The KBG LAN - Prize money and more

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It’s not even a month before we will meet the participants of the seeding tournament in Krefeld, but there is some good news coming and the seeding tournament on the tip of the finish line.

With a stunning donation of 500 €, United Kingdom Moe surprised us and wants his money spend to the teams.

His support to make this event special, helps us in guaranteeing a prize pool of:

4,010 €*

*payments that came in after the original newspost were added (+donations - 20€ from Germany Kitt & Poland HaoKakao)

He had the following to say:

image: quote

66% of future donations will increase the prize pool for 6on6 and 33% of the donations will be added to the 3on3 prize pool.
Every single Cent of the remaining payments, additional sign ups and, as mentioned above, future donations will increase the prize pool. We will announce the final amount for both 6on6 and 3on3 the day before the event.

Donate here

The Prizepool

We will guarantee the following prize money distribution (for the moment):




The deadlines

With this news we will also set deadlines for the remaining matches of the seeding tournament, the upcoming signups and the payments of these new signups.

We want to be finished with the seeding tournament by the upcoming Monday, the 1st of May. This means ALL the games which aren’t played by then will be cancelled. If there are matches, that haven’t been played, we will seed the affected teams.
This might cause some unintelligibility for some of the players of the affected teams. The admins know about the current state and also heard about troubles agreeing on a certain day to play matches, but we can't delay the seeding tournament because of some more things we got to work out before the lan event itself.

The remaining matches are the following:


Match 20
Europe Elysium vs. United States of America Eurocans
The winner faces the winner of Match 21

Match 21
Europe k1ngz vs. getFace Europe
The winner faces the winner of Match 20

Match 22
Germany SMASHED vs. Europe xD Trickjump

Match 15
Netherlands viSual vs. Europe Kurwittu

Match 22
Europe mAlibu vs. EuropeGut Lack

Deadline for upcoming signups:

Signups will be closed on Sunday, the 7th of May. This means all the teams who are still willing to participate and sign up for the Krefeld Battleground LAN got to signup by the aforementioned date AND pay immediately. This helps us to be sure, that you are coming. We won't make any exceptions for anybody!

We are aware of the current interest for the 3on3 tournament and got to solve this problem also by the 7th of May. We will do our best to find a way to not let anybody down, but we can't do much more than we did already. You guys know what we need to solve this problem!

All of this is needed to give us the chance to create the tournament format and the schedule draft for the lan event, which will be done right after the 7th of May and will be announced as soon as possible.

We would also like to thank United Kingdom Msh100 for supporting us with a server for the event and his big support in setting it up. This makes it a lot easier for us at the event itself. Cheers mate!

If you got any problems and/or questions regarding the event, contact an admin here on crossfire or at #teamoxid on IRC.

Furthermore we will update you regarding the location on site on 6th/7th May.

BTW BOYS 'nd GIRSL: We said never anywhere that we will have 3on3 only on friday and 6on6 the other two days! Pls plan to be ready for 6on6 on friday already!

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Good luck nice journal!
Nice to see the community helping! fantastic donation too :)
Which Moe? Any more info's?
got his full name but won't make it public, due to his own words hes unknown to anybody, he reads on crossfire, so he might message here
Dont need his full name haha. I'm not familiar with a Moe except the US mOE troller.
Yea, well just wanted to say that he's not quite known which surprised us even more for his awesome donation.
A special thank you to Msh100 for his big effort behind the scenes, working very hard on GTV and assuring we have GTV coverage for the upcoming LAN.
That's fucking dope!
Just maybe a little too ambitious, but maybe you could try to get in touch with Pansy & TosspoT (both are regularly on twitter if nothing else) and maybe they could help promote the lan itself (asking for donations is awkward, I'm not suggesting that) - but when the time comes, their platform of having a number of followers may offer a few new viewers which may enjoy watching the lan when it happens - if there is a stream available obviously :)
We are in contact with both of them.

And yea we will of course have a stream live from the lan and merli HAS SHOWN some interests about streaming from onlinw too
"has shown" JESUS
Shew xddddddddd
I would not rant about it, if I didn't tell him about 500 times, while making english out of his nonsense
Keen to cover a couple of matches from ETTV as you can setup <1sec delay now with Twitch/Beam. I'm happy to take the "leftovers" too :P
haha :D go for it :)
biggie saving ET once more!
Thanks moe szyslak
this moe guy is just

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Before i start, i just want to say that as a community (especially the players) it is amazing how many people have signed up to this tournament. I just want to mention that this was the first thing that was appealing to me and encouraged me to try and make a team to attend in the past few weeks. Respect to you guys and good luck in the tournament

I think that the people involved in organising said event should also get a lot of credit, from what i have seen - the venue, the equipment etc. is amazing. It can only lead to a fantastic tournament.

I am going to be straight and try and explain in the best way possible, because i know to most / if not all this is going to be something that gets a lot of negative attention and or responses. I am going to be as constructive as possible and i do not mean to offend anyone in this at all.

In terms of the prize pool breakdown, there are a few things that stand out for me. First let me just say that personally (and this is the part which i know most wont agree with) the tournament has to be financially beneficial to attend. I know most will say well fuck you, its a community game now and we dont need that negative reason, but it is the truth. As the game and myself (note that im speaking for a few of my team members here too) grows older, priorities change and hence the step back from gaming. Personally i cant look at spending say 400 euros to attend a gaming tournament, whilst saving for a house. Let me also just add before i try to make my point that a lot of us and especially me have spent a hell of an amount over the past few years on attending LANs - especially coming from the UK and those countries outside of central EU, let me just say that attending these types of tournaments arent cheap. Especially when tournaments that are organised by Seanza dont pay your prize money after you win...

I have always looked at the past few events that i have attended in trying to break even in terms of the costs associated with attending. When i say break even - i mean that the cost of attending is pretty much the same as the prize money that you can potentially win. With this i dont include food / alcohol - as to me it is a luxury to be able to spend the weekend and enjoy myself with people that i have known for years and dont get the chance to see face to face at all or often.

If you look at the breakdown for example my costs in attending this - adding signup fees, travel and accommodation - i am looking at 250 euros EASILY. If you look at the prize money that is up for grabs (for first place - and believe me the amount of risk in achieving first place especially now is so high) is like 165 euros - its literally nowhere even close to "breaking even"

That also leads me on to my next point, having been persuaded by numerous people (not just team members - outside / community influences) to get a good team together - we were informed that we would have to pay the extra entrance fee. After discussing with a couple of the admins, the logic was ridiculous in terms of the reasoning as to why they still wanted to enforce the additional signup fee. When i discussed this with them, it wasn't the face that there was additional costs with us attending, the reason was that it was announced like that and that 100% of our signup money would go towards the prize pool. If this is the case, why penalise us for making a team at the very last minute, only to charge us the additional entrance fee price just because... I would understand if we had created the team 2 months ago and failed to pay the fee on time, but that was not the case.

I think that the prize pool breakdown needs to be considered. Personally for me the winners should be rewarded much more than current (note that im saying this still based on me not attending before anyone jumps on the bandwagon and says im only interested because i think if i attend i will win). My opinion is that it should be split 1200 / 600 / 300. Even 1100 / 650 / 350 would be better.

Also, having done the calculations, and although the event is in an amazing place - the fee for renting such a place must be through the roof because there is quite a substantial amount taken from that prize pool. Tournaments with these sorts of numbers in the past, the winners used to average around 1800 euros - say 300 euros each.

