QuakeCon 2014 QUAKE LIVE Duel Masters

QuakeCon 2014 is just one week away! Returning for its 19th year, North America's largest LAN party will take place at the Hilton Anatole in United States of America Dallas, Texas, from the 17th to the 20th of July. Read more for an overview of the QUAKE LIVE Duel Masters Tournament featuring some of the best players in the game.

image: Ghmw5Nz

QuoteThe Intel® QUAKE LIVE Duel Masters Invitational Championship will feature known professionals and top QUAKE LIVE competitors in an exclusive tournament. Up to thirty-two (32) of the world’s best QUAKE LIVE players, hand selected by tournament staff from the open online registration, will face-off in the 1 vs. 1 duel for $20,000 in a single elimination bracket, with each match played in a best-of-five-games format. With two competitors remaining, thousands will gather to watch as these two best-of-the-best survivors go head-to-head in a single elimination, best-of-five-games throw-down with a $9,000 check written to the champion.


Group A
Belarus Cypher
United States of America DaHanG
Russia evil
United States of America rapha

Group B
United States of America dkt
France strenx
Sweden tox
United States of America ZeRo4

Group C
United States of America chance
Belgium dem0n
Sweden Spart1e
United States of America whaz

Group D
Argentina Doomsd4y
Netherlands Silencep
France Winz
United States of America ZorakWar
Group E
United States of America cha0ticz
Portugal ins
United States of America Necrophagist
Canada sparks

Group F
United States of America carnage
United States of America cl0ck
Canada griffin United States of America kgb
France l1nkin

Group G
Argentina c0d47
Canada id_
United States of America psygib
United States of America spucrl

Group H
United States of America apparition_
United States of America 1057 United States of America BouvToTheMax
United States of America Jok0 United States of America Br1ck
United States of America twitch United States of America Madr1gal
image: NIgtmt3


Thursday 7/17

17:45 CEST - Group Play: Round 1
18:15 CEST - Group Play: Round 2
18:45 CEST - Group Play: Round 3
20:30 CEST - Playoffs: Round 1
21:30 CEST - Playoffs: Round 2
22:45 CEST - Playoffs: Round 3

Friday 7/18

00:00 CEST - Semi-Finals: A
02:00 CEST - Semi-Finals: B

Saturday 7/19

21:00 CEST - Bronze Final

Sunday 7/20

05:00 CEST - Grand Final

32 Player Group Stage (8 groups of 4), bo3
32 Player Single Elimination Bracket, bo5
Grand Final, bo5

  • Aerowalk
  • Campgrounds Intel
  • Cure
  • Furious Heights
  • Lost World
  • Sinister
  • Toxicity
Prize Pool

4th: $1,000
5th-8th: $500

FACEIT is returning to QuakeCon to broadcast the matches live on Twitch. The hosts, Daniel "ddk" Kapadia and Xavier "zoot" Dhorne, will be joined by several on-site guests (United Kingdom TosspoT, perhaps?) throughout the tournament.

Brackets: http://challonge.com/qc14_duel_masters
Stream: http://www.twitch.tv/QuakeCon

QuakeCon 2014 QUAKE LIVE Duel Masters
FACEIT return to QuakeCon
QuakeCon 2014 - QL Tournaments
Also, here's something I found interesting (from a comment on the ESR newspost):

QuoteIn the history of QuakeCon, no Quake 1v1 Grand Final (in any Quake game) has ever seen the same two players battle it out:

'96: United States of America Remedy vs. United States of America Bullyboy
'97: United States of America Rix vs. United States of America Forego
'98: United States of America Rix vs. United States of America Makaveli
'99: Canada DieharD vs. United States of America 1134-bane
'00: United States of America ZeRo4 vs. United States of America Matador
'01: United States of America ZeRo4 vs. United States of America Fatal1ty
'02: Russia LeXeR vs. United States of America Daler
'03: United States of America ZeRo4 vs. Sweden Z4muZ
'04: United States of America czm vs. United States of America ZeRo4
'05: United States of America Missy vs. Canada Ms.X
'06: Sweden toxjq vs. Russia Cooller
'07: Sweden toxjq vs. Sweden fox
'08: Belarus Cypher vs. United States of America ZeRo4
'09: United States of America rapha vs. Sweden Spart1e
'10: Belarus Cypher vs. Russia Cooller
'11: United States of America rapha vs. France strenx
'12: Belarus Cypher vs. United States of America DaHanG
'13: United States of America rapha vs. Russia Evil

