ET Reborn LAN Deadline extended

image: logo450pxnobg
Payment deadline: Wednesday 11th of March 2015

It's been two months since the announcement of the ET Reborn LAN 2015. During this time, we have tried to generate as much interest as possible, with much success! Over the last few weeks teams have worked to build their lineups and ensure a timely payment. After much communication between these teams and admins, we have decided to extend the deadline of the payments to Wednesday, 11th of March 2015. It is our hope that this will provide teams the extra time necessary to complete their payment and ensure the success of the event.

We would also like to thank everyone who has donated to the LAN so far! Information about how to contribute with a donation yourself can be found below.

Payments are now open. We currently have 10 6on6 teams and 12 3on3 teams fully paid. The teams listed below include only teams who have a genuine interest and realistic chance of both paying for and attending the LAN.

Paid 3on3 teams are checked image: icon_vinkje
Netherlands Sebhes
United Kingdom Shaman
Finland Sherclock
image: icon_vinkje
Hungary Fobje
Hungary sebi
Netherlands Testi
image: icon_vinkje
Germany Ava
Netherlands HybrAtek
Belgium SupNa
image: icon_vinkje
Germany eujen
Sweden Tites
Europe TBA
image: icon_vinkje
Netherlands Freddy
Finland Rsp
Finland smakt
image: icon_vinkje
Netherlands Bigsmoke
Netherlands Hellgast
Netherlands Terifire
image: icon_vinkje
Poland Baczo
Poland Pablo
Poland Sinnsyk
image: icon_vinkje
Germany FiREBALL
Germany KRESTi
Germany s1LENT
image: icon_vinkje
Belgium PlAyer
Finland Swanidius
Netherlands vanQ
image: icon_vinkje
Netherlands GiZmOo
Netherlands outlAw
Netherlands iNsAne
image: icon_vinkje
Scotland razz
Germany stRay
Europe TBA
image: icon_vinkje
Netherlands Bossah
Netherlands mAxwell
Netherlands Thomm1e
image: icon_vinkje

Paid 6on6 teams are checked image: icon_vinkje
Netherlands 7ele
Croatia Arma
Netherlands mAxwell
Netherlands Sebhes
United Kingdom Shaman
Finland Sherclock
image: icon_vinkje
Hungary Fobje
Netherlands jesse
Netherlands ratte
Hungary sebi
Netherlands Testi
Europe TBA
image: icon_vinkje
Germany Ava
Netherlands GiZmOo
Netherlands HybrAtek
Netherlands iNsAne
Netherlands outlAw
Belgium SupNa
image: icon_vinkje
Netherlands Freddy
Finland Rsp
Norway Sinche
Finland smak
Finland Swanidius
Netherlands woott
image: icon_vinkje
Belgium Buzzer
Netherlands esSe
Germany eujen
Belgium PlAyer
Finland toNi
Netherlands vANQ
image: icon_vinkje
Germany drago
Slovenia JaKaZc
Sweden feruS
Estonia Nait
Netherlands Ronner
Germany urtier
image: icon_vinkje
Germany Bl4d3
Germany FiREBALL
Germany FLoPJEHZ
Germany KRESTi
Germany sTOWNAGE
Germany stRay
image: icon_vinkje
Finland Iron
Finland Salaneuvos
Netherlands SQuid
Malta toxic
Finland twidi
Europe TBA
image: icon_vinkje
Netherlands aphesia
Netherlands joop
Poland Kirej
Netherlands Lightning
Europe TBA
Europe TBA
image: icon_vinkje
Europe TBA
Europe TBA
Europe TBA
Europe TBA
Europe TBA
Europe TBA

Poland Abj
Poland blk
Poland BloOdje
Poland dialer
Poland Frag'Stealer
Poland lesti
image: icon_vinkje

My team is ready to pay - what should I do?
Private message myself or timbolina here on crossfire before the 2nd of March with the following information:
- A team name;
- Team nationality:
- Lineup;
- Which format(s) you are interested to participate in;
- Contact details.

When you sign up, we will email you back with payment details.

Other information
  • Tickets are available. Switzerland v4ux13 is designing tickets that you will receive online when you have purchased tickets. Each ticket has a different code that is strictly personal and can be used to check in at the LAN centre. Players will receive bracelets after checking in at the LAN event.
  • Spectators will have to pay €5,- to enter the LAN centre. Upon payment spectators will receive a different bracelet that can be used the whole weekend to watch the LAN from the inside. This is done so we know who wishes to spectate and to prevent any form of theft. Spectators can pay at the door.;
  • Join our mIRC channel! #ETReborn

Refunds only given in the case of the event being cancelled.