My last few points from an outsider and from the information i have got is that i would liked to have seen another admin involved that was separate from the current top teams attending. I personally believe that a central community figure would have majorly benefited some of the decisions above etc. - someone like merlinator / Msh100 for instance. I think having 2 of the top teams represented by their captain(s) and their organisation's manager can lead to biased decisions favouring said teams (not saying that that has 100% happened, its just my general feeling)

Anyway, based on the points above i dont see there being a great chance of attending based on my team's expenses unless we can find some form of support. Regardless and if we dont attend, i hope the tournament is a success and hope none of the above (admins especially) take the constructive criticism i have said personally.
You need an extra €50 then you will attend with your team? What's your bank account number
I dont even know why i am bothering to respond, but other people will see this and think that that's the only reason.

I used myself as an example - but for instance sqzz has pretty much the same costs if not more as Deryn would also attend with him. XyLoS has to fly from Italy and razz pretty much has the same costs as me on top of a flight / train to my house.

My point that i was trying to emphasise is that priorities have changed and i cant tell my Fiance that im going to spend 500 euros on a gaming tournament instead of putting that towards saving for a house. Thats my choice personally and i know others may disagree with it - was just voicing my / my team's opinion. Other players in my team have similar priorities and are pretty much in the same position and its a shame but financially it is not viable to attend.

If i misinterpreted your post as sarcasm i apologise
Usually I am being sarcastic, but wasn't this time. You say your costs are 250 and your winnings could be max 165. A little more than €50 then yes. Would be a shame if your team couldn't attend the LAN because of costs. Start a crowfunding?

And I agree raising the ticket costs because you put together a last minute team is bullshit. Good luck!
Wow, appreciate that. I dont like to ask for money, representing an organisation was always a mutual agreement that benefit both parties. I doubt that people would sponsor a team rather than donate towards the LAN

Everyone, other than the admins, have said the exact same thing. Again thanks for your support
Did you contact SPU9/Rockit? He is usually up to pay some financial support for a team. I'm not in a position to sponsor your team €1000 right now.
To be honest - i have messaged a couple of organisations but havent had any responses.

I am realistic in the fact that you cant get a majority or any funding for this game now. I have only asked the organisations that i have messaged if they would be interested in covering our entrance fee
whats up ;D?

was in japan the last 5 weeks ;D googgo rockit!!!
no worries I also asked people (also some of the people u talked to on ts this day) who arent part of the admin team what they think about this and if they would find it fair and so on.

we (not mainly u and me cause u always mentioned that you CAN't come) got many talks to people of your team about u guys attending the lan. i got never even a single interest from them because of different (understandable) reasons (the only one who has shown interest was chry). We can't make exceptions just towards you und let others pay more for the same seat (with you also having the bigger chance for any euro out of the prizepool). Wouldn't find it fair too.

BTW I also respect that you guys got more costs than for example some of us germans but there was a lot of time from the day of the announcement to today to find a solution or what ever.
QuoteAnd I agree raising the ticket costs because you put together a last minute team is bullshit.

as much as he'd like to make this all about him, the entrance fees are the same for everyone else who signed up or paid after the early bird discount ended :o) it is his fault for waiting

now the admins could make the decision to refund the difference to those who paid "late" since there were so many payments before the deadline anyway, but ironically enough that would just lower the amount of money in the prizepool for his practically-guaranteed-first-place 6on6 team :D
damn too bad that we polaks had to sell 6 kidneys to afford this lan
because of that bloodje's family had to move to North Korea
Don't forget I need to be wined and dined if I do decide to come.

And all those trips to Ritterstraße need to be accounted for as well... xD
fml gonna sell 2nd one to afford you and these bitches

Hope that we dont have to pay extra for threesome with them
Wow so funny
Hey Damian! what settings do you use in the OBS? I think you told me once that u use the Studio version and somehow my ingame isn't streamed
Escape river fikser
thank you for your comment!

i won't say much more towards the extra fee you guys would have to pay if you come because i already did so! it wouldn't be fair for everyone who already paid more than the normal fee and also for other teams who would also maybe join late. we won't change our mind there and as you already said and we mentioned, we wont take this for our self or anything else than the prizepool!

about the prizepool: we can't go higher for now! every cent we got over is in that prize pool. I would also like to have a higher prize pool to make it even more attractive but we can't for the moment (it's btw higher than the last events). What I can guarantee is that the prizepools will get higher by ATLEAST 400€ because theres still 4 people from the current signups who need to pay and all this money goes into the prize pool. With this additions the balances between the different places might change abit too! We won't give the 3rd place less money than the entrance fee (on a side note)!

about the admin stuff: We are still open for anybody to help us admining on side. I'm sorry that I am using so much time to make this event a good one. For the moment we didn't have any issues with anyone and followed all the rules! Every admin did! On a side note: We also got the agreement that problems which cause our own teams won't be affected by our own admin powers, which means that e.g. problems Elysium has with anything for example Ekto or chosen are handling and so on. Past events has also shown that Sebhes acted quite fair at his own events.

At the end I can swear you that we aren't taking any cent out of the event for ourself. Try to set up such an event by yourself and you will see that such a venue with more than 30 pc's and all the around stuff is not cheap. I also have to add that we got quite lucky there at some stages because of big support from many different people. Probs going out to the guys I mean - u guys know who I mean! AND I can also add that if I would have problems with money or have to look at money in my life I would also find it pretty fair IF i and the other organisators/admins would make money out of such an event baised on all the hard work! as i said, try it on your own if u got the time!

have a nice evening and maybe see u there!
I wont respond to everything but thanks for your reponse.

If you look at the 3on3 prize pool - the total is 710 euros. The winners get 410 - thats more than 50% of the total. 6on6 total is 2100 euros - winners get 1000 euros - thats less than 50% of the total. Why is the breakdown different across both tournaments? Shouldnt it be the same?
thats a good point, will talk to the others about this, but wont change very much at all in the end
When chosen asked me, how I would break down the money we got, my approach was a different one, in my mind, the 3rd should get his entrance fee back, more or less
and then i just took 300€ steps up from there on, wasn't much of a big thinking behind it

for 3on3 I just doubled the amount all of the time, and it kinda worked out

I can see where your coming from, and I can say, we would appreciate seeing you in Krefeld if you can make it!
Many bigger events only pay out bigger to the #1 placed team. Personally to finish 3rd I'd be happy with half my entry fee seeing as 3rd isn't really much of an accomplishment with such few teams. This is just a personal opinion but I think you guys have done awesome to get this up pand running and attract the amount of players you have!
That is just another approach, does it attract more teams? Maybe, we will never know
I guess we could probably change it a bit, and swap around a few euros, but in the end I don't think thats the reason more teams will attend.
I can totally see Ross' point, and we all got older and our focus in life changes. I guess I can speak on behalf of the admins here, that if Ross' team would attend, we would highly appreciate it and it would up the competition for the event onto a level we haven't seen for quite a few years!
Is it possible to have a spectator wrist band or something? 10euro for weekend or 5 for the day?
I actually don't think we take money for visitors, but you can donate some euros if you want to!
Might buy the MVP of the tourney a case of beers on the sunday to get people in the party mood.
need to get my carrying pants out then!
i got you np :D
spectators can come in for free
i just hope u wont make any exception just for them while other "normal" teams wouldnt get this (example higher entry fees etc.) cuz this woulda be fuckin ridiculous
QuoteWe can't make exceptions just towards you und let others pay more for the same seat (with you also having the bigger chance for any euro out of the prizepool). Wouldn't find it fair too.

