The KBG - Seeding Tournament

image: title
We are almost down to two months before the start of the Krefeld Battleground LAN and we want to invite every 6on6 and 3on3 team to participate in our seeding tournament, to battle for their accurate spots on site. Matchdays will be the upcoming Sundays. Starting times will be 19.00 CET for 3on3 and 21.00 CET for 6on6. While our map pool isn’t yet finalised, we are inviting every participant to give us feedback within the next weeks to make a final decision on this topic.


Every team that paid at least 4 of 6 tickets and has a LAN lineup available will be allowed to participate.
Maps: Bremen B3, Würzburg Radar, Adlernest, Frostbite, Supply, SW Goldrush TE
Tournament Schedule: Starts Sunday, March 26th
Default Match Time: Sundays, 21.00CET


Every team that paid at least 2 of 3 tickets and has the 3rd payment scheduled, will be allowed to participate.
Maps: Adlernest, Frostbite, Supply, Goldrush, Special Delivery TE, ET Ice
Tournament Schedule: Starts Sunday, March 26th
Default Match Time: Sundays, 19.00CET


The lower bracket final and the grand final will not be played as first and second place of the tournament will have their groups set. Due to the uneven amount of teams for a bracket, the losers of 1st round upper bracket won’t have a match in the second week, but in the third. In addition we have a 3rd-round-losers bracket to decide about seedings 9 to 12.

In case your team is not available during easter holidays please let the admins know before the tournament starts, so we can rearrange the default scheduling in case too many teams have issues. Check rule number 7!

We made this schedule expecting every registered team is participating!

Rounds and date:
  • 03/26 - 1st round Upper bracket
  • 04/02 - 2nd round Upper bracket
  • 04/09 - 1st round lower bracket, 3rd round Upper bracket
  • 04/16 - 2nd round lower bracket, 4th round upper bracket, 3rd round loser’s round 1
  • 04/23 - 3rd round lower bracket, 3rd round loser’s round 2
  • 04/30 - 4th round lower bracket

The Brackets

Additional Rules

In addition to the common rules, that we expect you to know, we want to make the following points clear to everyone. In case of issues, our tournament admins will always help out and might start a democratic process on their level to decide. Nonetheless, here are our additional rules:
  • (1) Teams must be using their anticipated LAN lineup for the event. If this is going to be an issue, then get in touch with one of the seeding tournament admins.
  • (2) One stand in will be allowed if he is on the same level as the team and the player he will replace. Admin will confirm in case of issues rating the player.
  • (3) Every match is played in best-of three format. The maps will be chosen by each team. With the limitation, that every team can pick each map only once. The team with the higher seed needs to pick the map first. Third map is decided by coin toss and map elimination of the remaining maps. If a match has the same map twice because teams can’t pick another map the admins will force the second map.
  • (4) Every match needs to be on, match servers are going to be forced
  • (5) Cheating within any of our competition will result in a ban from the offline and online tournament with no refund from this and any future event we organize
  • (6) Matches will be played on common global 3on3 and global 6on6 config accordingly
  • (7) Matches can be rescheduled only if both parties agree. In any case matches need to be played before the next round is scheduled for both lower and upper bracket
  • (8) Teams not participating in the seeding tournament will be seeded by admins

With these rules set we also have an additional comment to make regarding the recently banned player in CG, juicy: We will not allow him to participate in the seeding tournament because we do not intend to invest the time and afford to review his play for 3rd party tools following the recent events. However, we will allow him to play on LAN with his configs, drivers and other tools reviewed by an admin.

To make sure an issue like this doesn’t come up during the seeding tournament, every match has to be played on gamestv and because we don’t think the demos on gamestv are 100% reliable and accurate for everyone, we do need to ask you to record demos for all your matches.

image: logo

maplist is 100% fine for both formats, please do not change. only thing I could think of is erden for ice in 3on3 but ice is fine and probably preferred by most anyway. frost > missile :o)

QuoteThe maps will be chosen by each team. With the limitation, that every team can pick each map only once.

