EuroCup - week's summary and current situation

Since the group phase of the EuroCup is almost over, I think we should have a look at what has happened this week and what the situation is so far.

Group A

Germany oceans6
Russia TEAM-ZENITH Black
Germany instant defeat

Estonia have clearly dominated this group. Showing impressive victories in their first two games, their last game against Germany oceans6 left noone in doubt that we have to consider Estonia idle one of the most likely candidates for the victory in this EuroCup XII, although group A was widely considered as the weakest group. The second clan to move on to the playoffs is the Germany oceans6 team, who have won their qualifier and only lost to Estonia idle so far. Not moving on to any future matches, but nevertheless to be mentioned here are Russia TEAM-ZENITH Black and Germany instant defeat, who had a very intense match just yesterday, which ended with Russia zenith being victorious and Germany announcing their departure from the ET scene.

Group B

United Kingdom one4one
Europe Team-Helix
United Kingdom uQ Gaming
Europe legend

This is surely one of the most exciting groups. No team has yet played its third match, and we have still three candidates who might move on in this EuroCup. United Kingdom one4one claiming victory over United Kingdom uQ Gaming was responsible for the current situation. We will see United Kingdom uQ taking on Europe legend on Sunday. Assuming they take a 4-0 victory, we have a number of possibilites for the United Kingdom 141 - Europe hx game. If it is 4-0 or 4-2, United Kingdom uQ and United Kingdom 141 move on. If it is 0 - 4, Europe hx and United Kingdom uQ move on. If it is 2-4, we will have all three teams exactly tied. So let's hope for a very exciting Monday evening with this game (which will, as a Christmas gift, be cast by United Kingdom TosspoT himself). legend, however, won't make it into the playoffs, although they put up a good fight in all their games.

Group C

Europe IDKFA
Europe rAtatosk
Poland Logitech UVM
Israel insanity!

All clear here. Europe IDKFA have won their third game, taking down Europe rAtatosk, who are now in second place with two victories. Those teams have shown strong performances and they will surely be exciting to watch in the playoff phase. Not moving on to the finals are Poland Logitech UVM, who beat Israel insanity this week in a 3-mapper, so we won't see any Israeli or Polish team being the winner this year.

Group D

Finland gods.incorporated
Spain wArning!
United Kingdom Clan SoF
Germany pstarZ

This group has its difficulties: While United Kingdom SoF have already played all matches, the last one being a victory over Germany pstarZ this week, Spain wA have two games to play still: vs. Finland god on Sunday and the rescheduled game vs. Germany pstarZ on Monday. Finland god have a safe spot in the playoffs, but if Spain wA lose both games 0-4, we will have three teams tied once again. If, however, Spain wA win just one game, they are in the playoffs.

This is it for the groups. Four matches still to be played on Sunday and Monday, then we will know for sure who is among the 8 best teams here.

In addition to that, map choosing rules have been made public: Teams may choose their maps in the playoffs, but if both teams choose the same, a second one will be chosen at random. If a team has played one map, it may not choose this map for another two games. So we can be sure to see a wide variety being played as the Clanbase EuroCup XII continues.
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