ET United NationsCup '15: Applications

image: j6pFWJ8
ET United NationsCup 2015

National team captains

The applications for team captains are now open. The first stage for applying as captain will close on Friday, 8th of May. The system is very simple: Anyone who would like to apply as captain for his nation can fill in the short application which can be found here.

Any player who is not currently living in the country that they wish to play for MUST be approved by a cup admin.

During the final stage of the application process, cup admins will choose the best captain from the applicants. They will be chosen according to their experience in managing teams, activity level, and overall application. The captains will be announced on Sunday, 10th of May.

All applications can be found here: Captain applications

National team players

The rules for who is allowed to play or not have not been majorly altered since the last season. Players are still only allowed to play for a nation if they have the nationality of it. We will take severe measures against any player, captain or team which have a hand in faking nationalities.

The exact format of the tournament will be published after we know how many nations will be able to field a lineup. Our goal is to have at least ten nations participate.

ET United NationsCup 2015 Schedule:

  • Sunday, 26th of April - Captain applications open
  • Friday, 8th of May - Captain applications closed
  • Sunday, 10th of May - Captains announced
  • Thursday, 21st of May - Line Ups are announced by team captains
  • Sunday, 24th of May - Groups published
  • Tuesday, 26th of May - Start of the first matchweek

During the playoffs, maps can only be chosen one time by each team until the grand final. This is to avoid having the same maps during each round of the tournament.


  • adlernest
  • bremen_b3
  • frostbite
  • radar
  • supply
  • sw_goldrush_te

Who will be the Captain?

• Captains will be decided by the cup admins after an application process.
• Captains MUST be dependable and proactive in scheduling their matches and organizing their teams. Please do not apply if you will not meet all responsibilities of being a captain.

Feel free to contact us if you have any questions or suggestions about the cup! We can be reached on irc (in #ET:U) or through a Crossfire PM.

United States of America Foreigner
Netherlands Sebhes
Cannot wait for all the drama :D

Polish team:

Fanatic (C)

the best team ever
agreed with (c) part, the rest is false m8
Play for NL?
Maybe if i get my skill back men
you anyway gonna roll ur enemys :X
im at cklub atm writingg wih my qhone
ill appply tomrow if im nt too drunken still xdD
so germany can't participate.. gg
Germany is still under occupation and should be considered as 51 States... yes major "politicians" said that on German TV and still nobody cares..

Hail Ron Paul
i care i am about to give back the "personalausweis" - after this i may not have to pay the tax for BRD
Poland dIZEL albo Poland vudka
Imo a bas choice as many teams wont be able to get 6 and mayve it would be good to allow them to team up in some extent - more teams, more fun
if a nation can't get six players, they can't play in the nationscup.
good choice.
What if guys from Colombia/Brazil wanted to play but couldnt find 6? Just tell them to fuck off?
It's a shame some people won't even have the chance to participate in ut, but on the other hsnd I get the reasoning behind why not
But then it doesnt make it a nationscup
THey can play the SC if they really want to play xd
Yeah, that's kind of the purpose of other cups as ChilAx said. I guess I should be allowed to play EC (with cheats) even though I'm low+
every single comments of yours are fucking retarded

don't breed more of your kind please
I vow for more teams per country. The NL has many skilled players so there should atleast be a team #2.. you know... so I can play xD
apricot for captain
actually a high chance that will happen
Can't wait for what a joke this will become <3
Remember this? You have no right whatsoever to criticize this cup for any reason, especially for the number of national teams and quality of their lineups, considering you and fanatic were too arrogant to run an "NC" with only thirty teams two years ago when ET was much more active than it is now.

So, yeah, just letting you know in advance that any more comments from you about this cup or its admins that are even slightly negative will be deleted and may result in a ban if that's what it takes for you to keep your unwarranted opinions to yourself.
I was looking forward to that cup :( damn you Robam8 & fanaciek
I start to like this guy

+1 ohur
Yeah I do remember fanatic being main admin and making the call (can't say I disagree). There is no point in making joke of an NC, better make cup open for everyone.