Useful links
Like us on Facebook!

If you wish to contribute to the LAN by a donation, we would be very grateful! Donations will be used for the following (depending on the amount of sign-ups):
  • Used to cover the cost of location/renting PC's and monitors;
  • Used to increase the prizepool.

As stated in this thread all payments will go via bank. If you wish to donate you can do so by sending it to this IBAN:
IBAN NL38 RABO 0301 1748 65 in the name of T. Bakker


In the description please add: donation [ nickname you are recognized with ]

Or you can donate via Paypal too by clicking on the image below

image: donate_hand

List of people who contributed by donating to the LAN
Netherlands 7ele & Switzerland v4ux13 (€10,-)
Germany cheeze
Germany cutee
United States of America ohurcool (€20,-)
Germany Rayzed
Netherlands Ronner
Estonia schnee
Germany stRay (€25,-)
Romania unforgiven (€30,-)
Poland zAAba
Anonymous 4x Anonymous

Feel free to contact us if you have any questions or suggestions about the ET Reborn LAN!
You can find us on #ETReborn.
All of those teams should paricipate in CG Season3 just to see how shit some of these players are offline and how "good" they are online
All of those maybe you should shut the fuck up.
Why not show how much has been donated? It might make people more inclined to donate themselves.
Hats off to them, last time I wasted my money on ET some cuntflaps decided to screw everybody over anyway.
Nice one you greedy faggot
Good point. Will change it.
gl bros :)
If anyone is in need of one more player that attended 3 lans before but cant prac and didnt play the game for a while (can still dream all the maps).

I can play rifle / engi smg / reviving medic

Send me a pm here.
Oldskool ET hype came back? :)
Yep! PM Sebhes by clicking here and sign up for LAN!

- A team name;
- Team nationality:
- Lineup;
- Which format(s) you are interested to participate in;
- Contact details.
It will never be the same. Was fucking addicted at that moment! :D
Seriously, if you are signed up to this, just pay it - it would be a massive shame for the LAN to get cancelled because of something as shitty as this. This is probably going to be the last LAN ET will have, just do it!
"last lan" like last 3 lans have been already :D
but it still works :PPPP
HF GL Team Idle
gg get shewie
Nice try.... Maybe you should ask Ganon te get Shewie.
Netherlands M1lk replaces Austria Potter
No way is M1lk coming.... I will actually go if thats the case!!!!
Sambuca shot on the house (well, Vaiko pays).
yes way. See you there :)
I think razz is still looking for players or he already contacted you, which I think he did.
Ireland sol replaces Netherlands Ronner

Sorry big guy, you're out.
no.. fucking.. way..
wut happened to rockit?
cross your fingers...
Haha Robert, als jij gaat ownen, zit ik op ettv :D (als dat er nog is)
waarom ga je niet gewoon live checken @ Lan scheelt 3 min delay ofzo ^^
Line up change... last one.. Sweden Ferus is going to play after all, so Sweden Ferus instead of Netherlands M1lk
Whos next? mystic?
inb4 reload
2busy with BF4
where're hunter fanatic? not enought pl flags
That wnb artificial
i want to give you an artifacial
got rekt > cries. typical
hush it little baby
rekt? 2015 and still people telling stories about clanhistory. gg
Gaan we lam?
Moet rustig aan doen als organisator hé.
Zoucje die niet lan relevante comments hierboven willen deleten sebhes of tim
Kommeuu beetje gezelligheid ! Anders blijf je maar thuis
Deadline extended with 24 hours to give tMoe and team Rockit time to fix their payment.
all 6 of our team paid by yesterday, who's payment hasn't shown up yet besides Matias (he paid yesterday, others earlier)? I will provide the proof later today
I received all other 5 payments, just not Matias his payment yet. I guess I will receive it today/tomorrow. Thanks!
is your mum, aunt, sister, or cousin named MARLOUS?
Usually, people in the Netherlands don't have a name with only capital letters. And nope, Marlous not in my family :(
is your mum, aunt, sister, or cousin named MARLOUS?
What a coincidence! They actually are!
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