CCA 2015: Nominees & Voting

After a few days' worth of nominations from our panelists as well as some of you all, we are now ready for your votes. Here are the sixty-four nominees for the Crossfire Community Awards 2015! Voting has officially started and will come to an end on Thursday the 28th of January. Be sure to participate!

image: epGDGtt

The CCAs are a fun way for you - the Crossfire community - to vote for your favorite player, team, match, movie, and more. This year's edition features twelve awards split into three categories of four awards each.

Here are the nominees:

Enemy Territory

Which individual ET player performed better than anyone else in 2015?

Belgium chry
Germany kReSti
United Kingdom razz
United Kingdom sqzz
Finland toNy

What is the one ET team which performed better than any other in 2015?

Europe 'xD Trickjump,
Germany Rockit / France rushit eSports
Netherlands Team viSual
Germany Yermanz / Germany Playing Ducks

What was the single most exciting official ET match of 2015?

ET United 6on6 NationsCup '15 Grand Final: Finland Finland vs Germany Germany (shoutcast)
ET United LAN 6on6 LB Quarter Finals: Europe vs Netherlands Team viSual (shoutcast)
ET United LAN 6on6 UB Final: France rushit eSports vs Germany Playing Ducks (shoutcast)
ET United LAN 6on6 LB Semi Final: Europe 'xD Trickjump, vs Europe (shoutcast)
ET United LAN 6on6 Grand Final: France rushit eSports vs Germany Playing Ducks (shoutcast)

Which individual ET player improved the most in 2015?

Netherlands kApot
Netherlands outlAw
Netherlands Sebhes
Finland toNy
France yokoo


Who was the single best aimer of 2015?

Netherlands iNsAne
Germany kReSti
Netherlands outlAw
United Kingdom razz
United Kingdom sqzz
France yokoo

Who was the single best reviving medic of 2015?

Germany Ava
United Kingdom razz
Netherlands SQuid
United Kingdom sqzz
Germany sTOWNAGE

Who was the single best rifler of 2015?

Switzerland 7ele
Germany FLoPJEHZ
Belgium Jere
United Kingdom koop
Finland toNy

Who was the single best engineer of 2015?

Belgium chry
Netherlands esSe
Netherlands hybrAtek
Netherlands iNsAne
Netherlands Sebhes
Germany stRay
Finland twidi


What was the best (ET) movie posted on Crossfire in 2015?

KareN by United Kingdom Artstar
Ultraviolet - Volume II: Medius by Scotland Max
One Thousand and One Loads by Finland Sungi
Reminiscence of THE NERDEST trailer by Finland nsd
Enter the hunter by Poland requem

What was the best journal posted on Crossfire in 2015?

juicy busted by United States of America ipod
ET Reborn LAN: Pictures by Germany Rayzed
ET United LAN Sebhes by Netherlands Sebhes
Future of ET by Netherlands esSe
Damon dethroned as 1on1 king by Netherlands Sebhes

What was the best news/article/tutorial posted on Crossfire in 2015?

ET Reborn LAN: Overview by United Kingdom MerlinatoR
ET United LAN by Netherlands timbolina
ET Reborn LAN by Netherlands Sebhes
ET United NationsCup '15: Applications by Netherlands Sebhes
How to Play ET in 2015 by United States of America ohurcool

Which Crossfire community member contributed the most to ET in 2015?

United States of America Foreigner
United Kingdom MerlinatoR
United Kingdom msh100
United States of America ohurcool
Netherlands Sebhes
Netherlands timbolina

Voting is open to anyone with a Crossfire account. Simply send a private message to the CF bot with one vote per award. You must vote for all twelve awards, or your vote(s) will be ignored.

You have until Thursday the 28th to get your votes in. Please keep in mind that only votes sent in PM as explained above will count and that these awards are for the entire year of 2015, not just the last few months.

Winners will be announced on Sunday the 31st of January live on stream by United Kingdom MerlinatoR!


  • Sunday, 10th of January - Announcement / Nominating starts
  • Friday, 15th of January - Nominating ends
  • Sunday, 17th of January - Nominees announced (on stream) / Voting starts
  • Thursday, 28th of January - Voting ends
  • Sunday, 31st of January - Winners announced (on stream)
Some awards have more than five nominees due to two-/three-way ties.
juicy busted or Damon getting rekt by snatix, damn hard one to pick :s
and where is the nomination for the best 1v1 player of 2015?
@journals award
Snatix obviously
You are Riskk? :o :o :o
CCA is reaching rock bottom
I would only vote for movie of the year and it would be Enter the hunter by Poland requem
well done sir
QuoteWhich individual ET player improved the most in 2015?


