2 Continents! 1 Cup... CUP! Announced!

Attention RTCW Community! Yes! Community: As in ONE large but completely messed up group of people still playing this game. We are talking to both sides of RTCW community that is merely separated by a giant pond! More or less half the admin staff that brought you the last RTCW cup (The Reich Strikes Back) is proud to present our next installment of RTCW Action! We have 2 continents still playing this game and only one cup to win… so we bring you: 2 CONTINENTS! 1 CUP! ... CUP!

image: 2concupannounce

This Cup will bring a new twist on the last few cups as we are moving away from group stages and going back to a more old school feel for the game when we used to play under a ‘seasons’ format. Meaning we will have set default dates and times and each week a new map will be played as the ONLY map during that week’s action. This also includes OFFICIAL SET DATE/TIMES for our favorite NA vs. EU match ups (and EU vs. EU and NA vs. NA). Meaning if you fail to show up on time or make other arrangements to play the match BEFORE the default date/time you will forfeit and the next week’s schedule will begin. We will have no reschedules! This means almost zero delay! We will also have a playoff and are planning to include a few custom maps along the way to keep things interesting (don’t worry we don’t plan on being CRAZY with our selection of custom maps). Community members will in fact have a chance to vote on the custom maps they wish to see used in the cup during two weeks in the regular season. More details on that to follow as well as loads of information on our websites rules page!

Along with this exciting news we are also proud to announce merl1nator will be taking the lead as our main caster for this event. WarWitchTV and the rest of the Mg42 crew will also be providing coverage but on a smaller level then previous cups. Again much like last cup we are attempting to organize a prize pool but can’t release any official details about this until we can 100% confirm that aspect. So be on the lookout for this information on our website and other RTCW news outlets (Facebook, Crossfire, merl1nator, WarWitchTV, etc.).

Signups begin immediately and will end on the 15th of February @ 11:59 PM EST.

Official Start Date: February 22nd, 2015

Map schedule teams will be using:

Week 1: Ice
Week 2: Base
Week 3: TBA (#1 Voted Custom)
Week 4: Village
Week 5: Assault
Week 6: TBA (#2 Voted Custom)
Week 7: Beach
Week 8: Frostbite

Playoffs Begin on or around the last week of April. More details will follow on the official playoff maps and schedule.

During the last few months we have been working closely with members of the RTCW community to provide for you a change of pace with this new cup and hope the ‘seasons’ format removes much of the delay that generally happens in the group stage cups and playoffs. Also we are again tweaking our rule set and expect teams and team captains to be fully compliant with these rules. Most noteworthy is teams will be required to submit a valid GUID with each of your players as you signup. We will have a ZERO tolerance policy in place during the cup when it comes to following the rules.

You can officially submit your teams name, region, roster, locations of each player and GUID’s to: [email protected] or message Virus047 thru Crossfire.

NOTE: We will have EU vs. NA matches but we will attempt to limit the number of cross continent match ups during the regular season as we feel that is the best way to keep the season going on schedule and make for a more exciting playoff. So it is possible you MIGHT play the same EU and NA teams twice during the regular season.

The Admin team and I wish everyone the best of luck this cup and can’t wait to get this kicked off! Thanks! GL HF!'

Cup Admin Team:
United States of America Virus047
United States of America Alpha
United States of America Gut
Sweden Malmen (webhost)

