CyberGamer Grand Finals tonight

Season 4 of CyberGamer's ET tournament will find its champion tonight as Team Solo B will try their best to make their way from the lower brackets to the big stage to face Teamoxid in 6on6 and haxByjam who are flawless in the 3on3 tournament and in the favorite position to take the title against Teamoxid's 3on3 Team.

3on3 Grand Final

Finland haxByjam
4-0 vs. Europe 'xD Trickjump
4-2 vs. Germany Teamoxid
Germany Teamoxid
4-0 vs. Europe Square X
4-2 vs. Europe Team-ViSual
2-4 vs. Finland haxByjam
4-0 vs. Europe Team-ViSual
image: game57673

Tune in: GamesTV, WuT, kReSti

6on6 Grand Final

Germany Teamoxid
4-0 vs. Europe JEANS
4-0 vs. United States of America na-mix
4-2 vs. Europe Elysium
Poland Team Solo B
4-0 vs. Europe Vodbull
0-4 vs. Europe Elysium
4-2 vs. Europe Hodor
4-0 vs. United States of America na-mix
4-2 vs. Europe Elysium
image: game57670

Tune in: GamesTV, WuT, kReSti

For German coverage follow Teamoxid on Facebook.
Whatever man.
Owned @ 3on3 rofl 6on6 second ?
well played
sunday night, grand final, 3 stars; viewer peak 35

cancel LAN pls this game is already 6 ft under :s
Het was tegen de 100 brur
wow 1 barkieee!! (kingsize wilde westen voice)
ET LAN nowadays is about meeting people and playing game, not viewer count
or is this just bait?
Maybe because gamestv website can't be accessed (certification unsafe blalala) ?

No wait... u are right.. ET is dead :>
gz leku :)
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