I assume this just means you can't play the same map twice in 1 match?

QuoteWe will not allow him to participate in the seeding tournament because we do not intend to invest the time and afford to review his play for 3rd party tools following the recent events. However, we will allow him to play on LAN with his configs, drivers and other tools reviewed by an admin.

seems like a bit of a cop-out imo, but I doubt he's actually coming to LAN anyway so no big deal

Quotebecause we don’t think the demos on gamestv are 100% reliable and accurate for everyone, we do need to ask you to record demos for all your matches.

United Kingdom Marcus has been working on GTV a lot lately & fixed the server crashing / looping issue that was present before (along with a few other bugs... comments with non-standard characters disappearing, for example), but yeah it's still a good idea for each player to record his own demos of course

also can you change rektem in 6on6 to Eurocans please?
QuoteI assume this just means you can't play the same map twice in 1 match?

In the whole tournament! there wont be more than 6 rounds!

Quoteseems like a bit of a cop-out imo, but I doubt he's actually coming to LAN anyway so no big deal


QuoteMarcus has been working on GTV lately & fixed the server crashing / looping issue that was present before (along with a few other bugs... comments with non-standard characters disappearing, for example), but yeah it's still a good idea for each player to record his own demos of course

jo no big deal at all anyways i guess

Quotealso can you change rektem in 6on6 to Eurocans please?

QuoteIn the whole tournament! there wont be more than 6 rounds!

hmm ok, not a fan but oh well :P
we want to have a fair seeding in the end, teams who can only play 2 maps or so shouldnt be seeded too high imo. in the end they dont show their "real" skill but well lets try it out. ofc there should be some thinking at the mappick stage and it might be risky sometimes
ye fair enough I suppose
do not replace ice, please.
I recommended erden instead of ice for 3on3 previous LAN and people agreed so it got changed, however we ended up having ice in the mappool due to erden not being on the servers or something equally dumb :P
haha that's lame. yeah I prefer erden myself as well 8)
Quote by ohurcoolmaplist is 100% fine for both formats, please do not change. only thing I could think of is erden for ice in 3on3 but ice is fine and probably preferred by most anyway

Strong assumptions you make there friend. Show me your source.
well that's what happens when you're one of the first comments I guess :P but ye I'm definitely fine with erden instead of ice! prefer frost over missile though, nice quick map like adler
Haha no worries I wasn't being too serieus. I like missile over frostbite, requires more team play I think. Optimally, I would change frostbite for reactor
There are some maps that you just can not replace and ice/frost are old school maps older than game itself. If you want new maps just add them into mappool so players have more choice rather than taking away maps that would be played on lan just add sth new and get rid of old maps. We can replace maps that are being played in literally every game like grush or supply.
wouldn't it make more sense to replace maps that people never play?
ice and frost arent those maps tho, in every 3v3 i play there is ice/frost m8
ye same opinion in just adding more to map pool instead of replacing
I tried to refer to the 6on6 format regarding frostbite. In my opinion, et_iceband frostbite fit 3on3 better than 6on6.
you'd rather play reactor than missile?!?!
Yea I do! I love reactor
Are the 3on3 and 6on6 game days the same? Also will cast as much as I can :)
yes, but teams can also reschedule games before the default date! means the game has to start LATEST at the date we've decided/set
nice idea, but in my experience most teams will play only those days then :PP hopefully not! I will jump in on the later games for sure - maybe recast some good close games before then.
How about the 3o3 spot for me specula and scarzy? And Aq, karma and simon?
Aq and co. got their spot already. If another team drops out you are the next team to get that spot! We made many journals about making the 3on3 toutney bigger but we couldn't reach our goal there. Would have too much hassle at the schedule and format with 13 teams.

why do they got their spot and we dont? :D

wtf man this is retarted. specula told me that we could perhaps play for it?
Upper bullshit, to let them enter without consulting the other interesting partys.
Well we followed the first comes first serves politicy there as we also did before for first 12 teams too
Well, last lan there were also 13 teams for 3o3.