Cup Website:
Good luck RTCW, is this 3on3 or 6on6 format?
I assume 3on3
6 vs 6 is the format.
Good luck with it, but nowadays keeping such a strict scheduling is kind off switch as most of the ppl that still kick around RTCW/ET have other responsibilities and for most set up times wont be appropriate due to other obligation in real life or something different, reason every cup that was hosted in recent years had re-scheduling option to avoid forfeits and give players more match time.
regardless of time given to teams to organise a game they normally will wait to the last 48hours to play the game :P
Yeh that's what im saying, reason nowadays nearly noone organize the cups with no reschedule option.
I guess the main reasoning behind this was the last several cups were filled with delays after delays with matches never being finished. So many people kept saying to the Admin Teams force a set date/time and hold teams accountable to that. When we presented our 3 Options a few weeks back we were planning to use Option #2 (the current cup we've presented) was the most liked. As well as feedback we received from the community generally thought highly of returning back to the old seasons format where matches were scheduled each week at the same day/time and if teams couldn't make it or were late they forfeit. Meaning ZERO delays for teams who are responsible and the cup can continue on. A similar system will be used in the playoffs.
At one point its good because u stick to the starting scheduling part, meaning regardless of some teams not being able to compete at that week, the cup will go on without any delay, at other side the question is, how many forfeits will u have to handle out and potencially what will be the quality of the cup at the end?
The scheduling aspect should for sure help the cup remain on schedule during the regular season and playoffs. I guess the forfeits will happen but matches are still going to happen as well and generally speaking when I was the head admin back in ET/RTCW an ETQW leagues back in the day (granted those games were much much more active) we would have 10% forfeits during the season and I always try to hit those numbers by assisting teams with scheduling/contacting teams/players and working with teams to ensure matches are getting played on time during the regular season. I know the rest of the admin team and I have the same feelings. We want to see matches played but we also want teams to follow the rules. Meaning we need everyone to hopefully play ball and agree to play on the default/day/time if they signed up for the cup..... if they can't. They shouldn't sign up. SImple as that.
Agree on the last part about signing up with agreeing up to terms of playing times, then again, hopefully RTCW community is a bit different from the ET one when it comes to scheduling games :P

GL nonetheless in your cup.
Oh it's official now! :) Good luck to all, and most importantly have fun!

p.s. Hopefully we see some old/new faces :)
Nice! I'm avi!
I recently reinstalled after about ten years or so. After a lot of hassle I could find and join servers. After a lot of other hassle I could stop my multiplayer from crashing after being ingame a few minutes. And now I'm bored with playing against bots (altho it gives a great nostalgic feeling to see bots with names of 4Kings, iNfensus, GMPO, Kreaturen, etc). I've also played the singleplayer again a bit and came across some maps I desperately want to play again in multiplayer (ice, village, ...).

Anywho, anyone looking for another player?
And can anyone tell me where some community action is still going on besides this website? IRC channels, some new stuff, ...?
You can try on facebook :D
I was already wondering if a part of the rtcw/gaming in general community has moved on to for example facebook, because IRC seems quite dead.
What are big gaming pages on FB then?
And are there still some decent esports coverage websites online? No more Tek9, SK seems (temporarily?) down, ...
Well there are not any big clans these days, we got more like community page there https://www.facebook.com/groups/rtcwolfenstein/
and there
IRC is fairly dead... but a few channels remain active with peeps spamming for 3v3's or available for ringers n such. That being said the above mentioned facebook groups are fairly active. Obviously Crossfire remains one of the last major hubs of any RTCW comp. WarWitchTV and Merlin continue to cast for the community (WarWitch has dropped of lately as hes more into his Twitch Partnership now) and Merlin is hard at work with his great work streaming ET lately.
What channels are those? Any other than #crossfire and #rtcw.wars?
just those 2 pretty much
Both of those channels listed above are good to go most of the time. Both are on quakenet BTW. You can also find a few teams individual clan channels might have some lingering idlers. On the NA side we have #crossbreed #wolfpug #wolfenstein and #tehbirdz
Good luck Matt and nice to see RtCW cup again!
Thanks Zed! We will need all the support we can get.
Zed, make a team! :D
hmm rtcw .. hmmm ..

