ET Reborn LAN Payments

image: logo450pxnobg
Payment deadline: Monday 2nd of March 2015

After the ET Reborn LAN 2015 post was made, there has been a lot of interest from a number of teams.
With this information, we would also like to announce a deadline for payments. We need 14 teams for both 3on3 & 6on6 paid and signed up for this event to go ahead, so by the end of February we wish for all these teams to be paid up (either payment received or proof of payment sent).

Payments are open from now on. Currently we have 5 6on6 teams and 7 3on3 teams fully paid. There is a chance at a 16 team tournament too which would be fantastic.

Paid 3on3 teams are checked image: icon_vinkje
Netherlands Sebhes
United Kingdom Shaman
Finland Sherclock
image: icon_vinkje
Hungary Fobje
Hungary sebi
Netherlands Testi

Germany Ava
Netherlands HybrAtek
Belgium SupNa
image: icon_vinkje
Germany eujen
Sweden Tites
Europe TBA

Netherlands Freddy
Finland Rsp
Finland smakt
image: icon_vinkje
Poland Baczo
Poland Pablo
Poland Sinnsyk
image: icon_vinkje
Germany FiREBALL
Germany KRESTi
Germany s1LENT
image: icon_vinkje
Belgium PlAyer
Finland Swanidius
Netherlands vanQ

Netherlands GiZmOo
Netherlands outlAw
Netherlands iNsAne
image: icon_vinkje
Belgium dAv1d
Belgium eron
Belgium ViKO

France Bowler
France didi
France KareN

Netherlands aphesia
Netherlands joop
Poland Kirej
Netherlands Lightning

Netherlands Bossah
Netherlands mAxwell
Netherlands Thomm1e
image: icon_vinkje

Paid 6on6 teams are checked image: icon_vinkje
Netherlands 7ele
Croatia Arma
Netherlands mAxwell
Netherlands Sebhes
United Kingdom Shaman
Finland Sherclock
image: icon_vinkje
Hungary Fobje
Netherlands jesse
Netherlands ratte
Hungary sebi
Netherlands Testi
Europe TBA

Germany Ava
Netherlands GiZmOo
Netherlands HybrAtek
Netherlands iNsAne
Netherlands outlAw
Belgium SupNa
image: icon_vinkje
Netherlands Freddy
Finland Rsp
Norway Sinche
Finland smak
Finland Swanidius
Netherlands woott
image: icon_vinkje
Belgium Buzzer
Netherlands esSe
Germany eujen
Belgium PlAyer
Finland toNi
Netherlands vANQ
image: icon_vinkje (5/6)
Belgium dAv1d
Belgium eron
Belgium fostruM
Belgium ViKO
Europe TBA
Europe TBA

Germany drago
Slovenia JaKaZc
Estonia Nait
Austria potter
Netherlands Ronner
Germany urtier
image: icon_vinkje
France Blade
France momo
France talG
France TBA

Germany Bl4d3
Germany FiREBALL
Germany FLoPJEHZ
Germany KRESTi
Germany sTOWNAGE
Germany stRay
image: icon_vinkje
Belgium aieuh
France Bowler
France didi
France KareN
France meNth
France ReturneR

Netherlands aphesia
Netherlands joop
Poland Kirej
Netherlands Lightning
Europe TBA
Europe TBA
image: icon_vinkje (4/6)
Poland Abj
Poland blk
Poland BloOdje
Poland dialer
Poland Frag'Stealer
Poland lesti
image: icon_vinkje (2/6)

My team is ready to pay - what should I do?
Private message myself or timbolina here on crossfire before the 2nd of March with the following information:
- A team name;
- Team nationality:
- Lineup;
- Which format(s) you are interested to participate in;
- Contact details.

When you sign up, we will email you back with payment details.

Other information
  • Tickets are available. Switzerland v4ux13 is designing tickets that you will receive online when you have purchased tickets. Each ticket has a different code that is strictly personal and can be used to check in at the LAN centre. Players will receive bracelets after checking in at the LAN event.
  • Spectators will have to pay €5,- to enter the LAN centre. Upon payment spectators will receive a different bracelet that can be used the whole weekend to watch the LAN from the inside. This is done so we know who wishes to spectate and to prevent any form of theft. Spectators can pay at the door.;
  • Join our mIRC channel! #ETReborn

Refunds only given in the case of the event being cancelled.

