK
4-2 uk
4-2 germany
Can you cast estonia-germany if it'll be played tomorrow?
I am not sure. Can tell you this shortly and need to ask Williams aswell.
Yeah i know tomorrow if it will be played tomorrow or another day. Will talk to you on irc tomorrow. But i wont be here from 17 cet till 22cet (maybe a bit earlier or later) i guess. (Belgium-Rusland WC)
no dizel, no win
Wait, this is still going?
I find it crazy these guys in the UK still play. I don't know koop and I think artstar was relatively new when I played, but the rest. Legends.

also. 1st post in YEARS.
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