I don't think Netherlandsoutlaw Finlandtony or Japanme should to be in. For example, Netherlandsoutlaw is making ppl cry since 2008 it's not like he was low+ in 2014. Same example for myself, I think I'm 5% better than last year which is not big deal.
Compare previous examples with Netherlandskapot and Netherlandssebhes, it's nothing...
NetherlandsSebhes got twice better in one year through 700+ matches or something.
Netherlandskapot can handle med+ from time to time when he was low+ last year. These guys represent a real improvement and belong in that list, not like oultaw/tony or me.

United States of AmericaOhurcool could also be in the list, joining 'xD made him play a lot more than before against top teams, forced him to be serious and to play against better people than him. In the end, I remember winning intense matches with him when we were totally fucked on the paper compared to other line ups.

What about FranceSnatix? Anybody specced him at lan? I dare anyone here to duel him at lan IG or in the toilets :D.
I'm not here to talk about my midget friends so that they can have an award, I'm being totally objective tbh.

United KingdomShaman? He went from 'xD to TEAM UK in one year. Able to aim against top players that people considered like gods for years. Skilldrop at lan? Who cares, not everybody could do what he did online.

And I didn't even start thinking about people who deserve to be in that list.

If you have to give awards atleast vote for people who truely deserve it.
It's like nominating one of iOwnage vs hodor offis in the best matches of 2015 xD.

btw Shaman is my father
Agree. I think most improved player is really misunderstood.
I assume those guys you mentioned you put forward in the nomination list? Because thats how the nominees were picked, by people who put forward nominees - if you or other don't submit these lists, cannot complain really when certain people don't (or do) get into the list.

I saw a few surprises for me as well - no gizmo @ medic or blade @ aimer was an eyebrow raiser ;) but it's down to the majority on the submission.

with regards to most improved I think it's a mixed bag. outlaw may have been good in the past but it never really led to anything. 2015 was a bit more fruitful ;)

I also think that some may have thr category as a sort of acceptance, because most on the list were not rated before but are now (due to whatever reason - lanproven being quite high on the list I guess^^)
Why didnt you name the category "The most underrated player of the year"?
You can hardly pick up anyone for Most Improved as the general level of ET could be said is around the med skill(few low+ that are >5 and igla) and only possible improvement is if someone makes the jumo to like become one of the best which is BS.

Also the same as the Engli nominees, how the hell is insa, hybra there (arguably chry) and ViKO isn't?
general level of teams in ET is maybe med/med+ but individually they are better. It's generally what happens with games in age ;)

With regards to naming the category - I wasn't involved with CCA but I don't see a problem with it. If it was called "The most underrated player of the year" you and others would probably whine that tony is in it while being in player of the year too ;)

With regards to nominees - like I said - the choices were picked by the majority who submitted their nominee lists. No admin or anyone had a direct hand to influence it other than submitting their own list. I think there are quite a few surprise picks comparing my nominee picks ;) guess it's the same with you compared to the list you submitted - doubtful anyone picked all the nominees.

Also most people only have a 4-5 cup, 3-4month memory and won't really remember the entire year. I think next year a year recap post will be good to help people and maybe also a category submission/description list.
Why the hell would I whine about toNi being there? That makes literally zero sense at all.

Also no idea why you mention short memory if there was enough people who voted for hybratek, ha
If a player is in underated (people don't rate them) and also in player of the year, would be a bit off :D
Well, I get what you say. People mixed a lot of things for this award. Still, I don't agree, improvement is improvement, it has nothing to do with lan proof, or who someone being in a team that showed good results.
I didn't mean to change the whole list, just wanted to show people who really improved his year. But like ohurcool said, let's not be serious too much and let the people vote.
Haha already told the same thing to sebhes yesterday or the other day. If you are looking for most percentage improvement I would vote for Menace but cba for this shit.
Lets not act like shaman hasnt been good for years tho:-/
not in etpro (highest level of ET)
Which individual ET player improved the most in 2015?

