Next RTCW 6's Cup - Options & Ideas!

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Attention RTCW Community:

Virus047 (Team Cross Breed) and Gut (Teh Birdz) are looking to start another RTCW 6’s cup in the next few weeks or months. We have some ideas to begin signups for this future cup in mid Jan 2015. Signups would end Feb 1st or so. Next cup would begin shortly after. The following three options are being discussed with the remaining Reich Cup Admins (Virus047 and Gut). Lasher, Adetoo and Bully have both decided to step down from Admin Duties. Gut and I also have been in contact with several former admins, community leaders and teams for input and have come up with a few options we want to present to you:

Next RTCW 6v6 Cup Options:

Option #1:
“Old School” – A standard Group Stage (would group all NA teams in one group and all EU teams in another group or multiple EU groups depending on signups). Group stage would be followed by Playoffs (winners bracket and losers bracket). This format is dependent on high level of signups and low dropouts during group stage for success. The plus about this is it’s the system pretty much every cup has used in the last few years and its highly liked by the vast majority of the community. Wouldn’t need to really explain this format to anyone. Again like previous cups the group stages would be shorter because playoffs are longer and we generally have a “losers” bracket so all teams get 4-6 matches.

Option #2:
“TWL/CAL/STA/Clanbase” - Season Format. We would group all teams that signup (NA and EU) teams into one “group” or “division”. Use a 6-8 week season where teams would play matches and slowly rank themselves. Matches are played on a set map each week. All matches would be played on a default day/time. EU vs. EU would have a set date/time. NA vs. NA would have a set date/time. NA vs. EU would have a set date/time. Teams that fail to have a match on that date/time will forfeit. No rescheduling unless it is another day during the same match week and both teams agree and admins agree upon the new date/time. In the case of NA vs. EU matches a default server would be established for NA/EU teams to use for matches. Top 6 - 8 teams or whatever based on signups would move onto playoffs. No losers bracket in this format unless community wants it.

Option #3:
“An RTCW World Championship! “- We would have two separate groups.
NA in one large group (all NA based teams).
EU in one large group (all EU based teams).
Each team plays 8 weeks worth of matches. Depending on signups. NA group stage champion (team with most wins) and EU group stage champion (team with most wins) would play in a head to head NA vs. EU “world champion”. The 8 weeks would rank the teams. Depending on signups is possible there would be multiple matches against the same team. There are no playoffs in this format. This format is dependent again on a larger number of signups for better success. 6-8 teams in both EU and NA groups would be preferred. Thus avoiding as many duplicate match-ups as possible vs. the same teams.

The Skinny: (our initial thoughts)
Based on discussions with most of the remaining NA teams, several players, community leaders and some of the former admin staff we’ve leaned heavily towards the Option #2 idea. As it remains one of the best formats available for a smaller community of teams. It is not dependant on large numbers of signups for success but is more specific with the schedule and maintaining a schedule. Which I believe would be a much more acceptable format for EU and NA teams alike. Set match days/times. No excuses. No reschedules (with a few exceptions). Matches should be fair since maps are set each week. This option was an idea we almost went with during the planning stages of The Reich Strikes Back Cup but decided to move forward with a more “old school” approach. I think its time for a little change as we attempt to spark some activity again with this post. Again all options are on the table and all options are just ideas.

I’ve already reached out to WarWitch and the MG42 crew. Planning is already underway for a prize pool. We will have more details about this at a later date.

We will most likely be using the normal lineup of maps vastly accepted by the NA and EU communities but we have also considered that if Option #2 or #3 is used a custom map could be used during one of the regular season weeks. Suggestions for those are welcome. Maps already being tested are Pacific, Infamy, Tundra_Rush and a few others are open to consideration.

We are still looking for one or two more admins and are open to taking on more help as needed but intend to keep our group very small as it worked well last cup having a tight nit smaller group. Anyone interested just message me on IRC, facebook or on crossfire. You can also shoot me an email @ [email protected]

Anyway our group is standing by and continuing preparations for another cup. We just want to get community feedback and are looking forward to hearing your responses. Thanks!

-Future 6’s Cup Admins
Nice initiative. Good luck with working out your plans.
Gl with it
Option #2
What exactly do you like about Option #2? Trying to get a feel for what everyone wants to play in this cup. Really the idea is to provide the option the community wants so the more people communicating ideas to us and reasons they like certain options really helps!
Pacific is horrible for 6v6 i think. Infamy was nice in 5v5 :), dno how it plays on 6v6 but i doubt custome maps like these will ever have a chance nowadays
Pacific has some bugs that need ironed out as well. Spawn Bug for one is a big issue. The NA leagues used it for a few seasons in preseason matches but never a regular season map. So its just an option.

Infamy is def a solid map for 5v5/6v6's. Been tested and proven as a good map. NA leagues again also used this map for several preseason matches and actually made it into a few regular season maps as well.