This year, we could potentially see the same finals as in 2008, 2011, 2012, or 2013 (speculations based on which players are likely to attend). We could also be treated to yet another final that has never before been played at QuakeCon.
Group A :XD
a bit strange indeed
What the hell - A and B have 3 times more skill than all of the other groups combined. If my math is not wrong, those 8 people from first two groups are sharing 16 quakecon final appearances, while other 6 group only 1.
The groups are skill based and everyone will qualify from the groupstages. Group A being the top group, B being the 2nd best etc. Group A winner will face Group H fourth place finisher in the 1st round of playoffs which is single elimination. So the group stages are there only to determine playoff matchups. A1 vs H4, A2 VS H3 etc. Hopefully you understood.
I know how tiers works, but it could have been stated in a news those are tier pools, not tournament groups in traditional sense.

32 Player Group Stage (8 groups of 4), bo3
32 Player Single Elimination Bracket, bo5


The same system was used last year and worked fairly well as it allows for interesting matches to be seen from the start of the tournament instead of waiting hours for top players to meet each other.
That does not say much - if they got players from group A battling it out with the ones from B (after groups are done), it would still be according to the posted format. However, saying that players from group A will be matched against players from H, B vs G and so on, that would make it clear.
Yeah, I guess it was expected that most people would simply remember how things went last time and assume that once again the groupstage is for seeding purposes only. Anyway, I like the system myself but am also a bit disappointed that the playoffs are single-elimination. Hopefully the brackets turn out well!
I think that method just means the top tier players will be a lot sharper than the lower tier/group players come elimination rounds. Also mixing lower tier group players with higher tier players means they get more time/exposure to top tier players which can only help them improve.

Having all the lower tier players face each other in before facing any of the top tier in elimination is like warming up on an F|A jaymod server and then expecting to be on a level play well vs idle.ee.
I don't think it has that much of an effect to be honest. :P If the "lower tier" players are still not prepared enough by the time QuakeCon rolls around, then they won't be ready no matter how many warmups with rapha and cypher are given to them.
yeah true but still warming up vs someone like cypher/rapha rather than some lowbie is just no comparison.

More direct ET comparison would be warming up for an ET 1v1 cup vs me when your first knock out round game is vs mAus!

I guess they would really get more from it overall if they got to play more matches vs the top tier opponents. Then again the top tier players don't get much from bashing lower players either!

Depending on server location, a 1on1 vs you could be rather interesting!
Coller not attending? whaaaa

and Cypher for the win I hope :<
no polak - no worth to watch
if there was a polak, that would be the person least worth to watch though
not going , he recently started to be active again
that's why adeto said, "if" to which if I replied, if av3k was there, would he be the person least worth to watch?
nice to see this game is still alive :o
I never really played this game often, but I always enjoyed the occasional game and love watching it. Is it really that "dead"?
It's not. Plenty of players are still around at all skill levels and from all parts of the world. Community-run websites and organizations like FACEIT, QLRanks, ESR, 125 FPS, and ESH continue to ensure that there is a constant flow of cups to compete in, streams to watch, and news/coverage/statistics to keep track of.

The game itself transitioned from in-browser to standalone back in December and has undergone several updates since then, including the most recent changes which made a couple premium-only features available for regular users. More QL news is expected to be announced over the next few days at QuakeCon.

It actually makes me kinda sad that there isn't more support from the ET community when I see how well it works for Quake. :(
Its dead as fuck you stupid fuck :D

lol at random cups running wohoo!
Do you know what the word "dead" means?
Quote3 years, 11 months and 8 days

Think this says alot.

Also u honestly thinking that ql is alive is hilarious.. Yeah there is some shitty cups running every now and then with the same 20 players pool being there past 5 years for a easy money

Ps. twitch.tv has 60 viewers live on quakelive
Pss. Will be funny to see if Quakecon ql final gets even 5k viewers
Psss. Every FPS game apart from CS:GO is dead and done, thats just a fact.

QuoteET is still active enough for shit like this to be worthwhile, just need more people willing to do it and more acceptance and appreciation from the community for those who do step up and contribute.

Are u serious? Past 2-3 years u've been lucky if u get a proper opponent to prac before official game, thats how active it has been. I could say its been dead since 2010 more or less ( turned into mix teams only pretty much )

Look, I get it. You want to believe that these games are dead because it makes you feel better about quitting them. You also feel the need to uphold your reputation as the super cool non-nerd who doesn't take gaming seriously and was drunk 24/7 at LAN and so on.