nope, we don't
ok sry i didnt read the whole conversation yet :D
QuotePast events has also shown that Sebhes acted quite fair at his own events.
The acknowledgment I was waiting for my friend. Tears in my eyes on my vacation in Indonesia which I payed from the LAN entree fee.
wondering what ipod and ohurcool would think when paying 1k+ each without prospect of winning money from the tournament

and 300 euros while saving for a house isnt THAT much of a difference, is it? anyway... good luck pal
How can somebody that calls himself iPod not pay more than others :DDD
Relax there What
Quotewithout prospect of winning money from the tournament

excuse me???????
Fine, I'll say it. Just like us you will not win shit.
Tites is sick mate and trust me, I've seen him carry fumble on his back for what must have been months on end through all kinds of mess when we were last playing.. Not to mention on maps that weren't frostbite where fumble was in a league of his own (home map). But even he won't be able to carry you guys to win (as much as I'd love a Eurocans vs Team Potter final) :O(
Couldn't agree more
You've had first hand experience of it as well haven't you Ekto!! :P
of getting carried by tites?

hell fucking yes!

HR 2on2 team! (was pretty much a 1on2 all the time :P)
np m8 we are counting on him to carry us to victory in 3on3 instead
100% agree :O)
the time you wasted on that poem of yours, you could've actually earned the extra 15 euros
haha, what a joke
What is it that you find so hilarious?

Look I might come across as an arsehole being open and honest in public, but if that's what people want to take from my post then so be it - I can take it on the chin. The fact of the matter is that there has been some interest in my team attending, which at the moment is nowhere near certain happening and thought I would give an outlook on the reasons why.

If you genuinely think that most of the top players over the years left ET through lack of love or enjoyment of the game then you are certainly mistaken. Sure people age and like I said - priorities change, but I can assure you a lot of the old top players would still be around nowadays if there was a decent amount of prize money still left in ET.

Now I'm not saying anyone , especially the admins involved in this tournament are to blame but that's just the way it is.

If you want to spend 1000 euros on attending then fair play to you, I don't judge you negatively on that - in fact I find it admirable. If you think that because for me personally that I would rather prioritise general life goals over attending another LAN (when I've been to something like 8 over the years) then bigger fool you. I'm sure my reasons as well as the above could apply to a lot of top players over the years that no longer attend.
dude, are you serious?
What part is hard to understand or you don't agree with?
Not sure how this is relevant, but every single word is what I don't agree with. Now please, I'd love to hear the answer to my question :)
You don't agree that top teams / players from the past would still be playing if there was more financial incentive?
You know, all I wanted to know if you are serious. Based on your responds I understand you are not. Lets just leave it there...
Oh that's typical, leave it there because you know you couldn't have a rational debate or conversation on some of the subjects listed above
I wont respond to everything but thanks for your reponse.
Most of the truly great teams and players used to rock up to lans when all they could win was a free ventrilo server. The main reason they rocked up was to just be the best.

At this point it should 100% be about the love of the game and community, nothing more. So yes, it is totally unreasonable to expect to be able to cover your costs (even in part) from attending this LAN.

United Kingdom Moe money more problems.

As to the prize pool break down, agree, could be better.
U sound like a real gold digger. People left because the prize pools of lans become shorter? :D Thats such a big bullshit. It sounds like that people could live from their lan winnings :D It's fucking enemy territory. Would stop your "honestness" and your "being open" in every aspect of your life when it goes about money. It really makes u look like a big fool. Thought the last events that u are one of your team who doesn't care for that part but love attending ET lans because of it's game und it's community. NO ONE else except u made any trouble about any financial thing. We have people comig from finland, america, poland and many more. I've heard not even one single word about financies. We don't need you there. Thank you.
Hey - if I was playing as long as you have and still hadn't won a tournament I'd still have the motivation that you have to attend. Having won 4 and the financial benefits of winning don't even cover the entrance fee and travel costs then I'm sorry, I don't have the motivation to attend. If that makes me a gold digger when I have a fiancée at home, an apartment i am renting and saving for a house and so forth then so be it. I really couldn't care less what you think of me.

If you ever win a tournament you will understand

I'm pretty curious what night is thinking attending this lan :/// i feel with him. Very sad boy.

And yes again. Your going because of winning money and not because of meeting friends.

You've been attended the et reborn lan (where you got your FOURTH win) with winning 1050 euros. U've changed alot at that part. But it's ok. It's my last respond to this theme.

gl with your house
night part - bull's eye

perfect (y)
Everyone's priorities in life change. If he can warrant attending a gaming tournament for fun than respect to him. There's a lot of guys like ronner who I love who I would hope read my comments and at least see my PoV.

I have responsibilities in life outside of gaming and it would be unreasonable to spend the amount of money that I need to spend to attend. If that makes me a gold digger or a bad person - then believe me - I can live with that on my conscious.

The amount of money that I have lost over the years including when I have won is ridiculous. You're right - the winnings from reborn only pretty much covered my expenses other than food or alcohol - but I was happy with that - I also didn't have the responsibilities that I have currently in my life.

You can't play ET for as long as I have if you are a gold digger. I guarantee that if ET regular tournaments of 10k plus you would see old players - like reload or winghaven and many others transition back to the game. I am not blaming anyone for that - but it's the truth whether you want to believe it or not
Ok your life changed. You got other priorities. You can't afford coming. Isn't that enough?0
You dont play ET for money. Like for real there is no money in this game. You play ET even after 14 years because you love the game.

If you cant affort going LAN then you simply dont go. There is nothing wrong for asking support though impossible to get. This is ET. No need to make big number about it

There are only couple of teams who are going to attend very sirius winning business to the LAN and the rest to just meet ppl and shoot couple of headshots.
This is not huge eSports game with serious scene like CSGO.

If your only motivation is money then you should change the game.
Pretty much agree with you ye
This will probably be the only comment i will do on this story, but i can totally understand some of your points, like u have alot of costs by traveling and stuff, but tbh we all got responsibilities.
Im renting an apartment myself and got some other costs aswell. And I or more likely We (oxid) are going to the lan to meet us all again and see some other friends and ofc because we love the game so much. But tbh, if you cant afford coming to the lan why even bothering and try to get some early bird price when youre too late. tbh it would be nice if you guys would come but on the other side if you cant afford it i wont be sad if you guys wont come.
Its simplle u cant afford it -> dont come.
You say that, but aren't oxid supporting your entrance fee? It's not like it costs you guys anything when the tournament is held in the country you reside in...

You talk that we are too late for the early bird price - but what is the reason for the additional entrance fee cost. Pretty much everyone other than the admins see this as illogical as it deters people from signing up. Sure it's only 15 euros each, but for the sake of keeping it at 65 euros each and the tournament is potentially putting off new teams joining and losing an additional team and 390 euros.

Like I've said numerous times, it's not like we announced we would go months ago and failed to pay. If anything - that we be an adequate punishment, but we made a decision to attempt to go like 2 weeks ago. The fact that there is no additional costs to the tournament and our entrance fee goes 100% to the prize money, then why not let us pay the early bird price. It's expensive enough as it is for a team like us to attend...
You just see it from your own point of view as always. And i can again say that there are people who would find it unfair if u pay less than them and thats totally locical. We aren't losing any single euro if u don't sign up it's more like we would have 390/480€ more for the prizepool.
but we're losing winning team if they won't signup image: 1
That's a big shame yea!
Why don't you send them now 1100$? At least they will be able to come and play.
Great idea, will talk about this with the admins.
No i dont - my point is understandable / logical.