I got every right to criticise any cup as long as it's not mindless flame. This isn't. In current ET state and kind of NationsCup will be a joke and a noshow show (ba dum tss).
No point in your eyes because the only reason you do anything is for attention and recognition. I'm serious - there will be no negative comments from you in any future NC newsposts.
No point because of the state of ET - 3on3 by Netherlandstrampolina (think it was him) was already bit of a joke and that was 3on3. 6on6 will be more of a joke, why waste time on that when you can put Sebhes to more useful use?
3on3 World Championship has actually been pretty good and produced some of the better 3on3 games that I have caught. Only issue is it had delays due to LAN prep/event, which is no big deal.
Hence I said "bit of a joke" not "massive joke".
It's hilarious to see you backpedalling all the way back to Poland with your unbrushed teeth and shitstained armpits once some respectable members of the community show up. Never change robaciek
I have no idea what you mean with that comment. You make absolutely no sense.
It's alright. Comprehending comments by others was never your strongest point.
a) I almost never leave Poland, I think I know what you tried to say, but it doesn't make any sense
b) shitstained? it's called pubic hair, you'll get some one day
c) It is a strong point when comments actually make sense (or at least are in proper English)
That you don't know what backpedalling means doesn't mean it isn't proper english. You just need to upgrade your vocabulary a bit son. Here's something you will understand: Good to see you on the ban shortlist. Have a nice day.
What shortlist are you on about?
LMFAO this comment is amazing!!! (even tho i like robert :D)
Haha i know it's a bit much but i don't like him at all. He's a rat and the only thing he has to do with higher level ET is that his breath smells like highlevel players' dicks whenever he opens his mouth. He shittalked me when i was playing for Target, but as soon as i started to play for rockit/g2p he was buttlicking our entire irc channel clean for lineup stories.

I don't think I ever bothered commenting on trolls like Robaciek before but Sebhes (along with others) has been putting in a lot of effort to keep ET active in 2015. It's sad to see people like this guy put in a 10 second shitcomment to discourage something that takes a lot more effort to set up.
+1 the problem about his personal issues is that he doesnt get attention in his "real life".. guess he didnt even try (understandable)

gg, truth hurts
No worrys, i'll use him! SummerCup ^^
lol now that's a challenge, SC is biggest noshow fest ever :D
You better stop blaming all the admins and do something usefull. It was much easier to get teams when ET was 'alive' then in 2k15. Have a nice day
Where the fuck do I blame anyone for anything? SC was ALWAYS a noshow fest, think it was 2011 when I was a ref in CB SC under Homer and it was just a noshow here and noshow there.
Rightly so. Good call ohurcool
Applications should be made public.
They will be.
any belgians going to apply? :o
he said no in a previous journal afaik
Dont think there will be a team be this year
If I had some time left, I would apply for cpt once again but I'm so so busy for the next weeks.. I wont be able to find 6 each week + I'm not available to play till the end of June.. Hopefully someone else wants to do the cpt job + Im avi to help Belgium out from the 21th of June.
would be sad no? for a country like belgium :/
True mate, if you want you can try it.. But its gna be hard to find 6 Belgians (not even talking about "skilled" (2k15) Belgians)
Cherry for captain
yeah, let him try :p
I highly doubt that he would give it a try tho. :D

Motivate stijn!
I don't want to "steal" the captain spot from anyone, but if nobody wants to do it? :o
yeah why not ;-)
Nobody to steal it from, gl!
Why dont u try to motivate him/be cpt yourself ? :)
Make sure to send a PM to me or Sebhes after you apply! We won't be considering applications from anyone that doesn't confirm their identity.
Done (to sebhes on cf/irc).
why is it called UNITED nationscup? First I read some comments in the other journal that implied that some nations were going to team-up, a few days later the name changes from nationscup to united nationscup which kinda confirmed that. Now, in this journal it reads like nations are not going to be allowed to team up, confirmed by some comments up here, so what is it.? Why is it still called united nations? Are you going to allow some nations (usa-can, as seen in comments) to team up but not all of them? That's what it looks like to me, tbh.
because ET United is the name of the "organization" it's being hosted by. it's stated in several places (including in this journal, if you'd like to scroll up) that nations who can't field six simply won't be allowed to participate.

