wiSe wins TEAM-PHASE eSports Cup

Poland wiSe-guys won the TEAM-PHASE eSports Cup yesterday in a very exciting Grand Final versus Finland turbot!

image: 4i0m4m

Poland wiSe-guys had to win twice since they came from the lower brackets, they took the 1st final with an 4-2 win. 'First Final'
The 2nd final was also for Poland wiSe-guys with a 4-2 victory in a very close and exciting game.

Poland wiSe-guys

Poland Abject
Poland hunter
Poland WuT

image: game51197
TEAM-PHASE eSports Cup
Grand Final

1st Match: Poland wiSe-guys won 4-2
supply 1-1
sw_goldrush_te 1-1
frostbite 2-0

2nd Match: Poland wiSe-guys won 4-2
supply 1-1
sw_goldrush_te 1-1
adlernest 2-0

Finland turbot

Finland Statti
Finland Swanidius
Finland vokki

The Grand Final was casted by United Kingdom MerlinatoR!:

Replay of the 1st final

Replay of the 2nd final


Poland wiSe-guys - € TBA
Finland turbot - € TBA
France phase - € TBA (not sure if 3rd will receive a prize)

Thanks to every team who particpated in the TEAM-PHASE eSports Cup, United Kingdom MerlinatoR for the casts and Cybergamer, and France aacid & France drkje to use their phase site (the organisation team-phase is renamed to fireBot)

Congratz to Poland wiSe-guys and see you in the Crossfire ET Tournament Season 1!

If we only didn't lose adlernest with 8 sec... Nevertheless congratz wiSe guys!
gg Swani
gj goryle
8) Prizes:

Prizes will be awarded to 1st and 2nd place in the tournament, once the cup is completed.

So, after phase took 3rd place suddenly they want to compensate them also, though the rules say there will be prizemoney for 1st and 2nd place.
Well, i'm the cup admin and i asked them several times to change the rules (the mappool was since 2 months ago not good either on that phase site, (since i can't edit it there) but in my openings post of the phase cup there was:

General information

The TEAM-PHASE eSports Cup is a 3on3 ET cup with groups and playoffs. We need a minimum of 16 teams. The maximum of teams can go up with +4 (so 20-24-...) since we have groups of 4 teams in each group. We have some prize for the top 3 at the end of the cup!

For what its worth for:) And you better start blaming aacid and drkje for that prize thing, since they just ignore me atm...
Sup chilax?
I'm fine and you? told hunter yesterday about that money etc.
About that money?
will u tell also us?
nice cup with nice money to win hehe XDDDDDDDDDDD
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