People who announced that they would play / signup before early bird fee elapsed should be penalised because they put the team(s) and LAN at jeopardy.

A new team signing up last minute that attributes no additional cost in attending to the tournament or the teams shouldn't have to pay an additional fee just because it is last minute. You say that i am seeing this from my own point of view but i would be saying this even if i had signed up (months ago) and a new team was looking at attending. The reasoning is that you encourage more teams to attend regardless of their skill... Like you say, it is a community event and a community game so apply logic that encourages more people and or teams to attend
Some People who joined these clans made these decisions also after the deadline. It's not our and the communitys mistake that u decide to eventually come. As i said we've had many talks with people from you and i heard many different excuses why u can't come and respected that. We have to differ the whole format we are planning with 12 teams and so on but would be ofc open for that task. And btw we are also planning on getting more pc's if we get a 13th/14th team. I don't need you start accepting our concept but we won't change our mind on that. So if u hope for that, I would stop that.

And don't get me wrong. I personally would like to see u guys there but I have to see this also from another side this time and thats about fairness and much more.
I dont see why you feel the need to constantly play the victim when all i am doing is voicing my personal opinion(s).

There are some things that i dont agree with, that doesnt mean that i think you or the admins / tournament are evil people - i just think there are some decisions that could have been dealt with better or made more reasonable.

If you dont agree with that fine and i respect people that can give a valid argument, but so far all i keep seeing is people twisting what i have said and playing victim and portraying my views into some sort of irriational argument.

If anything you became personal with your statements of me being a gold digger and so forth. Are you really that delusional that you think that i want to attend this LAN for financial gains? Just because i have things that are more of a priority in my life outside of gaming, doesnt make me a bad person for stating that the winning prize money wouldnt even cover our costs in getting to the tournament. At the minute, we aren't even favourites regardless of what the community thinks because we are all rusty and dont have the time we want to put in to praccing etc.

My personal opinion is something that i stand by and if you dont agree then dont constantly play victim. I am probably one of the most reasonable people here and just because you dont like someone criticising some of your / the tournament's decisions, doesnt mean that you have to play the community card all the time for justification.

If you would have provided a fair or logical rational to some of the decisions that i criticised, then i would have openly stated that i understand. Now you are saying that additional PC's are required if we signup, yet for the past 2 weeks you have told me that 100% of our signup fee is going towards the prize pool. So which one is it?
verdammt ross. cant keep on reading anymore without commenting ;D what is wrong with you?! you the only victim here. just stop it. or ask urself why you the only one from your team who cant accept it ;D

actually i dont want you to stop this entertainment but i give you one good reason. just think about the next lan if there ever will be another but if...
it will be even more difficult for the staff to organize it coz next time there gonna be even more ppl who wanna save some money ;) regardless if it was your intention or not, ppl will remember...
u constantly want ppl to understand where u comin from but you have zero empathy^^

just a hint... do urself a favour and stop that shame. ur opinion is stated long ago. you just whining now.

just my two cents as an objective reader here ;)
I can see your logic and I appreciate your comment. I just wanted to give my personal opinion about it and whether people agree or not is a different matter. I don't mean to come across as whiny or arrogant but it is what it is. I don't go into personal matters but I have a lot more information than that posted both from my team and also from other admins and people involved in the tournament. I keep that information discrete as a show of appreciation / respect but try to summarise it as best as possible. It probably doesn't come across that well but I can live with that. Anyway - it's nice to see someone from the old school pro community that I never got the chance to compete against. Hope all is well and your life outside of gaming is going well
i see. then tell razz to move his ass here ;)

tell him some hot stuff of us here owning ;)

( hallo razz :)

but idd too bad we never had the chance to play some games! ET just started dying way too early for me. then serious life caught me up ;) luckily i left this period bout getting a house already behind me.
phuck the lan and invite razz for a smoke in ur house once you got it, even more fun than owning american et player from below the comment section offline hahah
though i agree with you about the point that the split for 6on6 and 3on3 is complete bs..
All the money u pay/would pay goes into the prizepool. That wont be changed. It's meant on another way but cba arguing with u anymore. You wont accept arguments from us anyways. Over and out.
Seems like u got no clue about marketing and stuff like that, early bird price was to get some ppl to pay early so they could rent the location. You talk like the entrance fee is soo fuckin high its ridiculous. In my opinion you make look urself like a clown more and more. I really had alot of respect for you but I totally lost it because of this post.

were not getting paid the entrance fee but the entrance fee isnt as much that u can make such a big discussion, like i said if u cant afford it u simply cant come
Solution: stay home and prioritize these life goals you keep talking about, you whiny old fuck.
QuoteWhat is it that you find so hilarious?

that you felt the need to share any of that with us as if you were ever going to get our sympathy for being forced (along with everyone else) to pay a slightly higher entry fee for signing up late and maybe just maybe not making a profit on a trip to play a free 14-year old video game in another country versus a dozen other teams, most of which yours would utterly destroy with minimum effort anyway
Quoteold top players would still be around nowadays if there was a decent amount of prize money still left in ET.

'Still left'? People didn't play for money then, and I doubt they would now, short of throwing like a 50k prizepool at the event people aren't coming back for anything other than a bit of nostalgia and fun.

Actually I kinda think the inverse of your statement is also true. Old top players might be persuaded to come play some ET if the prizepool was 0. You lower the entry fee for every participant, reducing/spreading costs amongst the interested community. Like you say, priorities shift, many of us wouldn't be practicing or preparing, so it's not going to be overly competitive to begin with.

This event sounds like more of a meetup/holiday. You can't be upset because people don't want to donate to the cost of your holiday if you win, that's just unfair. If you can't afford it, or you don't think it's a valuable use of your money, then don't go? You don't need to defend that, and people will respect your choice - I just think you're being a tad unfair on the community.

I respect your position on this however I struggle to see anything more than just a "community" thing as you put it. Your financial position also makes sense and it's unfortunate that you may not attend because of that ... it's tough but I get it (also saving for a house here, RIP money).

Regarding admining, unfortunately I have a clash so can not attend myself. I do feel these guys will be fair though and I am sure there is potential to offload some admining tasks to community members online.
Thanks - it's nice to see someone that actually understands my reasoning other than thinking that I'm playing to try and win money that will make any impact or difference in my life by playing enemy territory
Hobbies cost money Ross, if you aren't willing to pay the cost then that's entirely up to you. Asking the organisation to change the distribution of the prize money specifcally so that your own team could attend is a tad rich.

I'm also saving to buy a house so I understand very well where you're coming from. Do yourself a favour and stay home. There are better options to splurge your money on, such as a weekend out with your fiancee.
Couldn't say that better. Thank you.
Hey Kevin appreciate your response - again it's nice to get a response from someone that can at least relate to or understand where I'm coming from. With regardless to getting the organisation to change it to benefit me or my team wasn't the intention - I just didn't agree with the way that the prize pool was broken down - especially as it differed from the 3on3 tournament.

