ET Reborn LAN prizes and more

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Sit down to read all you have to know about the upcoming ET Reborn LAN.


We are happy to present you a revised price pool. We have managed to increase the price pool and decided to distribute the prizes over the top 3 teams for each format. The planned prize pool for the event will look like:

  • €1050
  • €600
  • €300

  • €480
  • €240
  • €120

LAN movie

We are happy to announce that Poland requem is creating a movie with highlights from the LAN and the online seeding tournaments. Teams and players are asked to help us.

We want to know which moments stands out for you. We will take the best suggestions and add them to the special video we will create for this event.

To submit your suggestions, send a private message to Netherlands Sebhes or leave a comment on a news post (announced after the LAN) with the link from ET Reborn LAN match list, the time in the demo which the frag happened, who the frag(s) belong to and which side they are on (axis/allies), map and lastly, a short description of the frag itself. Check the example below if you are unclear:

Match link: match link goes here
Player: Netherlands esSe (Axis)
Time: 06:54
Map: Supply
Short description of the kill: 4 man thompson within 7 seconds

Thanks in advance for all of you who will contribution to this video.


Many people have asked us whether teams are allowed to bring their own monitor to the LAN. Our biggest concern was that not everybody would be able to bring their monitor with them. Therefore, after much communication with teams, we have decided to not allow own monitors at the LAN.


Me and timbolina have visited the wzzrd cafe last Tuesday. Have a sneak peak of how the wzzrd cafe looks like at our facebook. Click here: Facebook!


Originally, spectators were supposed to pay €5,- to enter the LAN centre. Due to the massive amount of donations received, we felt that we owed the community something in exchange. Spectator will no longer need to pay an entry fee! A special thank to all of you who have donated so far.

Feel free to contact us if you have any questions or suggestions about the ET Reborn LAN!
You can find us on #ETReborn.
Taking esse as exemple, Sebhes please, can't remember the last time esse made a double kill :d
That's why it's just an example ^^
Considering esse gets atleast two multikills every match, you ain't even funny
Quotewith the link from Adroits LAN match list
Ah, thanks for mentioning. Copied the part about the movie partly from how the Adroits have done it.
keep the spectator fee of 5 euro
-> make first prize for 6on6 1200 euro
-> rest goes to 3on3 (if there are more than 30 spectators)

Highly doubt the 5 euro is going to keep people away.

Just a suggestion tho, well done so far and keep up the good work!
I also don't expect the 5 euros will keep people away from visiting the LAN. On the other hand, not having a spectator fee is a nice gesture in my opinion.
yeah true, as i said; just a suggestion :p
I know and I appreciate your help :P
Kurwa lan gg
mad polak
QuoteMatch link: match link goes here
Player: Netherlands esSe (Axis)
Time: 06:54
Short description of the kill: 4 man thompson within 7 seconds

I would also suggest to say map
Thanks, changed.
Bweheheheh esSe mentioned in a news.
what monitors we are using there?
I heard earlier on that they'd be 22.5'' 60-75hz

Might've changed tho.
HPZR22W - 21,5" flatpanel LCD VGA/DVI - max. resolutie 1920 x 1080

None of the rental companies had 144 Hz screens. These are 60 Hz.

Im glad i have been playing with 60hz lately. The difference between 60 and 120 is fucking huge..
Yep I know. Got a 144 Hz monitor myself too. We contacted a lot of PC rental companies, none of them had 144 Hz screens.
Excuses started already.
I still don't get why some of you are crying like fucking pussies when everyone will have EXACTLY THE SAME monitors/PCs.
it is obvious that you have never played with 120 or 144 hz before
And I still own your ass, where is the point.
Oh no you didn't...
well done.
good work guys :)
able to be there and comment all matches with some nice shoutcaster - just pay for my trip :D!
it's meNtal's time to shine
Welldone sebhes and timbolina. Outlaw docrun allies adlernest etcup should be in it imo:P
Every spectator should buy tim and sebhes a beer. cheaper than the entrance fee and drunk admins are always good!
Not sure drunk sebhes is good tbh
gl with the movie, requem! :-)
still waiting for UV volume II !!
Almost! :P
looking good. gl hf, to people attending!
fucking nerd kenzi donated 100 euros, nice life
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