ClanBase releases a new ET config
11 Nov 2006, 16:34
ClanBase is proud to announce the release of a New set of configs today.
The ET config has come a long way in the past three years and is upgraded and tweaked in every release. Our primary wish has been trying to get an arrangement with other leagues but due some reasons which I do not want to talk right now it was not posible this time. Meanwhile we will always continue developing the game to it's most competitive status and bringing the players a great platform for showing their skill and having the most fun posible. We also want to add we are open to any suggestions you could do to improve the config.
You can download the confis here: ClanBase Enemy Territory official config pack
• Important Note:
This set of config are the official release from ClanBase Enemy Territory and must be used in all matches. All servers to be used for any match at ClanBase must be updated with this configs. All old configs are deprecated and must not be used anymore. Any match not using this config after November 13th will be cancelled.
Press more to see the complete list of changes:
• Major Changes (All configs)
* Net Settings unchanged
rate IN 15000 25000
cl_maxpackets IN 40 100
snaps EQ 20
com_maxfps OUT 1 39
* Mortar disabled
team_maxMortars 0
* Helmet Protection unchanged
b_helmetprotection 1
* Server knockback unchanged
g_knockback 1000
* Spectators can be muted
vote_allow_mutespecs 1
* Autoaction unchanged
Although everyone is forced to record ineye demos at official matches we want to give the option to do NOT record friendly matches or do a custom recording i.e. 1 demo per map or custom demo names.
* Chat spam protection New
b_floodKickRate 10
b_floodKickBurst 15
* Increase fight against some automated scripts New
cl_yawspeed EQ 0
• 6v6
Map specific changes
* Braundorf
g_userTimeLimit 12
* Frostbite
g_userTimeLimit 10
g_useralliedrespawntime 25
* Adlernest
g_userTimeLimit 12
* Supply New
g_userTimeLimit 15
• 5v5
It includes all 6v6 changes and...
* Server knockback reduced New
g_knockback 800
* Max mines per team reduced New
team_maxMines 4
• 3v3
* Shove New
b_shove 60
b_shove_noz 1
Map specific changes
* Adlernest
g_userTimeLimit 10
* Ice
g_userTimeLimit 10
* Reactor
g_userTimeLimit 10
* Braundorf
g_userTimeLimit 10
* Frostbite
g_userTimeLimit 10
g_useralliedrespawntime 25
• 1v1
Map specific changes
* Objective maps ctf_multidemo ctf_multi2 ctf_well mp_sillyctf
g_userTimeLimit 10
* Deathmatch maps 1v1dm tournementdm2 multi_huntplace te_valhalla
g_userTimeLimit 5
I just want to say that maxpackets doesn't matter since it is higher than 40... and that under certain circumstances A player with 100 maxpackets will send less packets than B player with maxpackets 60...
Why does everyone whine about maxpackets... morons.
team_maxMortars 0
Lets edit the game EVEN MORE! FUCK COCK FOCK
-Disclaimer- I dont know why CB went it alone, Its just sad they did, y'know?
And, please, can you explain me what effort frop or chosen have done to make an unified one ?
Imo blame esl/wl and, of course CF for making their own, at lease they did it before us.
And now, all of a sudden you force the clans to use an outdated config again.
so lets see we have 4 leagues (esl,cb,wl,cf) so 3(esl,wl,cf) try to make a global cfg, now you(cb[one only ONE]) make YOUR own thing and blame the others for not making a global cfg, gg
I don't understand why you are blaming CB for releasing their config when we are the last ones doing our own.
rly??? --> i just say 5 versus 5
We have the right to decide which config we want for our competitions.
Is it too dificult to understand ?
Ps. go & blame the others posts for making their own config.
i never said that you dont have that right
(you failed blaiming other ppl)
If you think we are going to open our arms to a guy blaming our organization at any post/news item you are really wrong, perhaps if you took away 5 minutes thinking you'd have a clue on what was wrong in your act up.
btw, the thing with reading about a word, is something foonr told u in the conversation @ #crossfire.
Btw, instead of flaming me, you should show some representive examples where i "flamed" about your "organisation" (k, 5o5). Gogo, show me whats so hard and write it down in a column, if u're not able to do it, i'll be the man to motivate u to do it.
although those netsettings will be used to lame around more again by some script kiddies
* Adlernest
g_kickthismapfrommapoolbecauseitsuckslol 1
mg42 is allowed?
team_maxMortars 0
stupid? you mightes remove rifle or panzer?
damn body shooters :O
Do you mean following problem: You are not able to make compromises or to notice that there has been nearly no whine about the esl/crossfire fall config (played in the IPS and Fall season)in the last months and you are still not able to "copy" this cfg?
eventhough i didnt find the one i was referring to i think you can feel enlighted now
In the 1st link you gave me...
so it doesnt give you an advantage.. so why is it restricted?
Anyways, config looks ok, basicly the same as the previous one
doneX is ignorant
I have to admit it takes some time to get on the same wavelenght but after some time we both understood each other perfectly and a now a few months later CB regularly bans cheaters, there are cheater forums on xfire and gamesTV wich are visited by CB admins.
I'm pretty sure Donex just wasnt thinking that much about a unified config, its kinda hard to read xfire 24/7 when you are running
(So plz donex talk with frop,etc to make a new unified config for ET :)
iirc some leagues has removed mg as well, things like that...
it's just easier for the gamer to play in the same (kind of) environment every time.
or foonr make a poll
if for example ESL change autoaction to CB autoaction then CB can change that helmet shit.
ESL & co cant force CB to change everything what they want and CB cant force ESL & co to everything they want so they both need to take and give a bit.
I have no idea how the conversations were between them so i cant judge who's fault it is but now alot of people are blaming CB while they dont know what was discussed and said in the conversations they had.
This is something between CB and ESL & co and it shouldnt be discussed here with collumns and stuff be a man pm eachother and dont try to put the player up against some config by making journals retarded comments or like foonr did a collumn that noone of the players can judge since they were not there.
these should be added to the config to avoid mapscript laming :(
Atleast make these netsettingchanges to be made with vid_restarting not in game changes...
But I understand why CB does their own config. CF & ESL did their own, then bashed CB, and now people wonder why CB does a cb config...
Keep spreading the <3.