CG EU ET American 6on6 Season 1

I'm happy to announce CyberGamer EU ET American 6on6 Season 1! Signups are now open and will remain open until Sunday the 18th of October.

image: 81XpmVt

General Information

This tournament is aimed primarily at Americans. Because of this, matches will take generally take place and be forced to typical American times (after midnight CET), and be played on American servers. However, anyone is free to participate regardless of nationality.

Signing Up

To sign up, simply visit the league page and click Create Team at the top of the page.

Once you have successfully done so, your team will automatically be added to the waiting pool. If this does not happen for some reason or if you'd like to sign up with an existing team, please send a PM to me with a link to your team so that I can manually add it.

Note: The system will only allow you to be in two teams at a time, and you won't be able to create a new team via the league page if you're already a member of a team in the waiting pool.

CG EU ET American 6on6 League

Waiting Pool | Rules
image: GZgeEm3

Please read the rules carefully before signing up! CGAC will be mandatory in all matches.


  • Wednesday, 7th of October - Signups open
  • Sunday, 18th of October - Signups close
  • Thursday, 22nd of October - Groups announced
  • Monday, 26th of October - First matchweek starts
A full schedule will be posted once the groups are online.


  • adlernest
  • bremen_b3
  • frostbite
  • karsiah_te2
  • missile_b3
  • radar
  • supply
  • sw_goldrush_te

Questions? Suggestions? Feel free to leave a comment below or visit us on IRC at

To all those looking to participate or help out this season, thank you and good luck!
There are barely enough players at all for a cup, how did you want to host a cup aimed at americans/american timezones and still get enough teams?
Ignoring your statement about how there are "barely enough players at all for a cup" (since that's total bullshit),

I'm not really concerned with having a high number of signups. The North American scene is based mainly on internal mixes that are played every night, and having a cup with actual teams will be a nice change for me personally. As long as I get four signups (which I think is entirely realistic), I'll have fun with the cup and I think most of the participants will as well.
I very much doubt you will have 16 teams for example though, might be horribly mistaken but I haven't really seen a lot of activity here lately.
Ugh, comments like this are so annoying. What's the point? What exactly are you trying to do here, get him to cancel the cup? Of course ET is dying. Of course there won't be 16 teams signing up for this tournament. So what? The 4 or 5 teams that do sign up and compete will enjoy themselves. Surely that is enough?
Not at all, I am quite happy he actually tries. I am just curious as to what his expectations for this cup are, don't have to attack me with it right away.
Well, you could've fooled me. Seems more like you're challenging him or trying to convince him he's wasting his time by running a cup for less than 16 participants.
As Sebhes said FragCup is a perfect example, we had trouble getting 4 teams already on 2.55 at the time. I still don't consider having held those cups a "waste of time"

I was curious about his expectations in this cup, and as caej said:

"Maybe he just wanted to ask."
Maybe he just wanted to ask. Crossed your mind?
What kind of question is that?

Newspost: "Hey guys, I'm going to do this thing!"
Comment: "Uh, are you sure you're able to do that thing?"
Idk whats wrong about that, if he had in his mind that a cup would require at least 16 teams
Come on Enigma, we have been in the same situation years ago in 2.55. That also didn't stop you from hosting FragCup.
QuoteI'm not really concerned with having a high number of signups. The North American scene is based mainly on internal mixes that are played every night, and having a cup with actual teams will be a nice change for me personally. As long as I get four signups (which I think is entirely realistic), I'll have fun with the cup and I think most of the participants will as well.
Great effort Foreigner. I will make a team
Same old group of geeks that play ET religiously making a team/league that will kick out 1 of the only 4 teams that will be playing because they feel like there hard work of gaming all day and night shouldn't be awarded to a group of guys who probably played ET once or twice in the last 3-4 months
Tell us how you really feel.
AVI for any team that needs one more or someone who would like to add another team
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