Good luck with saving for your house
Simple answer, just don't go! You can't expect these guys to change anything (especially at this point) just for one set of guys that want to play now. I had Ronner's team ask me to go a month or so ago and as much as I wanted to attend one last ET event nowadays I can't go spending money on turning up to a LAN whether there's a good pot of money to win or not. Me and the mrs also bought our first place last year so I get where you're coming from with the money situation but personally I don't think you should expect much help with this. Either take the hit and turn up for the fun of it (and to get some beer money back at the end of it in your case!) or don't bother, don't expect any help towards it because those times are long gone now mate x
It just infuriates me that i have publicly stated my / my team's situation and people are jumping on the bandwagon that we are all goldiggers. We are far from it, we wouldnt be playing ET otherwise. I just wish people could get out of their bubble and see what i am saying, its not like i am blaming the admins or anyone because of it, just stating that truth. Anyone who thinks that if ET had prizepools of 10k plus that more players wouldnt be playing is delusional. We all attend and play because we love the game, me saying that i dont want to go because it isnt financially appealing shouldnt create such a mass brigade of negative responses.

Anyway, congrats on the house mate - good luck with the mrs too
Cheers pal - I get where you're coming from I just think look.. It's 2017 and even when ET was 'booming' there was only ever 2 LANs worth attending where money was involved and they were the QCONs, even Toss' events were always more community events than big money tournaments. I don't think anyone thinks you're gold digging because of what I've just written there (but then I'm not reading all the shit above) I think people are just grateful there's a LAN being hosted in the first place so their POV is a "you should be grateful too if you want to come" which I get as well :)
Perfect response in this entire thread. Sucks that you can't make it man. Would've been great to meet you. Hope you can duo-shoutcast with Merlinator or something :P.
Likewise bro, I'm sure you'll have a good weekend for it though! I won't be there on the shoutcast front either I don't think sorry mate I've got some 60 mile charity bike ride on that weekend which was also part of the reason why I wouldn't have been able to make it anyway :(

I'll definitely try and watch some of your games on a stream though when it's done and dusted!
Np! :)
Good to see you posting on here at least!

That seems fucking brutal! Get it!!!!
Yeah the only reason I bothered trying to log in was because I was told about the LAN! Got it locked mate, finished my rugby season on Saturday and now straight into this ;)
Shit you must be putting on some weight. Thats dope bro!
i guess the times where u can find organisations to support u guys r over. And imo u r goin with the wrong attitude to the lan. 90% of the people who r goin to this lan r goin mostly to meet up old friends, drink some beers, have a good weekend etc.

I have finished my bachelor o.s. october 2016 and also my dog had cancer so my whole money went for my study and to my dog. Gladly I could directly find a job after my study but around 70% of my income I have to save for my master study, new appartment which I will begin in october and to pay my old bills. I also bought a car couple of weeks ago and eventho I live in germany I need to spend around 500euros for this weekend and Im not whining about this. But I see this tournament more like a vacation than some serious shit^^. I have never been on a lan cuz back in the days I had even less money but this time I wanna take this (probably last) chance to meet all the people I have met in this great game.

so ye if u go there cuz of the money then u should play overwatch or csgo and shouldnt attend this lan
if u wanna meet up some old mates, then take this chance

but rly dont expect that the admins r doing any exceptions just cuz some old heros might go to this lan
I'm not really going to respond to most of your points because I think I have already addressed them elsewhere.

With regards to you dog - I'm really sorry about that. We had to put my dog to sleep 3 weeks ago because of cancer and I was devastated.

Enjoy your time at LAN - it is a great experience
Sad to hear about your dog :(
Just wanted to add this.
1. I think alot of people are in your situation and i understand 400+ euros just to play a game for a weekend is alot of money. Not sure if I was in your place I would consider doing that
2. Its strange for a lan that call itself a community game to raise money thus avoiding teams to join the lan. At the other hand it is totally understandable since the organisers just wanted their money thus being sure they had enough to organise everything. I would have prefered another sanction, for example the teams that are late signing up will have bad seeding and cannot choose decider maps through the group phase when needed.
3. I understand you saying that it is alot of money, especially when you are saving money for a house etc. At the other hand, purely looking at it from your perspective, what does raising money for first place have to do with this?
What will you do if you don't finish first? Looking at your comments this would be a disaster and thus it is difficult to understand why you even consider going..

Best of luck trying to find some funders..
Hey, thanks for the reasonable response. With regards to the comment of not finishing first place it would indeed be a disaster. For me personally not winning the tournament would be more punishing than the financial implications of not coming first. Considering the last 4 events I went to we won, I don't think I would take losing very well. That's just an honest overview of my personal feelings, I've never been able to take losses in anything very well. Also the way we are playing at th minute is nowhere near good enough to win the tournament

Good luck with your team as well
Plot twist, not doing well enough in practice - scared that you wouldn't win the lan, let's come up with something more reasonable! :P
Way i look at this is its a game i played since i was 16 and has cost me 0 money so far. Personally I'm not great at the game and going to just see some good old friends and have no chance of winning anything. Its something I have enjoyed doing.

I didnt go to other lans as I couldnt afford it, everyones situations change so cant blame you for putting the house first. Im currently buying a house and just found out 2 weeks ago I got a little one on the way! Last chance to spend money on what I want.

Good luck

Good luck with the house!
Congratulations mate!
if you only want to go to an ET Lan because u want to make money you should gtfo
If you can't read you should go back to school
Thank you :) now it means I need to learn German and Russian meh
Making money with ET LAN's is simply not realistic anymore. You have to see it as a small holiday / fun experience. And this will cost some money. 80% of the teams won't be getting money at all and most of them will know beforehand they won't make any money.

I can understand if you can't spare the money / it's not worth the money for you to attend. That's perfectly fine. But imo you should not blame the price money.
Again - I have never played ET to make money. Even when i have won tournaments in the past i have still ended up losing money overall with the costs associated with the weekend.

I am not saying or blaming the prize money - the money part mainly has to do with the whole additional signup fee for the sake of it. The prize money is the prize money, its just for a team and players outside of Europe it is expensive. I was just stating that even if you do win, for a team like ours it doesn't cover the cost of even attending regardless of the food / alcohol costs. As people have stated it is up to us whether we decide to attend on that basis or not
I get where you are coming from, but i can also understand why most people react kinda offended to your post. Many of the other players are pretty much in the same situation as you and have to spend lots of money for that, and in addition to that most of them even have a much lower chance of winning anything at all. They see it mainly as a little vacation from the daily routine together with old friends to have some fun. And usually holidays cost some money. No one goes on a holiday and expects to "break even". From that point of view the reactions to your post are very understandable in my opinion.

The other thing is the entrance fee. You see the additional 15e as a penalty, but from what i read that's actually the normal price. "Early bird" usually means some kind of special offer, so cheaper than normal. In this case the early bird should attract as many people as possible to attend to make sure that there will be enough teams at all and have a guaranteed prizepool. So it's actually an abatement to those teams that register early because they are the ones who guarantee that the lan is happening, and not a penalty for those who register their team later as you are basically paying the normal fee.
Pretty much one of the only reasonable responses I have got regarding the early bird fee and although I don't necessarily agree - I can see your logic. Thanks for not jumping on the bandwagon
kommste? =)
heut hat die oma geburtstag und am samstag die andere oma, könnte also höchstens am freitag kurz vorbeischaun,
das ist aber zu stressig mit 5-6 stunden einfacher zugfahrt :D

I totally undesratsnd your position since im in the same one aswell.