But these things don't change the fact that neither ET nor QL are dead. It is literally inaccurate to call a game dead when there is still an active community, and really it only shows ignorance and laziness on your part to throw the word around like that. A game doesn't need tens of thousands of viewers on stream every day with hundreds of thousands of dollars in prizemoney to be "alive".

QuoteEvery FPS game apart from CS:GO is dead and done, thats just a fact.

It's not a fact and is actually quite a dumb thing to say. By the same logic, every game except League of Legends is dead.

"CSGO only has 200k players? Ha, there are millions of LoL players! CSGO is sooo dead."

Just because a game is no longer at its peak does not mean it's dead. Just because a game doesn't have tens of thousands of viewers with hundreds of thousands of dollars in prizemoney does not mean it's dead. Just because you no longer play a game does not mean it's dead.
What i've said has nothing to do with me or me quitting ET

I dont even know what the fuck we argue about here anymore, ur only person on this site that thinks ET isnt DEATH

Next u gonna tell me that et:qw and Wolfenstein are alive and active too huh?
If you say so.
ql dead after quakecon 2010, fuck subs why should I pay for aerowalk.pk3
Well, I support it by watching it! I just don't like playing it that much. The thing I love about ET is how every spawn is a fresh start. In Quake, it's all about momentum and control. When these two things are not in your favor, it's very hard to break through it. Some players have the patience to play out of control, I don't. I want to steamroll over my opponent with my aim, not run away because I don't have the armor or weapons. I used to play ET like that aswell, before my aim turned to shit. Used to be obsessed with aim, but these days I love teamplay more than aim, so I prefer co-op or team focused games more.

Love the game and the excitement though, I'd just rather watch than play.
Understandable. What I meant is that there is a lot less "for the community by the community" in ET nowadays than there used to be and certainly much less than in QL. Most people in ET just play the game or watch others play the game, which is perfectly fine but simply isn't going to change anything in the long run.

I believe a common misconception is that one must choose between being a player/viewer or an admin/contributor - that it's not possible to run cups or contribute to the community and still actively play the game. This is easily proven wrong by taking a look at how many active QL players are also admins, casters, newswriters, etc. ET is still active enough for shit like this to be worthwhile, just need more people willing to do it and more acceptance and appreciation from the community for those who do step up and contribute.
Oh, I get what you mean. Though I do think that's not that unexpected. I've always had a lot of respect for people who put in a lot of effort to provide content and other gaming related work. I've stepped up in other games back when I was still serious about these things, but at a certain age I just couldn't always bother anymore. Last thing remotly constructive I did was to write a guide for Guild Wars 2, but besides that I'm glad that I have nothing else going on. I had a lot more free time early on when I was studying.

I think that goes for a lot of guys, both in ET and Quakelive. You get older, you still like gaming but you are not as compelled and fanatic about it as before Your priorities change and you start to actually become more of a casual player. You'd expect a younger generation to take over and for some games, that happens. Some games have a constant influx of new and younger players. I don't think Enemy Territory and Quakelive are games that appeal to the masses so much that they still constantly get new players. Maybe Quakelive more than Enemy Territory.

It's a shame really, games like these built esports, but they don't seem to always appeal that much to a younger generation.
QuoteYou get older, you still like gaming but you are not as compelled and fanatic about it as before Your priorities change and you start to actually become more of a casual player.

Yes. In quakelive though most of the top pros have 5-10 years behind them, easy to continue playing casual and still be succesful with no new top tier players coming in. Not that new players could even make it to the top level anymore anyway, plenty have tried but it isnt easy to catch all those years others have put in
I agree. Isn't Strenx relatively new though? Atleast by Quake standards.
More or less yeah, even though he has like 6 years atleast behind him. 3rd place playa always though =)

Joined fntic 09-10 so safe to assume there is couple years before that
Well he stated that he started quake at 9yo so.. more like 13 years behind him or something
Yeah, it kinda sucks. The reality is that ET will never be very successful in attracting new players, so it's best to simply abandon any hope of replacing the players who have left and to instead focus on keeping the current players interested as much as possible for as long as possible. Easier said than done, though. :P
It would help if there was just one game mode. There are still a lot of people spread over the different mods. Also, a global anticheat instead of most popular servers still running Punkbuster would really change things a bit. Thing is, last time some popular servers tried switching to a different anticheat, a lot of "noobs" just didn't know what was going on and went on to play different things.

