CF ET 2015: Announcement & Signup information

image: ivvhwx
Crossfire ET Tournament Season 1

We are glad to announce a new serie of Crossfire Tournaments! The sign ups are now open and will stay open till Sunday, 11th of January.

General information

The Crossfire ET Tournament Season 1 is based on earlier Crossfire Tournament editions with some little adjustments. We are running cups for the following formats: 2on2, 3on3 & 6on6.

This year is decided to introduce a new system for the play offs compared to earlier editions. With this system we hope to make the group stage more attractive to the teams. The results of the group stage will be used to form two different play offs. Once the group stage is finished, the two teams with the highest ranking will fight against eachother in a Champions bracket. Depending on the number of sign ups, the two or three lowest teams per poule will fight eachother in a Consolation bracket.

Crossfire ET Tournaments Season 1 will be featuring a 2on2 format which hasn't been played in tournaments for a while. To introduce this format, we decided to be selective in the number of sign ups. We will allow a total number of either 8 or 10 2on2 teams. In case of more than 10 sign ups, the admins will decide what teams will be allowed to play in this tournament.

The cup starts with a Group stage, followed by a Playoff stage, which is splitted into 2 brackets. Crossfire ET Tournament Season 1 will end with a final battle for the Super cup between the Champions bracket winner and the Consolation bracket winner in a best of 5 match.

Group stage

We are aiming on groups of 4 teams each. If it happens that we have a number of teams which equals a multiple of 5, then the groups will consists of 5 teams each. We will try to avoid an odd number of teams. The maps during the group stage are forced. Each matchweek, two forced maps will be picked from the maplist and the decider map will be chosen with a poll by the community. The decider will be a map which is not listed in the current maplist.
(The maps of each matchweek will be announced when the groups are published).


In the playoffs the top 2 of each group will fight against eachother in the Champions Bracket (Double Elemination). In case the groups have 4 teams (5 teams) each, the lowest 2 teams (3 teams) of each group will advance to fight against eachother in the Consolation Bracket (Double Elemination).
The maps in the playoffs are not forced. The maplist during the playoff stage will consist of the current maplist, which can be found under Maps.


  • Sign-ups open: Tuesday, 9th of December.
  • Sign-ups closed: Sunday, 11th of January (teams will be asked to confirm their participation at this point).
  • Groups online: Monday, 12th of January.
  • Start of the Cup: Tuesday; 13th of January.

    Full schedule will come online as soon as the groups are announced


The maplist consists of the top six most played maps for each format in the Cybergamer ladder.

  • adlernest
  • braundorf_b4
  • et_ice
  • frostbite
  • sp_delivery_te
  • supply

  • adlernest
  • et_ice
  • frostbite
  • sp_delivery_te
  • supply
  • sw_goldrush_te

  • adlernest
  • bremen_b3
  • missile_b3
  • radar
  • supply
  • sw_goldrush_te

Signing Up

Description how to sign up is explained in the following link: CF ET 2015: Sign-ups

Additional tournament info

Minimum amount of teams required for each format: 8
Admins: United Kingdom Artstar, Belgium ChilAx & Netherlands Sebhes
With the upcoming release of CGAC, CGAC will be mandatory in every match.

image: MKS8NWJ

Feel free to contact us if you have any questions or suggestions about the cup!
You can find us on #crossfire.
'xD has to show its skill once again in two formats, 3on3 and 6on6, I can see no way 2on2 is winnable by 'xD when ROCK is playing
avi for some 6o6 rollake
craze rebuild inc
I want to believe
no frostbite in 6on6?
Frostbite was not listed in the top six most popular maps at the moment of writing. That's why we decided not to put frostbite in the 6on6 map list. The most popular maps of the last 60 days in the cybergamer 6on6 ladder can be found here:

As you can see missile has dropped out of that list in the meantime. Last week it appeared to be significantly more played than frostbite. During the group stage we will have a weekly community poll that consist of 3 maps (not listed in the current map pool) per format that can be chosen as "decider of the week". These maps will be different each week. Frostbite will be certainly listed in this vote.

More info about this "decider of the week" will be given a week before the start of the tournament.
thanks to all hodor members for choosing supply/gold all the time special shoutout to buggs ofc , first time since 2003 we got decent mappol gjegje
Haha, I would like to thanks buggs especially for his shows the last few months
Yes, those maps were so underplayed before Hodor came into the scene.
Are you sure you ever picked a map other than goldrush?
probably avi for 3v3.
avi for comeback if people I know are playing :)
The most reasonable map pools in the history of ET? Nice.
missile is horrible map but 3v3 mappool is definately one of the bests ever. Or maybe its just not having 10 maps in it what makes it great.
Yeah was mostly about not having 10 maps. You could improve it though, by swapping a map or two.
atleast there aint gaydenberg which makes the pool a lot better
thenerdest gonna attend 2v2!1 winwinwin
OAH; good times
hodor could need 2 for this hodor hodor
seeing Chilax as one of the admins too bad you didn't name it "Winter Cup", I'd love to win a Winter Cup in summer
who are you? and why CGAC instead of CWELAC? ":D"
Avi for 6on6
Avi for 6o6 only (not sure if boss gna continue)
avi for 6o6 team offi only !! /q here
Avi for both 3o3 and 6o6
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