#ET-Cup - Back again!

The old and famous image: et ET-Cup is back again with a 100 Euro prize-pot up for grabs. I just decided to once again support the community with this cup and to motivate all the indecisive people to make the right decision and sign up for the upcoming ET Reborn Lan because otherwise you are not allowed to take part in this tournament.

This is just a small preview with the basic information and I will announce more details in the coming days but once for sure:
  • it will be a 6v6 tournament
  • the date is not confirmed - but you already know it will be before the actual lan starts
  • you can just enter if you have signed up/paid for the Reborn Lan
  • same mappool as the lan
  • we will most likely split the cup onto a Thursday and Sunday (end march/start april)
  • the winner will gets it all

I hope this news will bring back some more activity as well as more official matches because the harder you train the more likely you will have a chance to win this extra money for your lan adventure.

Additionally I am looking for some supporters - be it with the ingame supervision, gfx work, streaming or donating some more euros to the prize pot... feel free to pm either Germany SPU9 @ Quakenet or right here on Crossfire!
Looking forward to this!
Good job. :)
You better sign up or sebhes cries in his pillow tonight
aahahahahaahha priceless
Nice one SPU
Amazing! Wanna help somehow
only if you're coming to lan.
insaa he is scared :C
Pff mate im such a nice guy gonna have best time lol
good luck ;)
ET-Cup, best cup!
Damn, finally a decent cup with decent admin!
Alright, I'll contribute by admining!
shut the fuck up kurwo ciapata
good luck!
woooooOOWWW! :)

wb spu !

ET Players will be like: Money? time for a comeback

thanks admins for removing my pic

U almost killed this community entirely keep going
time for a comeback
gogogo and attend the lan...maybe there is a chance you can do a 2nd edition of rl fragging...
It was one of ET's biggest moment when an Italian guy, called Mama destroyed those ethugs IRL. Those idiots were cheaters aswell if I remember correctly
I've read this and heard about this so many times (even saw the video) and still I have no clue who's up against mama and what did he/they do to each-other? :D
as i remember right, it was Germanyvix0r and 2 mates of him standing behind mama and harrassing him while he was playing 6o6 and touching his chair and just behaving like 12years, mama went mad after some minutes and screamed at them, germans started to attack mama and he just fucked those girlys up 1v3..

dunno if i remember correctly please correct me if iam not right mama :p
Yeah what Kresti said they were just annoying on purpose and my team was whining about them and i decided to do something about and speak with them and then it went that way

This time Spectators need to pay SPU doubt its gonna happen :P
need to pay? wasnt it like 5 euros or something? if thats "to pay" for you then i ll sponsor your entry spec ticket
u can sponsor my playing ticket instead

lol i wasnt talking about me i wouldnt go just to spec
there will be less spectators because of that so the chance of that happening again would be lower

Just organize an ET Players K1 / mma Tournament and im in :p
gj spu, if you need ingame ref / admin and have no-one else lemme know :p
gj spunine
wd spu :)
Pretty awesome to have people like you and those that have donated towards the lan still around.
Put in a fifty and I'll put one in as well.
For the cup? Lets do it then!
you and me are gonna have words!!!

love u x
i knew it and i called it!
someone gonna loseeeeeeeeee :D
to be completely honest, im just glad you guys are going :)
i even met ross in person and hes like... yeah i cant make it this year bla bla bla... i told him.... you are going to come, 100%. its so obvious :D
whats ur full lineup? you managed to convince everyone? :D
Can players who aren't attending LAN play?
Quoteand sign up for the upcoming ET Reborn Lan because otherwise you are not allowed to take part in this tournament.
perhaps, that was not the question asked.
can teams, that have signed up/paid the entrance fee use a merc or two for the cup?
well i havent done all the rules...but i ll most likely go with no merc or maybe 1 merc but not more since as said i want the lan teams to pracc/play ;))
im thinking 2 mercs should be allowed as most people aren't dependable :P
and then all of the sudden your team is twice as good as on the lan :D bitch please nice try
you and razz are perfect for each other! so competitive :D

the reason why i said this is because i am the one who isn't dependable to turn up on pre-arranged days. thats why oxy and twidi found it funny.
haha hairy bastard please difference is i dont care who you take i still win :D
wow - pointless trying to explain :D
"I still win"
Isnt this 6on6?
Good work spu!!
When and how can we sign up?
more news to come
What's your policy on busted players? Since the LAN is allowing some busted players to fill slots does that mean your online event will also allow those specific players so they can play with their LAN rosters?
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