still installed here and fully running on my win7 64bit ..
i'm in!
avi for this :)
Get DDD's to play another season :)
Anyone else from gMen available? You should put together a team again. I messaged Adeto and hes also looking around for players/interest as well.
what are the maps to be voted on? o_o? and is it the top 4 teams go to play offs? other teams go to lower bracket?
Murkey more details will come on this later. Top 2 NA and Top 2 EU. Its in the rules. :)
any teams signed up already?
We have 4 teams confirmed. Details on the cup website!
Guess it will become only NA cup tho :<
5 NA teams confirmed now.... at this point its appearing that way. Awaiting the Euros to become interested I guess.... Who wants free money anyway right?
Playing for fun, not for money ;^
To each his own. We have confirmed our first EU team and are awaiting confirms from 3-5 other EU teams from last cup. Of course were still sitting at 5 NA teams. So things are looking good so far.
how do you manage the ping issues?
rtcw doesn't have this nice (or not nice) antilag which etpro has.

i remember it being a pain in the ass back then in the qcon qualifiers.

i haven't started askin around yet, but maybe i'll gather some players together.
haven't played rtcw in like 9 years or so :/
As long as you're pinging say, anything under 150 or so it'll be playable.

Anything more and it's just stupid... hence why myself and a few others I know probably won't bother.
when there will be USA vs EU every team will have shit ping either on usa server or eu so its fine :D
I'm Australian.
ye i know, that is problematic :P
Get your fellow Aussies together and put up a team. :) .... however I can't change the cup name.... 3 Continents... 1 Cup.... just doesn't sound right. LOL.
Refer to above comment :)
Doubt we'd get any interest with a shrub tourney lol. You guys played well a few cups ago vs Americans. Get brandon back on your team :p
Don't think you get it really man.. it's just not fun shooting at heads when your bullets don't hit.

Not fussed about a shrub tourney, game is and has been dead in Aus for enough time to have moved on! ET is where it's at, just.
if we can play with 6 panzers then might be ok ;)
More the merrier! Come on peeps, get 6 people old or new, and lets have some rtcw fun!
I'm interested in building a team for the cup and need a few nice Americans with good knowledge of the game (who can hopefully help me and my ET buddies with strategy) to build one with me.
Glad to see I got you some what interested, hopefully people can help you out. I know theres a few people lookin for a team.
Let me know if you need help finding players. I know Daky and some of his guys from RTCW 1.0 could use a few active/dedicated bodies.
Why go back to the one map per week formula? It is really boring playing a shitty map 3 times. I suggest either having a decider map or let the loser of the first map pick the second map.
Its a huge change of pace.... the last three cups have been Ice/Village/Frostbite.... almost a broken record of snow. This forces everyone to have to play the same map each week and thus get some verity in the mix.
I understand that, but wouldn't it be better to just let the loser pick the second map? Force the first map and then the loser picks.
Its a good idea... but that situation gets messy when it involves NA vs EU teams. The losing team say an EU team might be playing a map of there choice on perhaps the NA server... which doesn't help since its a serious ping disadvantage. So we felt leveling the playing field as much as possible was the best bet. Credit should be given to teams who practice and scrim. So teams are encouraged to scrim the map of that week more often than other maps. Again we wanted to avoid only the 3-4 fav maps to be played this cup by forcing each week a map of the admins selection. :)
avi for this
See plenty of 3v3s on the euro side, but they can't get 6 peeps to compete for money on a game they play anyway? I don't see the logic.
Several reasons:
a) There aren't nearly as many euros playing this game as are Americans.
b) Most of the euros that would consider playing this cup wouldn't want to play in a team with each other.
c) Euros don't like playing cups against and with Americans, due to ping, scheduling and skill differences.
d) The 1 map/week rule isn't very inviting at all.
i gotta agree with oxy i dont see how the 1 map thing will work at all when eu vs na, are we going to have to switch after playing ab once to euro/NA server? lol seems really stupid to do it that way =/

also @virus: what are rules for antilag? i'd like to play with antilag off vs na teams and on vs eu teams or off all the time all together, antilag is quite broken in osp and shouldn't really be used if possible. completely breaks the hs box
I'll discuss with the admin team and get back to you ASAP on that. Its a very good question.
In matches where both teams are from the same continent, g_antilag 0 will be used. In matches with one NA and one EU team, g_antilag 1 will be used.