They made 2 groups. 1 with 6 teams, 1 with 7 teams. you played 1 map vs 1 opponent, after that you went into the brackets.

I was actually a pretty good and effective format. I don't know why you would lose money (1 more team) when the format of last lan was effective and could be used again.
I didn't mention a financial part at any sentence. We wont have as much pc's available as we had in bruxelles and we also have more 6on6 teams. Ofc there would be still possibilties bit still we would have agreed with 16 teams. It was a decision we agreed on internal and also made directly public. It didn't help. Last words from me on this topic.
eventhough you won't react, I will still answer.

You never mentioned there was a limit of 12 of 16 teams when the first possiblity of signing up was open. That's why I waited a bit before gathering a team.

Quoteon3 tournament
35.00 Euro Early Bird
After 28th of February: +15.00 Euro
PayPal fee: +5.00 Euro per Transaction (no fee for bank transfer)
►► Sign up

This is what it states exactly at the sign ups. Nothing about a maximum of 12 or 16 teams. You made that rule later. It's your lan, but I always get a lot of fun out of 3o3, so it's really a pity I can't play it.

About the financial part:

I just stated that the pricepole would be much bigger if another team jumps in for 3o3. It has nothing to do with what you said.
nice work. I would have liked to see erdenberg for 3on3 and missile for 6on6 in addition though. both maps are full of action and pretty entertaining for the viewers.
i've played a lot of shit maps in my life, but erdenberg is the worst map ever. You should try te_escape2!
It's not because you don't like a map that it is shit. Maybe just shit taste?
because everyones thoughts on a map are based solely on the competitive capabilities of the map?

just stating my own opinion, as is everyone else
The map is competitive and easy to learn -> good map?
You could have just said, I hate the map. Like I hate braundorf but I am not saying it's a shit map.
As is Ice, and my joke input for te_escape2. I don't understand what you're getting at?
I am trolling and you happen to be the guy at the bad place and at a bad moment
I'm saying it's a shit map.
bad memories of grenades through windows?
There are no windows on braundorf silly
on side above cp
Americans can't watch more than two ways at once so we play with side off
escape isnt too bad, little bit unbalanced but okay. i like erden because you can hardly camp, got the usual spawntimes (not 25 on allied frostbite), dont have small ways to go so low+ people can lean and triple you like on braundorf and you got more than two objectives to do. well eventually arguing about a map being cool or shit is useless because we will not agree on one's opinion anyway. take care Fanta syro 8 : ]
thats what i'm saying, each to their own!
frost > missile would be a nice swap :)
Would really like to see erdenberg for 3on3 and missile + karsiah for 6on6
gizmo for president
this mappool is so fucking special....................
Don't be mad we can play reactor in 1on1 <3
missile in for frostbite on 6on6
vokki in for chry on 6on6

e: agreed on map though
I would personally switch frostbite for Missile_b3. I would also like to include reactor_final, but that's not a popular opinion.
Fuck missile
Erdenberg , sos_secret , dubrovnik , crevasse , reactor .... 1 of them :(
<3 dubrovnik
I would let the only one rtcw map in 6v6 mappool stay and if vast majority of people want it, switch different map.
You faggots are still only going to play supply/grush + kingz/oxid bremen/radar so what the fuck are you bitching about
QuoteThe maps will be chosen by each team. With the limitation, that every team can pick each map only once.
They will find a way
Ye illuminati
apex please
missile for frostbite in 6on6!
i would like to play supply/gold and radar as decider 24/7

e: kurwo
ye we want missille...
Escape2 TE best 3on3 map
missile bestest
karsiah please !!!!!!!!!!
cu lan!! =))
where can i see the full teams and the schedule? so i can make me a plan

there are the teams, i believe they're currently working out a schedule
Final schedule will be published once we know the final amount of 3on3/6on6 teams. Currently, there is a realistic chance that we manage to increase the amount of 3on3 teams to 16.
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