CG EU ET Season 2 Winners

Better late than never, right? I am proud to present the winners of CyberGamer EU Enemy Territory Season 2!

image: 81XpmVt

To be honest I was slightly concerned at the beginning of the season due to the rather low number of signups (or lower than we're using to seeing, at least). However, I feel that both cups have been a success overall. The format we went with this time around definitely worked out a lot better than last season. There were also much fewer noshows and dropouts this season and no delays at all except for the finals. We've had some very close and exciting games with 225 total viewers in tonight's 6on6 Division 1 Grand Final. It's been fun!

So, here we are with the winners of our second ET cup season on CyberGamer EU:


Division 1 (
  1. Europe Serious Incident Called Karma
  2. Netherlands DoubleDutchDragons
  3. Finland TURBOAPINAT
Division 2 (
  1. Belgium LIKE A BOSS
  2. Finland new terror
  3. Europe Just Random Players


Division 1 (
  1. Netherlands DoubleDutchDragons
  2. Finland TURBOAPINAT
  3. Europe Inner-Sense
Division 2 (
  1. Germany Duplo
  2. Germany Doctor
  3. Europe SSTAT

Huge thanks to United Kingdom MerlinatoR for doing such an incredible job of streaming and shoutcasting every week throughout the season. He streamed a total of 23 matches and has uploaded all replays to his YouTube account. Please give him your support by liking his Facebook page and following him on Twitch!

Congratulations to the winners and thanks to all who participated and helped out. See you next season!

CG EU ET Season 2 Tournaments

CG EU ET 6on6 League
CG EU ET 3on3 League
Thanks for hosting CG2

Cu at season 3
but but u didnt play in any of those 3v3 games?!
being in roster doesnt count? :(
tag should be top 3, noobs :P
there is a big mistake i think :s
Was fun :) look forward to next season. Thanks for all the twitch support :)
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