The PORtuguese Batallion

image: teamptncxbannerqs7

The Tradition demands that we make a quick introduction about ourselves... what we stand for and what we believe.
Several centuries have passed and Portugal is now a regular country that in many aspects can't tell us apart from other countries...
But there are some things that our country holds for eternity, no other can have that memories, once the largest empire in the world, we gave a new meaning for the word
Globalization, known all over the world, the time of conquering and expanding is finished, but new areas of expansion are rising. Football is a well known area that the common sense can withstand the might of our country,nice beachs and natural landscapes,beautiful women... However that's not the only thing we are good at, in fact we can be the best at anything if we put our minds into...In this specific case, Enemy Territory, we hope to keep improving our performance in International events and most important of all to make our country proud, and never forgetting the concept of fun, letting the world know that a new form of empire can be formed here and now...

"working hard for the gold" i lol'ed :)

but good luck team POR, you will be behind germany like in WM2006 :D
gl 2 us (:
gl Portugal
kinda sucks that you have to go to a seperate website/download the video to find the lineup out :x but gl hope you dont get putnout by us again this year ;>

edit: nice one edit :P
Needs another edit
If u want to see the lineup without download the movie go to website.. the idea of movie is: present the team with a different mode..
ag0nnnnnn GL :>
thx mate :* maybe i will never play... dunno..
-.- who rated here a 10 @ the movie section :p

gl portugal
gl atilla koga roxx0r
kMt (captain; #6s)
ag0n (manager; #deluxe!)
Sexyhot (#6s)
Lucifel (
Jet (#6s)
Mno (#6s)
Setup (#deluxe!)
Chute (
Fuego (

gl :)
go ag0n <3

And Spain was always bigger than Portugal. ;-p
That's false, the world was divided by half between spain and portugal
The Pope divided it, and it looked like 50-50. But we know better.
yes... spain had (nearly) howl america... but portugal earned more money only by fish than spain earned by products from america... imagine the rest of money they earned with the other half of the earth ;) believe it or not... but spain has never been superior over portugal^^
pls, Portugal made more money with fish than Spain did with products from America? Get real :-)
Spain has always been superior, and still is, iirc Portugal has one of the worst economies in the E.U. Fish supply dried up has it? I guess that would explain why Portuguese fisherman are constantly being caught fishing in Irish waters. I guess you forget your humble beginnings as a province!
superior to what?

Portugal is the oldest country in all of Europe with its borders untouched so show some respect. If it makes you happy that Spain is in a better economic status than Portugal, I can also name a lot more countries who are better economically than Spain or even your little province of England named Ireland ;)

Portugal ga suki desu demo Nihon ga ichiban desho!! ;)
doesn't look 50/50 to me... I guess you guys were fooled.

Portugal = dark blue

Spain = red
u know, history is not about one day. and dont talk about u dont know.
1. it was a portuguese that discovered america aka cristovão colombo..
2. look this map
( tratado de tordossilhas ), when the world was divided in half between spain and portuguese.
3. and the image u are showing is all about the colonies around the world..well, now tell me. after 1957 i bet portugal had much more land than spain coz we were the only country that didnt give the liberty to the colonies after the war..

so dont show some random map, random year, coz there are years when one has more land than another, and years that we are equal and years that both are shit. gg thx
1- Colombus was from genoa, he was just working for the portuguese crown. I didn't bother reading thru your entire answer since your 1st statement is false

2- The map is the greatest extend of both empires.

3- Portuguese empire to it's greatest extend :
Still not half of the known world... don't blame me if you got screwed. Thankfuly you guys were good at fishing.
1. It's highly unlikely the Christopher Columbus (who wasn't even Portuguese) discovered America.

2. The 'World' was divided up? I guess this 'World' you speak of refers to this: Shows the two empires at their greatest, hardly half the World is it?

3. See #2.

we were the first nation to "discover" the world,a big part of it.When
nobody knew how to do it, even the most advanced countries like England or France.

We had a lot and you can't deny it, we just lost everything thanks to our economics, the british and the french were more organised and got stronger.

About the fishing, if we have so low amounts of fish in our coast why the spanish etc came to fish in our place? And yes our economy its bad because the old government didnt manage it properly and so what? Go throw some rocks over the Catholics, isnt your main hobbie there? have fun
any1 can write any shit he wants in wiki!
i just post it, we don't need sites to know our history.
then know that greeks were the first that went to america....n even ameriki is a greek word, just in case u didn't know it.
i know that and more about greeks and romans :) nice to study them.
Sol, you better practise your history again. The world was divided in the 16th/17th century. But only in theory.

The Pope from that time, don't know his name, divided the world up in 2. 1 part was for Portugal, and 1 part was for Spain. The treaties off Tordesilla and Saragossa, that's how the whole thing was named.

Now, both Portugal and Spain received a lot off land but they didn't actually own it since they never colonized even the half of what they received.
True.. I am portuguese and Spain had a big territory than Portugal..

For example in XVI century spain already had conquest central and south america with pizzaro, cortez and others conquerors..
wtf? sexyhot clanhopper..
gl fragstealer! <3
GL m8s!*
nice banner i really like it with those colors
nice movie gl mates!

gL mno =}o
GL but you'll be lucky to make it out of the group , which u wont unless you're lucky ( don't take this as flame just a dose of reality ;D)
history says something else...
it would be good to see an underestimated team shine this NC so u have my two thumbs up.
LOL=?!?!? kMt is swiss, loLOL?! he asked me to join team switzerland, whats wrong now?
LOL ? r u serious ?
let me guess, u sayd no ? :>
yes, we dont need him, why?
take your own conclusions ;)
When he asked u if he could play for swi mate? :>
about 5 weeks ago
if that's true, gotta love kmt! hahaha!
it is true. people like him change their nationality from day to day, depens which country want... "oh btw, did you know that my father comes from russia?" "oh, btw, my grandparents are actually from france..."
I've heard of someone that went on holliday to Swiss, can I join your NC team now? :<
well, if i'm not mistaken 5 weeks ago he applied to Portuguese team captain! 24th september he was elected! 1 week of voting, so around17th september when he made the apply! around the time he spoke to you! haha if he wouldn't win the portuguese captain spot he would have another nationalities as u said :p
bah, just let him have some fun :p
well, im not 100% sure if it was 5 weeks ago, the fact is that he did ask me
gl on your qualifying match :)
He has both nationality I think.
need Qkr :(
good luck!
why do you need QkR when you have agOn ? agOn is godlike !
Qkr is quicker!
sun beam? n1 :) but n1 bro x)
Nice movie, better than UK's one made a year ago:)
1. u stole vid idea from ze uk
2. you suck
3. whine like c. ronaldo
4. die pls
5. gl in the 2 first groupstage matches!
die w/ aids plzzzz..
I didn't stole anything.. my vid is for portuguese ppl..
ronaldo owns hahaha :D
even the british gotta love him for what he does in man utd! the man is just too good :)

Good luck mate :)
gl sexyhot & setup
I loled irl of some of the choices.
you're not even pure portuguese :O
gl team por ;) ag0n setup taka e atilla ;)
gl por =)
gl POR, gl for all Legendary knights!
you should have put some frags in the movie tbh
gl ag0n
thx <33333
gl ag0n, sexyhot & setup
np: Pharrell Williams - Keep It Playa (Feat. Slim Thug) [04:18m/224Kbps/44KHz]
gl Portugal @@
gl sexy <3
voces so dixem merda..
no flames yeahhh love you all :D
gl IuR <3
cristovao columbo was a portuguese spy... now go read some books . whatever current situation Portugal is, it has the best history in all of europe...
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