Paying more in the last days of the lan is pretty normal since people who are attending 100% in the first days of opening the signups are basically the ones who are making it happen at all.

Nevertheless, I am the guy who is not attending because of personal reasons (read:money) since im building a house right now.

So if you will not attend (which i personally would love to see you playing there) you are not alone in this. Hopefully we can share the same teamspeak and whine about people playing there and judge their drunk-asses in the morning.

Hope to see you there, matey!

Good luck and have fun, if you'll attend.
Kudos for Moe and all admins who actually volunteered for having to deal with this kind of shit out of the goodness of their hearts, bless them.

Oh and for all the players and teams that possibly might not break even, but decided to sign up anyway. :D
cool, hopefully the 3on3 teams looking to join are able to do so

and thanks to moe for his generosity :o)
How is it going everyone, Steefan (same nick on GTV) here.

I'm planning to come to the LAN as a visitor (and also to support some guys). I'm looking forward to coming to my first ever ET LAN party! (and hopefully not the last).

Any chances for a timetable or is it still being worked on? I just kinda want to know how to plan some other stuff (such as getting to the hotel, getting some sleep after the flight etc) around the games.

Best Regards!
We haven't made a final time table yet as this will depend on the final amount of teams participating in the tournament. However, the game days will most likely stary every day at 9 a.m. CET
Blod wieża piwna od 9!
beer tower starting at 9am!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111!!!!!!!oneone11!!one!!!!oN!

image: guy-im-gonna-start-with-the-beer-tower-waiter-sir-9515459
I only land at 10am or sth so I'll be probably late a wee bit for the first tower!
Lets make night lan and play from 20 till 9.
yeah so the brazilian community is able to watch it since the whole EU scene is already at the lan pretty much except for bobika and damon i think
Now this newspost is about expensive cars and people who would like to own one.

Start bitchnig now:

I have no interest in seeing anyone but if the money is increased then maybe skk will come and take it all.
money is overrated
hahaha. word gyzr. i forgot over the years how funny crossfire actually is ;D
Shut up and come to the LAN you dumb bitch.
though you are actually not worth it...
but for what? to compete with lowskillers like you? sorry but i was playing ET when it was live. no need to beat up wannabe willstars like you at lan anymore.
sorry to disappoint you but you missed the best time in et and the characters you trying to master here ;D
you dont know shit about how its done.
take a course and search for some guardian comments then you know how its done
Holy fuck that triggered the fuck out of you lol. It wasn't even suppose to be a reply to you but mind. Anyhow, you must be delusional if you think your scrub teams could even win a single round against the current top teams. I've seen replays of old teams and you guys were absolutely shit.
god damn it. even too stupid to hit the correct reply button this new generation and then u surprised u get a fitting reply come on^^
keep watching ur gamestv replays. since you even think ettv got released with ET ;D
Im on mobile thats why you dumb ass bitch. You're trash.
you is a joke. thats all? go set up irc live bot in #ingame-cup then i will replay a whole ingame cup for you from beginning 2005 and show you how we were owning some of ur idols.

then you just need to imagine its sunday 3 pm with some hundreds of idlers following the scoresheet popups in irc lol, i know its hard to imagine that nowadays for an et irc channel.
but if you do this i can give you 1 % of the feeling what et was like back then in a huge community with massive competition.
so stop ur bullshit talk you dont even have any comparison about. it aint nuttin but the oldschool. thats always. just ask urself why you study gamestv hrhrhr fanboi.

you cant even front on me so stop stalking me. im finish with you now. ;)
ok just read the first paragraph and didnt bother reading the rest...

i dont have any idols lol
good tip: dont feed the troll.

if all the top teams would be still active, they would still be on top. only a minor of todays team could compete against ex-top teams, thats a fact yeah. there are reasons why the players who started playing at the same time ended up on top teams and why others struggle on the OC-premier level for the rest of their lives, well that would the case if the game was still kicking well

and yes this is my own opinion stated as my own fact, some people might think different

over and out
Be humble, thats always.
All these old heads always talking shit and then get murked vs new schoolers and make up some bs lol
Then again the old pro players come back few months before LAN, pracc some and steamroll the newschoolers, like Anexis has done the las few LANs. Really the 3on3 skill level could be better than in the past but you must be delusional to think mamutsi, buttonbashers, masculinemen, ECW would have any trouble with todays "top" teams like dutchies and germans. Damn what a fucking essay i just wrote, piizaut
Nah mix of german dutchies polaks would destory old schoolers for sure
So why they havent stood a chance against a team formed by ross xylos etc who only appear come lan time? It just doesnt add up, id say the last lans yermanz or elysium would be like 2008 ECs qualifier team that MIGHT get into EC :P Altho the current teams dont have the same chance to practise against many different opponents compared to when ET was alive, but nah imo you are either dicksucking or just plain blind here :P
I was suggesting a mix of the current top teams
there were many close games between rockit and us :o even on lan
But Webe got a point, they are practicing 20 times less than you during the year!
the did pracc as much as we for the last events
Can you fully read my sentence please?
last edited since 2k10
Wouldnt really make any difference now would it?

You are shit tier player (always have, always will be) and u really shouldnt talk anything about anyones skill level
Why are you nerds getting so emotional as though I insulted your mother. At least I wasn't shit enough to cheat like the stupid bitch you are tho. Dumbfuckkkkk.
Just telling u how it is, nothing emotional about it.

If you were around back then when i got 3 months CB ban u would know that the cheating had nothing to do with any skill level, after all im pretty sure that cheating in public doesnt really boost u much anywhere.
Lmfao sure of course you're gonna claim it was "public only".

CB would claim so too

Bulld0g & killerboy too, not that any of it matters either way

u werent even around back then so u have no idea what are u even talking about :-----D
Plz mind check my profile
u've gotten laid via ET so thats pretty ok.

also my first ettv game ever is played with #SWANMIX so u get points from that too.

Other than that quite second level achievements
reality is that in 2005 the top teams were surely RLLY GOOD for that years´ skill level. But just by looking at the gamestv replays that are available, one can quickly notice how the skill level was just rlly bad in comparisson to what it became. Players moved way too slowly in comparisson to future years (I honestly dont know who u are, never ever seen ur name or even a gtv from u or ur team, but pls send me a replay wheer u are and I can guarantee that you will be jumping like a low+ at low+ speed if we compare u to players witht the current speed like sqzz,, wut, etc), same goes for tactics, if any, that were used, have nothing on the future years players got to know every single corner of the maps , when and how to push etc, while if u look back it was a chaos and the tactics were very basic. Dont fool yourself, maybe you were once known and "good" in this game 12 YEARS AGO or so..... but any top team from 2008, to give an example would totally destroy the low+ "top" teams from the past, for many reasons including those above but also....communications, better computers, graphics, mouses, all this shit evolved. You are clearly trapped in th past, and it is understandable but just because the game was VERY ACTIVE back then and a lot of people were watching , doesnt mean the game was more skilled, because it wasnt. Just look at your own games and compare yourself and those teams to some of the real top teams that came in the years afterwards; the speed, the skill, lets face it, the game evolved a lot and sure some top players from 2005 rlly became top players with massive skill in the future years , but those who stopped? They will be forever low+ thinking about the "good ol days" when they were "top" a game were the skill wasnt fully developed yet, so a med team in 2005would get trashed by a med team in 2008. Gotta be realistcic here, leave emotions aside.
This post makes me sad :(
Sad but true
why? Same thing happens in every aspect of life; look at football to give an easy example; you cant compare top teams from the 70s´ to top teams today lol; they would simply get destroyed. happens in every online game too.I dont mean to bash anyone from the past lol but gotta keep shit real.
I can relate most to this post. Sure top teams of the upcoming lan would probably not be able to compete with rockit or dignitas in their prime. But it's too easy to say that the old school teams would steamrol the top teams of these days. In fact, I think it would be the other way around.

