'xD Trickjump, 10th Anniversary Cup

In the year 2006, Europe 'xD Trickjump, was founded by Netherlands Sebhes and Netherlands Death Master. In honor of the ten-year anniversary of this team, it is with great pleasure that we are able to announce the 'xD Trickjump, 10th Anniversary Cup. This tournament will feature both most popular formats in ET these days, namely 3on3 and 6on6.

image: trickjump10

'xD Trickjump, 10th Anniversary Cup

General information:

This cup will feature a group stage, followed by a playoff stage which pits the top teams of each group against each other in a double-elimination bracket.

To sign up, simply create a new team for the 6on6 or 3on3 league. Once you have created a new team it will automatically be added to the waiting pool. If for some reason that doesn't happen, simply visit the league page and click on "Join League".

Please read the rules carefully for each cup before signing up.

'xD Trickjump, 10th Anniversary Cup Schedule:

  • Thursday, 29th of November - Sign ups open
  • Sunday, 13th of December - Sign ups closed
  • Monday, 14th of December - Groups published
  • Tuesday, 15th of December - Start of the first matchweek


  • adlernest
  • braundorf_b4
  • erdenberg_t1
  • et_ice
  • frostbite
  • sp_delivery_te
  • supply
  • sw_goldrush_te
  • adlernest
  • bremen_b3
  • frostbite
  • karsiah_te2
  • missile_b3
  • radar
  • supply
  • sw_goldrush_te
During the playoffs, maps can only be chosen one time by each team until the grand final. This is to avoid having the same maps during each round of the tournament.

Feel free to contact us if you have any questions or suggestions about the cup! We can be reached on irc (in #ET:U) or through a Crossfire PM.

Netherlands Sebhes
United States of America Foreigner
Too bad snatix doesn't want to play with esse anymore :(
I'll replace, shit frenchie easy to replace anyway.
You didn't say that during the LAN; OH WAIT
I went to the LAN, but ~10 miles away from the place I smelt french cheese and turned back :(
Cool, avi!
You're taken.
lol pls it's deathamster*

image: 68747470733a2f2f7261772e6769746875622e636f6d2f7363686d6963682f6b617070612f6d61737465722f6173736574732f6b617070612e706e67
It is Yoshi ^^
Nice! Are any matches played during christmas and new year's eve time (such as 24th, 25th, 26th, 31st, 1st)?
I'll talk to Foreigner but I don't find it realistic to force matches to those dates you just mentioned.
Um sebhes I'll help you:

It wasn't a serious question.
Well it was, because these days would have ruled me out, since I have no interest to play on these dates

But now that I know they won't force any matches there I might even consider looking for a team
Teams are free to play whenever, but we will only force games to Sunday or Monday. This won't directly impact Christmas or New Years/New Years Eve.
Nice one, Congratulations with Europe 'xD Trickjump, Netherlands Sebhes !!
What he says, sums it up. Gratz @Sebhes
thank you boys <3
Cool! when is it likely to finish?
With the format that I currently expect, it should end in mid-to-late February. However, it depends a lot on the number of signups we receive.
When is the Supski anniversary?
soon my friend
avi, skill low, multiclass
No inspiration for a cupname it seems?:P gl :D
Is there a full schedule available for all the match weeks? will organise potential casts with 7ele once that is up :)
Will depend on the amount of teams signed up. Will most likely be something like 3 match weeks + wildcard week, followed up by a double elimination play offs.
how is the schedule working around Christmas / New year etc? is there a week break?
I could help out with the stream
I read that sentence in your voice, what the fuck
garin's mind: "note to self, watch less of merl's livestreams"
Haha weird man, I've only ever listened to about 3 ever :S
That's because merlin can see only brillence in players, rare skills and that's why he allways has something nice to say to me :) btw merlin how much I owe u now lad?? ;) garin unfortunately u suck too bad :(((((
no escape no win
sorry sebhes but my cfire account 10 year anniversary would be more appropriate for a cup.
Haha dabster you are totally right, gratz with it as well <3
Upf dabster yu newskooler :)

Back to the topic - nice cup and gl with it n much funfor all teams
aha ye I never really felt old school tbh
d&b Ster comeback for this cup? ;)
Thursday, 29th of November - Sign ups open
Sunday, 13th of December - Sign ups closed
Tuesday, 14th of December - Groups published
Wednesday, 15th of December - Start of the first matchweek

The only correct day is sunday 13th of december, so about those other dates... what year ?
Ctrl + C and Ctrl + V from other cups. Probably forgot to edit.
oops. the date is correct, the day is wrong.
10 years already?! Hf with the cup boys.
Great to hear that you are still active!

Ah moOn\ it's been a while. I didn't know you continued playing under the name stati. Great to see you still around after all these years, would be nice to catch up on mIRC some day.
I don't play ET anymore, but I'm always following the news here :)
Whats ur channel on IRC?
Yea I was aware, but I saw your name passing by in the Hungarian LU. No clue it was you haha. You can message me under the name Sebhes on IRC. I won't be around the upcoming week due to exams. Talk to me after!
need teams iam very good own
turbot gaming?
where we are?
Nice guys, 15 teams for the 6on6 format and counting.
How many gonna drop out sir
avi to roll that 3o3 cup lOl
avi to play this 3o3 cup
avi for cup
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