GGL features CoD's future

image: logoThis week on I wrote about CoD2 and its fight to gain recognition by the bigger gaming organisations, the SK's & Fnatic's of this world. The article debates Steam's impact on CoD2, the hectic LAN schedule and why the big teams wont bite at the CoD cherry.

Steams soon distribution of the CoD series could lead to some major changes in the titles fortunes, and many will hope a shot at the big time to at least have a small piece of the esports pie.

QuoteTeams are now having to prepare themselves for a new event once or twice a month, with ever-increasing prize pots. While CoD has yet to reach a five-figure pot, the cumulative figure is more than enough to sustain interest in the game. The beauty of it is, the game is actually good looking; its tournaments are action-packed. As a scene to follow, it’s quite intriguing, with this weekend’s 7,000-Euro Wonderbase tournament crowning the 5th new champion in five straight major events. So why don’t the protectors of CS show it some love?

You can read the full article Here
monneh :/ the world is gonna die
ban cs ban q4 ban wc3 ban fifa ban tosspot
tru words
BruceDIY ?
Time to hopp on the CoD train after cpc2 :P
n1 toss
why is there a picture of toss in the article? o.0

Ban Tosspot.
Must play cod2...
Should of carried on playing CoD!

Steam = Windows only

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