Get ready to search and destroy your opponents!

image: fall_header_cod2
With the fall coming to an end it's time to get ready for another big fall online event next to the OpenCup running to carry you and your very own S&D gamemode up into the winter! Prepare to get on the road with 64 teams fighting for the crown of the cup.

We will come up with a premiership to boost our activity for the IPS Community Game in the running season. 64 Teams will be able to participate in 8 Groups to play two matches each week. Sign up your team with at least a 5 man lineup to compete on the maps Burgundy, Caen, Carentan, St. Mere Eglise, Stalingrad, Toujane and Wallendar. All maps will be played with max rounds 15 and there will only one map for each match. Draws are not possible and you have to play an MR5 overtime with the common ESL International Cup Mode: esleu_cup.
Help us to bring you some more money in CoD2's online events.

Read all those and even more details on the ESL page.

If you still look around for the server settings read the rules and download the ESL PAM Mod for your server: Download.

We will also try to arrange coverage of GIGA and GIGA 2 to bring hot CoD2 live action into your very own living room.
Make sure you get your team up and running to participate in this cup! More details and rules will be published within the next days, stay tuned.

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