ClanBase NationsCup X ready for Qualifiers !

image: clanbase_white
Signups Closed

After a signup time of 2 weeks, ClanBase Enemy Territory NationsCup X Signups are now CLOSED.
We have received a total of 30 signups which have been processed and accepted during the preparations for yet another great NationsCup Event !

Selected Nations

We have received all the needed CIDs as well as all the selected teamcaptains for the season. However, due to late subscriptions we had to put Denmark Denmark & Bulgaria Bulgaria on the waiting list. If a team drops out for whatever reason, they are most welcome to replace them.
But we do welcome back Brazil Brasil and Slovakia Slovakia to the season !
Now the moment you have all been waiting for, the announcement of this Season's Nations and their captains as well as the Qualifiers:

Croatia Croatia - amserious - Accepted
France France - chtstorm - Qualifier
Hungary Hungary - Bor!sten - Accepted
United Kingdom United Kingdom - Ste - Accepted
Austria Austria - n3co - Accepted
Iceland Iceland - Pearl - Qualifier
Czech Republic Czech Republic - Butch - Accepted
Belgium Belgium - Shewie - Accepted
Switzerland Switzerland - gifty - Qualifier
Italy Italy - Jolly - Accepted
United States of America USA - Vader - Qualifier
Latvia Latvia - cl0wn - Accepted
Sweden Sweden - LoTiX - Accepted
Finland Finland - simamies - Accepted
Norway Norway - Snuble - Accepted
Malta Malta - Yancho - Qualifier
Estonia Estonia - asd. - Accepted
Netherlands Netherlands - kris - Accepted
Poland Poland - Thoro - Accepted
Portugal Portugal - kMt - Accepted
Spain Spain - JoNa - Accepted
Russia Russia - hypnotix - Accepted
Germany Germany - kuraigu - Accepted
Slovakia Slovakia - Masta - Qualifier
Ireland Ireland - sol - Qualifier
Canada Canada - Blazenn - Qualifier
Ukraine Ukraine - Protector - Qualifier
Slovenia Slovenia - c0ld - Qualifier
Brazil Brazil - Spawn - Qualifier
Israel Israel - Crozz - Qualifier

The whole article including the Qualifier matches can be found at the ClanBase NationsCup X homepage

Good luck to all the participating Nations,

Anaconda & lab
well and fair done!
gj clanbase!
gl to all participants :-)
gl team nl and team fin <3
gl to all teams. im rooting for Germany :o ...again
gl to all
and especially french speaking one !:!!
gl luck to all nations :)
gl to everyone.
nice slovenian flag
yep, sorry bout that , its fixed now, dont know all flag codes @ xfire :D

sorry for the mix up !
no problem :P
gl malta for qualifier!
nice link
This is retarded. Brazil in the cup? Yiihaaa admins, you've done it this year again. Last year it was Australia and this year Brazil(add USA and Canada too if you like even though they have slightly better ping). And though I do favor teams that sign up on time, I still think that one of the european teams should have gotten the spot in the qualifier.
Who missed out?
Denmark and Bulgaria. Though they probably aren't contenders for the title, I'd rather fight/watch people that might actually be able to shoot back and not have 400 ping.
Edit: I should read the full news post more ~/
hehe yeah, I didn't want to sound like some german whinekid so I didn't point it out for you :P
You've put denmark on the waitinglist to let Brazil aka. 400ms play a qualifier that they got no chanse in hell to win? Seriously is that a joke or something?
I believe the signups were done strictly on a first come first served basis for this NC, but I wasn't in charge of it, so I'm not certain.
germany just signed up today ;)
No they havent :)
[01:15:47] [@iL`pumu] signed butch die überhaupt noch ?
[01:15:55] [@Z(k)E(ra)NSIERT``] ne
[01:15:57] [@Z(k)E(ra)NSIERT``] q macht das

so i guess they didnt sign up before the 8.11. which i meant with "today"

<-- q['oO]p -->
gl for malta...we can really make it this year :D
too much qualifier but nice to see brazil again <3
even with that ping, maybe this time try to get a neutral server :( poor guys !
<3 brazil
especially jyn :D
I think there are a lot of good teams in the qualifier list which proved in this and the last years. And anyways min. 2 of them will miss the cup, and that's bad. Like Malta vs. Canada...Malta is stronger than last years, and Canada prepared a lot for this cup, they joined European tournaments for practicing for example, and beat USA's sad that one of these teams could not be in the cup

anyways gl to everyone :)
norway and switzerland should be switched... Norway for the quali and switzerland for the 'accepted'
Hf, and gl brasil <3 yohh
No slovenia btw? :/
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