ET United SummerCup '15: Announcement

image: 2moxkqg
ET United SummerCup '15

The summer is coming and that means another SummerCup! We are happy to announce you the ET United SummerCup '15. This will be a cup with the 3 main formats: 2on2, 3on3 & 6on6. The sign ups will be opened this Friday, the 29th of May.

Sign up here

General information

The ET United SummerCup '15 is based on earlier Crossfire Tournament with some little adjustments. We are running cups for the following formats: 2on2, 3on3 & 6on6.

The 'new' system that we used for the CF Tournament was a succes and we use the same system for this ET United SummerCup '15; The results of the group stage will be used to form two different play offs. Once the group stage is finished, the two teams with the highest ranking will fight against eachother in a Champions bracket. Depending on the number of sign ups, the two or three lowest teams per poule will fight eachother in a Consolation bracket.

The cup starts with a Group stage, followed by a Playoff stage, which is splitted into 2 brackets.

Group stage:

We are aiming on groups of 4 teams each. If it happens that we have a number of teams which equals a multiple of 5, then the groups will consists of 5 teams each. We will try to avoid an odd number of teams. The maps during the group stage are forced. Each matchweek, two forced maps will be picked from the maplist and the decider map will be chosen with a poll by the community. The decider will be a map which is not listed in the current maplist.

(The maps of each matchweek will be announced when the groups are published).


In the playoffs the top 2 of each group will fight against eachother in the Champions Bracket (Double Elemination). In case the groups have 4 teams (5 teams) each, the lowest 2 teams (3 teams) of each group will advance to fight against eachother in the Consolation Bracket (Double Elemination).
The maps in the playoffs are not forced. The maplist during the playoff stage will consist of the current maplist, which can be found under Maps.

ET United SummerCup '15 schedule:
  • Friday, 29th of May - Sign ups opened
  • Friday, 26th of June - Sign ups closed
  • Saterday, 27th of June - Groups published
  • Tuesday, 30th of June - Start of the first matchweek

    Full schedule will come online as soon as the groups are announced


  • adlernest
  • braundorf_b4
  • et_ice
  • erdenberg_t1
  • frostbite
  • sp_delivery_te
  • supply
  • sw_goldrush_te

  • adlernest
  • erdenberg_t1
  • et_ice
  • frostbite
  • sp_delivery_te
  • supply
  • sw_goldrush_te
  • tc_base

  • adlernest
  • bremen_b3
  • frostbite
  • karsiah_te2
  • radar
  • supply
  • sw_goldrush_te
  • sw_oasis_b3

Feel free to contact us if you have any questions or suggestions about the cup! We can be reached on irc (in #ET:U) or through a Crossfire PM.

Belgium ChilAx
United States of America Foreigner
Netherlands Sebhes
Netherlands timbolina

Looking good!
Some people likes the light of their computer screen, some others like MarseilleLeFrancis prefer sunbathing on the beach to get tanned and attract the females.
Your ugly face only attracts insects!
no racism plz
Shut your whore mouth fag
Good luck all!
maplists could be better imo, should replace erden with base/ufo in 2on2 and karsiah/oasis with missile in 6on6

gl though, will participate either way
We discussed the karsiah/missile maps many times for the United Cup, we decided for this SC that karsiah and oasis fits perfect! Maplist can always be 'better' and 'worse' :D and cu in the final :D
agree with 2v2

but on 6v6 i'm just happy to see missile is out finally
Good mappool!!
avi to play

msg me here, any skill
We'll make a 'Recruit' topic when we open the sign ups!
3on3 is going to be messed up with maps like Lottonest, Lottobase, Frostbite and Ice. Shitty doc runs that will be over in 2 minutes or will be easily full held depending on the spawntimes.
Suggestions are welcome. PM one of the admins ^^
Made for me
Why dont you use maps like tc_base, et_ice, battery and railgun for 6on6? Some years ago I played all of them in 6on6 cups, on LAN and they were very good. And I am not talking about bashing noobs, we had nice opponents. My only war on railgun was against Serious Intention, we even lost that map I think, but it was fun:)
I have spoken to teams myself about introducing those maps in different tournaments. There is barely any support to play any of those maps u just mentioned, even tho I (personally) would love to see those maps being played.

tc_base has been tried in the past, axis could get complete spawnkilled with arties, panzer, mg42.

In et_ice the rifle was overpowered and there are "just" 2/3 different ways of attacking.

I don't think railgun has ever been seriously played competition wise for a longer time. I don't know the reason behind this.

Don't know about battery, people just seem not to like that map.
atleast we still have goldrush.
well i played all those maps alot in 6o6 and competitive and it was not really enjoyable thats why they got taken the points you mentioned already.
Iam still a fan of the old karsiah version were you can get the 2nd obj at first and not the new one, maybe you should discuss it with all those teamcaptains what they think about it, and missile is also a great map imo.
Also iam a big fan of playing battery!
kReSti, you understand life!

e: I don't have much experience in karsiah, but having both sides open would make the game more dynamic in my opinion and therefore more attractive. Were there any other major changes in karsiah_te2 compared with karsiah_te?

I like Missile_b3 very much. However, the map has some bugs in it which has to be fixed to make it a more enjoyable map.
nice life ( ^^ )
venice / caen / dubrovnik? :D

maybe a funcup (whenever there is nothing else to do) to see how those maps do nowadays?

The grass is always greener ...
dont think there were any other changes except the one with 2nd radar on karsiah.
Braundorf and Delivery were fun in 6on6 aswell, but I think people would say again 'rifle is too OP'. This is bullshit because both teams can defend/attack once and use the advantages of the Rifle on both sides... and the better team wins. These maps were played in EC, NC, EMS, they are featured in many fragmovies. They are awsome. Except Delivery... it is just fun (in 6on6).

and I think it is impossible to delete Adlernest. This would be brutal!
I am a big fan of different maps and will try to put one or two "different" maps in the map pool in future tournaments. For the SummerCup we have put sw_oasis_b3 in the map pool under the guise of "Summer". Don't want to have too many new maps to scare people off.
image: kn

Karsiah came out with B4 if I remember correctly. B4 and Delivery were overplayed back then, I belive even those players who started ET during the past 2-3 years and have no memories of CB, ESL have some kind of idea about basic tactics on these maps. But whatever, this tournament could be still good, later you can try different maps if you want. GL
Do I really have to clearify the word "new" in that sentence...
I wasent sure what you wanted to tell me when you wrote "new", so I went for release date. :D This is a 10+ years game, we played all maps atleast 20.000 times. RE-Adding them to tournaments wouldnt mean they are new. Tactics are done and mature, spots are known.

This wont happen now anyway, so let just leave
Can't remember which Karsiah it was but the one where you have to get the parts closest to axis spawn first. THEN the other one, was the best Karsiah. Otherwise it becomes too hard to defend, rifle being semi op on Karsiah imo.

As for Missile, I love it
battery would still be good, at least to get a little difference for the mappool

tc_base, total no

et_ice, what sebhes said, but i still enjoy it anyway

railgun, no, rather fueldump
i dont think rifle was OP at all in ice, infacty the best team on it and best rifle (raveneye) didnt even use it on last stage defense, i think with a fix that defenders cant recap the flag (after some plant for example) would be nice since attackers could use all 6 to attack which was imo the biggest problem
Well, now that you said it this way..

Anyway, oasis_b3 is horrible with the forward flag. Rather play original oasis than that shit
agree about oasis :)
why no library
is oasis_b3 with the forward flag?
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