ET United NationsCup '15: Groups

image: j6pFWJ8
ET United NationsCup 2015

After the selection of captains and announcement of lineups, I'm pleased to announce that a total of 22 nations have successfully announced a lineup and intend to compete in the ET United NationsCup '15.

Standings can be seen on CyberGamer. The groups are as follow:

Group A
Group B
Group C
Group D
Group E
Group F

General information

  • On the Thursday of each matchweek, unscheduled matches will be forced to the end of the matchweek (Sunday or Monday).
  • Teams are free to play their games at an earlier or later date if both teams agree, but all league matches must be played by Tuesday, 23th of June - no exceptions!
  • The maps are forced in the group stage.
  • The playoffs will consist of 16 nations. The top three participants of Group A-D and the top two of Group E-F will advance to the playoffs.
  • Each nation is allowed to use one wildcard during the group stage.

Some nations still need to add their members to CyberGamer. As a reminder, a player is not eligible to compete for their nation unless they are added to the team's CG page and are able to use CGAC.

ET United NationsCup 2015 Schedule:

  • Tuesday, 26th of May - Start of the first matchweek
  • Tuesday, 2nd of June - Start of the second matchweek
  • Tuesday, 9th of June - Start of the third matchweek
  • Tuesday, 16th of June - Start of the wildcard week
  • Tuesday, 23th of June - Start of the Play offs

During the playoffs, maps can only be chosen one time by each team until the grand final. This is to avoid having the same maps during each round of the tournament.


  • adlernest
  • bremen_b3
  • frostbite
  • radar
  • supply
  • sw_goldrush_te

Feel free to contact us if you have any questions or suggestions about the cup! We can be reached on irc (in #ET:U) or through a Crossfire PM.

Belgium ChilAx
United States of America Foreigner
Netherlands Sebhes
Netherlands timbolina
izi for my friends damien and hunterji....usa no shot xDDDDDDDDDD
Aus to group E!
Really fair groups for once, good job about that! Closest group should be A
Except for us, we'll get stomped. We should be in group E where the only team we could maybe beat is Israel.
Guess they did the groups considering the skill, every groups got one potencial good team and one a bit weaker
you mean top three in A-D and top two in E-F, right? 8)
I was thinking the same :D
Thanks, should be indeed the top three in A-D and top two in E-F.
B looks easy for Germany. They should get NL or Iceland instead of CZ or France. hf all
from year to year, the same group stands, sup with ur generator? :D
no matter what you're still mad
CGAC - It still doesn't work with XP right? I can imagine a large number of players in these teams using XP. What's the go with that?
Well there are 132 players, in the main lineups alone.
it will never work with XP, badkip said so. XP is no longer supported anyway, update!
I'm fine :) I know Covert uses XP though.
he can get win10 for free if he has a legit XP copy, hell, I might still have a copy of win 7 lying around he can use.
I was an XP user master race, till yesterday but i couldn't play GTA V on it, so it was time for me to move on.
CGAC does not and will not support XP in the future. Despite that, we're still requiring it for the cup.
1. Fin
2. UK
3. Ger
4. NL
5. USA
6. Poland
7. Bel
8. Canada
9. Estonia
10. Fra
11. Hun
12. Swe
13. Cze
14. Iceland
15. Romania
16. Switzerland
17. Austrlaia
18. Chile
19. Slovakia
20. Israel
21. Por
22. Italy
estonia > bel, canada, usa, nl
we actually played against estonia, and atm im pretty confident they are worse than NL for sure, and also USA had really really good results lately. They might be better than Bel and Canada tho, we will see :p
I dunno really, think there will be alot of exiting matches :D and suprising results.
USA not playing with the_end & joker, no way they get top 5
monkey for teh win?
Are u serious?? U fuckin racist... we are 22. atm dont be a liar :PP
hehe, maybe maybe :p
underrating iceland so hard lmao and USA? haha
1. UK
2. NL
3. FIN
4. GER
5. PL
6. BEL
7. USA
8. SWE
9. FRA
10. CAN
11. EST
12. CZE
13. ICE
14. HUN
15. SWI
16. ROM
17. CHI
18. AUS
19. POR
20. ISR
21. SLO
22. ITA
Pathetic hahahaha
What's pathetic?
Team UK only has 2 members - waiting for the callup from United Kingdom Wakizashi
What about Greece ? Where is Malakomunis/Hellhammer/Alexander/Xanthos/Archangel ?

Btw, GL Buzzer :)
sup with turkey :D
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