Gaming Movie Editing Competition

Little competition currently running, open to all game from Style-Productions. The prize pool is €300 and as mentioned how no restriction on what game can be used for the competition.

image: 571

There are a few rules that have to be followed, but they are pretty usual in terms of a fragmovie competition.

  • Deadline: November 9, 2014, 11:59 pm CET
  • All games allowed. No live footage
  • One submission per user
  • Length Restrictions: 120s minimum, 240s maximum
  • Our sponsor's url,, must be presented clearly for 3 seconds. There is no restriction on where you place it. However, extra points will go to the editor that finds a unique way to incorporate this into their video.
  • The official Style Competition Banner must also be presented clearly for 3 seconds. There is no restriction on where you place it. You may edit it, turn it into 3D, and apply effects to it. However, it must appear in its default position for at least 3 seconds. Again, extra points will go to the editor that finds a unique way to incorporate this into their video.

More in depth information on the competition can be found over at the Style-Productions website - this has been posted on ESReality and no doubt a few CS sites as well (the site seems to have a lot of CS related content).

interesting :D
I can rename to vo0 and you cna have good frags in cpma... NP! ;)
Someone should give a call to Spankie.
Finally time for my Sex Villa 3D compilation.
sounds like agon have some work to do ,,,
sounds like slarto have some work to do ,,,
sounds like fredd has some work to do ,,,
sounds like vaGgi has some work to do...

haha fuck no, just kidding.

ps: c-c-c-c-combobreakerrrrrrrr
cant wait to see these!
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