QuoteNA vs. EU Server Switching:

New York and London servers are preferred and should be used. If they cannot, find a suitable replacement that is as close as possible.

One team will be designated the home team, and they will start on their servers. AB BA will be played on the home team's server, and then the match will proceed on the away team's server AB BA.

Official Ruling!
thanks virus, sounds great.

i am excited to play rtcw again.

I just want to ask one question about the server switching though. for exmaple lets say the map is beach we will play abba on beach in usa, then we will play beach in europe abba again right? so we will actually play more rtcw vs europeans in one week than north americans? or did i misunderstand something?
A. Correct, there's more Americans currently playing than EU, thats why we have 5 N/A teams signed up already.
B. We've already got confirmation from some big teams on the EU side, just a matter of time.
C. Scheduling, and ping has always been a factor when it comes to NA vs EU and nothing can or will change this, it's nothing new(unless we all LAN it). Therefore enforcing some of these rules, maybe matches will actually happen, if they don't, why are you even signing up to begin with.
D. I agree with this, however, last cup a lot of the time both teams 1st, and 2nd, always chose the same maps(frost, ice, village) Never did I see people choose base, assault, beach, etc. People want change, and people want a variety of maps, not the same 3 snow maps we always see being played.
Very good points Oxy. All of the points you brought up we discussed (the admins) and also discussed with several members of the EU community and NA community during the last several months as we started toying with the idea of another RTCW Cup.

a) - NA remained active since our ET community is basically dead and Team Cross Breed & Teh Birdz continued to scrim/practice after the last cup 2-3 times a week. Which kept our two teams around. Thus more NA teams to play since they knew scrims and people playing were available even on days off when Birdz/CB didn't play. Cross Breed & Birdz also organized a few 3v3 Tournaments to keep our two teams active and busy from the time the last cup ended until now.

b) - Obviously an issue in NA as everyone likes to play with friends and not completely random strangers or people they might consider a rival or what have you. Differences is what makes the world go around I guess.

c) - Which is why during the regular season of this cup NA vs NA and EU vs EU is going to happen more often than EU vs NA. Trust me there is no easy way to handle a fair NA vs EU match... and usually those end up with issues anyway. So the admins and I wanted to avoid as many cross continent match ups as possible. After all this is a "Nations Cup" or "Continents Cup" as you could call it. The top 2 NA and top 2 EU teams will make playoffs and battle it out for world domination. So in a perfect world NA team might only play 1 or 2 Eu matches during the 8 week regular season. Obviously we need some EU teams to sign up at this point to help make it easier on the EU folks...

d) - We felt the teams picking maps thing was getting old and something new but widely respected needed to be used. Hense the return to a "seasons" format where the league picks the maps and the teams then can scrim/practice to there hearts content on that map. Last several cups only Frostbite/Village/Ice were used... all the other maps got played sure but not as much as those maps. Even WarWitch and the viewing community near the end of the last few cups was mentally exhausted from looking at all the snow. Good teams can still beat other teams on different maps than Ice/Frost/Village. It should provide a more exciting cup for the teams playing and the viewers at home watching our wonderful game from the viewpoint of Merlin and WarWitch during casts.

Can't wait to see some epic panzer ;)
Check them out!
More major cup updates. We've completely revamped our map schedule system and loads of other updates located in the rules page.

Check the map schedule out here: http://rtcwcup.com/schedule-2con.htm

Check the rules page here: http://rtcwcup.com/rules-2con.htm

Also we currently stand at 10 teams! :) Still a few more days to join a roster or signup on a team! Get going people!
Get your teams signed up! Plenty of time, the more teams, the better. Lots of competition!
omg I'm too late I guess, anyone needs a player ??? I'm a good medic
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