what about rong m8?
Player of the Year 2015 - Germany kReSti
Team of the Year 2015 - Europe 'xD TrickJump, (too many unexpected wins)
Match of the Year 2015 - ET United LAN 6on6 Grand Final: France rushit eSports vs Germany Playing Ducks
Most Improved Player of 2015 - Finland toNy

Aimer of the Year 2015 - Germany kReSti
Medic of the Year 2015 - United Kingdom sqzz ( no idea about this tbh)
Rifle of the Year 2015 - Finland toNy
Engi of the Year 2015 - Belgium chry

Movie of the Year 2015 - Ultraviolet - Volume II: Medius by United Kingdom -Max-
Journal of the Year 2015 - juicy busted by United States of America ipod
Content of the Year 2015 - How to Play ET in 2015 by United States of America ohurcool
Community Member of the Year 2015 - United Kingdom MerlinatoR
Should've been most underrated instead of Most Improved, just rename the category :D
ppl voting most improved player of 2015 are so lost :XD

the obvious answer here is FranceSnatix
Nominating Netherlandsoutlaw, Franceyokoo and Finlandtoni for most improved player in 2015 is just ":D" they've been rolling for years.

Also think BelgiumAzur/Buzzer deserve a mention for the medic award, their revive play was incredible on the last lan.
The men in the shadows shall remain where they are...

I didn't do this job for recognition but I appreciate your kind words buddy!

#erAselover #buttbuddies #eAtattoos

image: giphy
have never ever seen one of em rolling on a solid level before^^
Prolly taking about yokoo and outlAw esSem8 :P
Quoteoutlaw, yokoo and toni

Quotethey've been rolling for years

Quotehave never ever seen one of em rolling
partially referring to all of them? every single one of them became the best player in their team in 2015 and sometimes best on the entire server. there's no way guys like outlaw & yokoo would've been considered top players before last year, which now they can say they are. this visual team spawned from outlaw & insane 3v3 combo (and the mix of dutch/germans they played with) and neither of those two dutchies competed at any decent 6v6 level before 2015 so I disagree completely with yokoo's analysis of the MIP award. + before last year yokoo's peak was with eg. loca/pharaons, team fra etc, typical rambo back then and definitely not turning as many heads as now. pre-2014/2015 people just thought he was a random 3o3 cheater and the same story with outlaw. that's why the LAN factor has changed their labels as players, because I doubt anyone believes they're cheating anymore.

toni: has been good even back to days with Belgium phan but only started turning heads since 2013, and definitely wasn't close to the nr1 rifle spot until 2014/2015. so much salt about these nominations :D what's totally disrespectful is I can see most of the people commenting didn't actually submit any nominations last week.

now now,

i have to admit that i dont know that much about outlaw and yokoo, allthough i do remember playing vs yokoo in this game : , which made me assume he's been doing well for years.

I don't really agree with what ur saying about toni tho.

Quoteevery single one of them became the best player in their team in 2015

No, ever since he joined us in 2009 he has been our best player.

Quotehas been good even back to days with phan but only started turning heads since 2013

Believe me, as someone who has been playing with him every week for 6 years, he's always been a very good player. When he joined erase the rest of the team was low+ max, which resulted into not facing strong teams, and him not being able to shine as much as he could. Few years later the rest of erase improved drastically, which resulted into toni getting much better support, and thus a better performance. So people started noticing.

Quoteand definitely wasn't close to the nr1 rifle spot until 2014/2015

Was just checking the teams and players that participated in that EC of 2013, and im really having trouble finding a better active rifle than toni that season.


toni been beasting for years now
you also should know that first of all toni didnt play rifle with teams such as zzz, bf

think everybody knows he has been good since there has been also so much cheating accusation, not only because of the lan dodge in the past
i know, he didnt even start out as a rifle with erase, but was playing fops just like he was with sleeperz.
QuoteNo, ever since he joined us in 2009 he has been our best player.

I wasn't talking exclusively about erase.

Quotehe's always been a very good player

I said that. he was very good even back to 2007.

QuoteWas just checking the teams and players that participated in that EC of 2013 and im really having trouble finding a better active rifle than toni that season.