tip: random comments by people who have no association with what they're talking about, shouldn't be used as evidence of anything.
nvm , half of the comments in the other journal were deleted so I can't show you what I meant, anyway clarification is all I meant with this question. Tip: dont give me tips lol
yeah, ET United is just the name a few admins (Netherlands Sebhes, Netherlands timbolina, and I) are going to use for our cups.
That's bs Canada is just an unofficial US state we should be allowed to team up for the greater good of our NA nation
We've added the current applications, in case anyone is interested.
Where's the application I made for bN?
that was the least funny application I've ever seen.
It wasn't made to be funny none of the elements sent in the application are ment to be satire
Get back to your hole nub
Do prrrrrrdele pica
Applied for Czech Republic.
yay pepicek
I believe what would be much more interesting than reading the same application over and over again (I want to mix old- and newschool, new blood, etc.), is the actual line-ups the prospective captains have in mind. This way it'd be much easier to weed out fake/silly applicants, plus the community has input into who the captains should be, and not just the admins. For nations like UK, NL, DE, FI, PL, which have numerous options for (good) captains, it would make the choice a lot easier.
no, that's lepari. Perfo is just a wannabe.
Just curious, who do you see representing the netherlands this season?
I have no idea, because I haven't played seriously or followed the scene since last July (played my first 6on6 like two days ago). Also I don't know who can't stand each other right now :D It should probably be a mix of some of team Visual members, TAG, Squid, and some other active players.
Nice initiative as always but I would've scheduled it after the summer personally.
Looking forward to seeing United Kingdom Wakizashi rise to the challenge
dat english only in the News section :')
Quote by lordiIt will be a totally fresh line up, which Team Finland has needed for years. It's time to take back our #1 spot in the scene.

get ur facts right. Finland won last NC
I just typed some nice-sounding shit. haven't really followed the scene that much.
as if there is any scene left to follow loloololol
what NuggaN said
I am avi for sweden jag prata svenska
I voted for meez
hybratek for leader!<3
iNsAne for leader (L)
rofl " recently worth noting BB, UR*,brom8" who the fuck are these teams? lmao
Please sign up yourself sebhes :x
I'll talk the role for our family.
vote for Portugal punky
punky for president!
i will monica!
wtf bro, im not monica (aka missy/storm/stm)
you don't even get it.

what a shame, sunshine.
sorry, please explain :(
I support Australia dash's application!
Cheers pal :D
Omg Czech Republic CPU for czech.. easy win for them !

Maybe Austria Austria and Australia Australia can throw their players together to achieve one team ? :O
Hello Mr. Oldschool ! <3 I hope I manage to bring Czech Republic tnt too. Zombie apocalypse ;)
hope so! <3
:o go prone go ! <3
You know there were a large number of people relocated after WW2, that thought they were being relocated to Austria. Two months later, they arrived in Australia.
They would have been stoked!

moj sklad:
gruchaaaaaa - medic
dizel - rifle
towrzyq - engi
mors - medic
jadol - medic/engi
Buggs - FOP
brahi - backup
tanchez - cwel
zAAba - cwel
I applied for Netherlands as you can see, good luck everyone!
I live in Poland but I am not Polish.
I am Belgian but I don't live in Belgium.

Which team should I apply for.
Please help.
or you could pm flushje and make a team ireland ..
I neither have the Irish nationality nor do I live there any longer, so I don't think they would accept it!
but Sebhes can be bribed!
Quote[15:06] <Sebhes> je kan me wel omkopen
I am sensitive to a few hundred euros
i already gave you the keys to my heart :$
We will most likely use the following rule:
  • A player has the nationality of country Y, but lives in country X.
    The player can play for country Y without further delay. There is a limit to 2 players per team.
    The player can play for country X without further delay, if they live there on a semi-permanent basis. There is a limit to 1 player per team.
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