Ross and Co have always been formidable, but look how sick6 performed at their last lan with their all-time allstar players. Don't tell me they didn't practice actively for that one, because they did.
Newschoolers Anexis rocking oldschoolers dignitas at Sage lan was the rip
You are wrong man the oldskool level was way higher then know and tbh it was way more tactical
"oldkool level" what specific year are you talking about? I dont think I am wrong tbh, all it takes is a visit to gamestv , watch the oldest games u can find and compare that shit to years later... I gave very specific year examples for this. Just looking at the way players moved in ...2004...2005 compared to 2007 , 2008, the speed, the revives...the fking aim lol and the tactics. It is just laughable to watch some of those oldschool games tbh. But hey , if you wanna prove me wrong it is very easy, just link me a game or a youtube link of some pro et team from 2005, 2004 or 2003 and then I will link you one from 2007, and you can tell me which team is better.
The speed is true and the jumping but man the crossfire , aim , tactical level in the old days was way better and harder people played smarter teams had such good movement they wat they cover places and move around if Someone died. Its hard to talk to Someone and explain it that never played at that level for me as a player the old days was way harder then know thats in my point of view
Your captain disagrees (not me)
nice vague answer, I was very specific, you dont need to explain anything , just link me a game from 2005 from your fav pro team and I will link you mine from 2007. Notice I am not comparing top teams from 2017 to top teams from 2005, I am giving very specific years and u keep saying "the old days..." . And sure, that is also my opinion, I just replied cuz u said I am WRONG, so at least u said now that it is your opinion. Tbh no need to say "hard to explain it to some1 who never playeed at my skill" rofl ; again you dont need to explain shit, just show a fucking game link and also what do you mean by old days? What year? The earliest game I could find from you in gamestv is from 2008 ...this ; I am pretty sure that if you watch yourself in that game and compare your own skill to a couple years after you will agree that , in terms of aim, crossfire, revives and ofc speed, overall the skill improved, a lot.. Not to mention those super pro oldschool opponents u are playing against right? /s

Now start going to 2009, , players are overall better, move better, aim better and lets face it, they arent complete nonames. One year after, things again get better:
Please compare any of those players from 2009 to any of those players in the link from your -oldest- game I could find from you, and come tell me again that the good old days , watever year u refer to, were better than those.
I could do the same with riddle the german guy above, it is easier because his lineup is in his cf profile and it is very easy to compare those ppl´s skill to player´s skill from after 2005. The comparisson is simply laughable. Now obviously I am not saying 2017 top teams are better than top 2010 teams, that is why I was very specific with the years I mentioned, so to end this, I dont understand why you said in your last sentence:
Quote Its hard to talk to Someone and explain it that never played at that level for me as a player the old days was way harder then know thats in my point of view
; well it is hard for me to "talk to" someone who cant even read . I didnt say NOW (2017) , I gave specific year examples, so please read carefully and try again.
Not true.

The game evolved alot from old days and i would say the game was at its strongest somewhere between 2007-2009 and close to the "best u can do" Might be off a year or so but anyway.

Any top-3 team those days would've shit on most of the old era teams with no problems.
I agree. It's because most players around that time had around 3-5 year tough competition with enough matches against different teams with also different gamestyles and tactics.

The game was evolving a lot in the first years and many things changed that made sure that teams needed to keep evolving(maps, xp rewards, mods, config) that experience made those teams top teams around that time great. Since 2007 the game was basically the same until now. Tbh I miss those times we had huge discussions about XP rewards in competition :D
It's like with football. Pele, Maradonna en Cruijff would be still great today if they had the same tools like Messi and Ronaldo.

Back in 2004 you did not had the best gear, unlike today. You did not had the knowledge from GamesTV. You would get new maps every cup, and needed to make your own custom tactics for it. I feel sad that some newschool players never had those times, because it was quite fun to make tactics on catherdral or reactor and just trying it in matches, you could not copy it from gamestv. Back in 2004 we had like 30min tactical discussion before each match(also trying mortar spots, mg, flamer things like that, rifle was not even standard used everywhere)
In 2004 tactics, gamestyle and teamplay made more difference than aim.

Fast forward to 2007-2009. All teams have basically refined the tactics by learning it from each other and on gamestv. The gamestyle is really aggressive and more focused on individual skill and aim. Still top teams make the difference because of experience and teamplay. All players have evolved. The maps barely change anymore.

I have played active between 2004-2007 around medium level. When I look at my demos from 2004 I would laugh also at them, but for that time it was not bad. In 2004 i played with players like: abort, efax, kris, bullvox, rocky, modus and mize just to name a few.

Nowdays I can still compete on medium level If i put some more time into it, but don't really care anymore. From my point of view, if those oldschool highskilled players that played between 2004-2007 would really care and invest time like the newschoolers playing are doing now, they can still compete on the highest level. But only those oldschooler that have played between 2004-2007. Players that quit around 2005-2006 would not be able to compete, nowdays because too much has changed.

I also played ETQW for two years. After two years a so called top team came back and played us in 4on4 and we held them at the first stage. They expected to be still a top team after two years, but that is not possible. But if you where once highskillled and put the effort into it, you can be highskilled again. But most don't have the motivation, especially in such an old game like this.
Good post m8
hahaha. you started a rage riddla. you get 3 x
funny thing is that he got his feelings hurt because of ipod comment about teams from the past and obviously riddla then dissapeared as his point is too easy to disprove. online its called e-argument shamequit.
hahah. e-shame quit. pfff until i just checked here again i didnt even know that it excists ;D you seem to be even funnier than the guy before.
so you connect such emotions with some bullshitting on xfire ;D schoolboy be happy that its online otherwise it would look kinda like this... ;)

i dont even need to reply on anything actually. the more u say the more you are owning urself ;D you honestly dont belong to the smartest group of users on this here or u are just way too naiv to see that just spamming something doesnt make it more true ;) maybe some ppl on ur IQ level or lower will take ur comparisons concernig skill developement about buried ET and football, the most commercial sport until this day, serious but who cares bout those. thats trump target group, not mine ;D

ok im off again for some days. so turn ur brain on this time, think further and suggest that i might take some time to reply, im not nerding here everyday anymore ;)

lol feel like talking to a child ;D how long u still wanna talk about it... actually everything is said. real recognise real. ppl who can actually think will build their opinion on whats said. i was there when ET was on its peak competing with the best and i was also there when it was already on its downfall... some other time witnesses who can actually have first hand opinion also tried to tell u whats up. its ridicolous to take a side like you do by just watching gamestv replays from "that" time but thats a topic i dont even wanna disucss with somebody "limited" like you^^ just keep on livin in ur world and be happy somebody from the real back then actually gave u one reply after all those spam^^

hope this time nepotism admins wont delete my comments for stupid reasons. let us at least have some entertainment here from time to time. no 3-5 words german in it this time. should be okay for this not dead enough site where people are still busy with the comment i posted weeks ago? lol ;p

now gimme something to read for the next moment of boredom...
oops sorry it looks like my comment triggered you hard kid.