Useful links
Like us on Facebook!

If you wish to contribute to the LAN by a donation, we would be very grateful! Donations will be used for the following (depending on the amount of sign-ups):
  • Used to cover the cost of location/renting PC's and monitors;
  • Used to increase the prizepool.

As stated in this thread all payments will go via bank. If you wish to donate you can do so by sending it to this IBAN:
IBAN NL38 RABO 0301 1748 65 in the name of T. Bakker


In the description please add: donation [ nickname you are recognized with ]

Or you can donate via Paypal too by clicking on the image below

image: donate_hand

List of people who contributed by donating to the LAN
Netherlands 7ele & Switzerland v4ux13
Germany cheeze
Germany cutee
Germany Rayzed
Netherlands Ronner
Estonia schnee
Poland zAAba
Anonymous 3x Anonymous

Feel free to contact us if you have any questions or suggestions about the ET Reborn LAN!
You can find us on #ETReborn.
Lets go guys!
gogogo Team Rockit ;)
LAN without clown & co? :(((
you seem to be a perfect guy to take the role of a clown
GL polaks
Matias rockit.ET
QuoteSpectators will have to pay €5,- to enter the LAN centre. Upon payment spectators will receive a different bracelet that can be used the whole weekend to watch the LAN from the inside. This is done so we know who wishes to spectate and to prevent any form of theft. Spectators can pay at the door.;

Are you fucking serious?
I will sponsor you the spectator entry fee, if you wear a shirt with a photo of me on the front, caption;

'no ticket, no entry - sponsored by biggz'.
*sponsored by biggz'mLG
why are you so cheap? loelz
3o3 teams: 14*3*35=1 470€
6o6 teams: 14*6*65 = 5460€

Left over after pricepool:
1470€ + 5460€ - 2750 = 4180€ for renting place and computers for a weekend?
+ holidays for admins on Canary Islands
What fanatic said. We wont be buying computers to play ET. We will actually be buying some cheap costumes that we can use to roleplay Enemy Territory. Each player on the team has to put on the suit of his choice (Fops, medic, engi, covy, soldier) and they will battle on a grassfield. The team that has most players still alive at the end of 10 minutes will advance to the next round.
I've got a good addres for paintball guns if you need it :D
So 4180€ for 16 computers and a place rent?
28 PC's and monitors. They will deliver them and take them back.
Location rent incl. power supply, tables and chairs.
Wzzrd staff who will do the catering
Extra costs (there will always be extra)
Promotion material @ LAN, banner/bracelets
Extra money will be used to increase the prizepool
Have you discussed with management about charging people to enter as a spectator btw?
I see that TImbo and u have my vote.
I don't necessarily need to explain this to you, but when you come out in public trying to make it look like we are ripping the ET scene off, then I feel like I have to put you in your place. If you are implying we are trying to rip off people, please feel free to contact me or timbolina personally instead of trying to give us a bad name. And in all honesty, we are crazy not to take money into our own pocket for this after all the hours we have spent into organizing this event for ET. But we are not going to do that because ET can use all it money it gets.

For better purpose, I hope I'm not making a mistake by trying to reply to such comments, you can never win, you're always a thief, you're always getting rich off LANs. Oh if only they knew...
good job Sebhes! :D
lulz u made sebhes reply to "flame" comment, gj
Good calculating but not all teams will participate I think. People will cancel when seeing cost to travel, hotel etc. Also renting PC's costs surprisingly much.
I've never organised a LAN myself but I've organised many many professional events for some of the largest companies in the World. I am just going to break-down your costs. It could be the way I break them down ends up being incorrect, but other way, it still serves as a good exercise.
Let's take your 4,180 Euros.
Divide that by 4 days. (Thursday setup, Fri / Sat / Sun LAN). If I'm not mistaken, even Wednesday is used as a setup day but let's ignore that for now.
4,180 Euros / 4 Days = 1,045 Euros per day.
I saw they will be getting 28 PCs and monitors. 1,045 Euros / 28 PCs = 37.32 Euros.

Essentially the above shows you that 4,180 Euros spread over 4 days works out as 37.32 Euros per PC including monitor per day.