The game is not streamlined enough to attract new players I guess. Heck, I just tried playing today and my PC was getting 40fps. It's not the best PC, but I can run most new games fine.
It will never be streamlined. Just too many casual players that love their double jump, poison syringes, gas grenades and med/ammo pack long throw abilities. Yes I play jaymod sometimes and need a shower afterwards.

I do like their changed landmine animation though (Bouncing Betty land mines or something).
No doubt. I don't think this game will ever be streamlined. I just think that it's one of the big hurdles which stops new players from playing Enemy Territory and mostly from playing ETpro. Even some flash games have communities with more influx simply because they are easy to find, easy to install and easy to use. I can't for the life of me play anything but ETpro though. The other mods are so bad and make the game even run worse than it already does.
The only thing that is missing is a CPMA mod ...
no Cooller :(?
04 czm was not fat smurfing after all? image: 1MpXCgu
ON AIR Sunday 13/07 faceit road2faceit tournament online:

Quarter Final 1: 13:00 CEST - 14:00 CEST - France strenx vs. Portugal ins 3/0
Quarter Final 2: 14:00 CEST - 15:00 CEST - Belgium dem0n vs. Sweden Spart1e 3/0 spart1e drunk forfeit
Semi Final 1: 15:00 CEST - 16:00 CEST Russia evil vs. Francestrenx 3/1
Semi Final 2: 15:30 CEST - 17:00 CEST - Belarus Cypher vs. Belgiumdem0n 3/0
Grand Final: 16:25 CEST - 18:00 CEST - Russiaevil vs. BelarusCypher


e: strenx vs evil was sick game. I will put VOD
Thanks, I'll watch it!
it was yesterday :O) heres the VOD playlist , this one is strenx vs evil: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=saU2LoAwcAw&list=UU3EVJoJw7OajdrYmBfCvcdw
ddk isnt going?
He's casting alongside zoot just like last year.
The groups have been modified a bit.

Quote by SyncErrorDue to further discussion within the tournament administration in cooperation with the coverage teams, we have given the seeds and groups one final evaluation. In our previous “formula” for generating our QuakeCon rankings, we utilized QLRanks Elo and Quake Live Power (Skill) Ratings. The general feedback was that we relied too heavily on Elo style rankings and did not put enough emphasis on past LAN tournament performance. I fully agree with that feedback.

The new standings now grant QC Ranking bonuses to 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th-8th place finishes in all Duel LAN tournaments noted on my official tournament record: http://www.syncerror.com/wiki/index.php/Quake_Live#Competition
Was a poor decision in the first place, good change :)



Look at the others groups, they all sux... its ridiculous
The groupstage is for seeding purposes only. All 32 players will advance to the playoffs.
same for group B

tox strenx and ZeRo4 ...

LOL plz
starting today 17h CET to 2 AM : http://www.twitch.tv/QuakeCon
BRACKETS : http://challonge.com/qc14_duel_masters
- Thursday, July 17th
17:45 CEST Group Play: Round 1
18:15 CEST Group Play: Round 2
18:45 CEST Group Play: Round 3
19:15 CEST (Break for lunch)
20:30 CEST Playoffs: Round 1
21:30 CEST Playoffs: Round 2
22:45 CEST Playoffs: Round 3
00:00 CEST Semi-Finals: A
01:00 CEST (Break for DOOM reveal)
02:00 CEST Semi-Finals: B

- Saturday, July 19th
19:30 CEST Bronze Final
05:00 CEST Grand Final

32 Player Group Stage (8 groups of 4), bo3
32 Player Single Elimination Bracket, bo5
Grand Final, bo5
and they say QL is dead Kappa
Sweden tox vs Russia evil in the Bronze Final on Saturday night at 19:30 CEST
United States of America DaHanG vs Belarus Cypher in the Grand Final on Sunday morning at 05:00 CEST

Also: http://www.quakelive.com/forum/showthread.php?37332-Quake-Live-Coming-to-Steam
ohurcool how's the event? I saw you participating in the BYOC tournament
Very awesome, thanks! It was the duel open tournament actually, but yeah I joined in and got rolled pretty hard as expected. :D

Some pics (I'm in 3 of them!): https://www.flickr.com/photos/quakecon/
could of sworn quakecon was in august
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