Quote i was there when ET was on its peak competing with the best and i was also there when it was already on its downfall... some other time witnesses who can actually have first hand opinion also tried to tell u whats up

you were there when Et was SUPER active and full of lower skilled players all around. Any top 2007 team would completely destroy any top 2004...2005 team. Others here who played at that time and didnt stop after 2005 as you see in the comments have also said that, because it is simply the truth. The game skill evolved too much, when I say just watch your old games and compare them to 2007, for example, I mean it, it is too easy to see the difference in skill. Of course you dont wanna discuss because your point is too easy to disprove as I said. Literally open any of your games and see yourself jumping like a scrub and shooting 10+bullets to get a kill, in comparisson the the skill level of the following years. Just by going with the lineup listed in your cf profile and comparing it to any team from 2007, you would get completely destroyed. Or now you gonna tell me that you think you are better than actual top players like maus? Type your nickname in gamestv and see what you can find, it is laughable that you think of yourself as some sort of legend or smth, sorry to break it to you but you arent :/ ,; sorry if reality triggers you.

You have like 0 arguments and a lot of adhominem attacks, you are the child here buddy.
It was very fun to read your meltdown tho. Keep it interesting!
big thanks! will add them to my profile. so im on par with nowadays et-scene. ;)
this thread is gold. hahahaha havn't laughed so much for a long time on cf.

anyway good job chosen + team and have fun with the LAN. Unfortunately I don't have the time right now to attend, but maybe next time (if there is one).
:(( would have loved to meet u there.

Thank you!
:( micha, you betta win this shit :)
nigga said micha. raped
Sry Masterarbeit geht leider vor :(
me reading this journal from lan

image: CNxgWFu
masz sie czym chwalic debilu
I'm flying over half of Europe just to watch strangers play dead game and earn a hangover or two. Donations accepted, PM for details!!!11!!
Wow ayuobdullah you are alive
oh infernal, loL
just my 2cents, try and make the 3on3 prizepool a multiple of 3 and the 6on6 a multiple of 6 for each place. Just for ease :P
Wow ayuobdullah!!
mfw half of the comments in the thread are from a goldigging attention whore.

What I gathered from this thread so far:
there wil an et lan
every1 seems fine with the torunament, prize distribution and most admin decisions, except for 1 person.
That 1 person, who posted over half the comments in this thread REALLY WANTS ALL OF YOU TO KNOW THAT HE DOES HAVE A FIANCEE1!!!

Torm! Are you still residing in Germany? And if so come LAN?
hey :!
Yea still in germany but a bit far from where the lan is.
Maybe, I asked Columbiaeitileda who is living very close to that place if he would join me. Dunno if I would go alone if I dont get the chance to play and it seems very late for that (sadly ohurcool ignored and even deleted my comment in his "looking for a rifle thread") . Would be nice to get wasted with u and ohurcol tho, so thats why am thinking about it

Bro come! There is one spot open for 3v3!

Haha stop being a troll xdddddd
It depends on eiti, I asked him just an hour ago lol.., if he comes with me as spectator I will see u there; I think its just way too late for me to try and build a 3v3 team because I am rlly busy this and next week, the weekend of the lan I am free tho which is why it is a possibility to go as spec.

I didn't delete your comment, I replied to it! and tbh I figured you were trolling, forgot you live in Germany now :P

cu @ LAN
i was ready to donate , he didnt awnser me back. :)
I think a few ppl would honestly have donated to that team, if they would have made a post and asked nicely about it. Instead r00s p0sted like 100 condecending comments here , MAKING US ALL UNDERSTAND THAT HE HAS A FIANCEE; WANTS TO BUY A HOUSE AND HAS TO PAY RENT: AS IF THE REST OF THE PEOPLE HERE DONT HAVE ANY FINANCIAL OBLIGATIONS OR A LIFE "OUTSIDE ET" AS HE SO PROUDLY PROCLAIMS. To me it it read like "OH HI; OH U GUISE HAVE A LAN? OH COOL I WOULD GO BUT I AM AN ADUUUULT NOWWW!!! PRIORITIES GUISE U KNOW?" PLEASE UNDERSTAND ME; DUNNO WHY I POST HERE JUST WANNA LET EVERY1 KNOW ABOUT MY LIFE; HOUSE FIANCE ; I JUST WANNA BITCH AND WHINE ABOUT 50 EUR BUT I WILL END UP GOING BECAUSE I AM A NERD WHO CANT RESIST IT BUT JUST WANTED TO ATTENTIONWHORE:" Seriously u either can afford the trip or you cant, no fucking reason to come here and act like a condecending bitch when lets be honest are the one who couldnt budget this lan that was announced months ago.
Just let him , i dont care about it anymore. I just know its my last ET lan and would like to see playing the best of what ET still got :) thats all , one more time enjoying awesome good games :)

Can't believe that someone that has actually laughed at Poland and I'm pretty sure was making jokes out of money and Poles being a poor people, is actually now crying and begging for money in the Internet :D

GL with the LAN guys, especially tMoe people - crossing my fingers for the
P.S obvious thanks to admins and people who still care about this game (I used to be one as well in the past), I can imagine you are doing this completely for free and from a passion you still have got, and comments like this are your reward! Well done :-)
A retard trying to act nice doesn't sounds right erase fanam8
eeeee? it doesn't sound good either from someone who didn't even know what ET Is when I was drawing CB Eurocup groups :)
clean my shoes polak
We will consider attending if the admins drastically increase the prize pool for last place.

Without this I don't think that I can submit a robust business case to my financial investors and we will be unable to justify attending. Thanks.
:P no problemo!
Ocean mother fucking Drive!!!!!
The pc heros of crossfire admins deleting Posts
How cruel of them!
haha pathetic nerd stabbing your own brother to play on another team then posting a journal begging for money :D
Haha like i need it , i see you there my pathetic bitch ass Newb
yeah I'll be there, hopefully you can get some donations for them so they let you stay on the team :o)
Haha sure thing big mouth, talking About things you dont even know and acting big. Its oke nerd
What do you think has been deleted? Apart from some non-English posts, everything else was deleted by the user who posted it.
He's obviously one of these "pc heros" he's talking about.
No he must be talking about you
Watch it or I'll delete your comment!!11o1noneoneone
Its almost as you throwing your beloved headset everytime
Well I can still sell it and donate to 2 players in your team.
my flight from the UK to Dusseldorf was 50€ so maybe you can even pay for one of their flights
From London Heathrow?
It was from Birmingham on Eurowings, although I booked like 3 months ago. I know they've gone up now as my brother booked a few weeks ago.
No worries mate. Just I've got a flight booked with Euro wings from London Heathrow on the Friday morning. Was seeing if I could find someone on the same flight
image: 29PI7mS

please help those guys to attend i already helped cheers
Nice lies polako
Did you actually check your bank account? :DDD
Why should i? Nobody got my bank account haha
Haha like i need it
...the button is labelled "reply"
I am still looking for abject on the last lan must have been a low+ faker replacing you
Too much testosterone in this thread.. I'm gonna grab a beer and chill.
/q BloOdje, he is doing it everyday since 7 years
lets jerk off in a circle at lan to blow off steam
i am available for this circle of yours
ok need 4 more
Make a LAN every year. The comment section is a time machine.

Nice effort ofc. GL and HF
I donated a few quids to the cause <3
First after LAN comment
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