If that is what they are paying, then good on them. That means that they managed to get other sponsors to help out with the costs because there is no way you can rent a decent PC & monitor at 37.32 Euros per day. There's no way the venue isn't charging more as electricity consumption would be quite high.

Having said this, I am probably calculating everything wrong but it still serves as a good learning curve for anyone doubting how expensive it is to organise any normal event, let alone a LAN.
Thanks for your input!
was i correct?!
Not what we are doing, no. But you are right about costs of PC/monitor each day :P
I just wonder timbo, what PCs and monitors are you going to have?

You can PM it to me if you want, because I bet you there will be so many idiots flaming you for that...
if its the same ones that were mentioned in a post before the lan announcement, it sorta deserves the flame cuz those weren't great pc's (they can run et but cf is a spoiled crowd)
Didn't timbo already say, those PCs (that you flamed in that post and to be fair, I agreed with your point 80% there) won't be used?
haven't actively followed the lan posts after the announcement so wouldnt know if he said that
I want to buy up all the available spectator tickets (I'm assuming there has to be a set amount) and will proceed to resell them for twice that on eBay.
Scammer? nononono, businessman.
As I already bought them all, I am going to sell them to you for 7€ a piece.
So it's not possible for teams to attend anymore or what?
lol :D

teams can still attend
im just curious :S
QuoteThere is a chance at a 16 team tournament too which would be fantastic.

that sentence is enough :P
they hope for a 16 team tournament

FU there is ur tl:dr version xDD
Succesful troll, finally!
Teams can still sign up if they want.
still missing 6 teams :-(
wasn't it 2e for specs? GREEDY TIMBO IS GREEDY
Nickname: Austria beAsty
Languages: Austria / Germany / United Kingdom
Format: 1on6
Skill: Lagscript + 180 degree script + prone = atleast high+
Class: Rambo medic, 2€ per revive
Contact: here or @irc
Other information: can organize Jack Wolfskin as sponsor
Should make it a per day payment for the specs, different color bracelet per day or smtn. Bit odd to charge one day specs the same as people who stay the full three days? you will need someone at the door all days for those one day specs anyway so
Just make it 2e for everyone. That sounded reasonable price to my ears.
I joined first time Clanbase 20.04.04 so great anniversary LAN 11 years of gaming coming for me!
heard seanza organises good lans, maybe drop him a pm, he even fucks off on holidays a day after the competition to ;)
every team should get min. 2 spec braclets for free, since they allready paid 390 bugs and bring thirsty ppl with them
390 bugs bunnys? image: clip-art-bugs-bunny-781264
Good suggestion. I'll discuss this with timbolina.
we bring like 10+ specs with us tho :D
true, but 2 less paying sounds better then non :P
Hope so because as much as it's not that expensive, I've not paid for spectating at a LAN yet :(

Maybe I can be sponsored to come as a photographer for the LAN :))))
i can understand their arguments a bit but 2euro would have been enough for the weekend to spec.
since we got allready around 10+ specs with us i think anyone of these drinkers can take a picture too, otherwise we would have needed one for sure
2€ would have been plenty to cover any extra costs I think, and with the lower prices it would attract more people (even locals just looking to see what's going on etc).

People will be coming from around Europe to play here, its not exactly cheap for everyone!
The photographer bit was more in general/event stuff for ET Reborn or something if they needed one :>>

Just look at those smiles...
image: 16197609037_a6505a6124_b

Is that Wing and his dad? :D
You are joking right? For the love of everything, please be fucking joking? You dont recognise United Kingdombulld0g?
newschool dunno about oldies :(
He and mend0 were the best Cheatbusters out there! (nostalgic ofcourse). And ofcourse was always a blast testing new maps with bulld0g
nice pic, but is it a girl or a guy in the background between them ?!? :D
From what I remember it was some emo guy/thing :d
winghaven standing on a box there or wwas bulldog also quite short? (cant visualise bulldog's lenght in my head anymore xD)
They are both pretty short :D
if u go, I go (:
<3 will see!
Okay, flights are booked. If this event doesnt happen I need some dutchies to get wasted with me in Amsterdamm.