We are also looking at other maps like Tundra_Rush, etc. Just trying to add something different for the community and to keep things interesting vs the normal Ice/Village/Frost over and over and over.
idk if we will get enough ppl. EU scene is pretty much inactive.
Sounds really nice. Old German guys (Circle of haste & Friends ) will participate!
Gl with the Organisation.
Excellent. Once we finalize all the minor details and select an option we will announce and have signups shortly after. Looking forward to your team signing up! :)
Would be nice to see some old schoolers :D
Good luck - I would say limit any NA vs. EU games to a minimum, most if not everyone involved dislikes it and would be better, imo, for teams to play the same NA or EU teams more than once to get extra games.
Thanks! We will need it! :)
Needs more 400+ ping useless Aussies on the no antilag servers!
What does everything think about the various options? Looking for some more feedback about our plans. Option #2 continues to be a favorite with most we've asked and our admins and we have some solid plans on how to utilize it within the NA and EU communities to make it the most "do able" with those teams as to cause few headaches and more successful matches.
i like option 3, i don't really wanna play euro servers if i can help it and im sure they dont wanna play american servers either. merlinator is right about limiting how much we have to play in different regions its not fun for anybody playing with high ping is just annoying.

about the maps.... pacific is a fun pub map i guess but not really a map that should be used in a tournament too much problems with it, infamy never played it, and tundra i don't really like so :D there are a lot more maps that could be used for comp but i cant think of them atm that are better than those 3 maps, but im sure most people dont wanna learn new maps and make new strats these days ^^
Do you have any suggestions on maps we could look into? I know Escape is being tossed around. CB and Birdz have been scrimming maps like Chateau and Keep a lot lately.
maybe some of the et maps? adlernest, is one i think. i can't remember the other names. they have been using it in Merlinator's 3v3 cup. I like Keep but not chateau.
Option #2
Murkey, the whole reason to try new customs is to give us a change from most standards that we all know and use. We've been trying these maps lately in scrims and most of us enjoy the change. Adapting and making new strats can be difficult, but at least its something new, and change is good. Hopefully others will give this tournament and some customs a chance. Good luck to all who participate!
Should add Adlernest the famous ET map, see below download and demo run through of the map
I've played Adlernest plenty of times in ET (more times than I can count and always enjoyed it). The RTCW version is also good and have played it before as well. We will have to consider this as well.
:-) if you have some demos of you playing it in 6v6, be free to upload them, i want to see them!
im also back home now. if us aus guys get a team will we be welcomed into the usa group? haha.
Why bother? It's impossible to play with high ping on OSP.. Unless you panzer, fgt ;)
lol yea. i dream about one day moving to euro and being able to hit shit!!!
Get back on ET.. could use more people since it's so dead in aus
PingRage is floating around someplace.... unless one of you is PingRage and I can't get my aliases straight. You guys should put UBIK back together or play on one of the teams that is bound to need 2-3 guys with experience.
I'll put myself down as avi for fun, sure Blox will do the same.

ps I am Dash and he is Blox1n haha, surprised you don't remember either of us, considering he is rather well known and I've had you on xfire for ages!
lol yea pretty confusing as we all are from rtcw and et places that you guys dont play at.
pingrage is remedy.
if you guys get an odd number of teams in na group and if some teams wanted to play shrub v us on their bye week we would fully be in and get organised i think.
we always wanted to kind of test ourselves on shrub v some teams even with 200 difference.
buuuuuut i know thats pushing it haha
supply depot
rtcw lan please
drinking beers with h2o
If someone would organise lan it would be a pleasure to get drunk with you.
2k15 rtcw lan meet up in NL? =D
I would come x)
My house is avi in Zandeweer city : )
Isl4m! Wanna Play with your old coh mates? Slayer, Sensi, Kinza @ the gaybar? <3
haha :D rly?
Year rly! Met them in ts, they are Willing to Play!
haha yeah lets go to ET lan im ready too, then we stole the computers there and install rtcw , izi np for me
I am available for a team.
get DDD back with latin!
anything gonna be announced? don't start too late if this is happening..
by Virus047 • 30 Dec 2015, 03:29 • News

lol :)

if someone can explain me why rtcw osp isn't runnin on win7 64bit, ill might play it again
works for me on w7 x64, something on your end, possibly cfg? what happens exactly
what version?
i dont know.. the version from back in 2004/2005 ..
win7 64bit sp1 .. and the osp from back then.

i dont know if there have been updates on osp ..
I mean your RtCW version. You can find it in the lower right of the console, like in ET.
all good. had the wrong rtcw folder..

found my original gamer rtcw folder in a backup folder. all working :)
I had the same problem and crumbs helped me out... Can't remember what to do tho. :-) Maybe Merlinator knows?
avi for any eu/na team : )
Unfortunately I cannot commit to this cup at this time. I hope everyone has a fantastic time and may the best team win!
Good luck getting this cup of the ground, and have fun all!
was man hier für namen ließt :)

mani, kuraigu, islam und in nem kommentar den schlaia.

war schon lustig damals <o/
schreib mal hier n link zu deinem vid von damals kuraigu. hatte glaub ich n sehr geiles outro mit mucke von dir
Praan du geiler Typ! Schöne Grüße von Sensi, Slayer, Kinza und Tintin!
Was gibts bei die neues?
grüße zurück! schön das ihr immernoch kontakt habt. ist ja inzwischen schon ne weile her ;)

daddel mal seltenst ne runde l4d2, ansonsten nur routine. zockt ihr noch was zusammen?
Ähm... Ich eher nicht. Kinza zockt irgendein kack mit Slayer. Ansonsten wollen wir uns dieses jahr mal treffen wenn wir es schaffen. Also so in echt ;)
Ne rtcw LAN mit den Teams von früher fänd ich jedoch noch geiler.
Avi for thisssssss
So many people saying "avi for this" than make a team! Who cares if its a mix, majority of the teams signing up are a mix of players anyway. Lets do this!

Sad to see WW can't cast though. :(
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