I can understand your view of him because you two played together, but even while your team were the most active in the entire of 2013 that doesn't mean at the time toni was better than even the semi active rifles :P there were a mixture but those who played for sick6, phase/queens and so on were better plus koop, wiaderko /!\, and even hirvi was carrying finland/turbot through the harder opponents. he had too much to compete with back then (+ what you said about you guys not being at his level yet) whereas now he's #1/#2.

tl;dr toni has been beasting for years but wasn't one of the best players/rifles til recent 2 years _in my opinion_
Lol, must be because Lazio was their rifle, not toni
I only said he was good for years, nothing else :P
Well depends how you look at what you just said but since we both agreed he has been good for years I will just drop this
I re-read it and it's poorly worded but I suppose you get it :[
atleast they are nice english speaking people
hello woottm8!
QuoteWhich individual ET player improved the most in 2015?


I am surprised L4mpje didn't make it to the best rifle list and uYop with the most improved player.
QuoteI am surprised L4mpje didn't make it to the best rifle list

probably because he only played actively for a couple of months at the beginning of 2015 and as merlinator said above, most people only remember the last months of the year. but i have to agree with you, he should be in there due to the fact that he increased our skill by one level and also performed really well offline and online.
Jere only played since the last lan in November lol it's silly :(
just give gav number 1 to all categories and we are done!
I agree also some of his sneaky engineering tank builds at lan where missed by a lot of peeps.....
Sebhes for everything.
wat bout doin a poll for each shit u'd get more votes and itd be moer representative...
who the fuk c/p and send msg to a bot in 2016? certainly not me LOL
Well, we wanted to keep it here on Crossfire, and CF polls don't show who voted and can't be made private. This way we can verify the identity of each voter while still keeping it fairly anonymous. My initial idea was to just post a sticky and use the comments for voting... :D
It's just for fun, guys. There's no money, prizes, or trophies on the line. I don't agree with every nominee either, and I'm the one who put the newspost together, but it's called the community awards not the ohurcool awards or Sebhes awards or BOBiKA awards. Just because someone or something isn't listed doesn't mean they weren't nominated and certainly doesn't mean they don't deserve to be up there. Now let's lighten up a bit and not take this so seriously.
I feel you

papi m8 for most improved. <3
why are you only nominated once squid

edit: and domi???
I think everyone knows why

should i play worse?
(inside joke)
lolool where PL flag?
Ban of the year 2015 is missing :/
I'm not polish enough?
Player of the year : United KingdomsqZz
Most Improved player: NetherlandskApot
Aimer of the year: United KingdomsqZz
Medic of the year: United KingdomsqZz
Rifle of the year: BelgiumJere
Enge of the year: GermanystRay

Movie of the year: FinlandSungi
Why no Belgiumrapz on the best aimer list? IMO better aimer than most there.
Would change the balance between half of the list being busted before and the rest not :D
I guess he only played in NC this year. Crossfire has a short memory.
Movie of the year should be PolandWuT's proving grounds imo
Yokoo's LAN room observations #
still waiting for my nomination of most drunk ET player
Noone can compete with bloodje in that category
Mind from finland can..
Nice to see some old faces ! :-)
Poland tMoe always best

on a side note; how's ET doing? Who is "in charge" of ET now? Sebhes? Is there any major competition going on? like EuroCup or NationsCup? I've just logged into GamesTV and there is 0 upcoming games :o
1. Only competition active at the moment is the xD Trickump Anniversery cup
2. I guess Foreigner and Sebhes are currently the only one organizing cups and events
3. Only competitions going on like said is the xD Cup and CG ET American League
4. There is no EC or NC going on
5. There are no games on GTV because the Playoffs for xD Cup is about to start
so many xD's :D thanks for the reply! looking forward to some NC to watch some streams perhaps =)
Good effort for the people/admins who have put time into making these awards.

However there is one nomination in there that made me lol pretty hard
Who was the single best rifler of 2015?

Switzerland 7ele
Germany FLoPJEHZ
Belgium Jere
United Kingdom koop
Finland toNy

Someone in this list you mean
when can we expect the last ultraviolet movie :)?
Haven't really done any work since Medius release. Maybe I'll go back to it in the future, but with the amount of work that goes into it, there's not a very big audience anymore. If I ever do go back to it, it'll most likely be just a few minutes long.
alright, understandable :)
gizmo most unterrated player award missing (except delivery)
Haha sup mate!?
ahaha wtf robbaN? :D
nt swedistan
i rolled some of these noobs can i get award????
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