Also looking for accomodation, hotels are fkin expensive wtf.
you can go with us (boekelo)
junge kannst doch nicht jeden obdachlosen einladen
brauchst dochn kopanen :)
+1 trying to get his ass for free :)
how more people how more Jack Daniels and weed... stownage!!!!!
This is what happens when people translate Dutch/Flemish sayings literally :'|
Do I have your Facebook? Or I'll contact you in IRC/Steam tonight
ich könnte mich da mit ner couch revangieren :D
da bin ich schon drauf :s
dann wirds eng bro :D
:D jo, wäre cool. Wobei ich auch für ein Bett zahlen würde :D
I can do this
Is it possible i can slag in somones hotel room on the floor ^^?
jes you can stay at team stray we got like 5 appartments you can stay somewhere ;d
don't know if i will go yet though but thanks for the offer^^
The couches in those appartments are really shit to sleep in :) Make sure to bring a sleeping mat and bag with you.
Wont go, but thanks for the advice anyways!
exceed is giving away free rooms /q
Haha "Team chry". Making sure that everyone knows who the most important player is?! :D
tbh it's not going to be razz is it
I wouldn't know, I don't really play ET anymore. Was just teasing chry :)
You don't need to play ET to know that razz is a fucking spiv
Veel plezier 7ele & Testi, grappig dat jullie nog spelen.
Groeten, Woody :-]
is there someone who wants to donate me? ;p
so 2 weeks left and not even half of teams paid? you better rush people to pay for that or it's gonna be a failure
WHy cant lans ever be in the UK:D I would have watched this would have been cool
because get your ass up and organise a lan in the uk?
Tbh I dont even play the game haha, just decided to pop back after few years, surprised its still here, shame that erm clanbase and esl dropped support haha
Clanbase doesn't even exist anymore and people were boycotting ESL as far as I can remember :P
Komen er nog lekkere dames?
Haha max komt toch :DD
Haha ja dat wel , maar elke dag pindakaas op brood is ook niet lekker
gl esse!!
Want Lan in Ger
Not possible (index), but enschede is not far away from germany tho
Jacker and Ethic... moi :) wish i got the time to play with you now!
those who don't pay and put their names up there , attention whores confirmed, gg.
rip in pieces län.
It will happen
Artificial? Stealing old clan names eh.. :(

Cool initiative tho
ive played for a short period of time with you guys back in the day with cheas womb stimp etc.
thought why not for the sake of e.t bring ol' legends back to life:)
Sebhes so desperate he allows busted players to go :P
So not even half of the needed teams paid and as a solution you decided to allow busted cheaters? Desperate times ask for desperate measures?
My humble opinion is if we didn't allow for busted cheaters it would be me, Sebhes and Shaman having nice time at "LAN". And I don't personally care which program has busted some player. Is it CGAC, TZAC or PB back in 2005, it is all the same to me. Once a cheater always a cheater and all should be treated the same.
But we (erAse) paid :o

Where is the money ?! #eSsestolemypayment
yea nothing against the people who did pay:D just saying not even half of the needed teams paid and suddenly the team list changes and added teams with busted players :P
your critical opinion is ofc on a right base. But to let u and others know there have been many talks between the teams who paid/who are goin to pay.. i do t know what everybody said but still i heard from many that we have a hard situation atm to even have this lan happening.. thatswhy i guess such solutions had to be made.. ofc its not that cool to let them play there but imo if they try to cheat there they wont do it ever again.. trust me there are enough who know how to make those programs inbisible about what ever but there also people who arent using this but still can find out at others ;)
I can understand the reasoning, but if it was up to me quality > quantity and I would rather not see a LAN happen and accept the community is just too small than having to fill spots with people that simply shouldn't be allowed to play there. The mates I would go to LAN for(because honestly the ET LANs since CC5/6 haven't been about ET but about hanging with e-friends etc), most of them if I tell them 'everyone is welcome at my place from date X to X' most of them would be down for that too.

Credibility is also just ruined if you allow cheaters to come to LAN, you also going to unban people for online tournaments just because the community is small? :/
Busted cheaters are already allowed to play in Online tournament, such as crossfire cup :XD

Belgium Buzzer
Netherlands esSe
Germany eujen
Belgium PlAyer
Finland toNi
Netherlands vANQ image: icon_vinkje (5/6)

let me guess, toNi dodging? How unexpected :S
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