Sunday Night Knockout #2

image: knockout

Sunday Night Knockout #2

After the good success and feedback we got from the community for our first cup we are now here to announce our 2nd edition. This time we will start the cup one hour earlier to make sure that teams in the later phase don't leave the tournament with open games. We will again guarantee atleast two games for every team participating. The signups will again be limited to 4/8/12 or 16 teams. That means teams who signup after these limits will be backupteams. First comes, first saves a spot in the tournament! Captaisn have to check in their teams at 18.30CET and have to be in #teamoxid at IRC at that time. Not later! We want to go live with the brackets at 18.45CET. Useless delays wont be accepted!

Last editions ranking:
  • Germany Teamoxid
  • Europe Elysium
  • Poland TSB
  • [4th] Europe New project

  • [5th/6th] Finland #SWANMIX
  • [5th/6th] United States of America rektem
  • [7th/8th] Europe Get face or muscles
  • [7th/8th] Germany lanpreppers

The Team captains have to check in their teams 30 minutes before the cup starts. The format of the cup will change according to the teams participating:
  • Up to 4 teams: League mode BO3 matches
  • Up to 8 teams: Double elimination bracket, BO1 matches, last two matches BO3
  • Anything above: Knockout bracket and additional tournament for losers of first round, BO1 matches semi finals and grand final BO3

Cup Details:
  • Format: 6on6
  • Start time: 19.00 CET
  • Check In: 18.30 CET
  • Mappool: Adlernest, Bremen_b3, Frostbite, SW Goldrush TE, Radar, Supply
  • Casters: TBD
  • Every captain has to be in #teamoxid at IRC
  • Every match has to be played on GamesTV
  • Other than that common tournament rules have to be accepted, in case of trouble please respect the admin’s decisions

You can sign up your team by clicking here.

Maps set for each round will depend on the amount of sign ups and will be announced when the tournament starts. If there are questions about the cup just pm an admin.

At the moment we create a tournament website. As the work is not done yet team captains might have to sign up their teams through another system. In case of a change we will inform everybody.

We wish all of you much fun.

Well done! I'm avi for this (:
need a rifler for this pm
I just want to ask why did NP play bremen vs Elysium but not supply like the other match?
LB round 3 - bremen was forced -> image: maplistt5jsl8wx2z
because we fucking said so trump
Nice one stray! See you Sunday.
nice stray welldone & ekto !
yea thank you mate!
Nice, i can spend my sunday night by watching this :D
Will stream :p
ty, will be avi to but guess i'll get rekt.
might be avi
Przecież Ty nawet na publicu full lapiesz trochę pokory i nie marnuj ludziom czasu :*
Ty tym bardziej zamknij ta morde wiesiek
Wybacz profesorze ET postaram się o zmianę mentalności choć i tak o tym za chwilę zapomnę tak więc liż mi stopki :)))
z tego co pamietam to ostatnio na suplaju moje mp40 tanczylo z toba jak z kukla wiec tam japachare trzym i idz dalej z naczelnikiem makowca wpierdalaj :) :*
oj żebyś się nie zadławił ślinką we śnie :P
no już dobrze <glaszcze> !bedzie dobrze nie ma synek co plakac
Nice one stray & ekto! See you sunday
Nice one kresti and stownage
needing a rifle merc if anyone fancies plus needing one for lan
avi to roll
avi to roll, pm irc /q Skeit
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